Imminent Alien Disclosure?

I found it interesting how John Stewart summarised the findings of the government studying 'grays' for decades - they are "some sort of half synthetic robot and biological being with tissues". Very close to 'cybergenetic probes'. He claims that the new government program designation will be 'SABER' - standing for 'synthetic astro biological extra terrestrial races'.

For anyone who hasn't watched the video, I would recommend it. The way he tells the story of his investigation of the video is pretty convincing, especially when he gets into the reasons the video is stamped with DNI 27 at the bottom, which represents Naval Intelligence (relatively unknown in 1991) and the clearance that an advisor needs in order to be able to brief the POTUS. These two points alone, if completely true, make it highly unlikely that the video was a hoax created by the production company who put out the documentary the video was featured in in 1997 since they would not have known these secret letter and number designations.

The part Ben mentioned above comes right at the very end of the interview and for anyone familiar with the C's transmissions, it's a bit jaw-dropping when he says it. But for me, if I'm in the government and I'm calling them some sort of robot biological hybrids, then the main question I'd be asking myself is who makes them.
Hmm - maybe the real intent is to distract from all the Hunter/Joe Biden crime family corruption aided by federal agencies running interference! Plus, that little scuffle involving Ukraine, Russia, NATO, Syria, Turkey, China, Poland . . .


I mean really --- maybe the aliens really can make it all better! 🛸
Generally I would agree, but considering Grusch blew the whistle a year ago, Commander Fravor, several years ago, it would just seem a convenient happening for the Bidens. But that also assumes the hearings will produce nothing the administration has to deal with. It would just take successful orchestration the likes of which our government simply isn't capable of. Just taking into consideration the compartmentalization of information at the center of the hearings leads to the reductio ad absurdum that you couldn't read in enough people to successfully plan for both the hearings and the timing of the DOJ moves against Hunter and maintain it as a secret.
The part Ben mentioned above comes right at the very end of the interview and for anyone familiar with the C's transmissions, it's a bit jaw-dropping when he says it. But for me, if I'm in the government and I'm calling them some sort of robot biological hybrids, then the main question I'd be asking myself is who makes them.

Good points, and I suppose... if the video leaked, why wouldn't they stop its publication in documentaries and the like? perhaps.. trying to stop it would lend it more credibility?

I also wonder, how they would be able to determine the robot-ness of it, if it was given as information as part of their "conversation" or if it was determined after inspection.
Good points, and I suppose... if the video leaked, why wouldn't they stop its publication in documentaries and the like? perhaps.. trying to stop it would lend it more credibility?
I think the ability to snuff out leaks (especially in the 90s) is probably vastly overstated. There have been tons of them - whether it's some Air Force guy telling his family about a crash retrieval, or some classified document. I think the success of the cover-up has been largely due to the creation of a culture of ridicule, so that few people will believe even if presented with the truth, and the seeding of disinfo, so that people won't know what's true and what's false.
Somewhat ironically, I'm also in the "yawn" camp on this. While I did sit up a bit when Grusch almost seemed to be reading off of the Cassiopaean transcripts during part of his testimony, I'm so used to being letdown/bored with life on these kind of things that I can't believe public discourse is really going to go down this road. Call it a sort of normalcy bias that tends to be true. Also, at this point it's all just a bunch of hearsay even if I think it's true. Now if these investigations are actually able to produce some kind of alien spacecraft things might get a whole lot more interesting. But until some paradigm-shattering physical evidence is presented, to me it's just a bunch of blah, blah, blah at the moment. The normies have too many other distractions to deal with and don't want to think about it, while people like me want some actual action beyond a bunch of suit-and-ties wagging their tongues.
Perhaps the PTB have taken some missteps and bombarded people with too much-what with Covid (they are ramping this up again BTW) bank fails, and the various shenanigans in governments - folks have just had enough and one more thing added to the plate is garnering little attention even if it should be “earth shattering” news. People are just overwhelmed and don’t care.
It’s like so much is happening in the world and people are just viewing it all from inside their cages constructed by the PTB. It’s like everyone knows that they can’t affect what happens outside the cage ever, so it’s irrelevant to their lives. Then just carry on with life inside the cage/matrix. Most people see no point in doing anything else.
Somehow, it's better if people don't take these uap hearings too seriously. No knowledge about the issue is still better than bad or false knowledge. Even if Grutch went briefly off-script on the 3d extraterrestrial thing with a very badly thought-out analogy, there will be some damage control at some point. When the time comes, which is when people would be truly asking questions because of strange things happening around them, it's better if they get the answers from people who know than from "Vaccines are safe Global Boiling will kill you Eat bugs peasants" officials. Even religious authorities with a simple "aliens are demons" can be more useful in that regard.
Well, it seems that old videos of aliens are going to resurface. This video for example I had not seen, it looks real.

Interesting- same round eyes as the “alien” in another video. I wish they would have shown the hands and feet- grays are reported to have non-human looking hands and feet.
It shows discomfort and annoyance when the mouth is examined. Certainly seems like a living being. Alien? Clever make up? How can we be sure?
The Vatican has not pronounced itself on the non-human biological bodies that the US government is said to have in its possession, however, already in 2008 the Vatican gave an opinion on our "extraterrestrial brothers".

Vatican scientist says belief in God and aliens is OK​

The Vatican’s chief astronomer says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of “extraterrestrial brothers” perhaps more evolved than humans.

“In my opinion this possibility (of life on other planets) exists,” said Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, a 45-year-old Jesuit priest who is head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict.

“How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere,” he told the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano in an interview in its Tuesday-Wednesday edition, explaining that the large number of galaxies with their own planets made this possible.

Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: “Certainly, in a universe this big you can’t exclude this hypothesis”.

In the interview headlined “The extraterrestrial is my brother,” he said he saw no conflict between belief in such beings and faith in God.

“Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom,” he said.

“Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation,” he said.

Funes, who runs the observatory which is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human race might actually be the “lost sheep” of the universe.

“There could be (other beings) who remained in full friendship with their creator,” he said.

If we are the lost sheep of the universe, I guess some in the Vatican believe that aliens will help us return to the pen for our own good.

Interesting will be the opinion of the Vatican when these non-human biological bodies are presented. Maybe the parishioners will ask the local priest or pastor if god created the aliens in his image or likeness as well. Or if the aliens have their own god.
I have a first hand account from someone who has encountered possibly four hybrids or some other sort of unusual human beings. This began in April 2021 and continues to the present. This person is a respected physician working in the psychiatric field living in the Colorado Springs, Colorado area. She explained that because of her many years observing unusual behavior with her patients she's especially aware and observant of mannerisms out of the ordinary. I'll call her Sophia.

All these encounters happened at her gym. One evening she observed a man on the other side of the gym whose appearance she found odd. He was about 6'4", very thin with a feminine like body but very broad shoulders. She thought him Nordic like, his shoulder length hair was white blond and had tight blond curls of hair above his knees and he wasn't wearing any shoes. His clothes looked like they came from a thrift store and he was making odd, jerky movements while listening to music. In her words, he seemed undomesticated, unaware of proper behavior in public but highly intelligent. He was well trained with use of the bar bells. As she observed him she said to herself "what are you?"

He became aware of her attention, put down the bar bells, picked up his shoes and came walking towards her quickly in a manner where his forehead was extended and leading his body. She was sitting at the time and he brought his face close to hers and she was very hesitant to look at him at first, when she did this is what she saw. He had unusually large blue-green eyes that glowed, they where intense and beautiful she thought. His skin was like a babies without blemish of any kind and it was a light bronze, golden color that seemed transparent and glowed from within. He had a long thin nose that was hooked at the end, high cheek bones and a high, broad forehead. She decided he didn't look Norwegian at all. He just stared at her with the most intense look and didn't say a word but seemed annoyed with her. He then set his shoes down next to her on the bench like he was staking out his territory. She got up and left but kept having the feeling he was following her but when she looked he wasn't there.

What is most telling is this man was always accompanied by two military escorts whenever she saw him at the gym. One time a military man and woman came with him and the look on the woman's face was most extraordinary as she gazed at the "Nordic". It was the most maternal, loving, glowing expression Sophia had ever seen. She thought these people where the Nordics' handlers.

Three other odd people where seen at the gym at different times as well but I wasn't given much detail about them. Two young women who looked similar and reminded her of Anya Taylor Joy. They were also dressed in a rather dowdy manner and awkward in their social skills. Another was a man of about 45 yrs. who also didn't like wearing shoes. He had red hair that started half way back on his head. One time Sophia was staring at the back of this man considering his oddness when he turned around and smiled at her.

Sophia told a friend about all these things who was in the military and asked him if he thought she was crazy, he said no, you wouldn't believe how many races there are.

Time has passed and Sophia still sees the Nordic at the gym but he's gone through quite the transformation. His body has filled out and he's become quite buff. His hair is no longer white-blond but dark blonde. His eyes are now blue and not blue-green. His skin looks normal and he dresses in a trendy manner. He's become much more polished and looks like a normal person. He got married to a seemingly normal young woman who thinks he's wonderful. When seeing this happy couple at the gym they where watched over by military personal. I have no reason what-so-ever to think this account isn't true.

There are several military bases in the Colorado Springs area. The most interesting is at Cheyenne Mountain.


Construction of Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station began in 1961 in Cheyenne Mountain on the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. During the Cold War, operations were moved underground to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, which sits under 2,000 feet of granite. Today the station is home to the United States Space Command’s Missile Warning Center. The complex has its own power plant, water supply, fitness center, parks and sports facilities.

Anya Taylor Joy, British actress


I've also recently watched Extraordinary: The Seeding, another well-made documentary, on abduction cases, mainly of women who appear to have been inducted against their will into alien-human hybridization programs:

I watched this video yesterday and thought it was very well made documentary. Some claims are very interesting and scary w.r.t implications.
  • There are some estimations of every 1 out of 50 people may be abducted. Consider it is a guestimation. If we consider 350 Million american population and 50% woman and only people specific age and characterstics are chosen. Still it is mind boggling number.
  • Some woman in the video (I guess they are identified through the hypnotherapist recommendations, their therapy groups, MUFON and conferences) claimed to 23, 17,10 pregnancies ( they carry the fetus only for 4 months) etc.
  • They mix up genetics in factory like setup with conveyer belts etc. Lot of fetus's die in the process.
  • A woman claim that she knows at least 100 people (I guess in her circle of acquaintance ) who has similar experiences.
  • The new hybrid's descriptions from the victims seems to be consistent - very large, blue eyes, with white hair etc. , emotional less, cold etc.

I wondered whether the director figured out the ultimate agenda as "is to replace us" ? It looks Jon sumple the director of this 2018 video also has another 2021 video about that " Extraordinary: The Revelations" which needs renting of buying to watch. Probably this video is posted before in the forum.
Jon also directed and produced the third film in the trilogy, "Extraordinary: The Revelations" (2021), which explores the history of ETs, three belief paradigms (colonization, ascension, biblical narrative), and government involvement through the eyes of military whistleblowers. The film has been an official selection of 9 film festivals, earning best documentary recognition and gold awards. The film will be released by 1091 Pictures on Nov. 30, 2021.
Funny how these colonization, ascension, biblical narratives go in 3 separate threads, not as a cohesive narration. Most of Main stream is clue less, Those who are suspicious of it, gets fragmented narrations through means of cointelpro.
Interestingly enough, that it is far not the first ‘round’ of serious revelations. They were also hearings in Congress in 2010s where former Canadian Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer, drew a pretty decent picture of ufo phenomenon, types of 4d ETs, their cooperation with US/Canadian government etc. But i have not heard from him about hyperdimensional aspect (many of his interviews are on the net, do not know which one is better to highlight, if you want - can check them out if you have not already).
So basically, it was a senior minister level of G7 country who acknowledged the topic. Still was no wide mass ‘awakening’. May be elite allow this to happen in order to check how the humanity will react-is the ‘frog boiled’ already to accept anything?🤔
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