Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Maybe because the USA have no idea that this technology exists. According to Dr Steven Greer it seems to be the case.
I watched most of the video and the impression I get is that he is controlled opposition. His spellbinding talk on transdimensional physics blinds us so that it is so believable that we believe everything he says. Some may even be true but I wonder if he was fed just enough info. by deep state operatives to hook people in.

He appears to think that there are good guys and bad guys kinda like spy vs spy
and that he is one of the good guys. Then he talks about the aliens as if they are pretty much victims in all this and that it's the bad guy humans that are the problem. Well yeah, there are bad guy humans but who is influencing the bad guy humans? I'd say that it's those very alien "victims" who he makes us feel sorry for. Don't think he'll go there.
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He appears to think that there are good guys and bad guys kinda like spy vs spy
and that he is one of the good guys. Then he talks about the aliens as if they are pretty much victims in all this and that it's the bad guy humans that are the problem. Well yeah, there are bad guy humans but who is influencing the bad guy humans? I'd say that it's those very alien "victims" who he makes us feel sorry for. Don't think he'll go there.

Totally agree with you @kenlee since I have also watched most of the video.

However there are a couple of things that were interesting like we have our own "UFO", child traficking , control of the thoughts, maybe a false invasion...

Mostly things that the C's have already informed us.

But for sure there is something in the air right now about this "imminent alien disclosure".
A former CIA agent told the US Congress about the discovery of extraterrestrial biotechnologies

The first hearings on the existence of UFOs and contacts with them were held in the US Congress
Non-human biotechnologies were found at the alleged sites of incidents with unidentified flying objects. This was stated by former CIA agent David Grush at the first public hearing in the US Congress about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and possible contact with them.

At the request of Republican Congressman Tim Burchett, who heads the hearings, to tell about it in more detail, Grush said that he could not talk about it at open hearings. Under oath, he also stated that he knows firsthand about secret programs related to extraterrestrial technologies, in many ways surpassing the capabilities of the United States.

During his opening remarks, Grush stated that he, as well as former US military and CIA officers, had encountered UFOs. Former Admiral David Fravor and retired military pilot Ryan Graves also participated in the hearing. According to the latter, in 2014, during an exercise near Virginia, he encountered an unidentified dark object with a transparent sphere. He also stated that over 30 people from his group had observed a similar phenomenon.

According to Grush, the US government is preparing reprisals against him and his colleagues for the truth about UFOs. All three witnesses agreed that such unidentified objects constitute a potential threat to the United States.

Earlier, Burchett said that Congress faced serious obstacles in the run-up to these hearings. "A lot of people are against this information becoming public," he said. The congressman also accused the military of hiding extraterrestrial technologies — according to him, the United States has been hiding evidence of the existence of UFOs since 1947.

From an article itself there is a link to the hearings:
I was quite impressed by the Congressional subcommittee hearing today. Almost all the questions were good, and there were some very interesting answers and non-answers (from Grusch, which were pretty much veiled confirmations). A few highlights, from memory: confirmation of crash retrievals, bodies, "administrative terror" against witnesses, malevolent indications re: aliens ("very disturbing" or words to that effect from Grusch), a brief description of the hyperdimensional hypothesis (higher dimension projecting into our own akin to 3D casting a 2D shadow), Grusch willing to provide locations of recovered UFOs, agencies and companies, and names (including hostile and cooperative witnesses) to Congress in a closed setting.

Dolan's quick take:

And a brief presser after the hearing with Burchett and Luna:

I keep thinking of all the "super smart" academics who for years belittled the subjects and treated anyone who asked questions about UFOs with mockery and contempt because they were programmed to. They must feel (the ones who can feel things anyway) like idiots because... they are.
Planning on sending this out to everyone I talked about this to when I was a teenager, maybe after it all settles in (language warning):

"A toad a so." :halo:
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To be fair the first person to tell me about a mass UFO sighting was a professor in particle physics (people tell me things, and not just grandmas in the bus). It was at a physics conference and some attendees went after the conference to camp near the sea to fish, and a large luminous object came out of the sea and hovered a few meters in the air. They ran away. According to this person, the witnesses were physicists and mathematicians but they decided to keep this among themselves.
Still, those who mocked witnesses and actively participated to a cultural climate that destroyed lives, deserve no sympathy.
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It seems that they opted for the fast track for the Alien disclosure.

Science and Fiction phase through literature (the War of the worlds), movies (lD4), conspiracy (Blue Beam, 90s alien autopsy) etc.Checked

● inform public opinion about the existence of extraterrestrial technology (tic tac UFO video). Checked

● Change the name from UFO to UAP for marketing positioning. The product changes from being one of science and fiction and even conspiracy to a corporate one where the military complex is involved to give it seriousness and veracity. Checked

● The viral phase of sightings not only of UAPs but also of extraterrestrial beings begins (Las Vegas incident and strange behaviors in airplanes come to mind)

●Legislative phase or construction of the legal framework that allows the Government to control the alien disclosure narrative. The legal framework also provides certainty.

● The phase where the government accepts that we are not alone in the universe begins. New legal term for marketing campaign exposed, product changes from alien/extraterrestrial to "non-human biological material".


Whistleblower: Feds recovered ‘non-human’ biological material from UFO crash site​

A much-anticipated congressional hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena reached a crescendo Wednesday morning as a government whistleblower made bombastic claims that the Department of Defense has not only recovered extraterrestrial craft from crash sites but also possesses non-human biological material.

Former intelligence official David Grusch made the claims during a blockbuster hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Testifying under oath, the former team lead at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency said that he had conducted interviews with around 40 witnesses which “absolutely” led him to believe that the government is in possession of non-human craft.​

I think this guy is right "Disclosure just happened" ...And it was most ANTI-CLIMATIC.
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos via Twitter

Disclosure just happened. We are not alone. We have never been, alone.

United States Air Force officer David Grusch just stated under oath in a public hearing in front of distinguished Members of Congress that the U.S. is in possession of multiple (not one) non-human intelligence cadavers and multiple (not one) non-human technological flying craft.

Today's hearing was unprecedented and historic. Planet Earth learned today that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

Today the planet has learned officially that the U.S. has known about these "non-human intelligences" since the 1930s.

Sworn testimony included a flying "black cube inside a clear sphere." A "hovering red square, the size of a football field". Objects going from zero to Mach 2 in the snap of a finger. From 12,000 feet to 80,000 feet (which is SPACE) in the snap of a finger. All of this is documented and recorded. According to all three sworn witnesses today, there is not a single nation on Earth that could potentially own this type of technology because, according to today's testimony, our planet hasn't yet achieved the structural material to manufacture an object that can withstand an instantaneous acceleration from zero to Mach 2 in the snap of a finger. Today's materials would disintegrate.

Today's testimony of course reminds me of the ancient Vimana and Stupa and Ratha stories of the ancient Vedic texts of India which report of countless of these flying chariots having the capability of being in multiple places at once and disappearing in an instant.

Today's testimony also mentioned that no human pilot could survive such instant acceleration from zero to Mach 2. Maybe some Vimana-type antigravity technology could potentially solve this problem?

Unless we've all just been duped and deceived by a bunch of crazy people, Disclosure just happened in today's congressional hearing.

Today, Planet Earth learned that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

This is so ridiculously exciting.

AND! Such a pleasure to meet you!​

In this 2020 session, the C's tell us that the disclosure will be overshadowed by other events. Andromeda mentions that "Gotta be something pretty major!!" to send the news to the second page.

What news can do that? A geological event or the war in Ukraine? Are we about to witness a major event?​
(Joe) There's a new UFO documentary that Tucker Carlson was talking about on his show. It has a bunch of current and previous senators, bipartisan, who are interviewed in it about the UFO phenomenon. They're all straight up about how yes, there's something real to this and things are being hidden. It follows on the heels of those military tic-tac videos that were released. Is this building up to some kind of disclosure in the near future?

A: Near enough. But other events may intervene.

Q: (L) So, that doesn't mean immediately near, but...

(Joe) Other events will push that off the front pages.

(Andromeda) Wow. Gotta be something pretty major!

Currently watching the sky from my balcony for flying pigs.

But seriously: Anyone with firing neurons will now be asking the most important question:

Why divulge the best kept and most important secret our world has ever kept NOW ?

To me this is not a day of celebration in any way, but an ominous event.
An omen of what exactly though ?
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