Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Even though I don't like the interviewer, I thought this was a great interview:

Randall Nickerson made the Ariel School movie. He was also a subject in John Mack's book Abduction. Here he talks a bit about his own experiences, including harassment from aerospace contractor security guys over the last year or so. You can tell how much his experiences have traumatized him.
No video?
Here it is.
29m:46sec: Buck video with alien walking in real-time
Large buck stares to farmer recording it on his phone and a small alien slowly walks right behind the buck. Walking Alien on video visible as a "log" to the right of the bucks leg. Alien is moving on video to behind that bush to the right.
If a human does that the large buck bolts instantly. This one however just stays there frozen. Then seconds later calmly walks away.

Also worth checking out:
Large pyramid triangle UFO videos 51 years apart. Commenters say its a triangle balloon: tetroon.
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