Imminent Alien Disclosure?

What news can do that? A geological event or the war in Ukraine? Are we about to witness a major event?
I think the majority of people do not care about the Ukraine war. And in fact, they do not care about anything at all.

But perhaps they are focused on the Biden scandal. And let's face it, there's a serious economic crisis, people can't make ends meet. So maybe aliens and UFOs are taking a back seat.

And then after 3 years of confinement, 3 years of masks, the brain doesn't work like it used to. Lack of oxygen and confinement have done an enormous amount of damage to the mind and to the brain. People have become zombies.

And there's this film, Sound of Freedom, which is also getting people's attention. More than UFOs, I think. Aliens are a subject of fantasy, for most people, because of the films they've seen.

You have to ask yourself: why now, in the middle of the conflict in Ukraine, with all the money spent on Ukraine and nothing for the people? In the middle of a scandal about the Biden family. And in the middle of an economic crisis. Why now?
I listened to a podcast with the director of another documentary (released last year) which deals exclusively with this case:

Haven't watched it yet, but it sounds fascinating. The guy spent over a decade on it.

Also, James Fox, who made The Phenomenon, has another one that came out last year on a Brazilian crash/body retrieval case from the 90s (also from last year):

Haven't watched it either, but plan on getting around to it eventually.
I found Moment of Contact to be unwatchable.

The Varginha case is certainly interesting, but Fox's treatment of the subject matter was tawdry and sensationalist, cheapening the significance (and likely validity) of the subject matter (multiple contact incidents in a single city in Brazil in January 1996). The quality of this documentary contrasts sharply with The Phenomenon, which was well-made, engaging and sober.

I've also recently watched Extraordinary: The Seeding, another well-made documentary, on abduction cases, mainly of women who appear to have been inducted against their will into alien-human hybridization programs:

I don't know if the hearings count as an "official disclosure". It offers everyone what they want to hear while maintaining a plausible deniability. Those who are comfortable with UFOs will say "yay, the government acknowledges UFOs", those who are not comfortable with UFOs will say "It's only three people saying stuff, and the Grutch guy's reporting what he was told by other people", and maybe some others will go "yeah, Chinese balloons are an existential threat to America".
Most of the talking and negotiating and battling will occur behind closed doors, and whatever official narrative they come up with (according to Dolan, probably just before 2024's presidentials), the world would have changed in significant ways given its actual chaotic trajectory.
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IMO this does count as disclosure and goes along with what the Cs said that other events would overshadow it.

There was and will be no hype, there will be no Hollywood act. They already told the masses "hey we are not alone" and it was trending topic for a few hours on Twitter and then the focus shifted to other topics:

● The imminent release of Sound of Freedom outside the US (even Barbie and her radical feminist message caused more of a sensation than the announcement of alien bodies).​
● Putin talking about food support for Africa.
● Rising interest rates in the US.
● The imminent defeat of Ukraine
● The Hunter Biden show
● The death of the Obamas' chef
● And all those ongoing natural disasters that are more talked about on social media than on TV.

Something else is causing a sensation than alien disclosure...

The next step of the alien disclosure will be the presentation of a "non human biological material" and then what.

Alien disclosure is not something that will take the masses by surprise. It is rather a process that is accelerating as mentioned in 2021.​

Q: (L) Yeah, you have to recall what they said about exposure years ago. First it'll be life on Mars, then they slowly move it along. And you said that they were probably pushing it because it was going to become evident anyway at some point soon and they wouldn't be able to hide it...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Niall) Drip-drip disclosure.
Yeah, atm we have soft-serve disclosure.

But what is the reason ?
Why not just keep the status quo, the compartmentalization machine is calibrated and well oiled.

It feels like a last ditch attempt of a body that wishes to remain relevant in the midst of sharp decline.
Low level operatives are saying "perhaps there are better ways to spend tax payer dollars, or at least let us know what has been happening"

But even in light of this notion, there is a missing piece to the puzzle.
Perhaps they know of something coming down the pipeline, and are positioning themselves to already have info on it.
There is an air of unconfidence behind this soft disclosure, and of rushing.
There was and will be no hype, there will be no Hollywood act. They already told the masses "hey we are not alone" and it was trending topic for a few hours on Twitter and then the focus shifted to other topics:

● The imminent release of Sound of Freedom outside the US (even Barbie and her radical feminist message caused more of a sensation than the announcement of alien bodies).​
● Putin talking about food support for Africa.
● Rising interest rates in the US.
● The imminent defeat of Ukraine
● The Hunter Biden show
● The death of the Obamas' chef
● And all those ongoing natural disasters that are more talked about on social media than on TV.
I think we're in for another manufactured mega crisis (à la Covid) that will put many back to sleep and many to work!
I agree it falls more in-line with the drip drip approach towards an undeclared destination.

I think "disclosure" is when aliens literally turn up in a way that's undeniable as opposed to whistle blower testimony. We already know the "official" US government will not make some grand announcement or something like that but rather information will be drip fed via other means e.g. whistleblowers, release of videos etc.
Yeah, atm we have soft-serve disclosure.

But what is the reason ?
Why not just keep the status quo, the compartmentalization machine is calibrated and well oiled.

It feels like a last ditch attempt of a body that wishes to remain relevant in the midst of sharp decline.
Low level operatives are saying "perhaps there are better ways to spend tax payer dollars, or at least let us know what has been happening"

But even in light of this notion, there is a missing piece to the puzzle.
Perhaps they know of something coming down the pipeline, and are positioning themselves to already have info on it.
There is an air of unconfidence behind this soft disclosure, and of rushing.

I think it makes sense to frame what we're seeing now as part of a long-term strategy with many concentric circles of knowledge.

I don't think we can say that the decline of the West is an accident. It is a feature of civilizations at a certain point in time when psychopaths take over, usually corresponding with earth changes, plagues, famine, cosmic phenomena, etc.

These cycles are definitely known to the secret cabal, who I guess are prolly in charge of starting and/or managing such cycles in some way. These cycles are probably also known in some form by lower cabal operatives and organizations whose names we don't know - and also in a limited from by the public operatives/orgs whose names we DO know, like Gates, the Rothschilds, the CIA, etc.

The cycles are also probably known in a limited form by a number of lower-level politicians whose faces we see on the screens (like Biden, Macron, Trudeau, etc.). It's anybody's guess as to how much people like Xi or Putin know.

I'm not sure if the peeps in the entrenched state bureaucracies of the world know of these cycles - they're quite possibly just cogging away in their respective machines. But I do think that many government machines are supposed to fail at this time, in order to cause suffering and generate food for 4D STS. The green agenda is a case in point.

The UFO compartmentalization machine, which began in very rough fits and starts after all the sightings beginning in WW2, is also 'failing' at this time, and starting to leak. But I think that's by design.

The reason why drip-drip disclosure is necessary is because the main goal is to enslave humanity in 4D after significant earth changes. The best way to do that is by hijacking human Free Will, and getting them to willingly choose slavery. That's the long-term strategy.

If, after a number of cataclysms, aliens suddenly show up and the population has not been sufficiently primed, then the cattle would be too restless IMO. Even if aliens showed up as saviours during mass cataclysmic suffering, it might just be too much all at once for them to handle. That kinda scenario may break the PTB's very careful decades-long hypnosis, which could cause all kinds of trouble. If instead, the already shell-shocked livestock have been hypnotized to accept the existence of aliens little by little, when the moment of truth comes, they'll just go along with it all to try to get some sense of security. Kinda like the populations under the Nazis or the Commies... a slow but sure killing of the mind.

So I don't think its the case of a decrepit regime trying to remain relevant. They're priming the population to abdicate their Free Will to alien saviours, or in other words, choose slavery willingly, like during the plandemic.

I think they'll slowly release more info, in the meanwhile softening up the populations by various means, which includes watching as the earth changes do the job, too.

Incidentally, this is all one of the main features in Alan Moore's graphic novel The Watchmen. In the novel, tho, the alien invasion is a false flag, but the main goal is the same - to create unity amongst humans on earth against an outside other. The PTB are going to try to use alien presence to create unity, but in the sense of a subservient slave population. We'll see how that goes.

It was very interesting to me that in the Watchmen film, the alien threat was totally deleted and replaced by a different threat altogether, that of a series of high-tech fusion-energy generator explosions or something. Can't remember exactly.

I'm sure looking forward to seeing how all this unfolds.
I think it makes sense to frame what we're seeing now as part of a long-term strategy with many concentric circles of knowledge.

I don't think we can say that the decline of the West is an accident. It is a feature of civilizations at a certain point in time when psychopaths take over, usually corresponding with earth changes, plagues, famine, cosmic phenomena, etc.

These cycles are definitely known to the secret cabal, who I guess are prolly in charge of starting and/or managing such cycles in some way. These cycles are probably also known in some form by lower cabal operatives and organizations whose names we don't know - and also in a limited from by the public operatives/orgs whose names we DO know, like Gates, the Rothschilds, the CIA, etc.

The cycles are also probably known in a limited form by a number of lower-level politicians whose faces we see on the screens (like Biden, Macron, Trudeau, etc.). It's anybody's guess as to how much people like Xi or Putin know.

I'm not sure if the peeps in the entrenched state bureaucracies of the world know of these cycles - they're quite possibly just cogging away in their respective machines. But I do think that many government machines are supposed to fail at this time, in order to cause suffering and generate food for 4D STS. The green agenda is a case in point.

The UFO compartmentalization machine, which began in very rough fits and starts after all the sightings beginning in WW2, is also 'failing' at this time, and starting to leak. But I think that's by design.

The reason why drip-drip disclosure is necessary is because the main goal is to enslave humanity in 4D after significant earth changes. The best way to do that is by hijacking human Free Will, and getting them to willingly choose slavery. That's the long-term strategy.

If, after a number of cataclysms, aliens suddenly show up and the population has not been sufficiently primed, then the cattle would be too restless IMO. Even if aliens showed up as saviours during mass cataclysmic suffering, it might just be too much all at once for them to handle. That kinda scenario may break the PTB's very careful decades-long hypnosis, which could cause all kinds of trouble. If instead, the already shell-shocked livestock have been hypnotized to accept the existence of aliens little by little, when the moment of truth comes, they'll just go along with it all to try to get some sense of security. Kinda like the populations under the Nazis or the Commies... a slow but sure killing of the mind.

So I don't think its the case of a decrepit regime trying to remain relevant. They're priming the population to abdicate their Free Will to alien saviours, or in other words, choose slavery willingly, like during the plandemic.

I think they'll slowly release more info, in the meanwhile softening up the populations by various means, which includes watching as the earth changes do the job, too.

Incidentally, this is all one of the main features in Alan Moore's graphic novel The Watchmen. In the novel, tho, the alien invasion is a false flag, but the main goal is the same - to create unity amongst humans on earth against an outside other. The PTB are going to try to use alien presence to create unity, but in the sense of a subservient slave population. We'll see how that goes.

It was very interesting to me that in the Watchmen film, the alien threat was totally deleted and replaced by a different threat altogether, that of a series of high-tech fusion-energy generator explosions or something. Can't remember exactly.

I'm sure looking forward to seeing how all this unfolds.
Pretty sure in the film a huge carcass was "manufactured" by Ozymandias and dropped on earth ... or was that just in the graphic novel ??

At any rate, yeah. If this is what you are saying, we'll see how it goes indeed. Unfortunately, after covid, I wouldn't put it past the population to just accept anything and everything.
Pretty sure in the film a huge carcass was "manufactured" by Ozymandias and dropped on earth ... or was that just in the graphic novel ??

At any rate, yeah. If this is what you are saying, we'll see how it goes indeed. Unfortunately, after covid, I wouldn't put it past the population to just accept anything and everything.

I just checked again, and the carcass (charged with psychic impressions of terror) was just in the graphic novel. In the movie it was an energy blast designed to carry Dr. Manhattan's energy signal.
I remember the C’s saying something about the drip by drip reveal is to avoid scaring grandma Sally the stock market investor. Our civilization is highly dependent on the complex centralized systems. So if the economy or stock market collapses, people starve and chaos ensues. We aren’t robust. If we were a hunter gatherer tribe, aliens could just show up and there is no “system” that, if disrupted, creates a falling dominoes effect resulting in mass suffering and death. We would be like oh wow yeah that’s wild, anyway let’s go hunt I’m hungry. On the other end of the spectrum, if we were all self sustaining with free energy, local food availability, then once again no shock (other than an actual cataclysm) could create a centralized disruption and mass suffering and death from seemingly nothing except a collective surprise.

But the way we are now, a well aimed solar flare could send us into the dark ages. The economy, energy, food delivery, and other systems are incredibly vulnerable to people simply being upset, shocked, surprised, or scared. In fact even “good aliens” landing on the White House lawn could send the world into a complete collapse. And try as they might they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it - no matter how much technology they had. By the time that technology was widely available and distributed, you’re distributing to whatever or whoever is left after the turmoil.

So while I do think that warming us up like a frog in water is more affective to institute their control, any other way would have potentially unmanageable consequences due to our collective volatility and dependence on everything to be running smoothly. It’s hard to “go to work” this week when aliens suddenly show up and want to talk. But if we don’t “go to work” everything falls apart real fast. Truck drivers won’t wanna be delivering food, stock market will freeze, etc. Conversely, a hunter gatherer tribe or a techno-spiritual robust society could take a time out without everything going to shit.

If you were a good alien, and came across a planet like this, what would, or could you even do? First they keep electing psychopaths who put them into this situation so they gotta figure that out. But they’re also so vulnerable you couldn’t even say hello and tell them to stop electing psychopaths, cuz you just showing up could create a mass casualty event.

So you just wait til the situation changes. And if it is going to collapse anyway, you may reach out to a small group who are asking and ready for such a thing.

Having said that, I tend to think “they” are probably shooting for a controlled collapse. The C’s mentioned before that they are going to institute major economic disruptions somehow while trying to manage the whole thing but fail. So apparently they’re not ready to do it right now. But what they are doing right now may be a clue as to perhaps the subject matter that they could use to create it. I mean they could use any number of things, but like a plot to a movie, you often see foreshadowing, and this soft disclosure and other recent alien related media and social media events are probably not incidental or random. I mean it could be another pandemic (maybe a real one), but I have a feeling they need to be ready to pull us out of the pan and right into the fire that they would’ve built by then. That fire would be a new world of their making - new economic system, new food systems, and probably involve aliens. All ready to replace the existing systems. So when they’re talking about the great reset and digital currency and eating bugs it’s all foreshadowing - that’s the fire they’re building, and they know they can’t have us walk into it slowly, so they will try to collapse the system and move us over when they’re ready.
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If you were a good alien, and came across a planet like this, what would, or could you even do? First they keep electing psychopaths who put them into this situation so they gotta figure that out. But they’re also so vulnerable you couldn’t even say hello and tell them to stop electing psychopaths, cuz you just showing up could create a mass casualty event.

So you just wait til the situation changes. And if it is going to collapse anyway, you may reach out to a small group who are asking and ready for such a thing.
Interesting thought experiment.

Let's see, if I were a good alien, I would plan the escape of those who are asking help. I would open a little portal "over there" and give the "chosen ones" some cloaking tech so they would avoid being caught while approaching the portal. Also, I would reassure them that they are now free of any danger and that the worst has passed.

Hmm... but wouldn't that make me a bad alien? Yes, total violation of free will!

As above, so below.

It would be like separating an ant from its colony and making sure the ant would "never have to work anymore." A more natural way the ant could be saved would be for it to "not be an ant anymore." DNA changes! But this requires a strong will and "hyper-ant" work!

And this is what we are trying to do at our level, i.e. to detach ourselves from the 3D STS mindset!
Dark Journalist gives his take on the UFO whistle blowers and the Congressional hearing which he calls a CIA circus. He gets into A LOT of detail going back to the 40's to the present concerning the UFO files which he's clearly studied closely. The hearings, he says, are a creation of the CIA to steer the public and Congress to believe there is an alien threat. Grusch is their creation and he's gotten a lot of criticism for his very vague answers. I doubt this comes as a surprise for many here,

One thing I found interesting are the people sitting behind Grusch at the hearing he points out. The four men are James Clapper seated next to George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell and Charles McCullough (former Inspector General at Intel Agency 2012). Two high ranking spooks and the their publicity team, Knapp and Corbell, says DJ. Apparently Knapp is going along with this and its surprising as well as disappointing. DJ says many long standing people in the UFO community have suddenly lost their minds and are diving head on into this CIA fiction.

At the beginning of the above video DJ describes an interview he just had with Alex Jones on the subject which I checked out. He makes his points much quicker then the above video and it shorter. More interesting information shared such as Pres. Reagan was shown supposed pictures of alien craft in the rings of Saturn, a scare tactic concerning alien invasion which they considered rolling out then, now's the time apparently. Advanced technologies carried over from Atlantis in some way is speculated with CIA studying the Cayce files. Elon Musk was making plans with Trump to develop the dark side of the moon. I recall early on Trump talked about mining the moon.

Darren Beattie from Revolver pops in and there's a flurry of guesses of whats the purpose for all this. Calling a state of emergency due to alien attack just before the 2024 elections is one idea. An interesting observation is, they seem to be in a real panic to steam roll all this out quickly, why?

Guys, but don't forget we also have 3D aliens to contend with. As I understand it, the nephilim are riding the wave enroute to our planet. They are as 3D as us but not sure what the story is with regards our atmosphere and environment being able to support them.

Incidentally if anyone is looking for an interesting TV show along invasion lines, I'd say this is decent enough

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