Funny that you came up with this Thomas Gold topic, as Session September 12, 1998 was the next one I had in mind recommending. Good find.
I hope you read all of the snippet Laura excerpted, not just the part you quoted.
I read the whole thread, I found it quite interesting. I found another thread which I think is pretty closely related to this one, it's the Comets, EMPs, Lizzies, and Peering through Hyperdimensional Windows thread started by Approaching Infinity (http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,9267.15.html). The whole thread is pretty interesting in terms of windows, but I found these two bits which I think are worth repeating.
From Reply #17 by Approaching Infinity:
In Imbrogno's book he describes some of the strange features of possible portal areas, including falling rocks. Not meteors, but rocks that materialize above a certain area and fall. They're usually warm to the touch, and seem to occur like poltergeist activity, around a youth with emotional disturbances (unilevel disintegration, Dabrowski would call it). So falling frogs may also be a portal side effect.
And from Reply #22 by Keit:
And last speculation based on all the above is about a sort of protective frequency umbrella. If individuals on unilevel disintegration level may attract the phenomena, maybe those who passed through the process of positive disintegration (and developing self-control, self-education, etc as a result) have less chances to be hit
So people with low FRV near windows may materialize rocks which hit them.
One final remark: I noticed a tendency of yours to 'jump to conclusions' by way of association after almost any quote on any part of our subject so far. I have no objections to this approach as long as all these preliminary conclusions are meant to be hypotheses of some sort or another, to be round up and seriously questioned once we have all the relevant materials gathered together in one place (this thread) and are ready to do some thorough pattern searching on the whole of it. Hope you agree on that.
I absolutely agree on that, I've also been feeling that some of the connections I've been making have been getting pretty thin as well... And I'd like to continue that trend by talking about sunspots

Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the photosphere of the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. They are caused by intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection by an effect comparable to the eddy current brake, forming areas of reduced surface temperature. They usually appear as pairs, with each sunspot having the opposite magnetic pole than the other.
There is also the correlation between sunspots and UFOs, however, this correlation is generally that there are less UFOs when there are more sunspots, which is the opposite of what I would expect if sunspots were (or related to) windows.
However, I ran a Google search and found this: Sunspots And Their Relation To UFO Sightings By Larry Hatch (http://rense.com/general3/sunufo.htm). In it he say's that he found no correlation between sunspots and UFO flaps but he did find some interesting points:
1) The first GA wave started in California in late 1896 and spread Eastward well into 1897. The entire period was one of Solar quietude... few if any sunspots. Venus and Mars came quite close to Earth during this period.
2) The 2nd GA wave started around May 1909 in Britain, and apparently migrated to New Zealand, virtually at antipodes, by June or July 1909. Again, the Sun was quiet. Mars made a close approach to Earth in this period
3) 1947: Starting in late June and exploding in July, (406 *U* records for July alone) this was the first great UFO wave to take place during busy sunspot activity. Astronomers recorded anything from 158 to 188 sunspots going into August. Both Venus and Mars were about as far from Earth as their orbits would permit at that time.
4) The 1950 wave was less impressive, peaking in March 1950 (116 records here). Sunspot activity was again high (109 average count for March,1950). Both Mars and Venus were quite close to Earth, relatively speaking.
5) July was the peak month in 1952, the greatest wave ever recorded in North America. Sunspot activity was low, around 40 spots average. Mars was neither close nor far, Venus was very far away.
6) The French wave of 1954 still holds the record for all times and places: (431 listings for October alone). Mars was at some intermediate distance, but Venus made a very close approach to Earth, as little as 0.267 AU in the midst of this highly localized wave. The "spill over" into neighboring countries, long presumed by French observers at the time, has yet to materialize in my records. With the exception of Italy, this flap seemed to be localized to France .. all of France, and almost only France. Sunspot activity was virtually rock-bottom, an average of 7 sunspots/diem for all of October 1954.
7) Late in 1957 (210 listings for November alone) we have a wave during very high sunspot activity (211) while Venus was very close, and Mars as far away as it usually gets .. over two astronomical units.
8) Another "hump" in my yearly histograms shows for the period July 1965, trailing off into mid 1969. The inner planets are all over their orbits of course, and so are sunspot counts. This hump in the data roughly doubles the counts for the preceding four years, but that's about it.
9) *U* lists 191 events for October of 1973 alone. Mars was quite close, Venus so-so, and sunspot activity was minimal (31 avg count).
So from this he finds that sunspots, the distance to mars, and UFO flaps all seem to be linked but he doesn't draw any conclusions and admits that it's highly tenuous.
There is one last little thing, highly tenuous I must admit. It would appear that UFO waves which occur during high sunspot activity, also tend to occur when Mars is distant .. on the other side of the Sun.
Conversely, waves during solar minima, when space travel is "safer", seem to occur when Mars is closest. There are exceptions to this as seen above, but these tend to be smaller waves like March of 1950.
So maybe UFOs use sunspots as windows when their base on mars is to far away :D