Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

  • Thread starter Thread starter Archaea
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I just read the Canary islands thread which you pointed out (,65.30.html) and it looks to me like there's already been quite a bit of work done on windows on this forum already. I also found some stuff on that thread which I think fits in with this thread:

In regards to bases being near windows I thought this might be a clue, from Session 7 June 97:

Q: That is what Ark said, essentially, I think. Okay. There are two more things I want to cover tonight. The first is my map here of Tenerife. See the map? What does it make you think of? After all this time of discussing the Canaries, I have this detailed map here. And, apparently somewhere along here is where the statue was found. Here is the cave where it was kept. And along here the processions...

A: It?? How about they? And, we feel you might now be best served by researching a "modern day" connection for these things, such as UFOs, Roswell, and the underground zones, and what purpose they serve.

And there's also this bit as well, from Session 16 Aug 97:

Q: Okay, like the beasts of Daniel and Revelation. Why were the pyramids in three different sizes?

A: Construction refining.

Q: Why were they set on a Southwest axis with one of them off-set slightly?

A: Magnetic points of locus.

Q: Did this have anything to do with symbolizing the belt of Orion?

A: Yes.

Q: What was the 'Benben' stone?

A: Laboratory.

Q: Well, nobody really knows, but they think it was like a pyramidal object, and it has been represented as being on top of an obelisk. Why?

A: Energy.

Q: What do you mean?

A: It produces energy.

Q: What kind?

A: EM.

Q: Who currently has the Benben stone?

A: It is buried.


Q: Alright. Let me just say: I notice that Giza, the Canary Islands, Mt. Everest, and right here where we are sitting, are all along the same parallel - rather close, in fact. The same line of latitude.

A: Good observation.

Q: Anything else about that?

A: Any pyramids on the same latitude as Wroclaw?

Q: Well, I don't know! Are there? Never mind, you are gonna say 'discover!'

A: Yup.

Q: What was the function of the King's chamber?

A: Balancer to Queen's chamber.

Q: What was the niche in the Queen's chamber, that resembles the crack in the stone in the Arcadian Shepherd's painting, as well as the window in the St. Anthony painting. What was this for?

A: Mind accelerator.

Q: Was there like a chair there where you could sit, and the energy converged there?

A: Close.

So maybe the pyramids are like trans-dimension atomic remolecularizers, like structures which focus magnetic fields onto a point or something. There's also a link to another thread: Was Silbury Hill built as an ascending spiral, 9 sided polygon, or neither ? Started by bngenoh (,26112.0.html) which from the discussion in the Canary islands thread looks like it might be another of these structures.

I also found some posts in that thread which I think fit in here as well:

From Reply #20 by Belibaste:

The etymology of the Canary islands seems to come from canis (latin - dog) however in the past those islands were apparently called the iron islands (is it a reference to some magnetic properties of the place, and therefore maybe linking to the Roswell accident)

An etymology / toponymy book written by A. Basset in 1943 is entitled « Du nouveau à propos du nom de l'île de Fer (Canaries) » (some news about the name of the iron island, and Richelieu mentions in his memories : the creation of the first prime meridian located on the iron island.

And from Reply #22 by Belibaste:

With this space-time gate technology, location seemed important:

Quote from: session981205

Q: (A) When you say this, you mean 'A' grid, not THE grid?
A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.
Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?
A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web and so doeth thee!
Q: (A) Now, Earth's grid is just an imaginary grid related to field, or just a mathematic grid... no, it must really exist....
A: Yes.
Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field or matter?
A: The iron is attracted, not attractive.

Iron seems to be a good indicators to identify correct places on the grid (but it might be past ones)

Volcanoes also seem to be correlated to this magnetic activities

Quote from: 971115

A: Yes, Many UFOs in Mexico. Cuernavaca is Earth's most intense window area.
Q: Why is that?
A: Complicated, but magnetic/volcanic influences contribute to the presence of a super vortex...

and links with some stars settings too

Quote from: session 970816

Q: Why were they set on a Southwest axis with one of them off-set slightly?
A: Magnetic points of locus.
Q: Did this have anything to do with symbolizing the belt of Orion?
A: Yes.

According to the Canary islands thread the space-gate was Mount Teide which from the work done there looks like it could be a grid point. It also looks like iron might be attracted to the magnetic anomalies that seem to be related to windows. So it seems to me that iron rich areas with volcanoes might be grid points.
Yes, nice additional building blocks for the, or a grid system. :)

Meanwhile, another video has surfaced from Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico with an apparent UFO diving in:

Will keep searching.
Yes, nice additional building blocks for the, or a grid system. :)

Meanwhile, another video has surfaced from Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico with an apparent UFO diving in:

Will keep searching.

:lol: It's nice of the UFO people to make sure we're paying attention.

I also found this excerpt, but forgot where... probably the Canary Islands thread.

From Session September 3rd 2008:

Q: (Ark unfurls his list of questions) (L) Ah, you came with your list? (Ark) Well, normally I do not come with a list, but probably as Joe knows it, if you don't have a list, probably you are not able to ask questions. Somehow everything evaporates, yeah? So, it was back to previous sessions where you were talking about inverted geometrical representation of gravity, and I didn't know for a long time what it can be. Now I have an idea that it can refer to the work of Burkhard Heim and to what I am doing now with the spaces of (end of side 1)... and I would like to know if my guess is right or almost right?

A: You are so hot there are flames! "Pyro" anyone?

Q: (Ark) But I want an answer! (L) Well, that means you're right. (discussion of "pyro") (Ark) Alright, next. Long ago, you talk about that I should find a paper about windows, and we ask what windows, and you answer mathematical windows. I was inquiring whether it has to do with chaos and fractals and Mandelbrot and, well, and so that's still my guess. And I must say that probably for seven years, I couldn't figure out and find a paper on these windows. Or maybe I have and I don't know. So my question is, can I have another hint on this?

A: Remember the "center of the sphere" is a window.

Q: (Ark) Center of the sphere... Now again, you mentioned long ago Mandelbrot, in fact you spelled it strange like "Mandlebrot" while normally people say "Mandel"... So I was looking for years for this Mandelbrot, and I thought it was fractals, and this was a good beginning. But I still don't know what Mandelbrot has to do with the center of the sphere because it must be somehow connected to windows, too. Hint?

A: Emergence from the center. The surface is where "things happen" and where the fractals coalesce.

Q: (Ark) 1969 you mentioned I should go back to 1969, what I was doing in 1969... Well, in 1969 I was playing with quantum logic along with many other things. And this quantum logic can be connected to this inverted geometrical representation of gravity that is needed to explain consciousness. Now what is the use of this quantum logic? Is this quantum logic useful indeed or should I forgot it and concentrate on something else? Is quantum logic useful?

A: Peripheral.

Q: (Ark) Peripheral. Is 1969 also peripheral?

A: No, there was something else.

The good thing about this excerpt is this bit:

Now I have an idea that it can refer to the work of Burkhard Heim and to what I am doing now with the spaces of (end of side 1)... and I would like to know if my guess is right or almost right?

I feel like we might have missed something important there. :P

The other good thing about the above excerpt that the C's confirm the idea of fractals being related to things happening around windows. However, I'm not sure what the "surface of the sphere" is, and it doesn't seem to fit in with my nice neat theory of what windows are, I might even have to reconsider the idea that windows exist at centres of gravity. :scared:

I also found some other short but interesting threads, which I thought may be related to windows, although only on the Peripheral:

1) Infrasound- is it a possible source of mind control? Started by QuantumLogic (,28549.0.html) This thread talks about mind control and the Denver airport... which I think might be built on a window...

2) Amazing Resonance Experiment Started by drazen (,31522.0.html) This thread is about Cymatics, here's the Wikipedia page: (

I think Cymatics might be related to windows, because if gravity is light, then light/gravity waves might bouncing around the interior of the Earth and it's atmosphere, creating magnetic anomalies and wreaking all sorts of havoc.

3) Octagonal Complexigram Started by bdsign (,30974.0.html) This thread has some pretty neat pictures of waves and fractals and has a little bit on gravity waves. It also shows something called "Bourke's resonance patterns" overlayed on the Earth and it looks exactly like a "Pacific Radar Anomaly."
Archaea said:
Q: He wanted to know why the EM grid was important...

A: See 1954 UFO mapping study: France.

I Googled "1954 UFO mapping study: France" but didn't find anything about any studies, apparently there was a wave UFOs in France in 1954, and I remember watching a video somewhere where the guy plotted all the locations and directions of UFOs that had been reported to see if there was any pattern. This seems like a good way to go to me because the trajectories of the UFOs might all converge on a window or grid point.

I think you're referring to Aime Michel who wrote Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery. Here's a report on the 1954 wave that references his work, and includes maps:




Orthoteny, or the "straight-line mystery,” was first discovered by the French UFO researcher and mathematician Aime Michel. Before 1954, like most student s of UFOs, Michel was discouraged by the sporadic and unpredictable nature of UFO sightings. In his book published in 1958, Michel explained that the situation changed dramatically during the worldwide 1954 UFO wave. From mid-August to mid-November 1954, Michel found that many of the sightings were located along great-circle routes which, when transferred onto flat maps of the areas involved, amounted to straight lines. He began his study by plotting five high-strangeness reports, all of which occurred on Friday, October 15, 1954. The sightings were in such widely separated points as Southend in England, Pas de Calais, Aire-sur-la-Lys in France, a site on Route N-68 close to the German border, and Po di Gnocca in Italy. Michel marked these five sightings on a globe of the earth and found that if a thread was stretched between the five points that thread extended in a great-circle line 700 miles long. When the same sightings were plotted on appropriate maps of the areas involved, adjusted to account for the slight curvature of the earth over the 700 miles, the five points lay on a "straight line." Thus Aime Michel' s technique of orthoteny was born. The word orthoteny is derived from the Greek adjective "orthoteneis" which means "stretched in a straight line."

Of course, straight lines can easily be overfitted to any three points in a row because of the uncertainty or “wiggle room” of the exact location of the witnesses or the UFOs involved, but Michel, being a mathematics teacher, was aware that a five point straight line between UFO sighting locations on the same date was far beyond coincidence. Through successive plottings of multi-sightings on other days during the 1954 wave, Michel found many other multi-point straight lines, primarily in France and neighboring countries. From these results, he developed a hypothesis that the UFOs might be using a grid work surveillance pattern during their appearances, and were traveling or manifesting along straight lines because this was the most logical manner of surveillance.

Michel also found evidence of an additional phenomenon: at the intersection of these orthotenic lines, the object sighted was invariably of the class of UFO known as "cloud cigars." These huge cloud-enshrouded ellipsoidal forms, from which smaller glowing or metallic discs departed and into which they returned, were always viewed, in their motionless mode, where two or more straight lines intersected at a sighting location. The most striking example of this phenomenon occurred on September 2, 1954 when nine multi-point straight lines of French UFO sightings intersected at Poncey, France. Michel theorized that the "cloud cigars" were aggregations of UFOs, in other words, a type of carrier-craft mechanism which provided a rallying point for small discs which performed the surveillance maneuvers along the grid work lines.

As the years passed after Michel's initial study, the theory of orthoteny was argued pro and con in the UFO literature and other researchers extended the major orthotenic lines to other continents such as Africa, and North and South America.
I also found this excerpt, but forgot where... probably the Canary Islands thread.

I checked and it's not from there. Hope you can remember what exactly you were reading when you found it. :rolleyes:

The other good thing about the above excerpt that the C's confirm the idea of fractals being related to things happening around windows. However, I'm not sure what the "surface of the sphere" is, and it doesn't seem to fit in with my nice neat theory of what windows are, I might even have to reconsider the idea that windows exist at centres of gravity. :scared:

I'm guessing the surface of the sphere relates to the circumference of a globe -- so in the case of earth it could be anything from several miles deep beneath, on the surface itself regardless of local irregularities, or even several miles above that in the air or higher. And probably it means all three together as some sort of layer wherein these windows and anomalies occur.

In Reply # 1 of the Octagonal Complexigram topic Ark posted two links to videos of his which display a grid like structure based on a fractal related to "quantum octahedron". It could be used as some sort of a grid overlay on the surface of the sphere, I presume. These are the videos:

Speaking of which, I'm glad you already found the three threads you mentioned at the end of your post as I was busy studying them late last night and bedtime interfered with my intention to signal them to you. I was going to post them now but evidently there's no need for that anymore.

@ Approaching Infinity: Thank you very much for taking the time and the effort to signal this important source to us. Much appreciated! :)

EDITED to add: Googling for orthotenic lines yielded plenty of additional references to explore.
In Reply # 25 you made the following remark:

I ran a search to find some of the transcripts relating to the intertwined nature of EM and gravity, as well as the Wave being a gravity wave, but was unable to find anything to back up my thinking :( Have you read anything in the transcripts relating to any of that stuff, I was positive they were there.

I now have found an IMO crucial session on that subject:


Q: (L) One of the things that Al-Arabi writes about is the ontological
level of being. Concentric circles, so to speak, of states of being.
And, each state merely defines relationships. At each higher level
you are closer to a direct relationship with the core of existence, and
on the outer edges, you are in closer relationship
with matter. This accurately explicates the 7 densities you have
described for us. He also talks about the "out raying" and the
"inward moving" toward knowledge.
My thought was certain beings, such as 4th density STS, and other
STS beings of 3rd density, who think that they are creating a
situation where they will accrue power to themselves, but may, in
fact, be part of the "out raying" or dispersion into matter. Is this a
correct perception?
A: Close.


A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity
Q: (L) Okay. Unstable gravity waves. I'll see what I can find. Is there
something more about this?
A: Meditate too!


A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of
quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no
bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of
matter. Is that correct?
A: And....
Q: (L) And hmmmm....
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or,
is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?
A: Binder.
Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?
A: And...
Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?
A: Not the issue.
Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, F****?
A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through
unstable gravity waves!!!

Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?
A: Pathway to.
Q: (L) Okay.
A: Doorway to.
Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do
unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is none.
Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?
A: Wrong...
Q: (L) There is no emanation point?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter,
and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other
A: Everything.

Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.
Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity
waves? Is this what spirals do?
A: On the way to.
Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves...
A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?
Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of
electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a continuous flow of
electrical energy...
A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!
Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was
thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort of consciousness,
and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...
A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And
where does it go?
Q: (L) The windows?
A: The gravity.
Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities.

I mean, you have my head going in so many different directions that
I feel like I have popcorn in there.
A: Good!
Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our
planet must be a window!
A: You have it too!!
Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps
things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a bowl of
A: Gravity is all there is.
Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?
A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression
generated by gravity?

Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it:
the Source.
A: Please name something that is not gravity.
Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not
gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?
A: A mere thought.
Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?
A: Yes, there is.
Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by
gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.
Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his
airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?
A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in
order to manipulate gravity.
Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it ever possible for the individual to do the choosing, or is it
gravity that IS him that chose?
A: The gravity that was inside him was all the gravity in existence.
Q: (L) Well, I thought the Sufis were tough! (F) Well, it's probably
because of your studies that this door opened. (L) Good grief! What
have I done! Alright. I am confused.
A: No you are not.
Q: (L) Then, just put it this way: I am befuddled and overloaded.
A: Befuddling is fun!
Q: (L) Well, I guess that if any of this is going to be of particular
significance to us, then we will certainly find out the details as we go
A: How many times do we have to tell you?!?!
Q: (L) Learning is fun! Right!
A: The entire sum total of all existence exists within each of you, and
vice versa.
Q: (L) Then what is the explanation for the "many-ness" that we
A: Perception of 3rd density.
Q: (L) So, the entire universe is inside me... okay, that's... I
understand. Oddly enough, I do. The problem is accessing it,
stripping away the veils.
A: That is the fun part.
Q: (L) So, the fellow who built the Coral Castle was able to access
this. Consistently or only intermittently?
A: Partially.
Q: (L) According to what I understand, at the speed of light, there is
no mass, no time, and no gravity. How can this be?
A: No mass, no time, but yes, gravity.
Q: (L) A photon has gravity?
A: Gravity supercedes light speed.
Q: (L) Gravity waves are faster than light?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What would make a gravity wave unstable?
A: Utilization.

Q: (L) I feel like I am missing a really big point here...
A: You are, but you can only find it at your own pace.
Q: (L) Well, I think I need to do some reading and research so that I
can come back to this.
A: And, on that note, good night.

I searched the whole forum with the terms unstable gravity waves and got thirty results, of which at least twenty five seem promising for deeper study. I only glanced through a couple of them so I cannot be absolutely certain about their relevance yet, but it certainly seems worthwhile pursuing at least some of those results a little further. :/
Palinurus said:
I also found this excerpt, but forgot where... probably the Canary Islands thread.

I checked and it's not from there. Hope you can remember what exactly you were reading when you found it. :rolleyes:

After retracing my steps I remember where I saw that excerpt, it's from Reply #27 by Ruth in the C's Transcript After 28th Sept 02 thread started by Vulcan59 (,9420.0.html)

I'm guessing the surface of the sphere relates to the circumference of a globe -- so in the case of earth it could be anything from several miles deep beneath, on the surface itself regardless of local irregularities, or even several miles above that in the air or higher. And probably it means all three together as some sort of layer wherein these windows and anomalies occur.

Well 'surface of the sphere' certainly seems to imply the surface of the Earth or the surface of the sun. However, the C's have said that there are many windows on the surface of the Earth, so my question is: what is the 'surface of the sphere' in regards to those windows, or do they even have one?

I searched the whole forum with the terms unstable gravity waves and got thirty results, of which at least twenty five seem promising for deeper study. I only glanced through a couple of them so I cannot be absolutely certain about their relevance yet, but it certainly seems worthwhile pursuing at least some of those results a little further. :/

I'm definitely interested in learning more about unstable gravity waves, as the C's seem to imply that it's the final piece of the puzzle in terms of physics and it looks like they're a big part of the subject of windows.

Michel also found evidence of an additional phenomenon: at the intersection of these orthotenic lines, the object sighted was invariably of the class of UFO known as "cloud cigars."

Thanks for pointing this out Approaching Infinity. I haven't looked at the link yet because I don't have adobe reader yet (I'll have to download it), but it looks like it's has some neat data that we could use to learn more about windows.

One thing that I would be interested in is whether these intersections of orthotenic lines are at points with volcanoes. excess iron or lighting, or some other suspicious geology.

I also noticed that the subject of Roswell found it's way into some of my posts here, and it totally bypassed my conscious cognition. So I ran a Google search on the geology of Roswell and found this from Wikipedia (

Geologically, the Plains of San Agustin lie within the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, just south of the southeast edge of the Colorado Plateau, and west of the Rio Grande Rift Valley. The basin is a graben (a downdropped block which subsided between parallel faults). The graben is younger than the Datil-Mogollon volcanic eruptions.[3] The flat floor of the plains was created by a Pleistocene lake (Lake San Agustin).[4] Although the graben has dropped an estimated 4,000 ft., the surface relief has been reduced to about 2,000 ft. by sedimentation. A great deal of the sediments entered the San Agustin basin prior to the formation of Lake San Agustin in the last glacial period. There is no evidence of tectonic activity in the area after Lake San Agustin became extinct.[3]

Ecologically, the plains lie near the northern end of the Chihuahuan Desert (though the ranges surrounding the Gila River headwaters intervene), which is dominated by shrublands.

So maybe there were so many UFO's around there because it's near a grid point. There's a base in Dulce NM and I found this excerpt. From Session 4 November 1995 (

Q: (T) Now, when a being, a soul, whatever, is in the base, do they
exist in all three densities at the same time?

A: No.

Q: (L) Hold on, I've got an idea...

A: When you are in a skyscraper, do you exist on all floors at the
same time?

Q: (J) No, but you have got to know where the elevator is! (L) Is
there something like an elevator... (J) Yes, seriously! (L)... that can
move you, if you're in these
locations, from one density to another, and experience these bases,
these trans-density bases, at different levels?

A: It is an elevator!

Q: (L) OK, so these bases are points... it is an elevator, so these
bases may be places that if you are taken to them, are in them, that
through these portals, or
trans-density bases, you are thereby able to transit the densities?

A: You are able anyway.

Q: (L) OK, but are these specific locations... OK, it is an elevator...
(T) Well, not an elevator as we perceive an elevator... (J)
Conceptually, yes. It's a conveyance, it's a method.

A: No.

Q: (T) No, that it isn't an elevator as we perceive it? (L) Is it an
elevator for...

A: Literally.

Q: (L) It is literally an elevator?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So you go there to get on to go to different densities?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, it is that easy?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So you go to these bases, to go to different densities...

A: Although, it is possible to enter 4th and 5th in other ways too!

Q: (L) OK, are these beings, these other density beings, creating
and utilizing these bases for mass movement of beings or artifacts,
from one density to another? Is that what they're doing here?

A: No. They live on 4th, so they construct 4th density bases.

Q: (L) I'm getting it... So, the fourth density beings construct fourth
density bases. These fourth density bases then somehow interface
with third density in a certain point in space-time, and they then
influence third density beings to build third density bases at this
interface point, and through these interface points they are able to
move back and forth between densities. Is this getting close to the

A: The only ones who need to use this approach are 3rd D.

Q: (L) OK, so these are fourth density... (J) They are for our use?
They are for third density being use.(L) OK, so our people have built
these bases, using technology, perhaps... OK, let's take it one step
at a time. Are these bases constructed by third density beings?

A: Partially.

Q: (L) Are they constructed by third and fourth density beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are they constructed for the use of third density beings?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they constructed... (T) Are the third density bases
constructed for the use of third density beings?

A: Both.

Q: (T) Both third and fourth. OK, and there's a way for the fourth
density beings, an elevator, to move from fourth to third; from their
fourth density base to the third density base.

A: Vice Versa.

Q: (L) They said they were built for us, not for them.

A: No.

Q: (L) OK, they were built by us to allow us to get there...

A: No.

Q: (L) Then, I lost it! (T) They were built so that they can have a
place to move and operate in third density even though their main
base is in fourth density. They
come here, and interact with third density beings, and do their third
density stuff while they're here, because they can exist there,
because fourth density spills over
into it through the other bases. (L) OK, so when people go to these
bases, and see aliens and humans interacting together, are they in
fourth density, or third density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Either or. OK. The next question is... (T) Both? Now, wait,
they can either be in third or fourth. But you said, if you see them
interacting together... (L) Are they both at once?

A: Mostly on 4th.

Q: (T) OK, so the bases in third density here, are bases for
whomever is working with the fourth density beings, that they can
exist in it over long periods of time.
The fourth density beings can come through to this density, by use
of the base.. . [Dogs start howling in the back yard, distracting the
session.] ... Now, I've lost my
train of thought. OK, we've got a base, bases that exist... (L) Who...
(T) Third, fourth and fifth, and they can transit between third, fourth
and fifth... The bases are STS bases, let's establish that. (L) That's
an assumption...let's ask. (T) Are the bases STS bases?

A: Mostly.

Q: (T) So there may be STO bases, as well?

A: This is complex.

Q: (T) Because the STO beings interact with the STS beings
because of the balance and the fact that STO beings serve
themselves by serving others, and
therefore they will serve STS beings as well as STO beings,
because they're serving... (L) All right... (T) Because they've been
asked, because they're doing it to
serve others. So there are STO beings operating bases also. (L) Is
that correct? (T) Or close?

A: Much more complex.

Q: (T) I assume it's much more complex, but that's the general

A: No.

Q: (L) OK, try this: Are there separate bases operated or built or
constructed or somehow occupied or utilized or whatever by STO
beings alone?

A: OK, time for us to teach patience. We are going to illuminate you!
Why do you suppose there are roads around Dulce NM where
people have become
confused when traveling on them? Because the 4th density
vibrational frequency emanating from the nearby base more and
more frequently resonates on surface.

Q: (L) OK, continue.

A: Then going to 4th density: road seems straight as seen in 4th
density, when curved in 3rd.

Q: (J) It seems straight when seen in 4th, but it's actually curved in
3rd? (SV) In other words, accidents! (J) It changes configuration
from 3rd to 4th! (T) When
people drive those roads out there, as the fourth density seeps out
through, and is seeping out farther and farther, they become
confused because they're moving
between 3rd and 4th. As the road curves in 3rd, and the car, which
is in 3rd, should be curving with the road, the driver sees the road as
straight, and drives off the
road, because he's confused by what he sees.

A: Exactly.

Q: (J) It's all about perception! (T) Now, we're back to perception of

A: In 4th, you see full circle from any vantage point.

Q: (L) We talked about that before. (T) So the road looks straight,
because you're seeing it from all angles, therefore, instead of it
being curved on one, you're
seeing it every way, so the road is now straight. But, it's not really
straight in 3rd, and you drive off the road. (L) OK, continue on with
what you were saying...

A: The entire New Mexico region is on verge of moving to 4th
density permanently!

Q: (L) OK...

A: Because of the bases

I know the above excerpt is a little off topic, but I thought it was interesting. :cool2:
Well 'surface of the sphere' certainly seems to imply the surface of the Earth or the surface of the sun. However, the C's have said that there are many windows on the surface of the Earth, so my question is: what is the 'surface of the sphere' in regards to those windows, or do they even have one?

Ah, it appears I have misunderstood what you were asking. My apologies.

Reasoning per analogy, I would venture the idea that each window (conceived as being a point in the center) might have its own sphere around itself according to local conditions and peculiarities, like a local sphere of influence or a limited range of effect -- be it locally and/or temporary. This is rather tentative, I know. But it wouldn't make sense any other way, I think.

Nevertheless, I'm not completely certain each and every window HAS a sphere of influence per se; at least I cannot conclusively recall ATM having read something like that in what we have gathered so far. I'll keep this in mind while continuing the search. Who knows what might pop-up in this regard. ;)

I know the above excerpt is a little off topic, but I thought it was interesting. :cool2:

Not really off topic, in my opinion. And certainly interesting. There is more about this anyway in other transcripts. Including a remark about 'Aryans' being bi-density!
In here:

Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?
A: No.
Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a story. Some
factual information, some invented information, some pure BS
thrown in to fluff it out. So, the book is NOT an account of work that
has come from remote viewing sessions?
A: No, but not needed.
Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed."
Where did he get his information?
A: Secret sources. Agents of the nation "of the third eye."
Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"
A: Terran civilization under the surface.
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the
Aryans were brought from Kantek and that they were "sturdier or
something like that, and I remarked that it seemed that they would
be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that
has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface
appearances." Have the Aryans been glorified as the "master race"
because they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."
Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that has been
'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its own?
A: One at a time.
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that
are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!
A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd density,
but they must keep returning to 4th in order to "regenerate."
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long
as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on
either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier,

Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this
quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?
A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not
to mention any discussion of the densities!
Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to
understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?
A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an
explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the
inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation of third
eye abilities as we understand them?
A: Psychic.

Something similar here:

Q: (L) Well, I know it's vague... (T) Are the Celts part of these underground civilizations?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they came to the surface some time ago...
A: No.
Q: (L) No, they came here, and they were taken underground...
A: No.
Q: (L) No, well, what's the story?
A: Went.
Q: (L) They went underground? Is that it? (T) When did they go underground?
A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945.
Q: (L) That's when they went underground? 1941 through 1945?
A: Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders.
Q: (T) Underground. We're talking underground, as in under the surface of the earth. Is this what we're talking?
A: Antarctica. Under there.
Q: (T) Under Antarctica, under... Oh, in one of the big... OOOhhh!
A: Entry port.
Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there, this is where the Germans, as in the Nazi Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica, where the German territory was claimed, it's in that section that's south of...
A: Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated.
Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases?
A: Yes.
Q: Laura) So, they didn't build them, they entered into them as instructed, and were assimilated into the population?
A: They did build a base.
Q: (T) Well, they'd have to keep expanding! Now, you said instructed... (L) Instructed by whom? (T) They were instructed to go there?
A: Those identifying themselves as "Antareans."
Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?
A: STS Humanoid Orion linkage.


Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?
A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.
Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?
A: Never mind.

Both of these cited excerpts were also referenced here:,15648.0.html

Apparently the subject of windows has definitely more to it than thought of at first glance! :P
I've been reading all the sessions following the one of June 15, 1996 (see Reply # 50) up until the end of August that year and it turns out to be a sequence in which several lines of thought are developed which are highly relevant to our subject.

The problem with them is, redacting the snippets in such a way that casual readers of this thread can follow this development with as little diversion as possible without losing too much of the context. Have to think about that before posting those snippets here.

Maybe you can read them as well and give some advisory input on this problem and how to solve it. I mean, it would be best when everybody just would read the whole lot as I just did, but citing all those sessions (minus two) in full or semi-complete doesn't work well for the continuity of this thread, I think.

We have to be as concise as possible and leave the rest, I feel. It's just that I'm too tired at the moment to make the proper selections now. :-[
Will try again tomorrow anyway. :)
Reasoning per analogy, I would venture the idea that each window (conceived as being a point in the center) might have its own sphere around itself according to local conditions and peculiarities, like a local sphere of influence or a limited range of effect -- be it locally and/or temporary. This is rather tentative, I know. But it wouldn't make sense any other way, I think.

Nevertheless, I'm not completely certain each and every window HAS a sphere of influence per se; at least I cannot conclusively recall ATM having read something like that in what we have gathered so far. I'll keep this in mind while continuing the search. Who knows what might pop-up in this regard. ;)

I guess maybe we'll just have to leave it as a mystery for now, perhaps we'll get lucky and something will pop up that'll make the picture clearer or give us some more clues.

Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long
as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on
either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier,

I've found myself thinking about how windows and the 4th spatial dimension might be related. My thinking goes like this:

1) If thoughts can materialize around windows, then this can be in the form of objects or events.
2) As someone learns more, the type of events might get more "sophisticated" i.e. objects and events will start to be based on thoughts of a "higher" nature.
3) From this, a higher spatial dimension will start to be created/perceived/comprehended by that someone.

I don't know if that's clear, but I hope it is, I'm not the best communicator in the world... And I don't think it's the whole picture, just something I've been thinking about lately.

Maybe you can read them as well and give some advisory input on this problem and how to solve it. I mean, it would be best when everybody just would read the whole lot as I just did, but citing all those sessions (minus two) in full or semi-complete doesn't work well for the continuity of this thread, I think.

We have to be as concise as possible and leave the rest, I feel. It's just that I'm too tired at the moment to make the proper selections now. :-[
Will try again tomorrow anyway. :)

I'm planning to read them, and I agree that being concise is the way to go, as we're definitely not stretched for material. Perhaps if we just focus on things directly related to windows, and just mention related subjects with a bit of explanation on why they might be related. What do you think? good idea?

I also quickly ran a Google search for the geology of Denver, because that's where the evil airport is. I didn't find anything to do with volcanoes or iron, but it does have Petroleum, from Wikipedia (

The basin itself forms a petroleum province. Oil and gas have been produced from the Denver Basin since the discovery in 1901 of oil in fractured Pierre Shale at the McKenzie Well, part of the Boulder oil field in Boulder County.

It's a bit of a stretch, but maybe this ties in with the idea that earthquakes are formed by a build up of gas pressure cause by natural materializations around windows... :rolleyes:
I've been reading all the sessions following the one of June 15, 1996 (see Reply # 50) up until the end of August that year and it turns out to be a sequence in which several lines of thought are developed which are highly relevant to our subject.

The problem with them is, redacting the snippets in such a way that casual readers of this thread can follow this development with as little diversion as possible without losing too much of the context. Have to think about that before posting those snippets here.

I finished reading these sessions, and there is a bit of stuff there. I didn't think a lot of it directly related to windows which makes me think that there are a several subjects which are interrelated. For example, physics and gravity, or underground bases, both of which could have their own threads (and probably do ;)) yet are still part of the subject of windows.

Anyway, I found these bits which I thought I'd post. From Session 22 June 1996 (

Q: (L) Is this alternate universe of antimatter the point from which phenomena occur or are manifested in our universe?
A: More like doorway or "conduit."
Q: (L) Is this alternate universe the means by which we must travel to 4th density? Is it like a veil, or an abyss of some sort?
A: Think of it as the highway.
Q: (L) So, we must travel through this universe of antimatter in order to reach 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is something going to happen in terms of interacting with this antimatter in order to bring about some sort of transition?
A: No. Realm Border is traveling wave.
Q: (L) Okay, you say "traveling wave," and then you say that antimatter is the highway. Does this mean moving through antimatter or interacting in some way with antimatter via the the impetus of the traveling wave, or realm border?
A: Bends space/time, this is where your unstable gravity waves can be utilized.
Q: (L) Utilizing antimatter by creating an EM field, which destabilizes the gravity wave, allows antimatter to unite with matter, creating a portal through which space/time can be bent, or traveled through via this "bending." In other words, producing an EM field, bringing in the antimatter, IS the bending of space/time? Is that it?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) Is there a portal for each person, or one large portal?
A: No.
Q: (V) So we move through a portal in masses?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this generating of EM fields to destabilize the gravity wave what the HAARP assembly is designed and built for?
A: No.
Q: (V) If there are not personal portals for one person, or portals for groups of people...
A: Portal is where you desire it to be.
Q: (V) So it could just be a state of mind?
A: No. With proper technology you can create a portal where desired. There are unlimited options.
Q: (L) Proper technology. Unstable gravity waves. And once you told us to study Tesla coils.... antimatter... destabilizing the gravity waves through EM generation allows the antimatter to interact with matter which then creates a portal... is it in the antimatter universe that all this traveling back and forth is done by aliens when they abduct people?
A: Close. They transport through it, but most abductions take place in either 3rd or 4th density.
Q: (L) Is this movement through the antimatter universe, is this what people perceive in their abductions as the "wall of fire?" The coming apart. The demolecularizing?
A: No. That is TransDimensional Atomic Remolecularization.
Q: (L) Okay, if a person were passing into the antimatter universe, how would they perceive it?
A: They wouldn't.
Q: (L) Why?
A: No space; no time.
Q: (L) Antimatter universe has no space and no time... so, the antimatter universe is possibly where the poor guys of flight 19 are?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And you can get stuck in this place?
A: Yes. And if you are in a time warp coccoon, you are hyperconscious, i.e. you perceive "zero time" as if it were literally millions of years, that is if the cycle is connected or closed, as in "Philadelphia Experiment." And, on that note, good night. End of Session

I think in the Roger Santilli Session the C's said that antimatter is just matter moving backwards though time, so the antimatter universe is just our universe going backwards. And that's why if someone is moving into the antimatter universe there is no space and no time.

Then there's this from Session 14 July 1996 (

Q: (L) You told us before that stars and planets are portals, or openings into other densities. Is it possible that this oncoming wave, this Realm Border Crossing will be accessed through these types of portals, that it is not something that is actually in our 'space,' but that it would emanate through stars and planets? Am I onto something here?
A: You may be starting down a long path.

Here Laura asks if windows will be related to moving to 4th density and the C's don't answer... :rolleyes: but Laura specifically asks if she's on to something and the C's reply indicates that she is and it's a long path.

And here's the last one that I thought I'd add, it talks about the grid, tetrahedrons, and HAARP. From Session 17 August 1996 (

Q: (L) All right, let's get on to our questions here. Let me ask a quick one about the tetrahedron. TR, you ask it, because you know more about it. (T) What Jim was talking about in his letter to Ark? (L) Yes, or what Hoagland talks about, or... if you've got some kind of definite stuff on it... (T) The Tetrahedron, triangle mathematics that Hoagland is working with in conjunction with the Mars/Cydonia region where he supposedly discovered this...
A: Energy consolidator. EM Wave capturer.
Q: (T) Ok, so it's an EM wave capturer. Does it also expel EM waves?
A: Close.
Q: (T) From the same points? The 19 points, whatever it is...
A: Channels and enhances, when used properly, and in pristine conditions.
Q: (T) Hoagland is not talking about... whatever he's talking about, as far as the mathematics go, of the tetrahedral triangles within the sphere, which I'm assuming this planet is calling the sacred geometries, but are physics-type things of different densities, which may not actually be right. OK, this doesn't apply just to Mars, this is, every sphere has these same properties...
A: Yes.
Q: (T)... a golf ball, a base ball; I know they're not perfect spheres, they have dimples; all the way up to the sun, and so forth and so on, of any size, made out of any material, as long as it's a sphere, it will have the same properties.
A: No.
Q: (T) OK, it has to have certain kinds of materials?
A: No, must be magnetized.
Q: (T) OK, it's a magnetized sphere; something that has a magnetic field around it. (L) Is the tetrahedral configuration a property of the magnetism?
A: Yes. No.
Q: (T) Yes to my question, no to Laura's question?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) OK, my question is, the sphere has to be able to generate a magnetic field, like the earth has a magnetic field, like Mars generates a magnetic field...
A: Or be magnetized by installation of internal magnetic generator.
Q: (L) OK, what's the purpose of this? What's the purpose of these tetrahedrons? What are the...
A: Purpose is not proper term.
Q: (T) That's right. It's not a purpose, it just exists this way. These spheres that are magnetic, or are able to be magnetized, this happens just because they are what they are, and this is how the physics works?
A: Reflection of universal balance.
Q: (L) OK, they just simply... and is it that something occurs at the points of these triangles that is noticeable, I mean, is it like a power point?
A: No.
Q: (L) OK, well, this guy Jim says that they are designated by different monuments on the planet's surface...
A: Nonsense!!!
Q: (T) Thank you! (L)... and that they are visual sighting...
A: Artificial constructed tetrahedrons are placed on strategic locations on the planet's surface in order to utilize magnetic fields properly.
Q: (L) Who places these artificially constructed tetrahedrons at these points?
A: The artificial constructors.
Q: (L) And who are they?
A: Whomever they may be.
Q: (T) In other words, they can be anybody. They're artificial constructor, they could be anybody... (L) If people know about them, they can do this...
A: No, no no. Nineteen degrees north and south.
Q: (T) Correct, those are the numbers that Hoagland came up with, with his stuff. On most of the planets, and our sun, we seem to have major events happening, or have happened...
A: Hawaii.
Q: (T) Yes, Hawaii, Puerto Rico... let's see, 19 degrees north and south, Philippines, I think, is somewhere close, on the south side. Major volcanoes... (F) Philippines is on the north side, that's not in the Southern Hemisphere... (T) I'd have to pull out a global map to see what the 19 degrees are. On Mars, Cydonia resides at approximately 19 degrees, the Giant volcano, the dead volcano on Mars is approximately 19 degrees, the stuff that they found on Venus, the major things, are at approximately 19 degrees. The sunspots are approximately 19 degrees, the red spot on Jupiter... (L) Is there anything else we want to get on this tetrahedron... Is there anything else we could ask about this subject, that we haven't thought of ourselves... (T) I'm sure there's a lot... (L) Oh, I know... that you could give us?
A: Unlimited.
Q: (L) Do the tetrahedrons spin within the sphere? Do these power points of the tetrahedron spin?
A: Energy fields flow in balance.
Q: (T) So they're spinning to keep balance? (J) Like a gyro. (T) Is there... now, am I correct in the fact that there's a direct relationship here to the real Hebrew Star of David, to these tetrahedrals?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And that everything that has been done to it for the last 500 years or so, has been done to screw things up?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Yes. So that that symbol is not a religious symbol, as such, but a very important... (L)...power symbol.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) It describes a physics that transcends the densities.
A: So is pentagon.
Q: (T) So is the Pentagon? (J) A pentagon. (T) The pentagon shape. These are part of what humans describe as the sacred geometries.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, in that 'Bear' book that I have...
A: You as Atlanteans knew this, and lived by it in many ways. For example, the pyramid recharges by capturing exactly half the energy points, thus allowing a positive imbalance buildup to be captured, then expended.
Q: (L) OK, are we finished, or... Ok, we know we are not finished, but we know we want to cover a couple of things... is there something more about the tetrahedrons that is important for us to know now? (T) That we can pass on to Ark? (L) Yes, essential to know now? A real 'goodie?'
A: Open.
Q: (T) Send him what we've got now, and we can come up with some more questions... (L) Yes. Until he's here, and can ask questions... (T) Maybe it's something we can tap into... (L) OK, JR has written down a question that I've been curious about myself lately, so I think we'll just kind of throw it in on the top... that has to do with the unusually high historically recorded lightning strikes in this area. Does this have any correlation to psychic abilities?
A: Vaguely constructed inquiry.
Q: (L) OK, is there any correlation between the extremely high lightning strikes in this area and our work? In this area?
A: Maybe.
Q: (T) Is there a correlation to the lightning strikes in this area, in this immediate area; not right here, around this house, but in the Bay area, because it's so built up, because there's so much metal around?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Is there any correlation between the lightning strikes and so forth that have been going on, seemingly coincidental moments in the communications I've been having with Ark?
A: Lightning has been striking elsewhere a lot more too.
Q: (L) So, just in general. There have been more lightning strikes all over the place in general. (T) OK, on the correlations things, to skip from lightning to another question I just thought of. Is there a correlation to the massive power blackouts on the West Coast that have been happening recently, to the government messing around with the HAARP Project, and other related weapons testing systems?
Q: (T) OK, not HAARP. Something else that they're messing with? (L) Well, why don't we just ask, what's the cause of the blackouts? (T) OK, what's the cause of the blackouts? Good question!
A: 4th density bleed through has many "fun" possibilities.
Q: (L) Oh, fun! (T) 4th density Bleed through? This is part of the bleed through from the different bases on the West Coast?
A: More or less.

I'd just like to point out that Hawaii has a volcano.

I've been wondering about HAARP and how it might relate to windows, and I am confused about what's going on with it... However I might save what I've got about it for another post.

I'll keep going through the transcripts looking for things about windows, I'm almost up to the 97 sessions. :)
I'm glad you found a way out of this sequence of sessions.

I tried several times to make a selection but got stuck every time, with ten or so sessions open at once. There were too many intertwined developments in arguments about densities, gravity, EM burst, the Wave, and last but not least the introduction of Ark on the scene. I found out time and again that I had too much reverence for these texts mirroring a crucial stage (one out of many, really) in Laura's growth, for me to be able to cut through and paste only the necessary bits here. You did wonderfully well with that.

I'll join you again in the search for more clues about windows and such. :)
While searching for Roger Santilli info I happened on a thread called: New Mexico is for Lizzies

It's here:,11423.0.html

Rather a mixed bag, but Reply # 2 and Reply # 34 have interesting quotes from sessions about underground bases and bleed through phenomena which were mentioned earlier in our thread although much more briefly. These are more elaborate about high strangeness around windows.
OK, I've almost finished reading the transcripts that aren't available on this forum, and there's a lot of stuff there that all seems fairly connected. However I'm just going to post the bits that I think are more or less directly related to windows.

This bit here is about the nature of thoughts and how they relate to electricity. From Session 21 December 1996 (

Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside
ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there
in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?
A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"
Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees,
cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc
A: You left out backyard barbecues!
Q: [laughter] (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what
are they composed?
A: Matter.
Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?
A: Atomic structure.
Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Yours.
Q: (L) Everything?
A: Everything.


(A) What is the function of DNA, other than coding protein production?
A: Conductor of electricity.
Q: (L) Is that the only other function?
A: Well, as you know, electrical energy can have nearly endless applications. Examples... radio waves, neurotransceiver for thought pattern programs facilitated through electromagnetic wave transmission, etc. Method used for creation and maintenance of program illusions, such as the perception of linear time as reality.

This next one links windows (possibly) with geometric patterns and the Denver airport murals. From Session 28 June 1997 (

Q: Okay. Back to Mr. Mann. He says that he has found, through applications of "mystery" teachings, and certain personal enlightenments, as well as the application of sacred geometry principles, the exact location on earth where one can transcend space and time, as he puts it. Is there such a place?
A: There are "points" where this process is facilitated more easily, but it is the process which is most key, not the locator. It has to do with magnetic field meridian conjunctions.
Q: Okay, he suggested that I look at Pouisson's painting 'Winter,' for clues.
A; Yes, go see the painting mentioned. There are strong connections between this and both the Denver International Airport Murals, and the suggestions we gave you for your inground pool design!

I like this next one, it talks about portals, which I think are related someway to windows. While the C's don't seem to say anything definite about this portal, The idea that it has a radius is in there, which I think could be the elusive 'surface of the sphere'. From Session 4 October 1997 (

Q: Obviously this is a big one... it relates directly to the crossed shin bones, the skull, the shoulder blades, knees, elbows and a lot of other symbology... the exposed breast of the Masonic initiate. In the Bible where it says that Jesus was scourged, it is actually a word that usually means the pressing and squeezing that cause milk to express from the breast. On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information? Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?
A: Portal is dual.
Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?
A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.
Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?
A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.

I'm putting this next one in because windows are mentioned directly, and I hope this isn't a repeat from a previous post. This says that storms open (or close) windows, or maybe storms are formed from the opening (or closing) of a window. From Session 18 July 1998 (

Q: (L) Well, I tried. Okay, another thing that Imbrogno noted was that they graphed the UFO sightings in this area, and what they found was that they occurred in these places over and over again. So, the guy goes out and investigates the sites and found, more often than not, these standing stones or stone chambers that have been connected to the ancient Celts. Now, this relates to my work with tracking the bloodlines in a way. The remark was made that dancing could charge the stones. But, some of these chambers are sometimes so small. My idea is that they are doorways.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) Well, there was a considerable series of sightings of these black boomerang type craft. Are these stones markers of doorways between densities?
A: Windows.
Q: (L) Do these windows open and close arbitrarily?
A: Electrical storm.

Q: (L) Can they be opened and closed by deliberate, engineered factors?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the connection between the Celts and these flying black boomerangs?
A: None.
Q: (L) Then why is it that the Celts seem to have been the ones who erected these stones, and the stones and chambers seem to be connected with the black boomerangs?
A: If you build a house, then someone comes along and installs a 220 volt plug in it, what connection do you have with the clothes dryer?
Q: (T) Two different things. You build a house, somebody comes along and installs an improvement and uses it in another way.
A: Crystals make density and dimensional windows open from "time to time" thus making the oblivious quite obvious.
Q: (L) Are the craft always there and the crystalline structure of the stone causes the windows to open and make them visible?
A: If certain factors mitigate...

This next session combines the concepts of black holes and the antimatter universe, and I think the C's suggest that portals are windows. However I think I may have been confused with different terms, I'm not sure if calling a trans-dimensional window an inter-dimensional window is correct use of concepts, which is something I might have to work through... later though ;). From Session 1 August 1998 (

Q: (L) There have been a couple of movies that we have seen lately, 'The Sphere,' and 'Event Horizon,' about spaceships that go into black holes and then re-emerge with some very strange things going on. The whole idea of a space ship going into a black hole just sort of boggles my mind. I would like to know what would be experienced by a person or space ship that goes into a black hole? What would it be like?
A: Disintegration, followed by conversion to anti-material energy.
Q: (L) So it would not come out on the other side in another universe? (A) It will.
A: Yes, but not as matter.
Q: (L) After something has gone into a black hole, can it then re- emerge into the material universe intact?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, once it's gone in the black hole, it's sayonara, hasta la vista?
A: Stars are also portals of this nature.
Q: (L) So, what we perceive as stars in the anti-matter universe would be black holes?
A: No, windows.

Q: (L) But, if you lived in this other universe on the other side of black holes to us, what would the black holes look like from there?
A: Too complicated to explain.
Q: (L) Well, give me a reference...
A: That is just the point! You have no reference.
Q: (A) You mentioned hyperspace. What is hyperspace?
A: 4th through 7th density, except 4th only perceives it, as "living in the doorway."


Q: (L) Okay, back to the previous remark. You say that stars are portals. What, specifically, are they portals for, of, from or to?
A: How about other dimension.
Remember, density and dimensional concepts intersect. Density level relates more to conscious awareness, but dimensions house consciousness and all other.
Q: (L) So, you can have many 'houses' along a row at one level and many at another level, in a vague sort of way?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Is the concept of density related to what Sakharov was doing?
A: Close. Think of hyperspace as 4th dimension.

I think this next one is GREAT, the C's say the Alien bases are located on portals (which, like I said, I think are related to windows). From Session 15 August 1998 (

Q: (L) There is this internet site in Mexico which puts up this information about the alien bases. [Reads excerpt] It says that in the areas where there are these bases, there is often a lot of strange phenomena. I would like to know if you can identify the source of this information as he does not identify himself or where he is getting this stuff? He does not even have an e-mail option on his page.
A: You can test verity of all such information based upon that which you already know or have "put together."
Q: (L) Can you give me an approximate number of aliens currently interacting with, or on, or under our planet as a whole?
A: "Aliens?" What constitutes such?
Q: (L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra- terrestrials, Ultra- terrestrials, and so forth.
A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their inherent portals, you know!

Here's some stuff on the Pyramids, Stonehenge and Stargates. From Session 22 August 1998 (

Q: (L) Now, on to the questions I have prepared: In a previous session you said that the pyramid was built 10,643 years ago. That would be 8,649 BC. Is that a correct figure, or was there any corruption?
A: Yes. Correct.
Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do 'all things' or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do 'all things.' This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?
A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.
Q: If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar groups of people?
A: Atlantean descendants.
Q: Obviously the Great Pyramid is a marvel of engineering - and Stonehenge is as well - yet the two structures are so dissimilar. The Pyramid presents such a finished and sharp and elegant appearance, and Stonehenge might give a person - of course that is based on how it appears today - a more primitive presentation.
A: Was not originally.


Q: Okay, then we will forget Zep Tepi. Also, it says here regarding the issue about iron: 'It is unsettling to discover in the Pyramid Texts, supposedly the work of Neolithic farmers who had hardly begun to master copper, that there were abundant references to iron. The name of it was B'ja, or the 'Divine Metal.' We always encounter it in distinctive context to astronomy. For example, B'ja is frequently mentioned in the text in connection to the 'Four Sons of Horus,' presumably related in some way to strange beings known as the Shemsu Hor, or the 'Followers of Horus,' or the 'Transfigured Ones.' At any rate, these very mysterious 'Sons of Horus' seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers. [...] It is clear that iron was somehow seen by the composers of the Pyramid Texts as being imperative in the rituals aimed at ensuring new life cosmic and stellar. The verses of the Texts connect the metal and its uses to the ancient prototype of all such rituals by means of which Osiris himself, Egypt's 'Once and Future King,' died and was restored to immortal life as Lord of the Sky Region of Orion. 'The doors of iron which are in the starry sky are thrown open for me and I go through them.' It appears to be nothing less than an iron stargate intended to admit Osiris and all the dynasty of dead kings after him into the celestial realms of the belt of Orion. But, if the Pyramid Texts are describing a stargate, they are also describing a timegate for they express no doubt that by passing through the iron portals of the sky, the soul of the deceased will attain a life of millions of years.' So, they are describing the Pyramid as a stargate, a timegate, a portal. However, they are doing so in figurative terms, that the person could mentally travel, or use this in some way. Could you comment on this bit about the iron stargate?
A: Iron is highly magnetic.
Q: Yes, we know that...
A: Opens doorways or portals.

Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?
A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

Here's some quick info on the grid. From 29 August 1998 (

Q: (A) I want to come back to the laboratory which we have failed to identify. We know that the answer is in a 'pass in the mountains.' Still, I am puzzled by the phrase that it is on a magnetic meridian? I don't understand because ANY site is on some magnetic meridian where ever it is. How should I interpret this?
A: First you must superimpose magnetic grid over the earth.
Q: (A) What is the distance between lines of the grid?
A: 200 kilometers, approximately.
Q: (L) What is the prime, or the 0 meridian? Where is it located?
A: In Western Pacific at 90 degrees East Longitude.

And a short QA about redirecting portals. From Session 5 September 1998 (

Q: (L) Do supernova create portals to other universes?
A: The doors may be redirected.

And it seems the C's never said that the wave was a gravity wave... like what I thought. From Session 12 September 1998 (

(A) Okay, I want to ask about the nature of this communication that these Russian scientists were observing. What is the nature of it. Is it really instantaneous, or is it just very fast?
A: What is gravity really, Arkadiusz?
Q: (A) It is a kind of a structure which structures space and time.
A: Close, but no cigar.
Q: (L) That is a little touchy thing to say right now guys!
A: We are timeless, so therefore, timely as well!! Gravity is the foundation of all material existence. Therefore, gravity waves are of instantaneous imprint, as they rule all time in extant by nature.
Q: (A) But I am confused because if gravity waves are instantaneous, then how come we are waiting for a gravity wave that is coming...
A: The instantaneous nature of it is that which is perceived if one has the necessary equipment. After all, you know by now that gravity has the feature of "bending" time, space, light, etc.
Q: (A) So the wave that is supposed to come is NOT instantaneous. (L) Are you talking about The Wave? (A) The Wave. (L) I don't think they ever said it was a gravity wave.
A: Correct Laura.

Q: (L) If I remember correctly, they said it was a wave of 'hyperkinetic sensate.'
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What does hyperkinetic sensate mean?
A: Your being merging with hyper spatial energy.
Q: (L) Cool!
A: Matter/antimatter. One features atomic particle based matter, the other features pure energy in conscious form. Gravity is the balancing binder of it all.

So I don't know if the wave interacts with windows, although the C's often say it's all interconnected.

I'm going to leave it there for now, there's more, but I might finish reading what's left of the 98 sessions before I post them here.
While doing unrelated things I stumbled on this little thread:,21720.0.html

It doesn't add much, but I thought I should mention it anyway -- just for fun :D
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