Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Hi all,

I would like to contribute to this very important thread by adding my experience with Iodine.

I've been taking Iodine for the last 30 days with more or less no severe detox…and one big surprise !
I've started out the with Iodoral caps (12.5 mg) for the first week (my Lugol solution came 1 week later) on Dec. 28th. By that time I already had all the cofactors but decided to just take Selenium and see if the rest was needed.
Please note that I did a pulse consumption ( 5 days ON, weekend OFF) including the Selenium. Vitamin C, Magnesium and salted water were taken on a daily basis. I've also follow what is written here regarding the time of intake,
Meaning salted water early morning, follow by Iodine and cofactor, Vit. C late afternoon and Magnesium before bed time. I've also used other supplement like NAC, Probiotic, Fish Oil, Zinc, Boron etc. but those weren't taken on a Regular basis nor regular timeframe.

Week 1 day 1 to 5 (04.01.16)
- Salted water (Celtic salt, 1/2 ts)
- 1 Iodoral (12.5mg)
- Seleno (Selenium) 1 caps 200mcg
- Vit. C (4 to 5g)
- Magnesium 400mg

Week 2 day 6-10
- Salted water
- Lugol (12%), 2 drops
- Seleno
- Vit. C
- Magnesium

Week 3 day 11-15
- Salted water
- Lugol (3 drops)
- Seleno
- Vit. C
- Magnesium

Week 4 day 16-20
- Salted water
- Lugol (4 drops)
- Seleno
- Vit. C
- Magnesium

Week 5 day 21-25
- Salted water
- Lugol (4 drops)
- Seleno
- Vit. C
- Magnesium

Week 6 day 26-30
- Salted water
- Lugol (5 drops)
- Seleno
- Vit. C
- Magnesium

As I've noted on my log, by week 2 I've decided to increase my Iodine intake by 1 drop every week. By doing this I was trying to provoke (?) a detox without overloading myself, like an increase of 1 drop per day.
I did have some detox though, not severe, but a lot of phlegm on week 1 and 2. Some bowel intolerance's (although these can be attributed to the Vit. C, or at least in conjunction with). Brain fog, and loose stools Were also common.
All these symptoms were easily dealt with. What still present are more in the psychic/emotional field. I have a lot of vivid dreams that I didn't have for a long time…and my mood change abruptly.
Bad mood more than usual, irritation, ( can't stand those Sundays drivers anymore :)). Felling depress is what concern me the most. I always had a difficulty watching or ready the news, now I have to avoid it completely
I've notice that I could be very aggressive (which is very unusual for me) when discussing worlds news with anybody who happen to be in the same room with me. I used to read a lot on SOTT, but even there, I can't
Trust myself spending a lot time reading before my mood hit a bottom.
Beside the mood, my energy level seems also to have change. It was very high the first 2 weeks, now I can be tired very quick

I'm taking a break with Iodine for this week. Meanwhile, I've receive my DMSA from LivingSupplement (3 x 100mg) and would appreciate your opinion as to how I should proceed after the break ? Should I go back taking Iodine (dose ?). Should I add the other cofactors even though there is no severe Hex ? Or should I do a round or more of DMSA instead ? Any thought/suggestion will be much appreciate.

…Now to the BIG surprise…for me anyway.

I've been afflicted with corns on both little toes for the last 10(?) years. Let me first tell you that although small, these can be really painful !
On a worst day, I can't run, walking is a nightmare and any contact to them (bumping on something or anything else) will make me scream in pain. I use to treat them with plasters containing hydrocolloid.
I've avoid surgery, since there is no guaranties that they won't come back ! So those plasters helped me having some relief. It take time (and a lot of plaster) to get rid of them but I'm used to it .
If I'm lucky, I can have a week of peace before feeling that they are coming back. Then I need to be ready… The longer you wait to heal team, the longer it take to get rid of them.
Well guess what, they are gone !! I couldn't believe it ! Only after 2 weeks did I realize that something was missing ! At first I thought it was just a break, they will be back for sure ! well it has been a month now, and still no corns !
They have not totally desappear, I can still feel them when applying enough pressure on both toes (something I wouldn't dare doing on a normal circumstance) but hey ! I can Run again ! I've enjoyed a full month of peace without having to remove my shoes !
I don't have an explanation Regarding this new development. Did the Iodine really help in this case?
For me, without a doubt. How ? Well, I was hoping that a more experienced forum member or one with medicine background can shine some light here because so far,I have no idea and I couldn't find any paper on the effectiveness of Iodine in regards to corns or any other form of clavus. I don't have any other explanation beside the Iodine (and the salted water ?) The next thing I'm willing to try is an external application. I will report back after a week or so…

Thanks for reading !
kanader said:
They have not totally desappear, I can still feel them when applying enough pressure on both toes (something I wouldn't dare doing on a normal circumstance) but hey ! I can Run again ! I've enjoyed a full month of peace without having to remove my shoes !

That is great news! :wow:

Skin problems is actually one of the few mainstream medicine indications left for iodine when nothing else has worked. It should really be the first choice though!

All your body needs iodine, including the skin. Consider that people with eye problems and lack of appropriate lubrication in the eyes have mostly an iodine deficiency and a diet very low in good fats.

It seems you were doing some 70mg of iodine per day with your 5 drops. When you re-start, you can do the initial dose (12mg) and stay there until you are sure your body tolerates the detox. A dose that ranges from 12-50mg per day might be good enough.

For DMSA, if you are still having days with really low mood despite discontinuing iodine, you can do a trial test with 200mg before going to bed. You re-mineralize during the day. If that goes okay, you can try 200mg three times a day for two or three days (on an empty stomach), typically the weekend when you can be at home. That will give you an idea if mercury is really a problem for you. You can complement your mercury detox with chlorella, garlic and cilantro. If you are feeling better after the DMSA days, you can try 3 to 6 cycles of DMSA.

Thank you for sharing your testimonial!
Gaby, just wondering, what do you think about topical iodine for bunions?
Joe said:
Gaby, just wondering, what do you think about topical iodine for bunions?

I think it is worth giving it a try. I would put the iodine in some frankincense oil and/or comfrey oil in order to avoid an iodine burn and also to enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of the topical solution.

I got mild bunions which were painful. The pain and inflammation went away with the metronidazol cycles, but not without some Herx reactions first. Still, the change was noticeable. When I started the iodine, it started to hurt a little bit again. Possibly some more Herx reactions and/or detox. I stopped coffee and now I don't notice the pain anymore. That is one of the things that I'm so glad it went away!
When my DMSA arrived I had a pretty bad cold, so I didn't want to stop taking the Lugols. I took my first round of DMSA while taking fairly high doses of Lugols. I felt good even though I had a cold. The cold lasted a couple of weeks but never slowed me down. I've done my subsequent rounds of DMSA while taking Lugols as well. I've only taken off two days from Lugols since I started. I increase the dosage until I experience detox symptoms and then back down until I feel good again. Then up again. I love it! The most recent noticeable effect is I can suddenly lift more weight when working out. I can lift more weight now than fifteen years ago when I was in my thirties. I suspect increased testosterone levels. I only work out twice a week. I'm about 3/4 done with my first 2 ounce bottle of 5% Lugols.

What's causing my psoriasis is still a mystery. I was taking the new drug Otezla for a while until it stopped working. I have to have something for it until I work out the underlying issues. It's too miserable otherwise. I start Humira tomorrow.
A brief update on my DMSA detox: currently on day 3 of round 6 (low dose - 200mg x 3, for 3 days and four days off, and on all days taking recommended supplements (Baker)), my worst experience so far. Aching joints and fatigue coming with even the smallest of tasks (a colleague referred to me as ‘looking about to faint’ as I carried out some carpet remnants to the dustbin) on each of these days, and feeling wiped-out by the evening. The upside is that there is less brain fog in this round so far. I guess something is happening - detoxing. As this is round 6 of 6, something is obviously mobilised, I guess I need to continue getting rid of the Mercury heavy metal until there is no ‘felt’ reaction. I may take a break and resume later, or …? Not sure whether to resume iodine detoxing in the meantime.

In addition, to factor in what I do next, I recently had a DMSA Urine analysis of trace elements. The findings indicated excess essential trace element Zinc (3x max); trace element Strontium (1.5x max); and toxic trace element Barium (9x max).

Research on the net suggested EDTA for Barium. In addition, mention was made of: garlic (sulphur), ALA, Vit B3, Vit C, Bentonite Clay, Chlorella and Cilentro.

Research for solutions to Strontium led to a product called Algin.

Ref: Detox of Strontium (_
Recommended For
Heavy Metal Detox - Algin is an essential part of any heavy metal detox plan because it helps to prevent redistribution of the harmful substances. We recommend Algin for anyone detoxing heavy metals. It is particularly useful for mercury, lead, strontium-90, and barium.
Barium Detox- Algin is a powerful barium binding agent that keeps barium from redistributing in the body.
Radioactivity Detox - Algin is known for its protective action in relation to radioactivity including radiation-based cancer treatments.
• Primary (essential) supplement for detoxing heavy metals
• Effective against mercury, lead, strontium-90, barium, cadmium, manganese, tin, zinc, and various radioactive materials
• A healthy non-digestible fiber source
• May help reduce cholesterol by inhibiting bile acid absorbtion
• Appears to stimulate T-cell production and function
• Batches pretested for mercury and other heavy metal contamination
• One of our most popular products
• All NSP products adhere to the strict guidelines provided in California proposition 65 for purity (non-contamination)

Our Thoughts
Algin is one of our favorite supplements. We use it to relieve symptoms of and protect the body against the harmful effects of heavy metal poisoning including mercury that leaches from "silver" dental fillings and is found in vaccine preservatives (Thimerosal).

Possibly the most dangerous issue related to detoxing heavy metals from the body is called "redistribution". This is when the metal comes out of body tissue, enters the blood stream, gets filtered and placed into the intestinal tract, only to be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and redeposited into other body tissue thereby causing additional symptoms and harm to the body. Our experience has shown that Algin effectively protects against redistribution. Here's how.

Algin is a non-digestible fiber (categorized as a polysaccharide) found in brown seaweeds such as Kelp. Algin absorbs heavy metals forming an insoluble gel-like salt and then carries them through the digestive system. The net effect is that your symptoms are greatly reduced and in many cases we know of (and in our personal experience), symptoms completely go away.

The protective action that Algin provides is particularly important during heavy metal detox —a time when most people feel particularly bad. By using Algin, you can reduce or eliminate your symptoms and protect your body from redistribution. You may also increase the rate at which you detox knowing that Algin is protecting you (check with your health care provider for safe detox rates).

And, more information about Algin (_

Algin is a non-digestible dietary fiber found in brown seaweeds such as kelp. Algin has the unique quality of being able to absorb large quantities of water – it can swell to approximately 25 to 35 times its original bulk in an alkaline environment. In the intestines, algin exerts a bulk laxative action binding to toxins to inhibit their absorption, then promoting their excretion by drawing these substances out of the body.1-5

Researchers classify align as a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide (the major polysaccharide in brown seaweeds) and a hydrophilic colloidal substance (hydrophilic – readily absorbs moisture; colloid – microscopic particles suspended in some sort of liquid medium).4-6

Algin has been shown to protect against radioactive and heavy-metal contaminants by binding (or chelating) with these toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and forming an insoluble “gel-like” salt (sodium alginate) that is then excreted in the feces. Research conducted in the early 1970’s found that algin absorbs radioactive materials, including strontium-90, barium, cadmium, manganese, mercury, tin, and zinc. Additional studies have determined that align exhibits a high specificity for the binding of strontium in particular.5,7,8

Strontium-90 is especially dangerous because it has a great affinity for calcium and can accumulate inn foods and food substances that have a high calcium content (i.e. milk, green leafy vegetables, etc.). Exposure to strontium-90 results in a rapid accumulation of the isotope in bone tissue, ultimately becoming concentrated in bones (bone marrow) and teeth, where it continues ejecting electrons that cause radiation injury – because strontium-90 is so highly radioactive, it interferes with the production of new blood cells and eventually causes death. Increasing evidence points to a correlation between strontium-90 and the development of bone, breast and prostate cancers, leukemia, multiple myelomas, various childhood malignancies, increased infant mortality, and even asthma.8-13

Readings of strontium-90 in the milk and vegetation from farms in Minnesota were reported in 1959 (after nuclear weapons testing was suspended in 1958); and as recently as June 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed groundwater contamination with strontium-90 near Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. Furthermore, in June of 1999, average strontium-9i0 readings near salmon spawning beds along the Columbia River’s Hanford Reach were reported at an average of 70 picocuries per liter of ground water – ‘at 8 picocuries per liter, the risk of bone cancer increases for someone steadily drinking that water.13-15

Fortunately, align is especially efficient at absorbing and reducing retention of strontium-90. Algin prevents the uptake of strontium-90 by stripping away the metal ions from the calcium molecule and then harmlessly eliminating them from the body in the urine and feces. In 1991, scientists at the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Beijing, China found that sodium alginate reduced the absorption of strontium in human subjects by 78% and completely suppressed increases of serum strontium. Researchers concluded that sodium alginate is a suitable antidote against radiostrontium absorption on a long-term basis. Similar results were also achieved in a study conducted at the University of Montreal.8,16-18

As a non-digestible source of fiber, align increases fecal bulk and has been used effectively to treat constipation (without producing irritation or side effects). Algin may also help reduce cholesterol levels by inhibiting bile acid absorption. In addition, align appears to stimulate T-cell production and function.1,8,19

1 Stansbury ND, J “Cancer Prevention Diet.” Nutrition Science News;August 1999.
2 Fremerman, S. “Kelp.” Natural Health; 1999; 29(9): 42
3 Fitzgerald, F. “Detox for better health.” Nature’s Impact; April/May, 1998.
4 Lee PhD, W. Kelp, Dulse and Other Sea Supplements New Canaan, CT: Keats, 1983.
5 Newall, C., et. al. Herbal Medicines. London, England: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1996
6 Fetrow PharmD, C. & Avila ParmD, J. Professional’s Handbook of Complimentary & Alternative Medicines. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp., 1999.
7 Pizzorno ND, J. & Murray ND, M. Textbook of Natural Medicine, 2ed. London, England: Churchill Livingstone. 1999.
8 Mowrey PhD, D. The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publ., 1986.
9 “Strontium.” British Columbia Institute of Technology – Burnaby, B.C., Canada; _
10 “Strontium.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicargo, IL: Inc., 2000.
11 Gould, J., et al. “Strontium-90 in baby teeth as a factor in early childhood cancer.” International Journal of Health Services; 2000, 30(3): 515-539.
12 Gengo, L. “Mommy, what do I get for this?” Westchester County Weekly: October 19, 2000; _
13 “Hanford officials dispute scientist’s strontium report.” Hanford News: June 28, 1999.
14 Ovington, J.D. and Lawrence, D.B. “Strontium 90 in maize field, cattail marsh and oakwood ecosystems.” Journal of Applied Ecology; 1964, 1: 175-181.
15 “June 11 Update on Groundwater Contamination Near Underground Collection Tank.” Brookhaven National Laboratory Media Update; #97-58, June 11, 1997.
16 Slat, B., e.t al. “Reduction in the absorption and retention of strontium in rats.” Health Physics: 1971, 21(6): 811-814.
17 Gong, Y.F., et al. « Suppression of radioactive strontium absorption by sodium alginate in animals and human subjects. Biomedical and Environmental Science; 1991, 4(3): 273-282.
18 Wood, R. “Vegetables from the sea.” Natural Health; 2000, 30(7): 104.
19 Sandberg, A S, et. al. “Alginate, a small bowel sterol excretion, and absorption of nutrients in ileostomy subjects.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 1994, 60(5), 751-756.

Has anyone come across this product? It seems to do a lot that I need overall. Cost on UK Amazon is GBP62.78 for 200 caps.
Prodigal Son said:
Has anyone come across this product? It seems to do a lot that I need overall. Cost on UK Amazon is GBP62.78 for 200 caps.

Interesting! I read and reported about it here:

Detoxify or Die: Natural Radiation Protection Therapies for Coping With the Fallout of the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown

Studies on sea vegetables with sodium alginate have shown that they selectively bound with radioactive strontium and eliminated it from the body. Sodium alginate is found in many seaweeds, especially kelp. Sodium alginate binds tightly to such substances as strontium, calcium, barium, cadmium and radium.

This is a well documented experience which comes from the Chernobyl disaster.

But now the question that arises is... What if it is really the iodine in kelp that is doing most of the job? For instance, there is this:


Doctors involved with Chernobyl nuclear plant catastrophe in 1989 used kelp for detoxification and thyroid gland rehabilitation, Modifilan helped thousands of nuclear plant workers and people in the area who were affected by the explosion because the iodine is protective against Strontium 90 and other toxicities.

The most important nutrient provided by kelp is iodine. Seaweed is noted for its ability to bind heavy metals and radioactive pollutants. Dr. Yukio Tanaka of the Gastrointestinal Research Lab at McGill University demonstrated that kelp may inhibit the absorption of lead, cadmium, and radioactive strontium (one of the most hazardous pollutants). 80 to 90 percent of radioisotopes of Strontium 90 could be removed from the intestinal tract in the presence of seaweed. Iodine and the sodium alginates found in seaweed are the specific agents that do the chelation. So much Strontium 90 has been released by nuclear explosions, power plants, and nuclear weapons facilities that it is believed that every person has detectable levels in their bone tissue. Many cancers are attributable to this contamination.

It is worth a try, but I would also re-start the iodine detox. Slowly but surely.
Prodigal Son said:
A brief update on my DMSA detox: currently on day 3 of round 6 (low dose - 200mg x 3, for 3 days and four days off, and on all days taking recommended supplements (Baker)), my worst experience so far.

Another thing to consider is that the original protocol calls for 3 days on DMSA with eleven days off. It is a two week rotation allowing for recovery time. Doing it with four days off might be too much for some folk. In theory, we should be able to do it just fine considering that the DMSA dose is for children weighting forty pounds. But maybe the iodine is mobilizing a lot of stuff and/or we are really loaded with toxic stuff.
Prodigal Son said:
Research on the net suggested EDTA for Barium. In addition, mention was made of: garlic (sulphur), ALA, Vit B3, Vit C, Bentonite Clay, Chlorella and Cilentro.

I'd also add concentrated wild garlic tincture since it's a very good chelating agent with probably less side effects than DMSA and more potent than garlic itself. If you use garlic one should cut it small and wait approx. 10 minutes to let allicin develop. Cilentro and wild garlic as spices are probably much less potent than tinctures. Cilentro is also mostly mobilizing (than chelating) agent, as far as I know.

Dr. Klinghardt recommends taking chlorella (chelating agent) 40-60 minutes before taking mobilizing agent (Cilentro or iodine) so that the excreted heavy metals can be directly chelated in the gut. Garlic or wild garlic should be taken with meals so that they can directly chelate heavy metals from the food.

Good idea would also be to take tumeric (especially fresh but spices would also do, I guess). It should be taken with fat and a bit heated up. A little bit of black pepper (important: freshly ground) will drastically increase the effect from curcumin.

Hang in! :hug2:
Slight update: after my two days off, I lowered the dose to 6 drops of 5%, and within 15 minutes had two 'lightning bolts' of pain in my right ear...was same kind of pain in neck mentioned in my previous post. Will take another couple days off of iodine, up the vitC and sea salt intake, and come back with 4 drops.

RflctnOfU said:
Slight update: after my two days off, I lowered the dose to 6 drops of 5%, and within 15 minutes had two 'lightning bolts' of pain in my right ear...was same kind of pain in neck mentioned in my previous post. Will take another couple days off of iodine, up the vitC and sea salt intake, and come back with 4 drops.


Why don't you just start at a low dose, like one drop per day, and do that for awhile, then go up to two drops per day for awhile, and so on? Then, if you raise it by "one drop over the line", you'll know it pretty quick and just drop back. That seems to be a rational approach to me.
Laura said:
RflctnOfU said:
Slight update: after my two days off, I lowered the dose to 6 drops of 5%, and within 15 minutes had two 'lightning bolts' of pain in my right ear...was same kind of pain in neck mentioned in my previous post. Will take another couple days off of iodine, up the vitC and sea salt intake, and come back with 4 drops.


Why don't you just start at a low dose, like one drop per day, and do that for awhile, then go up to two drops per day for awhile, and so on? Then, if you raise it by "one drop over the line", you'll know it pretty quick and just drop back. That seems to be a rational approach to me.

I suppose it could be said this is my gung-ho attitude coming out :). Thank you for bringing me back down from the clouds! One drop it is...and I agree that is a more rational approach, and I did that the entire protocol so far. Started out at one, and added one drop each week. Was fine until the 7 drops a day started.

Gaby said:
But now the question that arises is... What if it is really the iodine in kelp that is doing most of the job? For instance, there is this:


The most important nutrient provided by kelp is iodine. Seaweed is noted for its ability to bind heavy metals and radioactive pollutants. Dr. Yukio Tanaka of the Gastrointestinal Research Lab at McGill University demonstrated that kelp may inhibit the absorption of lead, cadmium, and radioactive strontium (one of the most hazardous pollutants). 80 to 90 percent of radioisotopes of Strontium 90 could be removed from the intestinal tract in the presence of seaweed. Iodine and the sodium alginates found in seaweed are the specific agents that do the chelation. So much Strontium 90 has been released by nuclear explosions, power plants, and nuclear weapons facilities that it is believed that every person has detectable levels in their bone tissue. Many cancers are attributable to this contamination.

It is worth a try, but I would also re-start the iodine detox. Slowly but surely.

My thoughts too, that iodine may be the way to go - for all. From earlier in the thread it was mentioned to do Heavy Metal detox being getting into iodine detoxing. Hence stopping iodine and taking the DMSA route.

Gaby said:
Prodigal Son said:
A brief update on my DMSA detox: currently on day 3 of round 6 (low dose - 200mg x 3, for 3 days and four days off, and on all days taking recommended supplements (Baker)), my worst experience so far.

Another thing to consider is that the original protocol calls for 3 days on DMSA with eleven days off. It is a two week rotation allowing for recovery time. Doing it with four days off might be too much for some folk. In theory, we should be able to do it just fine considering that the DMSA dose is for children weighting forty pounds. But maybe the iodine is mobilizing a lot of stuff and/or we are really loaded with toxic stuff.
My thinking here was that as the dose was so low, one week rotation would be OK. The later half of each week on DMSA has been OK.

Altair said:
Prodigal Son said:
Research on the net suggested EDTA for Barium. In addition, mention was made of: garlic (sulphur), ALA, Vit B3, Vit C, Bentonite Clay, Chlorella and Cilentro.

I'd also add concentrated wild garlic tincture since it's a very good chelating agent with probably less side effects than DMSA and more potent than garlic itself. If you use garlic one should cut it small and wait approx. 10 minutes to let allicin develop. Cilentro and wild garlic as spices are probably much less potent than tinctures. Cilentro is also mostly mobilizing (than chelating) agent, as far as I know.
Thanks for that advice, will put it into practice. :)

Dr. Klinghardt recommends taking chlorella (chelating agent) 40-60 minutes before taking mobilizing agent (Cilentro or iodine) so that the excreted heavy metals can be directly chelated in the gut. Garlic or wild garlic should be taken with meals so that they can directly chelate heavy metals from the food.

Good idea would also be to take tumeric (especially fresh but spices would also do, I guess). It should be taken with fat and a bit heated up. A little bit of black pepper (important: freshly ground) will drastically increase the effect from curcumin.
:) This, latter, is my standard procedure with breakfast each morning. :)
Gaby said:
Joe said:
Gaby, just wondering, what do you think about topical iodine for bunions?

I think it is worth giving it a try. I would put the iodine in some frankincense oil and/or comfrey oil in order to avoid an iodine burn and also to enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of the topical solution.

I got mild bunions which were painful. The pain and inflammation went away with the metronidazol cycles, but not without some Herx reactions first. Still, the change was noticeable. When I started the iodine, it started to hurt a little bit again. Possibly some more Herx reactions and/or detox. I stopped coffee and now I don't notice the pain anymore. That is one of the things that I'm so glad it went away!

SSKI is better for topical use from the sites I have read. Plus, it doesn't leave stains as it is clear as water.
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