Iodine and Potassium Iodide

nicklebleu said:
Beau said:
An update on my DMSA detox. Mostly fine, but dealing with occasional headaches that are quite strong. I battle them with lots of vitamin C and Aleve. The other day it took 15 grams of C, and then when that didn't lick it 4 Aleves, to kill the headache. Also, some stiffness in my neck along with intermittent sharp stinging pain in the back of my neck right where it meets up with my head. I'm sneezing a ton the last few days, but not dealing with any phlegm or other cold-like symptoms. Also, some strange stuff going on with one my nostrils, it's very tender on the outside and inside, and on the inside the skin has hardened in a specific spot. I don't know if it's related to the very dry air of winter or not, or if the dryness is exacerbating things, but the strange skin change on the inside is something I've never experienced before.

To me that sounds a lot like bromide detox symptoms. You might want to stop the iodine for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

I had this (bolded above) briefly after my previous post while driving for a visit with a friend. It didn't occur to me at the time that this might be a bromide detox symptom. I was thinking it was because I slept in an awkward position. I shall up VitC intake on my off days.

Miss.K said:
biala84 said:
Hello People:)

I have a question about Iodine :) I live now in Spain. I want to make my own Iodine. For that i need Iodine (25g) and Potassium Iodide (50g) . Do You know where can i buy it i mean maybe you know some pages where can i buy it by internet?

Greetings :)

Much Love for You :)

I'm not sure, but both Iherb and Amazon UK an US ships to Spain, so maybe you can find it there?

thank U
nicklebleu said:
Beau said:
An update on my DMSA detox. Mostly fine, but dealing with occasional headaches that are quite strong. I battle them with lots of vitamin C and Aleve. The other day it took 15 grams of C, and then when that didn't lick it 4 Aleves, to kill the headache. Also, some stiffness in my neck along with intermittent sharp stinging pain in the back of my neck right where it meets up with my head. I'm sneezing a ton the last few days, but not dealing with any phlegm or other cold-like symptoms. Also, some strange stuff going on with one my nostrils, it's very tender on the outside and inside, and on the inside the skin has hardened in a specific spot. I don't know if it's related to the very dry air of winter or not, or if the dryness is exacerbating things, but the strange skin change on the inside is something I've never experienced before.

To me that sounds a lot like bromide detox symptoms. You might want to stop the iodine for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

I'm only taking DMSA. I stopped the iodine about a month ago.
Updating. I'm still taking 7 drops of ~6% Lugol's twice a day. Sea salt water first thing in the morning. Selenium 200 mcg. Ascorbic acid 2 to 3 grams a day in 1 gram divided doses. 3 to 6 mg boron. Zinc. Potassium every 2 or 3 days. Vitamin D-3 once or twice a week. NAC and magnesium before bed. Sometimes I take a second sea salt water in the mid afternoon. Not taking the niacinamide, b2 riboflavin, or B-50 Complex everyday. I think my mother and I may have MTHFR / methylation (carbon) cycle problems. So it's worth trying supplements specifically for that and see if we get much more benefit from the ketogenic diet and the iodine therapy, etc. (I've order a bunch of those supplements, and waiting for delivery - I'm probably going to order a couple more).

My mother got the most benefit from going keto in 2011 - before that she had eliminated grains and dairy for a few months. Now with the iodine protocol she's had some improvements, but accompanied by detox symptoms (and some other older symptoms that come and go - real moving target). As I'd mentioned earlier that she would, she upped her Lugol's to 3 drops once daily for the last couple of weeks. She takes sea salt water twice a day (once with ionic trace minerals drops added). She takes 4 to 5 grams ascorbic acid in 1 gram divided doses daily. Selenium 200 mcg. Magnesium; potassium; zinc (every other day), boron 3 mg (every other day). NAC a few times a week. And 3 to 6 grams of glycine in herbal teas daily.

She's going to try going to 4 drops Lugol's soon. Since we both might have the methylation problems, she is also not taking the B vitamins every day. Also, I've ordered betaine HCL with pesin, and a trial probiotics to get the digestive system in tip-top shape for her and I if possible. Also ordered ALA (the R form) to do some mobilizing/chelation and all around boost for a bit later. I can't get DMSA for now, might search for DMPS, but the ALA is probably best and should be enough otherwise.

So that's it for now (oh, and my brother is doing 3 drops of Lugol's once daily for quite a while - doesn't take much else except selenium a few times a week - says doesn't need anything else).
Gaby said:
Beau said:
I'm only taking DMSA. I stopped the iodine about a month ago.

That is a pretty strong reaction. How much DMSA were you doing?

I'm doing 300mg/day for 3 days and then 5 days of minerals.
Beau said:
I'm doing 300mg/day for 3 days and then 5 days of minerals.

That is pretty low! Maybe the iodine mobilized a lot of stuff. I would remineralize and take other supplements minus the DMSA until you get better. Then, as a trial test, you could do DMSA 200mg twice per week and see how that goes. Allow at least 3 days without DMSA before you take the next dose.

A very gentle protocol would be DMSA 100-200mg every three days before going to bed. It is fairly well tolerated by people.

I would wash the nostrils with colloidal silver and physiological solution, alternatively unrefined salted distilled water. That would bring the inflammation down.

Speedy recovery!
Oxajil said:
As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement.

Wow! Congratulations on the good news. That must be a big relief that things are improving. :thup: :flowers:
Eärwen said:
Hello to all, I thought I'd share a little update and some pretty good news.
I followed two months Iodine therapy protocol by David Brownstein for women with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and fibrocystic breast disease, with 2X5 drops (per day) of Lugol with 5% Iodine, together with salt water (2X glass of water with 1/2 tbs of salt, per day), vitamin B2&B3 and C, Mg, milk thistle, ALA and Omega 3, and followed advices on our forum. I commenced with 1X2 drops of Lugol and gradually set it to the 5 drops.
It was really tough experience, with Herxheimer reaction on 3 drops and felling like hell. But the only thing that keep me going was the fact that I didn't have any kind of PCOS pain since end of the first week of the protocol. It still feel like miracle, PCOS is life with almost constant pain and no help from regular medicine (unless the hormonal poisoning is "therapy"), actually, according to the docs there is no cure for PCOS.
Well there is and it is Iodine.
You know when you have something like this and after 25 years of all kind of therapies and tests and ups and downs it is almost unbelievable to actually live without pain. No back pain, no ovary pain, no stomach cramps, no swelling, no muscle spasms, no Dysmenorrhea, no crying in agony, no PMS, etc.
Very happy to hear. Great testimonial and it again shows the powerful effect of iodine.
So much suffering to line the pharmaceutical profit line and yet the answer and cure in some if not most cases could be so simple as iodine and a few supplements, thus giving the body the tools to heal itself.

The second suprise is that I can calm myself when angry. Before most of the time I didn't have control over my negative emotions, now is more like I could see myself feeling angry, or nervous or feeling like boiling up, and as fast I notice what is going on in my mind, I can easily compose myself and calm down without any trouble. I don't know, has anyone experienced something like this? Perhaps this kind of change is part of minimization of negative effect of the PCOS on my behaviour. (PCOS, has been linked to various emotional and mental disorders, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, mood swings, and chronic stress.) But I would gladly have your opinion on it, because I fell different than before and more in control of myself, most important I feel calmer and happier. To tell you the truth I was pretty much depressed most of the time in last 10 years and I now I'm not.
I have noticed the same thing in regards to anger and negative emotions and the ability to not be run by the negative emotions or anger outbursts have disappeared with taking iodine/iodide. To me that was really unexpected and it is such a relief as negative emotions really sap the system. So in my case it could not be linked to PCOS as I inhabit a male body ;)

Be well, Eärwen!
Aeneas said:
I have noticed the same thing in regards to anger and negative emotions and the ability to not be run by the negative emotions ...

This ability I think stems from greater understanding and acceptance. The ability to take on these negative thoughts & emotions and see them in clear light.

In my own case, I feel this (iodine taking) has almost been like the ingestion of a "truth serum." With striking results. Lots and lots of previously assumed "resolved" issues in my life, began popping out -- at unexpected moments. Flashes of "put away" episodes ... along with glimpses of the real truth behind them.

Luckily, I've been able to fully embrace these. Whenever they appear.

My innate attitude apparently is aimed in the direction of greater clarity -- whatever the consequences. I'm not afraid. And the consequences themselves so far have not been bad. I believe it has given me a wider and deeper understanding of who I am. Along with my purpose in life.


I've stopped taking iodine recently due to some unexpected joint discomfort on the fingers of my left hand. When it subsides, I will probably resume the routine of 2 to 4 drops each morning. Along with that most wonderful of prayers:

"Hello water, can you ....... " :)
sitting said:
Aeneas said:
I have noticed the same thing in regards to anger and negative emotions and the ability to not be run by the negative emotions ...

This ability I think stems from greater understanding and acceptance. The ability to take on these negative thoughts & emotions and see them in clear light.

In my own case, I feel this (iodine taking) has almost been like the ingestion of a "truth serum." With striking results. Lots and lots of previously assumed "resolved" issues in my life, began popping out -- at unexpected moments. Flashes of "put away" episodes ... along with glimpses of the real truth behind them.

Luckily, I've been able to fully embrace these. Whenever they appear.

My innate attitude apparently is aimed in the direction of greater clarity -- whatever the consequences. I'm not afraid. And the consequences themselves so far have not been bad. I believe it has given me a wider and deeper understanding of who I am. Along with my purpose in life.

That's great to hear Aeneas and sitting. :)

sitting said:
I've stopped taking iodine recently due to some unexpected joint discomfort on the fingers of my left hand. When it subsides, I will probably resume the routine of 2 to 4 drops each morning. Along with that most wonderful of prayers:

"Hello water, can you ....... " :)

Have you tried taking minerals? I would have these small pains in my fingers at the beginning when I started iodine, and taking minerals on a day off helped. Magnesium was also helpful. Maybe worth the try if you haven't already, hope it helps!
Oxajil said:
Have you tried taking minerals? I would have these small pains in my fingers at the beginning when I started iodine, and taking minerals on a day off helped. Magnesium was also helpful.

Thank you. I will definitely look into this.
biala84 said:
Miss.K said:
biala84 said:
Hello People:)

I have a question about Iodine :) I live now in Spain. I want to make my own Iodine. For that i need Iodine (25g) and Potassium Iodide (50g) . Do You know where can i buy it i mean maybe you know some pages where can i buy it by internet?

Greetings :)

Much Love for You :)

I'm not sure, but both Iherb and Amazon UK an US ships to Spain, so maybe you can find it there?

thank U

It might be cheaper from Germany. Some chemlab companies have these chemicals. I am not sure if it is worthwhile to mix it yourself. For your reference, I could buy Lugol's 5% for abt. EUR 8/100 ml in Germany. Shipment in Europe is abt. EUR 4 for small parcels.

If you cannot get adequate prices pls report back here.
Thank U for Your information :) I already check it and it safe to make it by my own :) Some things sometimes look more difficult then they are :)
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