Just a bit of an update.
All of us here did the DMSA metals test and the results were somewhat astonishing. Since we all live together, eat pretty much the same diet, experience the same environment, and a number of us are members of one family, you would expect some similarity in results, right? That's not what we got. The results were all over the place!!! Not only in a number of the good minerals/metals being low (or high), but also in the heavy toxic metals. Even with my children, who were brought up in an identical environment, eating the same foods, same exposures to whatever were VERY different from each other!
What this tells us is something VERY important, I think: everybody is really different in the way their bodies are constructed and how they react to different things, how they hold nutrients or toxins, how they are able to detox, and where help is needed. Just freaking amazing to see this in "black and white", (though it was color coded).
Now that we know who is deficient in what beneficial elements, they can concentrate on upping their intake of those specific nutrients. And knowing which of the toxic metals are exhibited tells us which of the chelators is most effective, or if a combination is better.
Another amazing thing was to see the levels of iodine that showed up in these tests. The ones who take the most are not necessarily the ones who exhibit the highest levels, and vice versa. This should give us pause when considering what is right for any one person to be taking.
Another point might be made: taking iodine might trigger unloading of all kinds of things including GOOD minerals/nutrients, OR might make the body systems more active thus requiring higher amounts of those nutrients/minerals/metals. That might be why some of us showed up pretty low on good minerals.
It's just a really mixed bag and there is NO one-size-fits-all protocol. If you can't get the tests done, you must pay close attention to your body. If you have anxiety or palpitations or pains or whatever, you can probably assume that you are low on good minerals or that toxic metals are being detoxed OR BOTH!!!
Also, I've been experimenting with my iodine intake and observing body reactions. I notice that, for me, it is the elemental iodine that triggers the most intense detox symptoms. And that is true for Ark, as well. And it doesn't have to be really high dose, either. The main symptoms for us seem to be arthritic like pains in all kinds of places. Interestingly, it occurs mainly in feet and hands, i.e. extremities.
When we take just KI - potassium iodide - with no added elemental iodine, the detox (assuming that is what it is) calms down. I also load up on mineral supplements being now able to know at least what my body tends to be low on.