Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Laura said:
Mandatory Intellectomy said:
Actually, when I read your previous post, I was thinking that the difference in the bodies is already a consequence rather than a cause. I suspect it's the consciousness that's different in the first place and has a much bigger influence on the body than we usually think.

If you made two identical cloned bodies and incarnated two different souls in them (let's not worry about how for now), I think the consciousness of each of them would soon change the body in all kinds of ways, and a few years down the line, the bodies could be very different, with different problems, even if they lived in the same environment and did the same things.

Your general attitude, approach to life, optimism/pessimism, whether you're systematic or random, forget about problems easily or dwell on them long, hoard things or get rid of them easily... I think all of that might have an influence, possibly large, on how the body works.

Very good points! And it makes sense. It's a combination of genetics and soul/consciousness. That might suggest that some very precise information about an individual's issues could be derived from such tests if only we knew how to asses. Maybe it's a kind of language that could be deciphered? What an element does in the body, what it's lack or overabundance might mean...

This is very interesting! To know that each body is unique as one snowflake is unique. We are unique, lonely and free. I mean, this knowing that I am unique gives me the key to be really, really responsible of my body, myself. It also gives some wisdom. If my friend is different, unique, what works for me not necessary works for him. So I have to respect him, his body, his person, his way to discover what is good for him. We are unique, every one with a unique identity, free. I am free also from the genetics, to a certain point, of my family. If my father had a heart problem that does not mean I, his daughter, have the same problem. I am free of my father. Of my family. Of my species. I am unique and responsible of my body and of the life I give to my body. My body is my wisdom. The sentence "my mother myself" is a lie, to a certain point also. Our health system see us as all alike. One pill will cure everyone. It is not true at all.

Thanks Laura! We are learning so much with you.
Just a short update: I took the Cilantro/Chlorella heavy metal detox for 2 weeks. I reported that sebaceous cysts have softened and some have completely disappeared with no side effects. Well at the end of the 2nd week of the heavy metal detox, I had what looked like little red blood broken blood vessels on my face and arms. I'm assuming from what I read of others' experiences that it might be a release of Bromine? They went away after a couple days. The remainder of the cysts are smaller in size and seem to keep shrinking. :) This is exciting for me since I had these buggers for too long and finally they're disappearing! Hail Iodine!! I'll start back up today with the Iodine protocol. Thanks Laura and everyone else who has contributed to this life changing thread!

I'm going to try the Iodine topically on a corn on the bottom of my foot and report back with results. :)
Argh! My message disappeared :shock: ! So...

Really interesting confirmation of there's no One Size Fits All!


We started the protocol a week ago with my girlfriend, my mother and my step-father.

My girlfriend and I are making the research and they decided to follow along.

We started with 1 drop of 12% Lugol's (2.7 mg of Iodine per drop and 5.3 mg of Potassium Iodide per drop). Salt water, co-factors.

Prior to starting the protocol, I had a grippe beginning to show up, which didn't happen since a long while. It disappeared the same day. My girlfriend and I directly noticed the overall effect on our energy levels, my mother noticed it the day after, and my step-father still didn't note any symptoms. We all had our urine going fluo yellow at some point though.

My girlfriend and I feel very focused and able to concentrate for longer periods of time without feeling tired. It's like we are super efficient and able to hold on more information.

No specific symptoms overall concerning my mother and my step-father. 1 drop first week, 2 drops this week.

I had a dream the first night where Laura (strong symbolism for me as usual) and I had a discussion. The message was that it was to each one of us to find our own limits and what fits best to us.

I decided the day after to up my dose to 3 drops, Thursday : 4 drops, Friday: 5 drops. My girlfriend upped her dose to 4 drops.
We make a break on the weekend and will keep it that way.

Thursday and Friday, we (my girlfriend and I) had a discomfort in the throat, the need to swallow to make it go away with no success, and a lot of bubbly saliva being produced. The weekend pause made it go away.

I have had some muscle stiffness and acne flare up in my back this weekend. She also had some acne flare up in the back, her lymph nodes are a bit sensitive, and there's something happening with her psoriasis but can't really define it for now.

We'll keep upping the dose 1 drop per week from now on. Step-father and mam are using 2, my girlfriend has 4 and I have 5.

Nothing unbearable for now, but wow, this ability to be more focused is definitely something!

Today I'm fasting, so I was a bit worried about having the lugol's on an empty stomach, but so far so good.

I have a question regarding the salt intake because we're supposed to have the lugol's after lunch, an hour after the Salty Blessed Water, but as I use a lot of salt while eating, I was wondering how this would not interfere with the Iodine as it's directly after the meal?

Even though we definitely note the effects of it.
It’s really good to know that everyone has to find out what works for them and their body. After reading many members taking much more iodine than I was, I wondered if my intake might be too low. But I think the low amount works well for me.

I have noticed some sugar cravings, which is very unusual for me. I really dislike most sweets in general. I did a search and found out Joe recommended garlic, so I will try that.

Quick question about vinegar. I know apple cider vinegar is healthy and many members take it with different protocols, but what about regular vinegar? Especially pickled stuff? I know that apple cider vinegar has more magnesium, potassium and sodium. But is regular vinegar harmful or just weaker?
Nima said:
It’s really good to know that everyone has to find out what works for them and their body. After reading many members taking much more iodine than I was, I wondered if my intake might be too low. But I think the low amount works well for me.

I have noticed some sugar cravings, which is very unusual for me. I really dislike most sweets in general. I did a search and found out Joe recommended garlic, so I will try that.

Quick question about vinegar. I know apple cider vinegar is healthy and many members take it with different protocols, but what about regular vinegar? Especially pickled stuff? I know that apple cider vinegar has more magnesium, potassium and sodium. But is regular vinegar harmful or just weaker?

Yeah, it sure makes it a personal adventure for everyone - no wonder it is no easy task to regain one's health!

I stay away from all vinegars generally due to histamine intolerance, but you should be fine with most vinegars if you're not sensitive. Malt vinegar (the dark stuff) is made with barley though, which is a gluten grain.
Nancy2feathers said:
I'm going to try the Iodine topically on a corn on the bottom of my foot and report back with results. :)

It works.

I had one, on the side of my left foot little toe. Bothered me a lot, especially with my skates on.

I put a drop of iodine on it each day, sometimes twice a day. In 2 1/2 weeks, it shrunk. Now simply a small patch of tough skin -- which I will treat with coconut oil & lotion.

Discomfort all gone, even when skating. Amazing!

Shijing said:
I'm also sorry to hear about your experience, Aiming. Do you notice any correlation between your good and bad days and the days when you are on and off the DMSA? FWIW, when I began my own heavy metal chelation at the end of 2014, I was doing 5 days on and 9 days off. During the on days, I would often need to sleep as much as 11 or 12 hours a night, and during the day I would feel really sluggish, out of it, and physically and emotionally raw. It would be discouraging, because sometimes there were things that needed to be done, but I would have to just lie down in the evening and take another nap even though I had slept so much the previous night. I would feel better on the off days when I was remineralizing -- not great, but certainly not that bad. This cycle lasted close to three months, and then it slowly began to improve until about 6 months in, I wasn't able to tell much of a difference between the on and off days, and that continued through the beginning of 2016. So take care and try not to be discouraged -- if my experience is typical at all, it means that the worst part is at the beginning, but you'll eventually even out (hopefully sooner than I did) :hug2:

Wow, that sounds intense, Shijing! Glad that you have that ordeal behind you and thanks for sharing your experience with it. Will see how DMSA keeps going for me.

As for noting any correlation between the on and off days of DMSA, that's a question I hadn't considered yet, I'll need to take notes on this from now on. The only thing I started suspecting is that there's still a candida issue going on, which makes sense given the heavy metal load. Some symptoms have popped up (e.g. red toes sensible to pain), which remind me of those from a couple of years back, so that's another angle to go at it in terms of supplementation.

Carl said:
Sorry to hear that Aiming :hug2: . Feeling like crap after years of healthful pursuits can get disheartening sometimes, but we can be reasonably sure that for any detoxing protocol, bad symptoms will lead to better health in the long term. I can relate to the feeling of constant struggle just to get even the basic stuff done, it feels the same for me lately. But really it has always been there, and it becoming more apparent may be a good thing.

I hope you feel better soon, and at least you have had a taste of what something like optimal functioning feels like :) .

Thanks, Carl, and I hope you'll also be feeling better soon! :hug2: And I agree, knowing what it's like to actually feel good, have more than enough energy - that's a strong incentive to keep going. I'm not really discouraged here, it's just becoming exhausting now and then. I think, for all those going through something similar, what can make it somewhat easier is to consider the flip side to having the detox symptoms: it can also be seen as another exercise of struggling. Training the muscle of will via pushing through. Also, if it's the iodine responsible for bringing all kinds of buried/unprocessed emotions to the surface, which weren't so easily accessible before, then that's just another positive - in the long run.
97th day on iodine:

Red skin [fungal] patches are completely gone. 50mg Lugols + 150~300mg KI appears to have saturated my body so I paused 2 days and restarted from 2 drops of Lugols 2%. Now I plan going after the pre-diabetic red patch on my ankle with e-vitamin oil, once I'll be able to order. After FIR it started to regenerate faster again.

Acquired a pain in my right cheek, a strange teeth inflammation expanding to neighboring areas causing strong teeth pain - root canal? - and cold water sensitivity (chocolate) and a flu like condition + accompanying drain on energy, because of the inflammation. I'm out of Lysine-Proline so the strong anti-inflammatory effect of that cocktail is no longer protecting me.

Took Aspirin to be able to concentrate on work, because as a result of the apparent IQ/awareness and capacity-increasing effect of iodine I wanted to test, how my mental endurance increased, so I accepted a high-stress 'engineering' contract. Today the strange inflammation is gone.

I was never so stressed in my life and slept so irregularly as now. The rejuvenating effect of iodine further makes it difficult to regulate my circadian cycle, since I can remain up longer. But then of course it costs me dearly the next day.

100~200mg 5-HTP, Adrene Vive, GABA, 3x more potassium is required to take the new stress. Had to begin FIR sauna again to restore energy and be able to sleep, because the 2011 condition of unable to sleep-heart/chest-pain-panic-anxiety state returned. Now I'm learning quickly. Plan on ordering a big shipment of Magnesium Lactate Dihydrate and Lysine-proline+VitC form here: (once they fill up their stock in 4 weeks)

Regulate circadian cycle, proper sleep, grounding, proper exercise, more FIR saunas is the plan.

Observing these difficulties with iodine and the resulting awareness it brings is night and day difference, compared to the mindless suffering from high-stress in 2011.

Thank You for the amazing health research in this forum, for showing us the magnesium miracle and the iodine protocol!!
Laura said:
Very good points! And it makes sense. It's a combination of genetics and soul/consciousness. That might suggest that some very precise information about an individual's issues could be derived from such tests if only we knew how to asses. Maybe it's a kind of language that could be deciphered? What an element does in the body, what it's lack or overabundance might mean...

Gaby said:
It will be interesting to look into each element and speculate according to the information of each element, plus our own individual issues.

I am not at all well versed in those topics, but the above made me think about Chinese five elements and Ayurveda's three constitutions. And perhaps other similar philosophies. And also about the alchemical meaning of some metals and elements.

Maybe the idea is, that not only the symbolic meaning of each element and its physical effect should be taken into account, but also its possible interaction and affect on the specific person at a specific time? As was mentioned, maybe people with one temperament or soul signature/frequency resonance would response in one way to the interaction of this metal with the body, and people with another set of variables would respond in a different way. Quite fascinating, actually. It's like deciphering possible inner chemical reactions and alchemical transformation.

This kind of "matching" reminded me of homeopathy, where one "treats like with like", but in order to do so, one should be very sure about the nature of what needed to be treated. Who knows, maybe "talking to the water" and this way changing the inner chemical/alchemical landscape, can trigger a cascade of other changes too, including chemical interactions with all the elements in the body. Just some thoughts.
when I started the protocol a few weeks ago I increased the dose to quick taking 4 drops WAY to much just wanted to sleep all day no motivation to do anything I stopped for a week took vitamin C and salt water symptoms cleared in a day or two im back on it the last few days taking an hour or so after salted water 15% lugols 2 drops once a day with selenium multivitamin/mineral and NAC later in the day take magnesium and vitamin C and quarter to half tbs salted water the last couple of days from what ive read tonight what I think is the lymph node behind my ear is swollen hard lump sore to touch have read on the forum this could be a good sign im not sure to increase the dose or stop and take vitamin C and salt water till the lump goes any advise would be appreciated.

Cheers Liam
liam1310 said:
when I started the protocol a few weeks ago I increased the dose to quick taking 4 drops WAY to much just wanted to sleep all day no motivation to do anything I stopped for a week took vitamin C and salt water symptoms cleared in a day or two im back on it the last few days taking an hour or so after salted water 15% lugols 2 drops once a day with selenium multivitamin/mineral and NAC later in the day take magnesium and vitamin C and quarter to half tbs salted water the last couple of days from what ive read tonight what I think is the lymph node behind my ear is swollen hard lump sore to touch have read on the forum this could be a good sign im not sure to increase the dose or stop and take vitamin C and salt water till the lump goes any advise would be appreciated.

Cheers Liam

There would be no harm in stopping the iodine and continuing with the vitamin C, salt water and other co-factors to see if the lump goes away. It sounds like your detox channels might be having a hard time keeping up.

Also, could you use punctuation and capitalization in your posts? It makes them easier to read.
liam1310 said:
when I started the protocol a few weeks ago I increased the dose to quick taking 4 drops WAY to much just wanted to sleep all day no motivation to do anything I stopped for a week took vitamin C and salt water symptoms cleared in a day or two im back on it the last few days taking an hour or so after salted water 15% lugols 2 drops once a day with selenium multivitamin/mineral and NAC later in the day take magnesium and vitamin C and quarter to half tbs salted water the last couple of days from what ive read tonight what I think is the lymph node behind my ear is swollen hard lump sore to touch have read on the forum this could be a good sign im not sure to increase the dose or stop and take vitamin C and salt water till the lump goes any advise would be appreciated.

Cheers Liam

Hi Liam,

If that lymph node is swollen, it's commonly from infection or inflammation. It means that the lymph node is doing its job. I'd stop the iodine and take the vitamin C, salted water, NAC and other cofactors until it clears up. Speedy recovery :)
Posted by: Odyssey
« on: Today at 01:10:10 AM »

There would be no harm in stopping the iodine and continuing with the vitamin C, salt water and other co-factors to see if the lump goes away. It sounds like your detox channels might be having a hard time keeping up.

Thanks Odyssey.

Also, could you use punctuation and capitalization in your posts? It makes them easier to read

No problem, I will keep this in mind with future posts.
Posted by: Menrva
« on: Today at 01:13:31 AM »

Hi Liam,

If that lymph node is swollen, it's commonly from infection or inflammation. It means that the lymph node is doing its job. I'd stop the iodine and take the vitamin C, salted water, NAC and other cofactors until it clears up. Speedy recovery :)

Good to know its doing its job. will stop the iodine for a few days and use the sauna blanket.
Hello everyone, I wanted to report
I started the iodine protocol about three weeks ago, and the first week, I did feel very weird dreams, and after coffee did feel the boost like never before, i started with 3 droops of 5% iodine lugol solution, salt water and chlorella. The dreams and some energy extra, but definitely the dreams, and my stomach has been making this weird noise.

the second week i jumped to 4 droops, but started to feel tired, as usual, Im always tired. but i did experience a serious improvement on a condition i have..

some light palpitations, dizziness, itchy skin,
this week i started 5 drops yesterday and today, have not felt any mayor difference.

What i have experienced is neck pain as i have had a neck problem for years now, my neck is stiff and the disk that hurts is killing me sometimes.

I think this is about it for now.
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