Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Gaby said:
Skyalmian said:

Does it feel like there is a nodule underneath it?
Not really? They just seem to be the largest zits ever, and when squeezed react like them (the white stuff, fluids/pus, sometimes blood, etc.). They are slowing down normally fast default walking speeds because they seem to be within the center of those muscles, where all the pressure goes when those muscles are used, and thus when overused makes them worse / hurt more. They may be there as sign/symptom to slow down.

So far none have showed up elsewhere.

A quick Google search shows there isn't much out there on Clarkia + Iodine. :/

Magnesium was taken weeks to months back along with everything else, but ran out. Potassium sources only include bananas, and salty foods for salt.

Clarkia apparently is 30% grain alcohol ("Beside herbs, Clarkia contains purified water and 30% grain alcohol."), unsure what effect that would have with other things.

nicklebleu said:

could you get a closeup - as sharp and focussed as possible?
No, sorry, as this phone and its camera is all I have. :/
goyacobol said:
I have finished reading Dr. Brownstein's book and I noticed a case that may be similar to your experience (which I have noted along with Joe's and others who have had more extreme reactions to the dosages). He mentions Atomidine as a solution for his mother-in-law who was very sensitive to iodine. I don't know if it it would help you or not. I just thought I would mention it.

Chapter 14 pg 155-156 said:
Shirley, at 69-years-old, is very sensitive to medications and supplements. She also happens to be my mother-in-law. Shirley was on 6.25mg/day of iodine/iodide (Iodoral*) to help treat many hypothyroid symptoms including cold extremities, hair loss, dry skin and fatigue. All of her symptoms improved significantly with the iodine supplementation. Furthermore, she was able to stop taking thyroid hormone due to the positive effects of the iodine. Approximately four months after starting the iodine regimen, Shirley developed palpitations. Now, having your mother-in-law develop palpitations is not a good thing. The palpitations ceased after two days without the iodine. Shirley was instructed to take microgram doses of iodine in the form of Atomidine (Edgar Cayce's iodine formulation) three day per week. Since reducing her dose, all of her hypothyroid symptoms have improved and she is not having palpitations Shirley's case is very rare. I have only have to use microgram amounts of iodine a few times over the last 12 years. This has occurred in patients who are extremely sensitive to nearly everything.
The above cases illustrate that every patient needs to have an individualized treatment plan. Those that are sensitive to medications may need a lowered dose, and may need to titrate their dose of iodine. If one is deficient in iodine, it is rare not to be able to find an appropriate dose to improve the clinical condition.

I wish you the best and all of us trying to find the appropriate way to use Iodine. :)

Thank you for this reminder. I had no negative symptoms with taking iodine when reading Brownstein's book, so I forgot about this passage. But it describes my experience as well. After taking iodine (and at high doses sometimes during a cold) for about 5 months, one day I took my regular at the time 3 drops of 15% lugol's as I did each morning, but I had a horrible night: heart palpitations, chest heaviness that made it difficult to breathe, intense anxiety that lasted for a while and the feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

I stopped taking iodine immediately, and then tried a week later just a drop to see if it was the iodine indeed that was causing all that. Yes, about half an hour after taking iodine the same heart palpitations and anxiety surfaced again. Meanwhile, I started taking L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and continued with vit C and magnesium daily for a couple of weeks. That helped with the heart palpitations. About a week ago I just stopped taking any supplements, and felt even better still, yet very tired. But I was able to see a doctor yesterday who prescribed some thyroid tests and a thyroid ultrasound. He examined my throat and said there might be nodules on my thyroid, so by the end of May I'll know more about what's going on (that's when the ultrasound appointment is due).

Leland said:
Fast forward to two weeks ago and first dose of MSM. Within an hour I had a horrible pounding/throbbing headache. I’ve never had many issues with headaches so I thought maybe I was just being a wimp. Searching MSM+headache you’ll find folks who regularly suffer migraines complaining how wicked it is. Within 3-4 hours of the dose I began peeing the same cloudy, stinky urine as back in December, and did so for the next two days! Headache continued the next day along with some insomnia (another common report with MSM), and there were some aches/pains/tingling in my “fibro” spots, tooth and jaw aches, and some anxiety/jitteriness.

On the third day I woke up, and my hypo symptoms were gone, all of them!!! Throat no issues, skin is now supple, and body temperature back to normal, enough energy in afternoon to do some spring cleaning, as opposed to nearly passing out after lunch!

Leland, that sounds like a good outcome! Searching and experimenting goes a long way indeed, I am glad you found some relief and thank you for sharing all the info you came across, I will be watching the videos regarding thyroid health and anomalies. It is such a small organ yet is involved in so many processes in our body!
Just a quick update. I was thinking of lowering my dose from 6 drops of ~6% Lugol's twice daily to 5 drops twice daily starting April 1st. But for some reason I didn't want to. The last couple of days I tried 8 and 7 drops twice daily, and I'm feeling better than at 6 drops twice daily. I had taken 7 and then 8 drops twice daily for quite a while before lowering it to 6. I'm not taking the co-factors all the time except 200mcg selenium, 1 to 3 grams ascorbic acid, and one or sometimes a second sea salt water. The B2, B3, and other supplements I take on and off.

I think I'm going to try staying at 7 drops twice daily for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I've also been taking two different but similar probiotics most days. And Betaine HCl with dinner.
Skyalmian said:
Not really? They just seem to be the largest zits ever, and when squeezed react like them (the white stuff, fluids/pus, sometimes blood, etc.). They are slowing down normally fast default walking speeds because they seem to be within the center of those muscles, where all the pressure goes when those muscles are used, and thus when overused makes them worse / hurt more. They may be there as sign/symptom to slow down.

Well, just in case I would take an anti-fungal if it doesn't get resolved. Do you have Pau D'Arco or caprylic acid? That or any natural anti-fungal would help. Something stronger might be needed though. In the time being, I would eplace those minerals.

Do you or your family have a history of autoimmune disease?
Alana said:
He examined my throat and said there might be nodules on my thyroid, so by the end of May I'll know more about what's going on (that's when the ultrasound appointment is due).

Hope you're feeling better!
Alana said:
Thank you for this reminder. I had no negative symptoms with taking iodine when reading Brownstein's book, so I forgot about this passage. But it describes my experience as well. After taking iodine (and at high doses sometimes during a cold) for about 5 months, one day I took my regular at the time 3 drops of 15% lugol's as I did each morning, but I had a horrible night: heart palpitations, chest heaviness that made it difficult to breathe, intense anxiety that lasted for a while and the feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

I stopped taking iodine immediately, and then tried a week later just a drop to see if it was the iodine indeed that was causing all that. Yes, about half an hour after taking iodine the same heart palpitations and anxiety surfaced again. Meanwhile, I started taking L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and continued with vit C and magnesium daily for a couple of weeks. That helped with the heart palpitations. About a week ago I just stopped taking any supplements, and felt even better still, yet very tired. But I was able to see a doctor yesterday who prescribed some thyroid tests and a thyroid ultrasound. He examined my throat and said there might be nodules on my thyroid, so by the end of May I'll know more about what's going on (that's when the ultrasound appointment is due).

I also hope that you will be better. I had a very similar symptoms as you have described from even very small amount of iodine. Same heart palpitations and body tremmor .
Well maybe its just an activated iodine symporter system in your body as it was a case with me. So , probably the best choice now is to stop iodine until you finish the examination and see if there is anything wrong with you thyroid. Dont worry. You will be ok. :)
So I was taking 300mgs a day iodine/iodide and things were going well, but then I came across this discussion on the iodine workshop group that seems to suggest that maybe taking higher doses consistently isn't the way to go. Some people are not getting the best results that way, like maybe the body stops utilizing it and just excretes it. Seems like moving the dosage around might better and there's definitely no one size fits all approach. You just have to feel things out and use trial and error. I cut the dose in half yesterday (150mgs) and felt great. My plan is to cut it in half again (75mgs) today, and then take a couple days off and start again.
Konstantin said:
I also hope that you will be better. I had a very similar symptoms as you have described from even very small amount of iodine. Same heart palpitations and body tremmor .
Well maybe its just an activated iodine symporter system in your body as it was a case with me. So , probably the best choice now is to stop iodine until you finish the examination and see if there is anything wrong with you thyroid. Dont worry. You will be ok. :)

That's what I think too :) I stopped taking any iodine and anything else, just until I have more info. The blood test results will be out this week, and I am curious to see what they say compared to the thyroid test I did exactly a year ago. I thought of your experience too, Konstantin, and I might try some pulse dosing with diluted iodine on my skin after a while, but definitely not now. The difference is that you started having the symptoms immediately after the first drop of iodine you took, while I was taking iodine for about 5 months before the same symptoms surfaced. So we'll see I guess. I do feel better now though, I just get tired easily.

genero81 said:
So I was taking 300mgs a day iodine/iodide and things were going well, but then I came across this discussion on the iodine workshop group that seems to suggest that maybe taking higher doses consistently isn't the way to go. Some people are not getting the best results that way, like maybe the body stops utilizing it and just excretes it. Seems like moving the dosage around might better and there's definitely no one size fits all approach. You just have to feel things out and use trial and error. I cut the dose in half yesterday (150mgs) and felt great. My plan is to cut it in half again (75mgs) today, and then take a couple days off and start again.

From reading through various forums with people experimenting with iodine, it seems that what you describe works well for most people.
Has anyone noticed a connection between palpitations and the salted water? A few months ago I was having palpitations , I assumed it was the iodine so I stopped taking it for a few days. On the third day I decided to try salted water only and the palpitations came back. I added multiminerals, potassium, and cut the salt down to 1/8 teaspoon. Haven't had any trouble since then.

Since my symptoms went away, I never looked into it further. Just wanted to share in case there really is a connection, it might be helpful.
Hello, :)
I started on January 16 with 2 g of iodine to 12%, today I am to 5 g with 1-2 day breaks. I take the salt water, 2 hours later 5gr of Chlorella before the breakfast, 1:30 after 5 g of iodine+ co-facteurs : riboflavin, niacinamide, selenium and of magnesium before I go to bed.
I take no more gluten since 23 Mars, I deleted(eliminated) the milk (for a long time), sugar I replaced by xilitol (1tsp a day) when I have a coffee from 4 pm that I would delete so afterward ( a coffee )
In May I shall buy (if all is well) the vitamin C + zinc + co-factors (co-mailmen) aforementioned to be able to doubling doses.
the symptoms : I was really tired, all the time desire to sleep, I begin only to have a little of energy, rather strong headaches from time to time, badly in the right ear from time to time.
Maybe that I have to increase the dose of iodine!?
I got new results from yesterday:

FT4: 17.8 (Normal: 10.0 - 25.0)

TSH: 14.4 (0.4 - 4.0)

Anti-Tg-AB <20 (<40)

Anti-TPO-AB: <10 (<35)

My old results are here.

As you can see, my TSH raised again. My endocrinologist is sick so I can see her in 12th May.

I raised my dosage to 8 drops in one week, hoping that I can kill some bugs inside, but nothing special happened. Then I lowered to 7 for one week and then I did this test. Now I'm on 6 and plan on slowly lowering down to 4 or 3.

The only symptom I have now is the itching on my soles. I never had that before so I'm guessing it probably has something to do with the iodine.

Ever since I introduced the second glass of salted water I don't have rapid hart beats in the evening, so that improved, but I still feel weakness in my heart, some days more that the others, depending on the weather.

I introduced the wild oregano oil again in my protocol, along with colostrum and bromelain. Maybe I should take something else, maybe I should increase the iodine, or maybe I just need to wait some more time for my body to become fully loaded with iodine.
Alana said:
He examined my throat and said there might be nodules on my thyroid, so by the end of May I'll know more about what's going on (that's when the ultrasound appointment is due).

I had a similar, but milder reaction to taking just potassium iodide (65mg). It makes me wonder if it's the potassium iodide (KI) in the lugol's and if there could be a combination of iodine and a lower amount of KI that might help those who are sensitive? Kelp and diary (cow's milk and yogurt) are really high in potassium iodide and I had a similar sick feeling with milk and dairy long ago. With your food allergy results for dairy, I wonder if there is a connection there? Can you eat kelp?

I hope all goes well with the appointment and you get better soon.
Christine said:
Hello, :)
I started on January 16 with 2 g of iodine to 12%, today I am to 5 g with 1-2 day breaks. I take the salt water, 2 hours later 5gr of Chlorella before the breakfast, 1:30 after 5 g of iodine+ co-facteurs : riboflavin, niacinamide, selenium and of magnesium before I go to bed.
I take no more gluten since 23 Mars, I deleted(eliminated) the milk (for a long time), sugar I replaced by xilitol (1tsp a day) when I have a coffee from 4 pm that I would delete so afterward ( a coffee )
In May I shall buy (if all is well) the vitamin C + zinc + co-factors (co-mailmen) aforementioned to be able to doubling doses.
the symptoms : I was really tired, all the time desire to sleep, I begin only to have a little of energy, rather strong headaches from time to time, badly in the right ear from time to time.
Maybe that I have to increase the dose of iodine!?


With 2g of iodine - did you mean 'gouttes' (=drops)? I hope you didn't mean grams, that would be an wadul lot!
nicklebleu said:
Christine said:
Hello, :)
I started on January 16 with 2 g of iodine to 12%, today I am to 5 g with 1-2 day breaks. I take the salt water, 2 hours later 5gr of Chlorella before the breakfast, 1:30 after 5 g of iodine+ co-facteurs : riboflavin, niacinamide, selenium and of magnesium before I go to bed.
I take no more gluten since 23 Mars, I deleted(eliminated) the milk (for a long time), sugar I replaced by xilitol (1tsp a day) when I have a coffee from 4 pm that I would delete so afterward ( a coffee )
In May I shall buy (if all is well) the vitamin C + zinc + co-factors (co-mailmen) aforementioned to be able to doubling doses.
the symptoms : I was really tired, all the time desire to sleep, I begin only to have a little of energy, rather strong headaches from time to time, badly in the right ear from time to time.
Maybe that I have to increase the dose of iodine!?


With 2g of iodine - did you mean 'gouttes' (=drops)? I hope you didn't mean grams, that would be an wadul lot!

I should have specify is good "drops"
Persej said:
Maybe I should take something else, maybe I should increase the iodine, or maybe I just need to wait some more time for my body to become fully loaded with iodine.

The tests seem to suggest that your body is still adjusting to the iodine.

Do you take iodine every single day or on alternative days? Which percentage were you using?
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