Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Lilou said:
luke wilson said:
I don't have the metallic taste but I have the taste of salt. Is that to be expected? Its been there pretty much all day and was there yesterday to. It could be a metallic taste but to me its the same taste as the salty water. I'm on a low dose of only 3 drops per day as I slowly work up to the recommended 5.

A bad taste in your mouth is to be expected at higher doses. What % of Lugol's are you using? And who recommended 5 drops per day? Is it for a specific purpose? I may have missed that.

Its not necessarily a bad taste. It's more like a salty taste. 12% lugols. 5 drops is the recommended amount, for a normal weight person with no health issues - Laura posted a recommendation list a couple posts back.

PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3.
luke wilson said:
Lilou said:
luke wilson said:
I don't have the metallic taste but I have the taste of salt. Is that to be expected? Its been there pretty much all day and was there yesterday to. It could be a metallic taste but to me its the same taste as the salty water. I'm on a low dose of only 3 drops per day as I slowly work up to the recommended 5.

A bad taste in your mouth is to be expected at higher doses. What % of Lugol's are you using? And who recommended 5 drops per day? Is it for a specific purpose? I may have missed that.

Its not necessarily a bad taste. It's more like a salty taste. 12% lugols. 5 drops is the recommended amount, for a normal weight person with no health issues - Laura posted a recommendation list a couple posts back.

PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3.

If you have a funny taste, back down a drop or two. Everybody is different and there is no way to have a "one size fits all" dosing schedule. Guys also tend to need less than gals.
The site Lilou found says:

So how much iodine do we really need? A lot more than the U.S. RDA. But how much? The maximum amount is simple to calculate based on Dr. Abraham’s extensive research. This shows that with an iodine-loading test of 50 mg in 24 hours, healthy iodine-sufficient subjects excrete 90% and retain 10%. 10% of 50 mg = 5 mg; this is the maximum amount the body can use each day for saturation of iodine receptors. However, in clinical practice, once iodine stores are re-pleated the body needs less, about half this amount (1-3 mg/day as a maintenance dose). Women need more than men. Other recommendations of 12.5 mg/day are based on French and Japanese traditions, but only demonstrate dose tolerance.
[quote author= luke Wilson]
PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3. [/quote]

:lol: I did! However, as more research is being done, and without health issues, it's been advised to start slow! So you are currently taking roughly 23 mg/day. You might want to consider just 2 drops per day of the 12% (that would be around 15mg/day). At that dose, most ill effects are mild and tolerable, but still effective. Just slower.
Lilou said:
[quote author= luke Wilson]
PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3.

:lol: I did! However, as more research is being done, and without health issues, it's been advised to start slow! So you are currently taking roughly 23 mg/day. You might want to consider just 2 drops per day of the 12% (that would be around 15mg/day). At that dose, most ill effects are mild and tolerable, but still effective. Just slower.

Yep, it looks like the 15 mg/day mark is around the amount needed for the iodine to start binding to fats and proteins, and to start cleaning up shop.

From Brownstein's book, page 157:

Iodine: Why you need it said:
When iodine is taken in amounts at least 100x the RDA (>15mg/day), iodine can now also bind to other molecules including lipids and proteins. The binding of iodine to the fat molecule lactone results in a fat-like substance known as iodolactone. iodolactone is a key regulator of apoptosis and cellular proliferation of the thyroid gland. In other words, iodolactone is an anti-cancer substance.

It looks like there are levels necessary for saturation, for thyroid health, and for killing the nasties. But all along the way there is a lot of damage that needs to be healed, and a lot of toxins that need to be gotten rid of. So taking it slow and giving the body the cofactors it needs to keep the process going is a really good idea. Thanks for the info everyone.
Lilou said:
[quote author= luke Wilson]
PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3.

:lol: I did! However, as more research is being done, and without health issues, it's been advised to start slow! So you are currently taking roughly 23 mg/day. You might want to consider just 2 drops per day of the 12% (that would be around 15mg/day). At that dose, most ill effects are mild and tolerable, but still effective. Just slower.

Ok, super thanks. I'm just going to double check the below.

- am I ok to drink the salty warm water every morning?
- regarding vit c, should it be taken everyday?
- as Laura mentioned that one needs iodine for pretty much all their lives, I plan on taking it for as long. However, I'm hoping that after sticking with the current protocol for a while, I wont need to take it everyday, maybe once or twice a week.
- for now, I'm assuming I'm good to take the selenium everytime I take the iodine, not exceeding the 200mg daily limit.

----- of everything I'm taking, I feel like I may be taking too much vit c. I've only taken it for 2 days but somehow it feels like I need not to take it that often. Also, the Celtic salt is pretty powerful, a few grains of it and half a glass of water is undeniably quite salty. Just wondering if drinking it regularly is a-ok?

PS: I'll order the book. I'm just trying to get my regime pinned down for now so I have a baseline.

Also, in the last 2 days, I've needed to pee quite a lot. Assuming that's good! Lastly I've also perspired more than usual, again good, yes? In short, I think some detoxing is happening!
[quote author= luke Wilson]
- am I ok to drink the salty warm water every morning?
- regarding vit c, should it be taken everyday?
- as Laura mentioned that one needs iodine for pretty much all their lives, I plan on taking it for as long. However, I'm hoping that after sticking with the current protocol for a while, I wont need to take it everyday, maybe once or twice a week.
- for now, I'm assuming I'm good to take the selenium everytime I take the iodine, not exceeding the 200mg daily limit.[/quote]

Salt is crucial. Since Lugol's contains both elemental iodine and potassium iodide, the salt is needed for proper function of the Sodium Iodide Symporter. Without salt, the iodide will simply be excreted in the urine, whereas the iodine is directly absorbed. Vit B2, B3 help support the Symporter. And selenium is necessary to keep thyroid balance.

Vitamin C helps with detox, but blocks iodine uptake, thus should be taken at least 2 hours after dosing with Lugol's. I drink it late afternoon/early evening, long after the Lugol's.

It seems the baseline minimum of supplementation is 3mg/day. That is assuming you will get at least 3mg/day via food, which would be 3000 micrograms. If you look at typical amounts in food, we find 12mgm in an egg, baked potatoe with skin, 60 mgm, 1 oz cranberries, 90 mgm. So for a lifelong amount, it will typically be 3-5 mg/day, depending on what food you consume. Seaweed and fish have more iodine, but also other pollutants.

Note - selenium is in micrograms, not milligrams. 200 micrograms per day is the maximum you should take. I purchased 100 microgram tablets and take 1 with each dose of lugol's. Lately, I'm taking the whole 12.5mg of Lugol's in one shot, but still split the selenium to 2 doses.

Before going whole hog on Iodine, it is best to read up and have a full understanding. Also pay close attention to your body and adjust dosage and Vitamin C accordingly.
luke wilson said:
- am I ok to drink the salty warm water every morning?

That appears to be an excellent health maintenance habit to acquire for life.

luke wilson said:
- regarding vit c, should it be taken everyday?

Some every day is also a good health maintenance habit to acquire for life.

luke wilson said:
- as Laura mentioned that one needs iodine for pretty much all their lives, I plan on taking it for as long. However, I'm hoping that after sticking with the current protocol for a while, I wont need to take it everyday, maybe once or twice a week.

Daily intake of sufficient iodine which almost no one gets is a good health maintenance habit to acquire for life.

luke wilson said:
- for now, I'm assuming I'm good to take the selenium everytime I take the iodine, not exceeding the 200mg daily limit.

Selenium supplementation is also a good health habit to acquire for your lifetime. Selenium is an essential trace mineral and antioxidant that is vital to good health and physical and mental energy. While it should be found in many foods, the amount of selenium in common sources has decreased in recent decades. Supplementing with selenium may reduce your cancer risk, especially lung cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer and prostate cancer in men.

If you are selenium deficient and increase your glutathione peroxidase production by getting more of the mineral in your diet, you’re also likely to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. This is due to the way glutathione peroxidase reduces oxidative stress that leads to blood vessel damage and selenium deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

luke wilson said:
----- of everything I'm taking, I feel like I may be taking too much vit c. I've only taken it for 2 days but somehow it feels like I need not to take it that often.


luke wilson said:
Also, the Celtic salt is pretty powerful, a few grains of it and half a glass of water is undeniably quite salty. Just wondering if drinking it regularly is a-ok?


luke wilson said:
Also, in the last 2 days, I've needed to pee quite a lot. Assuming that's good! Lastly I've also perspired more than usual, again good, yes? In short, I think some detoxing is happening!

All good.
I don't think we have this one. Dr. Brownstein's take on cures against and prevention of Ebola and other viruses. His suggestions include iodine of course:
With the Ebola virus in the news, I thought it might be time to comment on what steps you can take to prevent becoming ill. Keep in mind that conventional medicine has no effective treatments for the Ebola virus. Due to a slow international response, Ebola has spread rapidly.

It is a scary infection as the death rate is very high—from 50-90%. Initially, the Ebola infection can mimic the symptoms from the flu or other upper respiratory infection. However, as it progresses, it can lead to very severe muscle aches, liver and kidney failure along with bleeding out of various areas of the body. Needless to say, Ebola is something to be taken very seriously.

As I previously stated, there is no conventional treatment for the Ebola virus. That does not mean that you are powerless to do anything to combat it. There are many effective natural anti-viral therapies that may prove effective against Ebola. It would be nice if the Powers-That-Be would begin testing these therapies. But, that would make common sense. Instead the Powers-That-Be are actively discouraging the use of alternative therapies even though they have nothing to offer. It is a sad situation.

Keep in mind that Ebola, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system. We are designed with a powerful immune system that should mount a response to an infectious agent. However, the immune system can only mount a vigorous defense if it has the raw materials available to it. For over 20 years, I have been checking every patient for their nutrient status. Unfortunately, most are deficient in the basic raw materials that the immune system needs to function optimally.

I say, if you become ill with a viral illness, do the basics to help optimize your immune system. I will show you the four most important items you can use to aid your immune system to fight any illness.

The most important item is vitamin C. Humans are not able to manufacture vitamin C. Either we get enough vitamin C from our diet or the immune system will not function optimally and we will be more prone to becoming ill with various infections, Ebola included. Throughout the medical literature there are many case histories of vitamin C curing viral and other infectious illnesses. Vitamin C activates the immune system so that it can fight any infection. How much vitamin C should you take? I would suggest taking at least 5,000mg of vitamin C on a daily basis. If you become ill with any infectious agent, take more as the body’s requirements dramatically increase when it is confronted with an infectious agent.

Intravenous vitamin C should be given to all Ebola patients. Though it has not been studied, I have no doubt that IV vitamin C would be a great benefit to any patient suffering not only from Ebola but from any infectious agent. In my practice, I have used IV vitamin C for over 20 years. Anytime the body is stressed, vitamin C requirements are elevated. IV vitamin C achieves a much higher serum level as compared to oral vitamin C. IV vitamin C should be a standard-of-care treatment for all Ebola patients. In fact, it should be standard-of-care for any hospitalized patient.

What else can you take to prevent a viral infection? I would suggest taking vitamin A. Vitamin A is integral for the maintenance and functioning of the immune system. In acute viral illnesses, I have found short courses of vitamin A (not beta carotene) very helpful. From 10-100,000U of vitamin A per day for a few days to a few weeks can stimulate the immune system to fight viral infections.

Vitamin D is also important. Over 80% of patients are deficient in vitamin D. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels helps lead to a strong immune system. For most patients, I suggest taking 2-6,000U of vitamin D3 per day. In times of acute illnesses, 50,000U of vitamin D3 per day for a few days has proven extremely helpful.

Iodine is essential. No virus, bacteria, or parasite has been shown to be resistant to iodine. Iodine levels have fallen over 50% during the last 40 years. Maintaining iodine sufficiency is one of the most important things you can do to help your immune system. For most patients, I have found 12-50mg/day can supply the body with the correct amount of iodine. More information about this can be found in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.

I do not suggest you try taking these large doses of nutrients without seeing a health care provider knowledgeable about natural agents. A competent health care provider can order the appropriate tests and guide you in which therapy is best for you.

There are many other natural therapies that may help fight Ebola and other infections including silver, alpha lipoic acid, medium and short chain fatty acids (found in coconut oil), minerals, and herbal therapies.

I would be remiss if I did not mention four other steps you can do at home which can help improve anyone’s immune system. First, it is important to maintain hydration. Next, eat healthy food. Eating too much sugar ruins the immune system. The ingestion of refined sugar has been shown to slow down the activity of the white blood cells for hours afterwards. Maintaining adequate salt levels is a must. Most people do not ingest enough salt. Unrefined salt should be the salt-of-choice. Infectious agents prefer a low-salt environment–that is why salt is used to preserve food. More information about salt can be found in my book, Salt Your Way To Health. Finally, I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Exercise stimulates the immune system.

Ebola should be taken seriously. It would be nice if the Powers-That-Be would investigate the natural therapies that I have outlined here. I have seen them work in many serious illnesses. I have no doubt they would work in a patient suffering from Ebola.
I took a break of 3 days from lugol and my acne-like lesions cleared up. I got VERY tired though.

I re-started today with 6 drops (3% lugol, around 22 mg) and felt much better and energized. On the previous days, without the iodine, I had way too much brain fog.

I have no metallic taste nor sensitivities. Also, my menstrual cycle is back to normal this month.

I had 3 glasses of salted water and one of vitamin C, plus the cofactors, NAC, ALA and milk thistle.

I'll do 3-6 drops for awhile.

I have begun the protocol 10 days ago with one drop (5%) twice a day for a couple of days, increasing to two drops twice a day for a couple of days, three drops...and when I reached 4 drops, the cold sore virus showed up. So, following the protocol, I took 14 drops and after two days, it seems to dimunish. So far, I have no bad side effect but only good ones: more energy, better sleep, easier to wake up in the morning.

Laura said:
The site Lilou found says:

So how much iodine do we really need? A lot more than the U.S. RDA. But how much? The maximum amount is simple to calculate based on Dr. Abraham’s extensive research. This shows that with an iodine-loading test of 50 mg in 24 hours, healthy iodine-sufficient subjects excrete 90% and retain 10%. 10% of 50 mg = 5 mg; this is the maximum amount the body can use each day for saturation of iodine receptors. However, in clinical practice, once iodine stores are re-pleated the body needs less, about half this amount (1-3 mg/day as a maintenance dose). Women need more than men. Other recommendations of 12.5 mg/day are based on French and Japanese traditions, but only demonstrate dose tolerance.

So when we have reached the point where our body excretes more than 90% of the iodine test, we can go with 5 mg. But, it might take quite a while to go there and to make sure that we are there, do we have to find a place to pass that test or there is another way to test it.
Lilou said:
[quote author= luke Wilson]
PS: You also advised 3 drops in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, none after 4. I'm currently just doing the 3.

:lol: I did! However, as more research is being done, and without health issues, it's been advised to start slow! So you are currently taking roughly 23 mg/day. You might want to consider just 2 drops per day of the 12% (that would be around 15mg/day). At that dose, most ill effects are mild and tolerable, but still effective. Just slower.

There is still a confusion on dosage where some are counting iodine only and some are counting the KI too.
Is this 12% solution getting 7.5 total each drop or 7.5mg of just iodine? In that case, it would be 7.5 iodine with 11.25 KI (potassium iodide)--> which gives us a total of 19 mg.

As the sites explain about the 5%, which I use- approximately 6.25 mg combined per drop. They seem to focus on the combined number more than the iodine number alone.

I feel to clear this up to make sure it's clear so we can compare dosing between different % solutions.
[quote author= DBZ]
There is still a confusion on dosage where some are counting iodine only and some are counting the KI too.
Is this 12% solution getting 7.5 total each drop or 7.5mg of just iodine? In that case, it would be 7.5 iodine with 11.25 KI (potassium iodide)--> which gives us a total of 19 mg.

As the sites explain about the 5%, which I use- approximately 6.25 mg combined per drop. They seem to focus on the combined number more than the iodine number alone.


Good point. People need to know the % and total combined in each drop. I thought the 12% had a total of 7.6mg/drop combined, but I could be mistaken.

Added: it is explained here by a pharmacist. He says 2 drops of 10% Lugol's delivers 11mg iodine/kI combined. So a 12% will be just slightly higher....pretty close to the 7.6 mg/drop used in my calculation. Maybe a bit less even.

Urine Iodine tests can be ordered by mail thru Doctors Data Lab near Chicago.
I didn't see the price listed, so seems you have to set up an account first. They will also bill your insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, but that likely requires a doctors order.
Lilou said:
Urine Iodine tests can be ordered by mail thru Doctors Data Lab near Chicago.
I didn't see the price listed, so seems you have to set up an account first. They will also bill your insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, but that likely requires a doctors order.

I'm not sure if it is the best method.

According to Dr Brownstein:
The generally accepted method of testing iodine is by measuring the amount of iodine in the urine. However, that is not a reliable method in order to determine the whole-body iodine status.

Over 10 years ago, Dr. Abraham and co-investigators developed an iodine-loading test. It is based on the concept that whole-body iodine status can be established by measuring the amount of iodine excreted over 24 hours after taking a 50mg iodine tablet. Since over 95% of orally ingested iodine in an iodine-sufficient individual is excreted in the urine, following urinary excretion levels of iodine can provide useful information about the body’s utilization of iodine. The iodine loading test is based on a simple premise; the body will hold onto more iodine in a deficient state as compared to a sufficient state. In other words, if the body is deficient in iodine, you would expect more iodine to be retained by the body. Conversely, if the body has sufficient iodine levels, you would expect the body to retain less iodine. This is exactly what happens with the 24-hour iodine loading test. It is a functional test of whole-body iodine levels.15 In my experience, the iodine-loading test has been found to provide useful information on the body’s iodine status.
Lilou said:
There is an excellent summary of Dr. Abraham and Brownstein's work here . It's fairly short and sums it all up nicely.

It's on Sott now:

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