Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I started taking iodine one week ago. Taking 25mg the first day, 50 the second and i increased to 100mg for some days. Then, i started taking 200mg 2 or 3 days. Damned! Since some days ago, i experience a kind of cold. I was feeling weird and sick, that's why i increased to 200mg. But now, i decreased to 100mg since yesterday. Gosh. I try to drink enough water (i don't like water alone, i take it with stevia, lemon and natural flavors). What about you? Do you drink enough? I'll try to help the liver. I take NAC et ALA.
Well, peace.
5ème jour :
Commencé la journée avec l'eau chaude salée (Celtic) dès que vous vous levez.
Petit déjeuner avec Glycine pour sucrer le thé + Magnésium
Prendre iode Lugol 5 gouttes... Merci pour les instructions ZAC...
Pas de symptômes désintoxication

6ème jour, aujourd'hui :
Idem ci-dessus + Vitamine B 3 complexes un comprimé odeur épouvantable avec mon thé (petit déjeuner)
Symptômes juste après petit déjeuner : 8h vertiges au point d'aller me rallonger, je ne dois pas tomber car mes os se cassent (fracture de vertèbres en 93 et 2003 d'où handicap) nausées mais pas de douleurs... Ce malaise se passe un peu maintenant 9h40...
Je vais aller prendre mon Lugol mais seulement 3 gouttes...

Day 5:
Started the day with warm salt water (Celtic) as soon as you get up.
Breakfast with Glycine for sweetening tea Magnesium
Take 5 drops Lugol iodine ... Thanks for the ZAC instructions ...
No detox symptoms

6th day today:
As above 3 complexes Vitamin B tablet awful smell with my tea (breakfast)
Symptoms just after breakfast: 8 am dizzy to the point of going lengthen me, I must not fall for my bones are broken (in 93 vertebrae fracture and 2003 where disability) nausea but no pain ... This unease going a bit now ... 9:40
I'll go take my Lugol but only 3 drops ...
People need to keep up with this thread and take notice of what people are learning and sharing!!! Read it EVERY DAY to stay on top of things!!!
Had two days off the iodine in an attempt to pulse dose, just taking salt amd co factors. Since my last update i started getting dull headaches throughout the day which would not subside without extra vit C. Also muscle lethargy, especially in my biceps and triceps. Feels like muscles are wearing away or something... it is so much effort just to lift my arms up!!

Another thing : the past few nights I have been having real crazy, extremely vivid dreams (sometimes nightmares) accompanied by waking up several times a night (which is not normal for me). My average sleep since beginning the iodine protocol is roughly 10 hours every night. Didnt think much of it before, however it is starting to get a little annoying, im losing a few hours out of everyday and feel awful everytime i wake up!

Mentally: in terms of dissociation and laziness- the past weekend has been the worst i have had in maybe a year or two. I have litterally sat down on both days, studied very little and actually spent most of the day watching a box series called "The Walking Dead". Seriously, what a waste of time, i just dont feel like i have the energy for anything more taxing on my brain at the moment. Currently laying in bed, considering lowering dose to 3 maybe 4 drops.
I started the iodine protocol on Friday last week after reading through the thread over the last few weeks. I have bought 15 % Lugols solution which states that it contains 18.75 mg per drop.

I take my iodine solution first thing when I awaken in water. 1 hour later Celtic sea salt in warm water ( a quarter of a tea spoon). One hour later I also take my vitamin c and liquid ionic magnesium.

My first reactions are I've been a little more tired than normal and slight aches in my legs which can ache from work but this has continued for longer than normal. I have the slight metallic taste In my mouth and if this hints at a metal detox I wonder if I should order some selenium to help me. I will not increase my dosage at the moment and will go slow to monitor my reactions.
Thank you everyone so much for your updates, it's so helpful for navigating all symptoms and expanding the knowledge base.

Today is my 8th day of the protocol. On day 5, I was feeling some cheek bone and tooth ache which lasted for one day only and wasn't strong. Also, I'm still feeling some mild back muscle pain: massage helps greatly to eliminate it.

I didn't have any metallic taste in my mouth so far, probably because before the Lugol's protocol I underwent the DMSA protocol (3 rounds).

I've also noticed that Lugol's protocol helps me to quickly counter any inflammation here and there, very effective.

As for energy, I haven't noticed any changes yet - neither more energy, nor less. Perhaps too early to judge.

I still follow my low dose and not planning to either increase or decrease it yet.

Wish everyone most successful therapy!
Keyhole said:
Had two days off the iodine in an attempt to pulse dose, just taking salt amd co factors. Since my last update i started getting dull headaches throughout the day which would not subside without extra vit C. Also muscle lethargy, especially in my biceps and triceps. Feels like muscles are wearing away or something... it is so much effort just to lift my arms up!!

Another thing : the past few nights I have been having real crazy, extremely vivid dreams (sometimes nightmares) accompanied by waking up several times a night (which is not normal for me). My average sleep since beginning the iodine protocol is roughly 10 hours every night. Didnt think much of it before, however it is starting to get a little annoying, im losing a few hours out of everyday and feel awful everytime i wake up!

Mentally: in terms of dissociation and laziness- the past weekend has been the worst i have had in maybe a year or two. I have litterally sat down on both days, studied very little and actually spent most of the day watching a box series called "The Walking Dead". Seriously, what a waste of time, i just dont feel like i have the energy for anything more taxing on my brain at the moment. Currently laying in bed, considering lowering dose to 3 maybe 4 drops.

Have you been reading this thread????

That you are having such issues and have NOT lowered the dose as recommended is surprising.
Lilou said:
[quote author= Z]
No I used uncut 90%DMSO and Lugol 5% mixed 50/50.

Good to know. Full strength DMSO with Lugol's for chalazion. Thanks! :cool2:
for sebaceous cysts you can make an ointment adding these components to aqueous cream ( neutral cream used as carrier and available at pharmacies) - it needs to be applied for longer time and will stain the clothes less then applying solution. It should also be more gentle on the skin.
Laura said:
Have you been reading this thread????

That you are having such issues and have NOT lowered the dose as recommended is surprising.
Maybe i wasn't clear enough, but, i havent had chance to lower the dose since the onset of lethargy etc began. The onset of symptoms started when i stopped taking the iodine, which was 3 days ago. Today will be my first day back on it, and i will take it after breakfast - so i am yet to see the effects of a lowered dose.
I'm on my second week of taking an increased dose - 7 drops of 15% Lugol's in the morning - as of today I'm taking 2 days off and keeping up with the saltwater.

The reason is that I woke up this morning with a dull headache which has continued through the day and is accompanied with fatigue and a feeling of listlessness (also, as of last evening, a feeling of bloatedness).

Reinforcing what Keyhole experienced - vivid dreams and extra sleep time (9-10 hrs) - and, for the last few days, a lack of urge to get up in the morning.

After the 2 days off I'm looking to lower the dose.
I'm reading all I can manage about this topic and It seems to me that a lot here on forum do as well. I have the feeling to it, that it is very important to keep up with this. So great to read from the experiences of you all that have started.

I'm still in the research-fase but will start as soon as I fell I have sufficient background to start. I have ordered a Lugol solution 5% from here: which seems to me like a very affordable price compared to what else I could find. So for people in Europe, this might be a good place to start.
The mix contains: 100g og KI and 50g of I in 1L

In my research I stumbled across this site which I found to be good in connection to explain the endocrine system.

So far I'm thinking to start by the schedule I found in this thread:

I want to say thank you for posting that. If there are other essential information, please let me know, and I will be having my eyes on this thread.

6am- Celtic Sea Salt in water.
8am- breakfast, multi vitamin.
10am- Lugols, B2, B3, selenium.
11am- vitamin C.
12noon- salted water.
1pm- lunch
3pm- Lugols, B2, B3.
4pm- vitamin C.
5pm- salted water.
6pm- dinner with apple cider vinega water.
8pm- magnesium glycinate.
DHTH said:
I want to say thank you for posting that. If there are other essential information, please let me know, and I will be having my eyes on this thread.

6am- Celtic Sea Salt in water.
8am- breakfast, multi vitamin.
10am- Lugols, B2, B3, selenium.

11am- vitamin C.
12noon- salted water.
1pm- lunch
3pm- Lugols, B2, B3.

4pm- vitamin C.
5pm- salted water.
6pm- dinner with apple cider vinega water.
8pm- magnesium glycinate.

If I understand correctly it is more advisable to take lugols right after meal.
Goemon_ said:
DHTH said:
I want to say thank you for posting that. If there are other essential information, please let me know, and I will be having my eyes on this thread.

6am- Celtic Sea Salt in water.
8am- breakfast, multi vitamin.
10am- Lugols, B2, B3, selenium.

11am- vitamin C.
12noon- salted water.
1pm- lunch
3pm- Lugols, B2, B3.

4pm- vitamin C.
5pm- salted water.
6pm- dinner with apple cider vinega water.
8pm- magnesium glycinate.

If I understand correctly it is more advisable to take lugols right after meal.

Also, the recommendation is to take vitamin C at least 2 hours after the iodine, since it can interfere with the iodine's effectiveness.
dugdeep said:
Also, the recommendation is to take vitamin C at least 2 hours after the iodine, since it can interfere with the iodine's effectiveness.

Would it make a difference if its taken few hours before breakfast shortly after salt water?

I normally use Hymalayan pink salt - packed in UK and originating from Pakistan, am I right to be slightly concerned about its quality?

Haven't started Lugol's yet, but today I drank salt water immediately after waking up and shortly after vitamin c, the boost in energy level was significant throughout the day.
dugdeep said:
Goemon_ said:
DHTH said:
I want to say thank you for posting that. If there are other essential information, please let me know, and I will be having my eyes on this thread.

6am- Celtic Sea Salt in water.
8am- breakfast, multi vitamin.
10am- Lugols, B2, B3, selenium.

11am- vitamin C.
12noon- salted water.
1pm- lunch
3pm- Lugols, B2, B3.

4pm- vitamin C.
5pm- salted water.
6pm- dinner with apple cider vinega water.
8pm- magnesium glycinate.

If I understand correctly it is more advisable to take lugols right after meal.

Also, the recommendation is to take vitamin C at least 2 hours after the iodine, since it can interfere with the iodine's effectiveness.

Page 13, reply #180 by Laura,
3 to 10 grams of vitamin C - divide into two doses taken an hour after Lugos.
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