Yas said:Another thing I'm wondering is about NAC. It's been quite good for me generally but lately I usually have a drop-of-energy sensation after I've taken it. I noticed that I don't have this sensation when I don't take it so that's why I think it is NAC-related. And I think it also makes my stomach feel a bit acidic. I've read that some people experience these symptoms with NAC, so maybe I should also stop it for a few days ??
Yas said:The thing is that I've been a fat-free sugar loaded vegetarian for a quite a long time, so I guess I still have some time until my system gets truly balanced.
Given you mention being vegetarian for a long time you may be deficient in b12? Making sure you are getting enough magnesium is also important.
From the MTHFR thread:
Glutathione and glutathione precursors such as NAC and glutamine, undenatured whey. The glutathione induces immediate active b12 deficiencies, apparently by converting active methylb12 to inactive glutathionylb12 and rapidly excreting it. This then causes the methylfolate to be dumped from the cells in a process called the "methyl trap". This leads to a high serum folate but a low cellular folate causing a severe folate deficiency with increasingly severe symptoms over time. This is often mistakenly called "detox". NAC can produce these same folate and b12 deficiencies also misidentified as "detox".
{I had mixed results here. Glutathionine should definitely be avoided. NAC is more complex. NAC will need magnesium to be taken with it, and shouldn't produce problems after a certain level of healing has occurred.}