I have been following this topic from the very beginning, and have decided to share my thoughts with you, which are formative; my vision and understanding of history, my mother language and my Balkan humor. There may be no contribution to consideration, but at least it will be an example of how the mind works from one; ordinary, simple, women.
First of all, one assumption: If you want to defeat a man, take away his identity and every purpose of life.
(Man = human being, regardless of his sexual / reproductive characteristics).
Looking through history, I come to the conclusion that we, the human race, do not know what our purpose is to exist. What is our role; on the planet Earth, in the solar system and ultimately in the overall manifestation / creation. It is also obvious that we are trying to find answers to questions; who am I? Who is the human being? What is life? What is the purpose of life? Is there "life" after death? However, if the questioning of the reality of such nature (beyond the physical existence) was occupied by too many people, there would always emerge some….
Behind every ...
ism, there is a philosophy that is being studied by thinkers, made by artists, passed on by professors, absorbed by students, and thus created the world in which we live, ordinary people, with the belief that it is so best because it is a product of esteemed and respected "heads ". But it is a problem with such "learned smart heads" that they have studied too many such ...
ism, and whether they were aware of it or not, they developed into the depths of their souls some form of nihilism and depression (man is not good enough, no exit, no escape ...). With such leadership the battle is lost in advance.
So they were created: Buddh
ism, Hindu
ism, Zoroastriani
sm, Hebra
ism, Catholic
ism, Islam
ism, Protestant
ism..., Creation
ism, Evolution
ism ....
Questions earthly nature; Why do some people work "as a horse" to annihilation, and some are using it, and rich in their account (parasit
ism)? There appeared: feudal
ism, industriali
sm, capital
ism, sociali
sm, commun
Any dissatisfaction with the existing situation would cause "revolutionism", which resulted in people being split up and breaking the focus. Well, get it: idealism (
everyone should be better), fundamentalism (
must be better), extremism (i
t must be better at all cost), optimism (
it will be better), conservatism (
older is better), liberalism (
anything, just let it be better), still present "religionism" (
god will give better) egoism (
only for me better), elitism (
us is better), legalism (
should be a law to make it better), opportunism (
"do not rock the boat" to you be better), conformism (
"where all Turks go, Little Mujo can go, too" - in the group is better), Skepticism (
could be better), pessimism (
never will be better), ... after some time realism (
no better), criticism (
nothing is good), nihilism (
human society / community is not good) Is just a step to the message: Human being, you're not good, you are no one and nothing, a simple animal on two legs, you need to change and repair ... then a new Job appears that looks up to the sky and cries ...... Why? .... and all over again in a new …
Is it possible that all that controversy around the gender does not produce any …ism?
I'm going to check and of course there is - genderism.
So the chronology is as follows:
- There was a lot of life for women, as they had to live for centuries. Life, that was conditioned by social norms. These standards were in the service of preserving male domination. For survival and acceptance in society, they had to pay with sex (only a married woman, or a girl capable of marriage, has value). Marriage - often agreed, without emotion, and without the ability to leave. Well those bravest, or those less desirable, or those who did not agree to the trade, those who used the brain and emotions came to mind: Why? - They are looking for the right to knowledge/education-information, the right to creativity/work-independence. In response, feminism emerged. (
And in the eyes of the public all women who dare to question social norms, those who move away from the lower centers and are more reluctant to use higher centers, have become feminists).
- Then, so "free", some of the women (these fewer used the brain, and more emotions and impulses) allowed themselves to have sex with everyone who physically attracted them. Some of them were attracted to other women. - Again Why? - in response,
homosexuality has emerged. (
And in the eyes of the public "feminists" have become lesbians, and everything is nice, appropriately, back to physicality and dealing with lower centers and sexual organs.)
A well-known scheme. When something goes out of control, push it with the force in the opposite direction, so it's time to return to the starting position. If it does not come back then activate several clowns / human caricature (which by their appearance, behavior, and speech ridicule equally women and men, regardless of sexual orientation), which will depreciate all, and show things grotesquely. Then declare every criticism of such behavior homophobia.)
But that did not answer the question; Why two physically identical persons are sexually attracted? Why some people, despite their physical sexual characteristics, have the emotions and impulses of the same sex? The answer must be out of the physical domain and so genderism has emerged.
Ooo Eva, Eva.... You and yours - Why? See what you did. You opened up the doors and windows. You put on the sun all the dirty carpets together with the junk that was hidden beneath them. You opened up cabinets, and they dropped dirty laundry, and long hidden skeletons. Stop asking questions! Stop eating from the tree of knowledge!
But there is no help, and an Eve in me is squatting, a thousand why, and I have to go further.
Those "real" who "stand firmly on the earth" clearly make it known that the difference between men and women is their sex organs and they do not bother with the question, what criteria and why such a distribution was made. Why is a man called a male, and a woman - a female? All those who have any doubts should resolve it and fit into the mold (preferably by physical adjustment, operations, hormonal therapies, etc.). (
Here, for the first time, somehow in the background of the mind came the notion - Transhumanism.)
Those who have moved away from the sex organs seek the cause of the differences in the brain. How the brain processes and saves data?
The brain is part of our hardware, just as the CPU (central processing unit) part of a computer. How the CPU will work depends on the OS (operating system). What kind of data will be processed and stored depends on the computer users.
The question arises: - Who is the user of our physical body (hardware)?
Those who have a "head in the clouds", to those who claim that human beings are more than "blood and flesh", to those who talk about: emotions, spirit, souls, higher and lower centers, emotional, mental, etheric and other bodies , about energies and all that strange things, given is "freedom" (read: enforced laws) to state what they are - gender. Because it is well known that knowledge of what is male creative energy, and what a woman's creative energy, is lost (
perhaps not lost but is certainly out of use). So we have to declare about the unknown fact x or y. An unknown may be: something, anything or nothing.
Someone is really ridiculously funny.
(Small digression: Personally, I'm thinking of men and women's energy: electricity and magnetism. They're all together creating a spectrum of electromagnetic waves. From this spectrum, to humans, through our senses (as they are now developed, or better to say how underdeveloped), a small part of the heat, sound and light waves is available (we can decode). It would therefore result; that everything that is manifested in it contains both men's and women's creative energy together. This does not mean that in some "quadrants" there are not only electrical or magnetic entities. But these are just some of my thoughts ....)
What I thought most important was that; Genderism has passed the time, and that we gnaw "gnawed bone" right now (to be concerned about). It already exists - postgenederism.
Postgenderism is the name for reflection and advocacy that in the near future, by applying technology, it redesigns the human race to the extent that the difference between male and female gender is reached. (
Pregnant virgins, men who give birth to, cloned men ... here transhumanism are fully depicted).
And then Laura said:
It's all because of postmodernism.
Okay, another one. Another box for grouping and sorting.
Then I tried to find the roots of postmodernism - philosophy. The name of Jacques Derrida appeared as the earliest and most influential author. The basic principle is {deconstruction} primarily of speech and words (language), which creates differences, which gradually passes into the indifference.
Aaaa-ha. You take away the meaning of speech; you take away communication and so isolate the person from the environment, which leads to community deconstruction (starting from the family and beyond).
Viewed in history, in the tribe / community, man has always had a greater chance of survival than an individual (he had identity, origin, belonging, and purpose). Man is a social being. Outside the community is the inevitable deconstruction of man. So, postmodernism is also in the service of transhumanism.
And so I came to the language. Let's see what my language "speaks".
My language is Croatian-Serbian. So they taught me in school, so I speak and understand that (including dialects). I do not allow anyone to reject my left or right side of my language.
I entered the translator: "gender" and got the translation:
Imenica (noun)
Rod; gender, genus, kind, race, kindred, sex
Pol; pole, gender, circle
Glagol (verb)
uzrokovati; cause, giving rise to, make, bring about, trigger off, gender
In my language is the word -
sex used to pronounce, or allude to the sexual act (action). They do it.., and it does not matter who (male or female) or whom (man or woman) or perhaps with (being, things, phenomen) has no influence on the number of participants in the activity itself. They're having sex.
Male or female is termed
spol (s-pol = vith-pole).
Pol is the name for the opposite two; things, beings, phenomena, which together make up the whole. As the south and north magnetic poles, which together create a magnetic field. Or + and - the electric charge, which generates electricity currents. As the electron and the protons that make up the atom. Male and female together form a new entity - a new life (a child), a new human being.
rod is used for marking;
- people who are relatives,
- a certain group of organisms in biology (variety / race, eg
Homo sapiens,
Homo gautengensis,
Homo habilis,
Homo erectus,
Homo antecessor,
Homo ergaster,
Homo heidelbergensis,
Homo neanderthalensis,
Homo floresiensis)
- the category in an art,
- part of the armed forces
- give birth, harvest
- and as a grammatical gender (sorting of nouns, adjectives and nouns into groups).
In my language there are three grammatical genderes; male, female, and middle (who could, in full right, be called neutral).
So the names of all living beings that are born descendants, or eggs, are classified into a female genus: Woman, cow, mare, chicken....
(Žena, krava, kobila, kokoš…..)
The names of those living organisms involved in fertilization are classified into male genus: Man, bull, stud, cock...
(Muškarac, bik, pastuh, pjetao…)
We put the children in the middle.
Child, calf, foal, chick….. (Dijete, tele, ždrijebe, pile…)
They put this sort of categorization into the "sex" category. Here everything looks quite clear. All those who are not polarized, all those who are physically, emotionally and mentally immature to create a new life go to the middle (neutral) gender.
So in the neuter includes some general / unspecified / undecided as nouns; Vehicle or tree (vozilo, drvo).
If we name each individual tree then divide it;
Male gender: walnut, pine, oak, maple, ash... (Orah, bor, hrast, javor, jasen ...)
Female gender: fir tree, spruce, willow, birch, poplar, linden tree….( jel
a, smrek
a, vrb
a, brez
a, topol
a, lip
a …)
They consider this sorting to be responsible - Semantics. All the words ending in
-a, are of a female gender (of course there are exceptions).
But I do not think this is a complete rule, because apart from Semantics, there is Syntax. The words serve to convey the message / information. Someone called that tree with that particular name. Someone scrambled sounds just like that for some reason. Maybe someone wanted to express the essence of each particular tree?
Our ancestors (our future) have developed a complicated grammar system. They are aligned according to gender; Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, it all declares by case (padež) -there are 7, in singular and plural, even verbs and numbers follow the gendr of the word ... and all this for one
-a, in the end. Hmm...
So we have:
Male gender: father, universe, sky, spirit, order, work, war, peace, brain, law, prison, textbook, manual, doctorate, masters ... and all these ....
( otac, svemir, nebo, duh, red, rad, rat, mir, mozak, pravo/zakon, zatvor, udžbenik, priručnik, doktorat, magisterij…)
Female gender: mother, nature, earth, soul, mind, awareness, love, justice, creativity, imagination, intuition, freedom, book, school......
(majka, priroda, zemlja, duša, pamet, svijest, ljubav, pravda, kreativnost, mašta, intuicija, sloboda, knjiga, škola……)
Middle gender: knowledge, light, being, creature, sun, inspiration, rule, respect, constraint.......
znanje, svjetlo, biće, stvorenje, sunce, nadahnuće, pravilo, poštovanje, ograničenje …
Tuckers' interviews are coming. I try to keep track of the conversation, but I still have a feeling that it's a sketch, in Monty Python style. When their turn came breastfeeding, my Balkan humor had to show, and here we are:
Mother came to visit her son and his young family. It was the first time she saw her grandchild.
Daughter in law is in her arms holding a black baby, and the mother of all surprised asked his son: "What is this?"
The Son of conciliatory: "You know, my wife has no milk, so breastfeeding by a neighbor, and she has black skin. That's why the baby became black. "
I see - Says the mother. I did not even have milk when I was born you. I fed you with cow milk. That's why you grew so big ox.
Caught in the acceleration of such logic, and with such a state of mind, I could not help myself. I concluded that for sure their mothers had no milk, so they fed them with some "formula." If we add life to cities (on concrete and asphalt), polluted air (smog), in boxes (flats) illuminated by artificial lighting, milk comes from the bottle, food comes from box and bag ... - this is what is normal and natural. Real nature is scary - the enemy. The source is: allergies, bacteria, insects, dirt ..... (
Again transhumanism?)
Why did transhumanism take so much grief? Is this because of the nihilism and the message: "Man, you are inexcusable and you do not work"? Who sends us such a message? Why? Why does someone superior have the need to point out the weaker that they are weak?
I do not have the need to go to the field to break the anthill, and "sell" the philosophy to the ants, as the small are insignificant and weak. In fact, to do this, it would bite me to never try something like that again. The more, if there are many (over 7 billion, maybe :D), so united, they could eat me. They are ant, and have no doubt about who they are and what they are.
When eating is mentioned. Plants eat; Minerals, water and use a lot of solar energy. Animals eat; Plants, other animals, water and little use of solar energy. People eat plants, animals, water, use the sun's energy and the energy of other creatures (from crystal to humans). Logic says that there is a high likelihood that there are creatures that feed ourselves with people, and even more with our energy.
What kind of energy? Is it the energy of the mental body, the emotional body, or the material body, (astral, ethereal, or any other)?
Since we are trying to keep our attention on the material, they obviously correspond to the vibrations of the physical body. (
The term "kosher flesh" is worth remembering, the more subtle vibrations, probably harming their health, might be destroying their STS orientation. Do the children created artificially have all the "bodies" or just physical? Now I recall from the apostolic belief: "... Born, not created, is identical with the Father, whereby all things are created ...).
Why all this? Was DNA destruction not enough? Does this mean that people evolve (by virtue of the laws of the Universe, regardless of whether or not they are aware of it) and there is the possibility of becoming inedible? (Those with a lot of foreign / unnatural ingredients and parts will not be able to evolve?) Is this the question of "consent" and "free will" - the question of karma? Maybe DNA destruction was not allowed?
What is our future?
What is my future?
I know that. I will die and cease to exist in this form. Like thousands of my cells (skin, liver, blood....) dying every day, to protect the other cells of my body. Like my: hormones, enzymes...., dying, to become something else, all for the sake of my health and development.
My only obligation is to be, as long as I exist, a human being.
(Complete with all my bodies. That's why I think Mr. G was wrong when he said we needed to create centers, we just need to renew our relationship/connection with them).
Because of all this, if (and when) I am in a position to fulfill my legal right - obligation, I will take liberty and:
- in the rubric, sex (
spol), enroll: female,
- in rubric, gender (
rod), enroll: humankind (Ljudski