Is what we do "important"?

In Bringers of the Dawn the term ‘system busters’ was used to describe souls who incarnate on earth and elsewhere to affect the frequency of the planet by being conduits of light/information/love.
So in that regard what we do is important, our choices and actions affect the the whole by sending out a signal.

Working on the self to be to raise FRV and receivership capacity might be the only reason some of us are here, purifying the mind and body to be anchors and vanguard for the wave in service to the planet and it’s inhabitants.
In the talk to Caesar session, he said "In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone.". So like the Cs Noah parable of sorts, if it's fun for you to build an ark, do it and it might be useful. Fun and interesting things for you could be pre-programmed a lot. There might also be critical points where attempts to scare you away from your nature/interests could occur and hopefully a careful curiosity prevails over the fear. What you do might mostly be for you but a little for others too. Each colinear member of Caesar's army probably helped helped Caesar in seen and unseen ways as well as helping their own karma.
Regarding how important this project is, that is subjective IMO. Some will disregard it completely and therefore it is meaningless. They live like farm animals and that is their place.

But for those who are at a certain point in their growth Laura's work is the only chance they have. So it is at a level so far beyond importance that it is barely worth mentioning. It is life. Just my opinion.
Unless the respective missions were, individually, to stick together!

I thought about it some more after my double post and thought similar to the above, but didn’t want to triple post :lol:

The way I’d put it is, the respective missions (in the context of this idea of keeping the group together) would be doing our own, individual inner work that is unique to us, so that we can control ourselves, our emotions, our automatic reactions, our thought loops.

I think there’s a ‘multi-level’ aspect to this also. The point for me in the second post I made wasn’t AS much the fact that doing the Work so that we don’t break as a group was the important thing, but that what stood out to me, which might contradict my ‘stay together’ idea, was that the C’s said it was extremely difficult.

But I realise that I do not live at the château, and I have not had to go through everything you guys have over the years. But what would have happened if the chateau crew fell apart? Then the wider network would have fallen apart too. So the major part of the networking and discussing thoughts and feelings, and in the context of the quote about how ‘you are all important and have your individual missions’, may have been primarily for the chateau, but it had wider and greater implications for the group as a whole.

Having said that, speaking personally, there have been three occasions when I ‘left’ the group. And the reasons for my leaving were always my emotional programming: fear, shame and embarrassment, frustration at what I was doing at the time and what I was not doing at the time, self-pity and self-loathing, self-destruct programming and despair, a lack of proper understanding of how things really were compared to how I thought they were, making mountains out of molehills.

All these things are the result of limiting emotions, subjectivity, a lack of networking. And so it’s all well and good for me to say, “Oh, staying together as a group sounds too simplistic. It can’t just be as simple as that.” But I speak from experience when I say that it is not at all simple.

Which leads me to another idea. There’s always been this ongoing topic with the C’s that they can’t tell Laura/the group what ‘the mission’ is. It would violate free will, etc.

If the mission is to stick together, and the C’s had said that from the beginning, then it wouldn’t have worked properly. The group would have stayed together just because the C’s said it, and would not have done the Work in the same way. The group would have stayed together for the wrong reasons, and not developed the proper modes of communication conducive for unity.

For example, let’s say one person had an issue with another. If they were stuck on the belief that the group had to stay together at all costs, then they might have decided not to say anything, out of fear of causing a split; whereas, because the importance has been placed on networking, rather than the aim of staying together, then the networking has lead to the result of staying together.
There’s always been this ongoing topic with the C’s that they can’t tell Laura/the group what ‘the mission’ is. It would violate free will, etc.
A paradox for me is that they are frequently telling us to network. Despite that, many of us at many times still do not network. If life is religion, and many people are not networking, then for those people what is being done here isn't important to them as demonstrated by their action/inaction.
Looking at both quotes, I think that what was perhaps meant was something along the lines of:

"It doesn't really matter you do, it matters what 'we' do through you. Which requires you to get out of the way with your fixed ideas about 'doing' stuff and just allow things to 'flow' through you, because that's really your purpose".

Basically, y'all are 'god's instruments' so stop trying to 'do stuff' and let him use that instrument in whatever way he has pre-determined he will do.

But there appears to more than one 'god', and more than one 'type' of god.
It's in our 'doing stuff' and it producing certain outcomes, both for ourselves and others, that we get an idea which 'god' we are being 'used' by.

And I think this is where our personal FRV comes into play—the fine-tuning of our antennas, as the Cs said. To be able to receive the energies from "the right god," we must fine-tune our antennas to receive the creative STO energies. This requires a lot of work, which often means a lot of suffering as well.

So, it is not just about allowing any higher-density beings to act through us; we also need to have compatible receivers, so to speak, to allow the creative STO energies to flow through us. At the same time, we must build or grow our awareness through knowledge so that we can be aware of what is flowing through us.

This is where the group and network become excellent tools. As individuals, we cannot accomplish the task I described above on our own. We need a group of collinear, like-minded people.
And therein lies the extent of our 'free will' what we can actually do, and the struggle it involves. If we decide that we don't like the outcomes of the things we do, and decide to change things, we find we have a lot of work on plates, and most of it internal 'realignment'.
We have the idea here, I suppose, (and based on comments in the sessions) that what we are doing in terms of networking and sharing and Seeing etc. is important in some way for the future.

However, there is the following session from 2000 where it was suggested that what we do is not really that important, and that it's more about our own personal development. But then in a session from 2008 (and that's not the only one) it was said that we are "crucial to the successful outcome".
I don't see a dichotomy either, as some have said. What a person tries to do, or thinks they are doing is less important that who they are becoming. (and what is it "to do" anyway?) Actions are not going to stop or change the sh!t show that is 3D STS on this planet. But the task of conscious evolution is never ending and it has the potential to manifest into an escape route to 4D STO.

All this reminds me of the Myth of Sisyphus. He had to confront within himself that his actions were never going to push the boulder all the way up and over to be completed. Yet each time the boulder rolled back down, he ultimately started over. The pointless and endless pushing was about his relationship with himself and the cosmos, not actually succeeding in his doing. Undoubtedly he had to adjust his perspective on this quandary many times. Keep doing, even though it is ultimately futile, and keep fighting for consciousness; keep trying to see. Just by being here and working on seeing objectively and adjusting perspectives, the lessons unfold. The problem stems from thinking that things should not be what they are. Can a soul accept that the doing of life may be a waste of time and effort, but find the reasons within to persevere? How many great lessons are born from stupid doings that make no difference in the end?

The part about being program rewriters is interesting. It is like a thread from 7D super consciousness all the way down to this insane and bizarre planet clown world. If "we" are future programmers then there is an interactive connection from where we came to where we are going. It is hard to fathom, but I see humanity as the children of a wise and loving parent who brought their kids into a troubled world. That parent is letting us sink or swim in the river of life. There is doubt. A crowd of higher level onlookers who have made it through their own trials is watching. Certainly we have what it takes to get though this if we maintain that connection with those who created our soul consciousnesses. We have the right stuff inside; the spark from beings who have made it to higher realms. The issue is that we still have to live up to our inheritance.

And if it will be our charge to seed life elsewhere in some hazy future, like all parents, we will have to wonder if our offspring will have what it takes to get through the suffering, traps and bad actors, just like we have to. Will we say, it was too hard and it isn't worth it? Or will we say, hey, if I can do it, anybody can! Or will we fail miserably and never make it out this place? Now there's a choice!
maybe this is a question of faith? Having faith that we are doing what we are meant to do, that we are indeed being guided by “us in the future” and letting that play out, while also striving towards being a STO candidate is the both/and that Ryan spoke of earlier? So we can, as Joe said, let it flow and get out of the way and strive towards being better at the same time. Having faith that we are doing the “right” thing and “knowing” that it will result in what’s meant to happen, without anticipation of what that actually is.

So, at some level we “know” what we are doing, because we are guiding ourselves. Thus, it’s important to keep doing what we are doing to keep the lighthouse burning because it’s what we came here to do?

Just my two cents
Unless the respective missions were, individually, to stick together!
I like this answer because it offers an alternative to our classic conception of the network via the forum. Each of us can have a personal destiny, and that destiny can very well intertwine with the destinies of the other members of the forum. For example, one of us could move to another country, to Russia, and set up a project that could be of use to the whole network in the future, but of which he or she is still completely unaware. This project may lead to the acquisition of land and a large house, enabling the chateau to move and be safe from the collapse of the European Union (well, I'm really thinking big here, but that's just to give a general idea), while other members move left and right in their personal lives, acquiring knowledge through experience, but also training or meetings (without necessarily interacting on the forum as a visible manifestation in the network but they can show this later). Some forum members disappear for a while for a variety of reasons, only to return with valuable data and information that can benefit those who need it here. At a certain point in "space/time", everyone's destinies intersect, so in a sense this is an "invisible" network upstream, but it's in the future that the collective understands that everything that happened before had a function.
Great discussion. This is the '64.000$ question'! Thinking of this takes your mind to all kinds of interesting avenues, and after a while your brain is in a knot! :scared:

A couple of 'random' thoughts:

On a grassroot everyday level, I can say that the interaction, feedback/mirroring I've received, and the knowledge I accumulated from Laura and all you guys, have with 100% certainty made me a better father, husband, worker and human being than I could've ever been without all of that. And that, hopefully, has also given my kids at least a better start in life.
All the above is, of course, seen from a more STO perspective. If I'd wanted to become more evil and STS, this forum would've not been the right place. :-D

On a global level, I've realized that changing the trajectory is near to impossible, and it's not our place to do that anyway, free will and all that. I'm sure many of you have gone through the same cycle: in the beginning of 'awakening' I was gung-ho on changing the world for the better by spreading the knowledge and sharing the facts etc. Gradually, you realize that that is not making any difference with people who are not inclined to learn the truth of things, no amount of facts will change this, and the final nail in the coffin for me was the COVID period. When I saw that people continued to act crazy (and still do) even though there was no lack of information and facts available, I gave up on the idea of being a 'truth warrior'. But it was a good exercise and lesson! Nowdays I think that those who have it in them, will find this community anyway without my 'mass posting' of articles, because their 'soul' is leading the search. I'm sure that's how many of us found this place, myself included.

On the grandest level of things, I agree, whatever we do makes no difference. If it's true what the C's have said (very plausible), the Grand Cycles have been going on forever, and will continue to go on forever. (yeah, and theres no 'time'! :scared:). Still, for those of us who are aiming for advancing on the STO path, our actions and self development could play a significant role, as has been stated previously.

Lastly, I was thinking about the thing with how 'God' wants to experience the universe through us. Maybe our actions are important from that perspective – we present a more rare group of the population that sees the world and the universe quite differently. However, I don't feel wise enough to pursue this line of thought, at least not yet. :-)
I don't see a dichotomy either, as some have said. What a person tries to do, or thinks they are doing is less important that who they are becoming. (and what is it "to do" anyway?) Actions are not going to stop or change the sh!t show that is 3D STS on this planet. But the task of conscious evolution is never ending and it has the potential to manifest into an escape route to 4D STO.

All this reminds me of the Myth of Sisyphus. He had to confront within himself that his actions were never going to push the boulder all the way up and over to be completed. Yet each time the boulder rolled back down, he ultimately started over. The pointless and endless pushing was about his relationship with himself and the cosmos, not actually succeeding in his doing. Undoubtedly he had to adjust his perspective on this quandary many times. Keep doing, even though it is ultimately futile, and keep fighting for consciousness; keep trying to see. Just by being here and working on seeing objectively and adjusting perspectives, the lessons unfold. The problem stems from thinking that things should not be what they are. Can a soul accept that the doing of life may be a waste of time and effort, but find the reasons within to persevere? How many great lessons are born from stupid doings that make no difference in the end?

I really like this quote from Albert Camus, which gets to the core of a good emotional approach to the cyclical nature and endlessness of existence:

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain.
One always finds one's burden again.
But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity
that negates the gods
and raises rocks.
He too concludes that all is well.
This universe
henceforth without a master
seems to him neither futile nor sterile.
Each atom of that stone,
each mineral flake
of that night-filled mountain,
in itself, forms a world.
The struggle itself toward the heights
is enough to fill a man's heart.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

So it is sort of fatalistic, which is great, because the fatalism is based on a realistic assessment of the endlessness of the task. And yet the dude is happy at the same time!

It reminds me of Paul's discussion of slavery and freedom. Only in being a slave to Christ and a slave to one another is the true freedom, the true love. And maybe that's where this happiness comes from - loyalty, relationships of dedication, honour.

I know that for me, the Work just feels better. There is wisdom in that feeling of goodness in itself. There is also wisdom in debating logical inconsistencies. I get the feeling that Don Juan would laugh at us for doing so, and I think we actually really need Don Juan's laughter in our lives as much as we need our Castaneda-like tendency to categorize and try to solve paradoxes and come as close to the truth as we can.
A paradox for me is that they are frequently telling us to network. Despite that, many of us at many times still do not network. If life is religion, and many people are not networking, then for those people what is being done here isn't important to them as demonstrated by their action/inaction.
This is a bit off topic but yes, I think this is important.

I could be wrong, but I suspect that some members, even some long-time members, are rarely networking about their challenges and problems in their lives because that would be an admission of weakness and not being able to handle things on their own. Or, the reason could be that they are afraid of the feedback they might receive, or they think that the issue at hand is not worth the time of others. I've also noticed that some long-time members are rarely participating in the discussions here. In my experience, getting the hang and 'flow' of networking and participating takes practice and consistency. Just take the plunge, start small, and go from there...

Avoiding networking and participation is highly unfortunate because, as I see it, it is a significant part of the 'Work' and self development. Maybe it's just me, but without sharing my failures and opinions/views/analyses here and getting feedback I would've never been able to 'grow'. Also, with more of us networking our group gets more cohesive and stronger, or so I think.
This is a good question. My thinking is of the scale, in the long term what we do is not important, but in the short term our work is very important. Ben's metaphor of the students and school helps to talk about it. The school still exists after we are gone, but it's what we learn while we are here that shape our personal future; which is also our group's future.
Over the years, there have been many refs in the sessions to humanity as a whole and different groups and even individuals in terms of their importance for, or influence on, the future and how it manifests, the wave etc.

We have the idea here, I suppose, (and based on comments in the sessions) that what we are doing in terms of networking and sharing and Seeing etc. is important in some way for the future.

However, there is the following session from 2000 where it was suggested that what we do is not really that important, and that it's more about our own personal development. But then in a session from 2008 (and that's not the only one) it was said that we are "crucial to the successful outcome".

So I was wondering if anyone has thought about this and, if so, did you come to any conclusion about this apparent dichotomy.
I 100% resonated with what the C's have said here. That last felt like the C's were talking to me personally, even though I know that it is the Collective that this is really about, but that is where I believe this is all going.

I have thought about this particular subject a lot in the recent months and years......we all have our individual soul journeys to complete, that would involve a lot of components like, trying again in something that failed in the last incarnation, paying back karma, perhaps perfecting a way of being so that we can become like a master......our personal goals for our soul evolvement. A lot of people refer to the awakened and aware ones as the "boots on the ground" but from what I have read/understood, everything that we do, whether it is a positive experience or a negative experience, and how we feel about and deal with those experiences, all gets funnelled into the Soul Group which then gets funnelled into all Soul Groups which is the Soul Collective. So my interpretation of what the C's could be meaning is that everything that we do/go through as individuals, is significant because we feed it all into the Collective and that is where the movement happens, when it is all of us working toghether.

Here in groups like this, we bolster eachother. We share ideas, stories, theories and support each other. I have been given many signs and synchronicities about the Collective being the only way that we will eventually rise above the chaos of the collapsing structures that "seem" to still be holding us back, but the pendulum is in mid swing!

Groups like CF, may still seem to be few and far between, but there are others out there that are growing daily. Each country will have a movement of groups like us, based on a variety of teachings and understandings. I know that there are groups focused on Sacred Geometry, Breathwork, RA Teachings, Angels, Crystals, Quantum Structures and many more. They have a core interest in a particular field, and those that resonate join up......but we know that all of these fields are connected. So our personal journeys carry on side by side with our Collective journey and whilst it does seems elementary, how I am trying to explain it, I think that the whole point of it being this way, feels like it is to show us all, in a practical way, that this is how the Universe works, with everyone (and everything) being an active component in its own right, without taking away from what it is on an individual basis. Everything works like a clock, and if one even tiny part, is taken away, then none of the other parts can work and do their part! We need each other more than we realise and more importantly, we need to love/respect/look up to more than just our own group, but all groups that have understood why they are here.

This explanation of my feeling about the subject is as close as I can I hope it makes sense:)
This is a bit off topic but yes, I think this is important.

I could be wrong, but I suspect that some members, even some long-time members, are rarely networking about their challenges and problems in their lives because that would be an admission of weakness and not being able to handle things on their own. Or, the reason could be that they are afraid of the feedback they might receive, or they think that the issue at hand is not worth the time of others. I've also noticed that some long-time members are rarely participating in the discussions here. In my experience, getting the hang and 'flow' of networking and participating takes practice and consistency. Just take the plunge, start small, and go from there...

Avoiding networking and participation is highly unfortunate because, as I see it, it is a significant part of the 'Work' and self development. Maybe it's just me, but without sharing my failures and opinions/views/analyses here and getting feedback I would've never been able to 'grow'. Also, with more of us networking our group gets more cohesive and stronger, or so I think.
I agree with you that all of us will eventually have to make that effort. It is the only way. I strongly believe that this is a major part of the Collective lesson for us here at this time. On the other side life, in the spiritual, from our souls perspective, this is not even a question because it is the underpinning of everything that is in Creation! I feel that most probably, that is why many of us must be almost pushed to understand, or remember as I prefer to say!

I feel that we have to learn to give a damn about our neighbours, and about our local community, and any groups that we may belong to. We have to be willing to get involved, no matter how fleeting it may be or how successful. If we truly feel that we are not good enough to make a difference in any situation, then perhaps might that be a lack of self worth or self love? By putting forward our views, we give a piece of ourselves. Giving can never be wrong if it is done with a pure heart and without Ego. So if we look at this in a different perspective, like as if we were building a new school, for some local children, there would be, a lot of local businesses that would want to show their interest/benevolence by participating, which is usually driven mostly for drumming up more business. If we look at Earth as a new school emerging, then I am sure there would me more of us feeling that it is a more worthy cause. Well our future here on Earth as it stands today, is going to affect everyone of us, our children and grandchildren. A person can lead a group towards something because they have the courage or strategy, or any number of attributes that make that person the best for the job. That does not make that person better than the others that they are leading, it just shows where their strengths lay. They become a link in the chain that gets the job done but the rest are all links too!
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