Israel attacks Gaza flotilla - Many dead

There is a demonstration in the hague as well in an hour or so in front of the Israeli Embassy, I will take my camera and make some pictures

Civilians Under Attack by Israel

Written by Free Gaza Team | 31 May 2010

(Cyprus, June 1, 2010, 6:30 am) Under darkness of night, Israeli commandoes dropped from a helicopter onto the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, and began to shoot the moment their feet hit the deck. They fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep. According to the live video from the ship, two have been killed, and 31 injured. Al Jazeera has just confirmed the numbers.

Streaming video shows the Israeli soldiers shooting at civilians, and our last SPOT beacon said, “HELP, we are being contacted by the Israelis.”

We know nothing about the other five boats. Israel says they are taking over the boats.

The coalition of Free Gaza Movement (FG), European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), the Perdana Global Peace Organisation , Ship to Gaza Greece, Ship to Gaza Sweden, and the International Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza appeal to the international community to demand that Israel stop their brutal attack on civilians delivering vitally needed aid to the imprisoned Palestinians of Gaza and permit the ships to continue on their way.

The attack has happened in international waters, 75 miles off the coast of Israel, in direct violation of international law.


* Greta Berlin - +357 99187275 iristulip at gmail
* Mary Hughes, +357 96 38 38 09 daisydozy at gmail
* Audrey Bomse, +357 96489805 audreybomse at hotmail
* Dr. Arafat Shoukri, Director, Council for European-Palestinian Relations (CEPR) Tel: +32 2503 5402 M:+44 7908 200 559 arafat at
Videos of the attack and it's aftermath. Perhaps someone who speaks the language can translate for those of us who don't?
Dear Divine Cosmic Mind, what will it take to wake up the world to Israel's evil?

I once thought the attack on Gaza a year and a half ago would be the catalyst that would strip the Zionists (and their pals and patsies) bare. It was so depressing to listen to co-workers and others talk about the rockets fired at poor Israel, when white phosphorous was being rained down on innocent civilians. I work in an industry that employs a lot of persons of Jewish ancestry. Most are not practicing Jews - many claim to be liberal - yet when it comes to any sympathy for the Palestinians, they are cold as ice - always blaming the victim for their plight.

So infuriating...and depressing at the same time. Will humans with a conscience and knowledge of the situation ever effectively break through the mainstream media control and programming to alert others who are ignorant of the obvious injustice and inhumane horror of attacking a ship of peaceful activists?

Events like this tend to spur me on to keep detoxing, breathing, reading, and gathering strength for sounding the truth, yet more should be done in this situation. Almost certain there will be a protest in San Francisco, so maybe attending one and carrying a poster with would be a start.
I couldn't trust my eyes when I read the news early this morning! Actually, I thought about the situation and the possible israeli response to this operations and I have never considered a violent response. This is piracy, pure terrorism! Seems like it was planned as a terror attack to prevent such actions in future! I was speechless! worst than that, there is still some people, high personality among them, justifying such acts! I just can't get it! Attacking peace and human rights activists ships in international waters and Israel authorities still talking about selfdefense! If the International community does not react against such acts, really wonder what can cause this reaction!
My heart goes to these courageous human right activists who have been murdered by Israel and their family. Sincerely hope their sacrifice(or should I say murder?) will not be vain and their memory will remain alive forever.
Argh! Rock. Hard Place.

I feel like we're all being played here; that it's being going on for years. The feeling of being caught is frustrating!

Consider. . .

The Predator's Goal: Wipe out the Jewish blood lines because they have important STO work to do in 4d.


Step 1/A. Institute through media manipulation the social taboo against ever saying or thinking objectively about Israel. "They can only do good. They are the victims."
Step 1/B. Inject a bunch of psychopaths into Israel, have them do horrific things in the name of all Jews.

Step 2. Continue the above two-pronged program and thus build up psychological pressure in the public. Don't allow people to react honestly to horrors.

Step 3. (To come). When the psychological pressure reaches its climax, let the dam burst. Then the world won't blink or raise a hand when some lunatic faction wipes out Israel and declares war on all Jews. The world will probably allow its inner predator to salivate for this action.

I find this enormously frustrating, because in the act of being aware and pointing out crime where I see it, I feel as though I am helping the dark agenda along. That I'm helping to wind up the world. There needs to be some other way to proceed. I am always sure to preface anything I say by making sure people know that it's not Jewish people, but psychopaths which are responsible, but I am fairly certain that many have been programmed to only selectively listen.

Any thoughts?
GRiM said:
There will be a demonstration later this evening, I will attend it with a friend and document it.

I just got back from the demonstration in the netherlands, made lots of pictures and filming, will be posting everything either tonight or tommorrow.
There is an article on Ynet, presenting Israel's side of the story in such a "poor soldiers" way, it is frankly unbelievable even for Israel and their usual whining.

So we are to believe that "poor Israeli highly trained fighters" underestimated the "mighty powers of protesters" (whom they called "trained street fighters", btw) and brought only paintball rifles (there is a small remark about personal handguns used under extreme circumstances) only. But even if so, the crux of the matter is that they blame protesters for fighting back while they are the ones who performed an act of piracy. As one of the commenters' remarked: "if the ships were attacked while in international waters, then activists had yet to commit any crime but IDF did by boarding ships and could be charged with murder and piracy in the country the ship was flying. Once the soldiers landed on the ship they were in another country since ships were still in international waters."

Israel knows that the entire act was illegal, so instead they capitalize on protesters fighting back (how dare they!) and doing anything possible to get the pirates..soldiers off their ship. They are like a bully who beats the crap out of a child, and when this child makes an attempt to fight back and punch the bully in the face, he starts to scream and point at the child saying: "You see, I was right. The child is a danger! He deserves more beatings". Actually, here is one of the "pro-Israel" responses to the article to demonstrate the analogy:

The response by these "humanitarians" only indicates further the need by Israel to take the actions that it must. Frankly, I believe they should take further and stronger actions.

The rest of the comments are also "interesting", for their pathology and also because there were many people who called Israel's actions for what they are.

Added later:

Found this in one of the comments:

"According to the San Remo Manual that governs international humanitarian law, it is permissible under rule 67(a) to attack neutral vessels on the high seas when the vessels "are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture."

So since Gaza is under blockade, and since in interests of Israel is to prevent any aid reaching Palestinian people, they will do anything to twist and present things in the way to further justify the genocide. Oh, and minor detail about the blockade, clearly showing (and as if we didn't know it) that it isn't about preventing weapons or terrorists reaching Gaza strip.

Although Israel does not publicly confirm what is and what is not allowed in, aid groups point to numerous absurdities: zaatar, an Arabic spice mix, is allowed, but cumin is banned. All exports are stopped.

Perhaps cumin is a highly dangerous bomb component? :mad:
Keit said:
The response by these "humanitarians" only indicates further the need by Israel to take the actions that it must. Frankly, I believe they should take further and stronger actions.

Stronger actions? What are they going to do? Blow the whole world up? That seems to be how it will all end.
Re: Argh! Rock. Hard Place.

Woodsman said:
I feel like we're all being played here; that it's being going on for years. The feeling of being caught is frustrating!

Consider. . .

The Predator's Goal: Wipe out the Jewish blood lines because they have important STO work to do in 4d.


Step 1/A. Institute through media manipulation the social taboo against ever saying or thinking objectively about Israel. "They can only do good. They are the victims."
Step 1/B. Inject a bunch of psychopaths into Israel, have them do horrific things in the name of all Jews.

Step 2. Continue the above two-pronged program and thus build up psychological pressure in the public. Don't allow people to react honestly to horrors.

Step 3. (To come). When the psychological pressure reaches its climax, let the dam burst. Then the world won't blink or raise a hand when some lunatic faction wipes out Israel and declares war on all Jews. The world will probably allow its inner predator to salivate for this action.

I find this enormously frustrating, because in the act of being aware and pointing out crime where I see it, I feel as though I am helping the dark agenda along. That I'm helping to wind up the world. There needs to be some other way to proceed. I am always sure to preface anything I say by making sure people know that it's not Jewish people, but psychopaths which are responsible, but I am fairly certain that many have been programmed to only selectively listen.

Any thoughts?
IMO, we need to stick in the present and the real one here. Your above theory (wipe out the Jewish blood lines) is just a distant possibility(?). Palestinians starving, being murdered every day, sometime with WMD, this is what is real now, at present . It is not a possibility, it's taking place now in Gaza. Your thinking can tend to suggest that we must ignore this just because there is a possibility for other innocent people to suffer on a later stage. And I think the same people who are pointing out Israeli's crimes will also point out crimes against innocent Jews if this takes place.
I think denoucing current crimes is important and must be done, though clearly pointing the psychopath as the responsible and not the Jews.
It will end up by their own destruction (C's quote). You receive from the universe what you give to the universe, that's just balance. But in the while, they just give destruction to others in their blindness.
Bo said:
I just got back from the demonstration in the netherlands, made lots of pictures and filming, will be posting everything either tonight or tommorrow.

Posted the pictures from the demonstration at the hague 17:30 - 20:00 on my facebook.
Zionist gunmen continue to massacre, shielded by "special" exemption from international law. said:
It is no secret that Palestinians are living in a siege for years. But it is now down to the nations to move on and mount the ultimate pressure on Israel and its citizens. Since the massacre yesterday was committed by a popular army that followed instructions given by a ‘democratically elected’ government, from now on, every Israeli should be considered as a suspicious war criminal unless proved different.

Considering the fact that Israel stormed naval vessels sailing under Irish, Turkish and Greek flags. Both NATO members and EU countries must immediately cease their relationships with Israel and close their airspace to Israeli airplanes.

Considering yesterday’s news about Israeli nuclear submarines being stationed in the Gulf, the world must react quickly and severely. Israel is now officially mad and deadly. The Jewish State is not just careless about human life, as we have been following the Israeli press campaign leading to the slaughter, Israel actually seeks pleasure in inflicting pain and devastation on others.
I've been following the developments on SOTT. This is very heart breaking. People trying to offer humanitarian aid to the suffering and they get death in return. :cry:

It seems that in this point of mankind's general development, the only effective way to make the psychopaths identify themselves by their actions is to try and ignore them in order to do what's right anyway. It takes large amounts of people working together for a common humanitarian goal and lots of publicity.

At some point hopefully, all the networks that refuse to fully cover this tragedy will also be revealed as being complicit.

Edit: Added:

To Woodsman:

Fwiw, I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately there are and will be deaths of innocents on both (every) side. As long as the psychopaths in control identify themselves AS Israel and representative of Jews and the Jewish State the only solution I can see before Israel brings on their own destruction is for the Jews who don't consider themselves a part of this (because they represent and believe in the true God, or whatever), separate themselves - even leaving the country if necessary to further isolate the psychopaths and make them more visible.

Sort of like that bible scripture (is it in Revelations?) where the Voice says "Come out of her, my people!"

My 2 cents, anyway.
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