Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

L'ancien président américain Jimmy Carter, Prix Nobel de la Paix en 2002, qui a autrefois forgé la paix entre Israël et l'Égypte, a négocié avec les dirigeants du Hamas et a déclaré que le Hamas serait prêt à reconnaître Israël et à accepter avec Israël une solution à deux États pour coexister, mais c'est Netanyahu qui ne le veut pas. Netanyahu estime que tout, du Jourdain à la mer, doit être sous contrôle israélien.
Et cela les médias Fake News ne vous le disent pas !
Former US President Jimmy Carter, the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner who once forged peace between Israel and Egypt, negotiated with Hamas leaders and said Hamas would be willing to recognize Israel and accept with Israel a two-state solution to coexist, but it is Netanyahu who does not want it. Netanyahu believes that everything, from the Jordan River to the sea, must be under Israeli control.And the Fake News media doesn’t tell you that!
I think the claim that „Putin had a cardiac arrest on Sunday “ is a fake.

Putin had a meeting on Monday. In the photos you can see Putin as well:

And today Putin had a conversation with the president of Brazil:

'The US says Israel does not have clear plan to conduct ethnic cleansing in Gaza.'

24 Oct, 2023

24 October 2023

6 hours ago
5. Turkey has a tight control of Russia's access to the Mediterranean Sea via the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. She also controls major land routes from the North with her alliance with Azerbaijan. So, as long as Turkey continues to prosper and maintain a large standing army, Iran and Russia are blocked from any meaningful military operations in Syria, Lebanon and Israel.

It seems that this John Little guy makes assumptions regarding Turkey and Russia because it fits the Evangelical view of Russia's role in the End of days. According to them, and also according to Jewish End of Days beliefs, Gog and Magog is Putin and Russia, and that Russia's annexation and then attack on Ukraine were the first signs of the soon arriving Messiah.

That's why he writes this:

So, as long as Turkey continues to prosper and maintain a large standing army, Iran and Russia are blocked from any meaningful military operations in Syria, Lebanon and Israel.

Obviously Christians and Jews think that their Messiah is the right one, and the other one is the Antichrist. And accoridng to this "lore", the moment Russia will attack Turkey, it means that the Messiah is very near. You can read more in this post.

It's also possible that John Little or Evangelicals in general accept the possibility that it won't be Russia directly, but its influence through other countries in the Middle East, like Iran or Syria 🤷‍♀️
At the White House, Biden and his advisor have an urgent meeting.

Advisor: President, you will need to make a decision, for once.
Biden: Nuke'em!
Advisor: Who are you going to nuke?
Biden: David...
Advisor: Who's David?
Biden: The Hollywood star... of David...

The advisor takes a sip of his coffee.

Advisor: President, I'm reminding you that there is a war in the Middle East.
Biden: Is rael... Is real?
Advisor: Israel? Are you going to nuke Israel?
Biden: I'm sorry... I mixed up the names again. I meant... Gazella, I want her!
Advisor: Gaza? The strike would obliterate Israel too!
Biden: Then invade her! Oh man, I'd stick mine right into her juicy...
Advisor: President, it would be a grave mistake to invade Gaza.
Biden: Then nuke'em!

The advisor takes another sip of his coffee.

Advisor: You remember the code, right?
Biden: Let's Go Brandon!
Advisor: Not that one, leave it for the next election.
Biden: Uh...
Advisor: There's a sticker on your son's laptop...
Biden: I'd stick mine into those beautiful...
Advisor: No, that's not the point, President.
Biden: Then what's the point?
Advisor: It's more complicated. A strong force prevents us from launching "the final solution."
Biden: Let me guess... uh... David from Star Wars?
Advisor: No, @Ðekel from Cassiopaea.:hug2:

Yocheved Lifshitz, one of the released hostages, has given her account of captivity in Gaza. Obviously it's been a harrowing ordeal, but she described being treated fairly well, the conditions in the tunnels were clean and hostages were given regular medical attention from doctors.

She even shook hands with a member of Hamas while the handover was filmed. On the face of it she seems a brave and decent soul.

At the precise moment of her deliverance from a hellish ordeal Yokheved Lifshitz paused and turned to grip the hand of one of the masked Hamas militants who had kept her captive. “Shalom,” she said.
The handshake and the Hebrew word for peace were a remarkable gesture by the 85-year-old Israeli who later spoke of brutality and mercy during her 16 days as a hostage in Gaza.
At a press conference on Tuesday Lifshitz said that after initial violence her Hamas captors had shown “care” and “gentleness” – a rare description of humanity in a savage conflict that may turn even bloodier.
The Phoney War was, in my opinion, a time to prepare people for total war, but by telling them that there would be no war, by pretending that everything was being done to prevent war, but in fact, I believe, the PTB were preparing like mad for battle. So they gave people false hope that there wouldn't be war one day, and the next day there would be, and the next day there wouldn't be. That's the tactic they use to drive people mad. But above all to keep them in line, like in the army, in war. War, war, war was the finality. Very interesting.
What you say here kind of reminds me of this:

Matthew 24:6-14​

6 You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,
11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,
13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Lifshitz and her husband were apparently peace activists who were involved in humanitarian work with people from Gaza. He is still being held hostage somewhere there.

Israeli officials apparently aren't happy about this conference disrupting their narrative about Hamas. Also by making them look incompetent, although we know that actually helps with their 'other' narrative. The one where everything was a result of intelligence failures. So there might be an overall benefit to higher up Israeli government.

Israeli officials are reportedly unhappy with an interview given by an elderly former captive of Hamas in Gaza because she had not been well prepared for the statement.
In a press meeting on Tuesday, 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz, an Israeli captive released from Gaza on Monday evening, said she was beaten on 7 October, the day Palestinian fighters stormed southern Israel, but later treated "gently".
Sources told Israel's state-owned Kan News that the interview was a "mistake", adding that a "preliminary meeting" may not have been held with Lifshitz prior to her press statement and that if one had been held, not "all questions" to do with the preparation were asked.
During the press statement, Lifshitz also condemned the Israeli army's lack of preparedness for the attack on 7 October, saying that "two billion" shekels had been spent on security systems that did not work.

She also attacked the government for its failures in the lead-up to the attack. "We were the government's scapegoat, we were abandoned. We went through hell," she said.
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For me it was Richard Boone as the complex intellectual somewhat surly anti hero wearing all black in “Have gun will travel” (which predated the pithy Eastwood a bit)
You may well be right (Boone was a much underrated actor). I appreciate that it is a bit off topic but when you analyse the movies of the 1960's you can see that behind the scenes producers and directors in Hollywood were changing the old stereotypes of good and evil in the movies. Before the 1960's, the message was much simpler, good always triumphed over evil, crime never paid and the hero always got the girl in the end (unless you were Bob Hope, since Crosby always got the girl :-D). Anyway, Eastwood's spaghetti westerns would certainly be part of the process of changing that.

Yocheved Lifshitz, one of the released hostages, has given her account of captivity in Gaza. Obviously it's been a harrowing ordeal, but she described being treated fairly well, the conditions in the tunnels were clean and hostages were given regular medical attention from doctors.

She even shook hands with a member of Hamas while the handover was filmed. On the face of it she seems a brave and decent soul.

Is it possible that she suffered from the Stockholm Syndrome ?

Stockholm syndrome is a proposed condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors.[1][2] It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships. Therefore, it is difficult to find a large number of people who experience Stockholm syndrome to conduct studies with any sort of validity or useful sample size. This makes it hard to determine trends in the development and effects of the condition,[3] and in fact it is a "contested illness" due to doubts about the legitimacy of the condition.[4]

Emotional bonds can possibly form between captors and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. Stockholm syndrome has never been included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM, the standard tool for diagnosis of psychiatric illnesses and disorders in the United States, mainly due to the lack of a consistent body of academic research.[4] The syndrome is rare: according to data from the FBI, about 8% of hostage victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.[5]

Stockholm syndrome is paradoxical because the sympathetic sentiments that captives feel towards their captors are the opposite of the fear and disdain which an onlooker might feel towards the captors.

There are four key components that characterize Stockholm syndrome:

  • A hostage's development of positive feelings towards the captor
  • No previous relationship between hostage and captor
  • A refusal by hostages to cooperate with police and other government authorities
  • A hostage's belief in the humanity of the captor, ceasing to perceive them as a threat, when the victim holds the same values as the aggressor.[6]

More here
I think the claim that „Putin had a cardiac arrest on Sunday “ is a fake.

Putin had a meeting on Monday. In the photos you can see Putin as well:

And today Putin had a conversation with the president of Brazil:

Is it possible that the double of Putin had a cardiac arrest? Everything is possible these days.
Is it possible that the double of Putin had a cardiac arrest? Everything is possible these days.

Quite unlikely. It is much more likely that the source of that claim was making up things out of thin air. From what I have read somewhere, the same source/person has a pretty reliable track record of doing just that a number of times before.

By the way, I’m pretty sure that Putin doesn’t use body doubles. I think he also said as much at some point.
Quite unlikely. It is much more likely that the source of that claim was making up things out of thin air. From what I have read somewhere, the same source/person has a pretty reliable track record of doing just that a number of times before.

By the way, I’m pretty sure that Putin doesn’t use body doubles. I think he also said as much at some point.
Also possible that the rumor was spread on purpose to see who would say / do what 🤔
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