Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

At the White House, Biden and his advisor have an urgent meeting.

Advisor: President, you will need to make a decision, for once.
Biden: Nuke'em!
Advisor: Who are you going to nuke?
Biden: David...
Advisor: Who's David?
Biden: The Hollywood star... of David...

The advisor takes a sip of his coffee.

Advisor: President, I'm reminding you that there is a war in the Middle East.
Biden: Is rael... Is real?
Advisor: Israel? Are you going to nuke Israel?
Biden: I'm sorry... I mixed up the names again. I meant... Gazella, I want her!
Advisor: Gaza? The strike would obliterate Israel too!
Biden: Then invade her! Oh man, I'd stick mine right into her juicy...
Advisor: President, it would be a grave mistake to invade Gaza.
Biden: Then nuke'em!

The advisor takes another sip of his coffee.

Advisor: You remember the code, right?
Biden: Let's Go Brandon!
Advisor: Not that one, leave it for the next election.
Biden: Uh...
Advisor: There's a sticker on your son's laptop...
Biden: I'd stick mine into those beautiful...
Advisor: No, that's not the point, President.
Biden: Then what's the point?
Advisor: It's more complicated. A strong force prevents us from launching "the final solution."
Biden: Let me guess... uh... David from Star Wars?
Advisor: No, @Ðekel from Cassiopaea.:hug2:

Thanks for lightening my mood 🙌🏽
She even shook hands with a member of Hamas while the handover was filmed. On the face of it she seems a brave and decent soul.
The media in the service of Zionism say that the hostage "went through hell". Other released hostages have said that Hamas has treated them well.

In this day and age, will anyone believe CNN?

It's fake news

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Russian channels are reporting that Putin was in negotiations this morning with the Brazilian president.
As you probably well know SOTT READER, the Daily Express newspaper is perhaps the worst offender in the UK when it comes to printing fake news about Russia and the War in the Ukraine. If you only read the Express, you would think the Ukrainians were on the point of outright victory, the Russian army was in complete disarray and Putin was about to be toppled in a palace coup. Hence, such a report is par for the course for the Express.​
This reminds me of what is told in Revelation 6 and the suffering and injustices that children, women and men go through in all banksters wars.

In September 2021 in the middle of the "plandemic" the Cs mentioned that we could already hear hoof beats in the distance.​

(L) So, it's time for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

A: You can hear the hoof beats in the distance.

So here we are in 2023 and TPTB think the rapture train is waiting to save them but the universe has other plans described in Revelation 6

This biblical episode begins with the breaking of the seals so that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse can appear: War, famine, pestilence, and death
Perhaps the first horseman appeared as long ago as 2011.

Session 13 February 2011:

L) What's next? (Andromeda) Were the protests in Egypt orchestrated by the US and Israel?

A: No, but once started they certainly put their team in position. Global revolution is desired by them exactly as Reed described.

Q: (L) Douglas Reed? As in “The Controversy of Zion”?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) So that leads to the next question: How close are the Zionists to fulfilling their biblical end time scenario?

A: They expect things to ripen within two years.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible that it's a preparation for a war of some description in the Middle East with Israel vs. the Arabs?

A: Possible but not likely as you imagine it.

Q: (L) I think he's imagining that they're really adversarial. The people are being made to be adversarial, but I think the powers in control even in the Arab world are all in cahoots. (Perceval) I was thinking in terms of basically where there would be a major conflagration in the Middle East and the Jews and the Palestinians and everybody would be destroyed. They would set scene where there would be a sort of pan-Arab nationalism that would turn against Israel... (L) Yeah, I think that's really possible, but they think they're going to be able to do a controlled burn and I think it's going to get out of control in ways they don't suspect.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Israel is a country that's full of the most concentrated bunch of psychopaths probably on the entire planet, and they certainly don't want to destroy their own kind. But they do want to destroy the Arabs. (Perceval) And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves. (L) Well, that's usually what they do. Lobaczewski said that the germ doesn't understand that it's going to be killed and destroyed and burned along with the death of the body it's infecting. And I also think that they don't take into account real earth changes. It's not that they can't think about preparing for some of these things, because obviously some of them do and they are preparing. But they don't seem to have this ability to really understand... they're able to plan for something that's going to happen, like if scientists tell them there's going to be some kind of comet or whatever, they can build some seed bank. Okay, so they can do that. But they're not ABLE to understand the implications and outcome of an action they're taking right now as an immediate response to something that they think is going to turn a certain way. They think that what they're going to do is totally rational - it's like game theory. They've found that game theory doesn't work on everybody! I think it's like Lobaczewski said: they're trying to fish out all of these people who are going to respond the way they think they are, and then they are repeatedly disappointed that so few actually do when push comes to shove. In real human beings, something responds in them. (Perceval) So, they can't imagine how normal human beings could react when their backs are against the wall and they're in a real state of chaos. (Ailen) Or if there's a real food shortage. (Perceval) They've never been there really, what they're planning for.


Q: (Andromeda) Is a massive worldwide thinning of the veil responsible for a lot of the high strangeness experienced recently? Well, we already know that.

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) What was the horse and rider apparition that was seen in Egypt?
[MJF: see video link below]

A: Thinning of the veil.

Q: (Belibaste) But this knight, what was the meaning? Was it a ghost, a creature, was it fighting with the Egyptian people? (Perceval) It looked like an apparition of...

A: Saladin*.

Q: (Belibaste) The knight or prince... the Arab fighter. (Perceval) It was on a bridge, over water. (Andromeda) What about the UFO in Jerusalem?

A: Same.

*Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (c. 1137 – 4 March 1193), commonly known as Saladin, was the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. Hailing from a Kurdish family, he was the first sultan of both Egypt and Syria. An important figure of the Third Crusade, he spearheaded the Muslim military effort against the Crusader states in the Levant. Under Saladin's command, the Ayyubid army defeated the Crusaders at the decisive Battle of Hattin in 1187, capturing Jerusalem and re-establishing Muslim military dominance in the Levant.

Saladin successfully united the pan-Islamic forces against the Crusaders, where before they had spent more time fighting each other than the Christian forces. Perhaps history is repeating itself as Perceval mentions with his comment about a pan-Arab nationalism emerging? If so, Saladin would certainly be a very appropriate symbolism.

I attach here a link to an article about the ghostly appearance of Saladin in Egypt in 2011: Mysterious Ghostly Horseman Filmed in Egypt –

As the article says:

"Many people are calling it a sign of the apocalypse. Even as the Egyptian protests unfold, witnesses to a clip from MSNBC have noted that a strange eerie figure similar to a horseman riding through the streets near protesters and emitting an eerie pale green glow before partially de-materializing and flying off screen. Amid some of the strangest footage to date, this has some people turning their heads. References to the “pale horse” of the apocalypse have been springing up in conjunction to this bizarre latest development.

But while passages from Revelation are often seen accompanying this strange footage, it seems a bit premature to link the very strange but also very unconfirmed sighting with proof that the world will soon be ending [MJF: Hmmm.... Maybe not, giving what is currently happening in Gaza]. Instead, it’s an eerie, but so far unconfirmed ghost sighting of a horseman in the streets of Egypt.

A video of the strange horseman can be seen here:

So, could this apparition have been that of the 'Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse', the Pale Rider?

When the fourth seal is opened, Revelation 6:8 records, "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

Even Clint Eastwood got in on the act with his 1985 movie Pale Rider. Sorry, I couldn't resist another plug for Clint :-D.

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It seems that this John Little guy makes assumptions regarding Turkey and Russia because it fits the Evangelical view of Russia's role in the End of days. According to them, and also according to Jewish End of Days beliefs, Gog and Magog is Putin and Russia, and that Russia's annexation and then attack on Ukraine were the first signs of the soon arriving Messiah.

Interestingly, large portions of people outside the "glorious west" would argue for the exact opposite scenario and are thus likely much closer to the truth: Gog and Magog is "the collective west" spearheaded by the US. For years Sheikh Imran Hosein has convincingly argued for that reality.
24 October 2023 (RT)

16:30 GMT
"Israel’s permanent representative to the UN accused the organization’s secretary general of being “disconnected from reality” and called on him to “resign immediately,” following Guterres’ words about “56 years of suffocating occupation” of Palestinian people by Israel."

  • 16:21 GMT
    "Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has announced on social media that he will not proceed with a scheduled meeting with UN chief Antonio Guterres."

  • "The cancellation follows Guterres’ statement that the October 7 attack by Hamas was not an isolated incident and that Palestinians have been living under a “suffocating occupation” for 56 years. He also expressed concern about Israel’s alleged violations of international humanitarian law."

  • "Posting on X (formerly Twitter), Cohen wrote: “I will not meet with the UN Secretary General.
    “After October 7th, there is no room for a balanced approach,”
    he added. “Hamas must be erased from the world!"
Hamas militants were told they would receive money and apartments as prizes for producing captives and specifically told to mame and kill in certain ways 😑

This is a testimony from a captured Hamas militant

War is an ugly beast

We shouldn't shy away from seeing what is happening from all angles, as hideous as it may be

The commanders giving these orders obviously stayed behind

I agree that we shouldn't "shy away from seeing what's happening from all angles" and that what Hamas is doing isn't exactly pretty or gentle. But it's also important to continuously expand the context outside the current situation and bear in mind that what's happening to Israelis at the moment is a result of decades long torture and murder of Palestinians - and of creating and funding Hamas in the first place. So the current situation is a case of reaping what they sowed for themselves.

A part of me does empathise with regular Israeli citizens. Many are just trying to raise their children and build a life for themselves - just like most people do. And just like pretty much all of us, they have been led on the path of lies, danger, and suffering by psychopaths in power. Yet I just can't bring myself to see them entirely as innocent victims of Zionist psychos. To me, they are a perfect example of the fact that ignorance is absolutely NOT bliss. As the Cs said: ignorance endangers.

And to expand the context further, Israelis aren't the only ones paying a price for their ignorance and believing lies. The West is currently experiencing a costs of living crisis, an energy crisis, a refugee/immigrant crisis, and a libtardation crisis - all being a direct result of choosing not to see the truth and act on it. And sure, not all Israelis are wilfully blind. But just like us here on this forum who live in the West and have to suffer by ricochet for the majority's blindness, the same way the exceptions who oppose Israel but are living on its territory will end up having to suffer through a collective punishment. I just hope you yourself manage to get out in time to save yourself and your loved ones.

Also, in the interest of expanding the context in another direction, let's not forget about the leading role Zionists have played in the evils of this world for centuries, that must have created one heck of karma. And as they say, karma is a mean lady only if you are.
The US is sending troops, ships, planes plus all the military bases in the area, they don't know what else to invent to enter fully, this "I am very involved in this because Israel and I are one and the same but, if you dare attack me, you're going to go to hell" card is even boring.

The US does not want war with Iran, but if attacked Americans are ready to respond, Blinken told the UN Security Council:

"We do not want this war to expand, however, if Iran or its supporters attack U.S. personnel anywhere, we will defend our people, our security quickly and decisively."

He also said the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can only be resolved through a "two states for two peoples" approach, but the US has "no illusions about how difficult that will be to achieve."

🟩 RT in Russian

Technology warfare

Israel Hospital Uses Facial Recognition To Identify Dead And Wounded From Hamas War​

Soroka Medical Center, located just east of Gaza in Beersheva, is now using facial recognition to help family members locate their missing loved ones.
The software is able to take an image of a person, including individuals whose features have been impacted by physical trauma, and find a match amongst photos sent in by concerned family members, according to Ofer Ronen, the executive vice president of global development at Corsight AI, which is providing the technology to the hospital for free.

...According to Ronen, the company reached out to a doctor at Soroka who had put out a Facebook post saying the hospital had been flooded with calls from parents trying to find missing relatives. The hospital later opened a dedicated email account for families to voluntarily send their photos of missing loved ones so they could be checked against images of patients, Ronen told Forbes. “In a relatively short time, we were able to give peace to families,” he added.

Corsight AI claims its technology is able to determine a person’s identity from a partial view of their face. Just as Covid was breaking out, in 2020, Corsight announced seed funding of $5 million, claiming it could identify someone behind a mask or protective goggles. It’s also claimed to be working on tech that can take a person’s DNA and create a digital image of their face to run through a facial recognition database, though experts have claimed that would be scientifically untenable, the MIT Technology Review reported last year.

From Slavyangrad:

[VIDEO]🇵🇸🇮🇱 Tel Aviv was subjected to the largest bombing since the beginning of the war (120 rockets).‌‌

🚨🇺🇸 Rocket attack on the American base of Ain al-Assad in Anbar province

Sources close to the Iraqi Islamic resistance report a successful rocket attack on the base of the American occupation forces in Ain al-Assad.

⭕️ The effects of a rocket attack on the town of Alfi Manshieh (Israeli settlement) in the east of Qalqilya.

🛑Hebrew Channel 14: The missile that hit the town of Elfi Manshieh in the east of Qalqilya in the West Bank today was carrying a 60 kg warhead, and this is similar to the cruise missiles copied by Iran from the Russian Kh55 missile.

The White House: We are deeply concerned about American soldiers being attacked in the Middle East

The Pentagon: Since October 17, there have been more than 10 attacks on American bases in Syria and Iraq

‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️Ukraine has depleted NATO reserves, we urgently need to increase production, - Secretary General of the Alliance

▪️According to Stoltenberg, active military assistance to Kyiv has significantly depleted NATO's own reserves, so its members should immediately increase production to ensure their own defense.
▪️“Our security depends on technological advantages and our defense industry. Therefore, it is important that large companies both inside and outside the Alliance take part in this. Increasing production is necessary both to meet the needs of Ukraine and for our own defense. At the same time, as Russia once again prepares to use winter as a weapon in war, the speed and volume of production matter,” the NATO Secretary General emphasized.

If Israel think they're going to get away from this with just a bloody nose, they've got a very rude awakening coming.
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