Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Found this on Twitter, great read:

By @KeithWoodsYT
Read on Twitter

One in four American Christians say they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel.
But why are there so many Christian Zionists in America?

A thread 🧵



2/13 What is Christian Zionism?

Christian Zionists believe that the Jewish people have a biblically-mandated right to a homeland in Palestine, and that Christians should be active in advancing this.

This belief is rooted in a traditional heresy known as "dispensationalism".


3/13 Dispensationalists believe that the nation of Israel is distinct from the Christian Church, and that God has yet to fulfil his promises to the national Israel.

Adherents believe the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 was a necessary fulfilment of prophecy.


4/13 These beliefs are very foreign to traditional Christianity - the church fathers viewed the church itself as the New Israel.

Dispensationalists disregard tradition and take a literalist reading of scripture, viewing the church as a temporary insert into the flow of


5/13 How did this literalist reading of the bible become so prevalent in the US?

This is mostly thanks to C.I. Scofield, author of the Scofield Reference Bible of 1909.

His notes induced generations of American evangelicals to believe God demanded their support for Zionism. Image

6/13 Intro'ing his Bible, Scofield claimed the degree of Doctor of Divinity, though no seminary in America that claimed him as a student

Central to Christian Zionist belief is Scofield’s commentary on Genesis, which is said to have a command by God to serve the nation of Israel.

7/13 One scholar called the Scofield Bible "Perhaps the most influential single work thrust into the religious life of America during the twentieth century."

But how did one born-again Christian with little qualification have such a huge impact? Image

8/13 In the biography The Incredible Scofield and His Book, the author writes “The admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”


9/13 That someone, it is suggested, was the Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer.

Scofield’s theology was “most helpful in getting Fundamentalist Christians to back the international interest in one of Untermeyer’s pet projects—the Zionist Movement.” Image

10/13 Samuel Untermeyer was a wealthy Jewish lawyer and Zionist.

Untermeyer funded the creation of the Jewish Theological Seminary, was president of Keren Hayesod - the leading Zionist organisation in America at the time, and was Vice-President of the American Jewish Congress.

11/13 In 'Unjust War Theory: Christian Zionism and the Road to Jerusalem' Prof. David W. Lutz writes:

“Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism."


12/13 "Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe.”

While in England, Scofield met the head of Oxford University Press, who became enthusiastic about the project. Image

13/13 If not for the Scofield Bible, US Presidents influenced by Christian Zionism might have been more willing to put their country's interests above Israel, and more American Christians would take a critical look at a state where Christians currently face intense persecution.

Perhaps they should study the New Testament a bit more closely since if they did, they would discover the famous act of Christ cursing the fig tree with all its rich symbolism where the Jewish people are concerned:

The cursing of the fig tree is an incident reported in the Synoptic Gospels, presented in the Gospel of Mark and Gospel of Matthew as a miracle in connection with the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and in the Gospel of Luke as a parable. The image is taken from the Old Testament symbol of the fig tree representing Israel, and the cursing of the fig tree in Mark and Matthew and the parallel story in Luke are thus symbolically directed against the Jews, who have not accepted Jesus as Messiah.

In the Jewish scriptures, the people of Israel are sometimes represented as figs on a fig tree (Hosea 9:10, Jeremiah 24), or a fig tree that bears no fruit (Jeremiah 8:13). In Micah 4:4, the age of the Messiah is pictured as one in which each man would sit under his fig tree without fear. The cursing of the fig tree in Mark and Matthew and the parallel story in Luke are thus symbolically directed against the Jews, who did not accept Jesus as king.

And then there is the story of the Roman Centurion in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 8:
5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,
6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Gaza under renewed communication blackout and shelling
Israel condemned for Jabalia 'massacre' as it cuts Gaza's internet and phone services

+ Israeli military steps up deadly Jenin raids
+Hamas kills 11 soldiers in Gaza gun battles
+Bolivia cuts ties with Israel

-Israel sends navy boats to Red Sea following attacks from Yemen
The Israeli military said the vessels were deployed “in accordance with the assessment of the situation, and as part of the increased defence efforts in the area".
The deployment also means that the Israeli army is now spread over four fronts: in Gaza and the West Bank in addition to the Israeli-Lebanese frontier and now the Red Sea.

-US base in Syria hit by drones: Report
Two drones hit Al-Tanf military base, a US military outpost located at the intersection of the borders of Syria, Jordan and Iraq. The base has come under attack recently by Iran-backed militias.

-General Strike brings Nablus to a standstill
Shops were boarded up and streets deserted in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus after a one day general strike was called over Israel's attack on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

-Death toll from Khan Younis strike climbs to 12

The death toll from an Israeli strike on two homes in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip has climbed to 12 people, according to Arabic media. The strike comes amid a particularly bloody day in the war-ravaged enclave, after Israel also bombed Jabalia refugee camp on Tuesday.
The Palestinian death toll since the outbreak of war now exceeds 8,500 Palestinians, including 3,542 children and 2,187 women.
At least 1,400 Israelis were killed in Israel during the 7 October attack, mainly civilians.

-Nine additional Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza invasion
The Israeli military released the names of the soldiers on social media platform X and said their families had been notified.

In addition to those killed, two soldiers from the 77th Battalion, a soldier from the Sabar Battalion and a soldier from the Rotem Battalion have been seriously injured.
Earlier on Tuesday the Israeli military released the names of the first two soldiers killed in the invasion. They belonged to the Givati infantry Brigade and were killed in "hand to hand" combat, according to the Israeli military.
Can anyone explain to me the legal basis for the US maintaining a military base in Syria? Were they invited to do so by the legitimate government of Syria as the Russians were? If not, it strikes me that there presence there is an illegal invasion under International Law. Any thoughts?

I've been watching images of destruction and desolation, but they (all - Catholic, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Atheist. .. -) many, thousands, are still alive and is good.
I want to post the whole pray, people find comfort in it.
Hail Mary, full of grace
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou
among all women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and in the now
of our death. Amen
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Can anyone explain to me the legal basis for the US maintaining a military base in Syria? Were they invited to do so by the legitimate government of Syria as the Russians were? If not, it strikes me that there presence there is an illegal invasion under International Law. Any thoughts?
I mean, this is all a long thought out STS plan, so the base is obviously supposed to be there, and with the things that are occurring in the world, for me, the words legal and illegal have no meaning at all.. The rules are only valid for us "mortals", because as far as I can see, the elites can do whatever they want just to get what they want. A good thing might be That Russia doesn't like what's happening, but again if Russia or Iran or any other country gets involved that wants to stop this war, it'll just be an even bigger war... that's my opinion on the current situation...
Can anyone explain to me the legal basis for the US maintaining a military base in Syria? Were they invited to do so by the legitimate government of Syria as the Russians were? If not, it strikes me that there presence there is an illegal invasion under International Law. Any thoughts?
I understand they are there illegally as Israel at the Golan. And I think there is petrol there, that's why.
Most times, simply noticing and announcing these "plans" often causes the cockroaches to scatter.
Plans may be foiled by revelation if a reasonably specific action (such as, for example, hijackings or shopping-mall shootings) or a reasonably specific location or type of location is indicated. But in this article and Wray's statement there is none of that, so nothing and no place specific enough that anyone could defend or watch. Thus, nothing to foil. IMO, the "cockroaches" don't need to scatter.

In fact, Wray's statement was so broad that it sounds more like laying the groundwork, the vague justification, for another repeal of freedoms for Americans that could be prompted by the slightest incident. He said, "threat of kinetic attacks," "across the country ... we stay laser-focused on mitigating threats," "protecting Americans from the threat of terrorism ... remains our #1 priority," "the range of threats we battle each and every day is enormous." The only things less broad that he mentioned were "cyber attacks" and "houses of worship." Lowball numbers I found were about 350,000 religious congregations (all faiths) in the USA. Despite this giant number, some are already taking advantage of Wray's words to increase fear.

Their disguise is falling off and they are revealing themselves for what they are, Zionists.


‼️🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia has given the green light for the deployment of US air defense systems in the country to protect Israel from external attacks, - Saudi Arabia's defense minister

The sides discussed the situation in the Middle East, and additional air defense systems will be deployed in the kingdom, as missiles launched from Yemen towards Israel fly over the territory of Saudi Arabia.

There is no doubt that the pressure of the Wave is greatest on the psychopaths. They do not cry for the dead Israelis, because in any case their supposed humanity would extend to the Palestinian people. NO, they cry for themselves because the day of reckoning is near and they feel it, but cannot explain it.​

Several ISRAELI Knesset members left their meeting CRYING today due to the “HEAVY CASUALTIES” their military has suffered against Hamas thus far.
I mean, this is all a long thought out STS plan, so the base is obviously supposed to be there, and with the things that are occurring in the world, for me, the words legal and illegal have no meaning at all.. The rules are only valid for us "mortals", because as far as I can see, the elites can do whatever they want just to get what they want. A good thing might be That Russia doesn't like what's happening, but again if Russia or Iran or any other country gets involved that wants to stop this war, it'll just be an even bigger war... that's my opinion on the current situation...
I hear what you say and agree for the most part. However, the USA loftily proclaims that it is the upholder of a western "rules based system", which is meant to protect the sovereign rights of nations. My understanding is that the Americans claimed to insert their troops into Syria to fight ISIS terrorists and protect the oil fields located in the region from attack. However, Syria never asked for their help and doesn't want it. In reality, the US troops are there to counter Iran and its Hezbollah proxies and control the oil fields, which rightly belong to Syria (thereby denying Syria the right to their revenues, which is akin to a form of sanctions). They may also be there as a counter to the Russian forces in Syria (I understand there has even been fighting between the two nations unofficial, contractor forces under cover of the civil war, which has largely gone unreported in the western media), who were invited in by the Assad government.

Whichever way you cut it, this military base is a violation of Syrian sovereignty and an illegal occupation, as is the occupation of the Golan Heights by the Israelis. America comes down like a ton of bricks on any nation that has the temerity to do a similar thing (think of Iraq and its invasion of Kuwait and Serbia when it sent its forces into Kosovo - even though it was Serbian territory in the first place). It's just naked hypocrisy on the part of the Americans and makes a complete mockery of the rules based system. Anyway, as Putin has said, who made America the world's policeman? Perhaps it is time for the nations of the world to impose sanctions on America and Israel.​
Their disguise is falling off and they are revealing themselves for what they are, Zionists.

There is no doubt that the pressure of the Wave is greatest on the psychopaths. They do not cry for the dead Israelis, because in any case their supposed humanity would extend to the Palestinian people. NO, they cry for themselves because the day of reckoning is near and they feel it, but cannot explain it.​

Crocodile tears for the benefit of the voters! ("crocodile tears" defined as tears or expressions of sorrow that are insincere).
"Twitter invites and rewards a certain amount of impulsivity"

Pretty much everyone knows that. So get a handle on yourself, man! This from a psychologist as well. He really has lost a huge amount of respect, I still credit him with enough intelligence to say that he probably is fully aware of that. The healthiest thing he could have done, for himself, is fully admit he followed the darkest part of himself (the one he warns that everyone has). He has become a hypocrite.

I fear that in order for him to change some of his ways and to get on the bandwaggon of gaining a better and broader understanding of things, only a profound personal crisis will do - something that forces him to do some serious soul searching, maybe leave the public sphere entirely for a while, battling his demons, and then come back stronger than ever, Gandalf-the-White-style. The chances for that are pretty slim though, IMO.
I fear that in order for him to change some of his ways and to get on the bandwaggon of gaining a better and broader understanding of things, only a profound personal crisis will do - something that forces him to do some serious soul searching, maybe leave the public sphere entirely for a while, battling his demons, and then come back stronger than ever, Gandalf-the-White-style. The chances for that are pretty slim though, IMO.
Many of his friends are Jewish, the fact that he was allowed to give lectures around the world probably wasn't for free either. He would have had to reject the hand that fed him.
I hear what you say and agree for the most part. However, the USA loftily proclaims that it is the upholder of a western "rules based system", which is meant to protect the sovereign rights of nations. My understanding is that the Americans claimed to insert their troops into Syria to fight ISIS terrorists and protect the oil fields located in the region from attack. However, Syria never asked for their help and doesn't want it. In reality, the US troops are there to counter Iran and its Hezbollah proxies and control the oil fields, which rightly belong to Syria (thereby denying Syria the right to their revenues, which is akin to a form of sanctions). They may also be there as a counter to the Russian forces in Syria (I understand there has even been fighting between the two nations unofficial, contractor forces under cover of the civil war, which has largely gone unreported in the western media), who were invited in by the Assad government.

Whichever way you cut it, this military base is a violation of Syrian sovereignty and an illegal occupation, as is the occupation of the Golan Heights by the Israelis. America comes down like a ton of bricks on any nation that has the temerity to do a similar thing (think of Iraq and its invasion of Kuwait and Serbia when it sent its forces into Kosovo - even though it was Serbian territory in the first place). It's just naked hypocrisy on the part of the Americans and makes a complete mockery of the rules based system. Anyway, as Putin has said, who made America the world's policeman? Perhaps it is time for the nations of the world to impose sanctions on America and Israel.​
I agree... and what even are "system-based rules", if the Americans are already in Syria.. Whatever the U.S. publicly declares is total bullshit and it's just there to confuse us. My thoughts are that if the Americans are already in Syria, then the Americans "own" Syria as well. U.S. is not the upholder of a western "rules-based system". U.S. is the upholder of destruction. It's simply disgusting and sick what they're doing and I can't even fathom what kind of world we in live....

This came up on my YouTube suggestions page yesterday. I was already lamenting to family members about how disappointed I am in his "Give em hell" X tweet. What struck me immediately about this particular interview is how off JBP seems. There seems to be a weird stunned flavor to his presence and his skin just doesn't look right to me. But perhaps that's just the filter of my faulty perception. In late January 2022 my husband presented me with VIP tickets to a Jordan Peterson talk in Houston, TX. (We have since moved back to our home in Oklahoma.) I remember mentioning it during the forum Reading Workshop I was attending at the time. His eyes sparkled as I shook his hand and said what an honor it was to meet him. I truly admired the man. As you can see, the quote in my signature is from him. Jordan's apparent blindness reminds me of that verse from the bible; "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24 (emphasis mine). Once again, I have to admit I have a weakness for somewhat idolizing people. It is the work of the individuals on this forum in connection with the C's, crystal connection, EE, prayers, songs and so forth that set me straight time and time again. Gratitude flows, even as tears well for the suffering.
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