Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Social Media-Ministry of truth.

Israel lobby launches PR campaign to shore up US support for Gaza atrocities

Campaign launch raises red flags on social media, where people said the groups are intent on driving Israel’s narrative of the war.

The most powerful Israeli lobbying group in the US is partnering with other Jewish special interest groups to launch a public relations campaign to influence media coverage of the war in Gaza, Middle East Eye (MEE)
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) launched the new PR campaign, called the 10/7 Project, along with the American Jewish Committee, The Jewish Federations of North America, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish organizations.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL, said “there has been an onslaught of misinformation and conspiracy theories about the conflict and Israel circulating on social media and, in some cases, elevated by mainstream press outlets,” adding, that the project will help ensure the US public “verifiable, truthful, and balanced” coverage of the war.

Tout est permis pour les extrémistes israéliens à la tête de leur pays !
Des inquiétudes concernant le « vol d'organes » par les forces israéliennes sur des Palestiniens morts ont été soulevées par l'Observatoire Euro-Med des Droits de l'Homme.
Anything goes for Israeli extremists at the head of their country!Concerns about “organ theft” by Israeli forces from dead Palestinians have been raised by the Euro-Med Human Rights Observatory.
Funny you say that because I was thinking that what's happening can't be explained just by psychopathy, brainwashing, and ideology. There's something afoot that goes beyond that and maybe demonic is the only descriptive left, not just figuratively.
For me (speculations, but gives meaning), this is part of the world wide power grab that is going on . As the duran says: "they have no reverse". Its now or never kind of thing.
Tout est permis pour les extrémistes israéliens à la tête de leur pays !
Des inquiétudes concernant le « vol d'organes » par les forces israéliennes sur des Palestiniens morts ont été soulevées par l'Observatoire Euro-Med des Droits de l'Homme.
View attachment 87363
Anything goes for Israeli extremists at the head of their country!Concerns about “organ theft” by Israeli forces from dead Palestinians have been raised by the Euro-Med Human Rights Observatory.
Well that certainly brings me to think, “Beware of Jews bearing gifts of life”. After all, no one can be expected to be buried in a Jewish cemetery with the organs of “animals”. No Jewish doctor would perform such a transplant, it would be considered asur (forbidden), and would make the recipient no more than an animal themselves. Therefore trafficking in them would be prohibited from a Torah pov. So damned if you do, or damned if you don’t I suppose.

Just thinking out loud.🤷‍♂️
Apparently Arieh King, whose translated bio in X reads:

"Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, founder of the Israel Land Fund. Chairman of the 'United' faction in the Jerusalem City Council. Loves the people of Israel, cares for the Land of Israel and tries to act according to the Torah of Israel"

posted the following in Hebrew, but was later taken down by X (see images of original and translated):

Notice the 'subhuman' term, i.e. 'untermenschen'. Rings any bells?

I don't speak Hebrew, so if any of this is not accurate, someone please let me know.

Later he reposted the same image but with another text, not so openly genocidal but still, if one knows what Yahweh wishes for Amalek:

Translated from Hebrew by
"And it shall come to pass, when the Lord thy God shall deliver thee from all thy enemies round about in the land which the Lord thy God is giving thee an inheritance to inherit - you shall enjoy the zikr of Amalek, the gift of heaven, and you shall not feel power."Hundreds of Amalekites, Muslim-Nazis, what do you think their judgment should be?
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Apparently Arieh King, whose translated bio in X reads:

"Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, founder of the Israel Land Fund. Chairman of the 'United' faction in the Jerusalem City Council. Loves the people of Israel, cares for the Land of Israel and tries to act according to the Torah of Israel"

posted the following in Hebrew, but was later taken down by X (see images of original and translated):

I don't speak Hebrew, so if that's not accurate someone let me know.
So I think that those who say such barbarities, who think like that and act like that, treating Palestinians as if they were insects or cockroaches, those who say that, are not human. So what are those who see Palestinians as sub-human, not even as animals? Where do they come from? They've lost all humanity. What are they exactly? Machines? Entities from another reality? Possessed by a total darkness, proud of this darkness, proud of causing suffering, it's more than fanaticism, or maybe not, I can't find the words in front of these barbarians, these savages who have a human body but are as if made of iron, heartless, soulless. Yes, that's right, they have no soul. They're soulless.

UN chief Antonio Guterres addresses Security Council

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed the Security Council during a session on Friday to discuss the resolution for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza.
This is what he had to say:

+“We have already seen the spillover in the occupied West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. There is clearly, in my view, a serious risk of aggravating existing threats to the maintenance of international peace and security.

+“The risk of collapse of the humanitarian system is fundamentally linked to the complete lack of safety and security for our staff in Gaza and with the nature and intensity of military operations which are severely limiting access to people in desperate need.”

+“The threat to the safety and security of United Nations staff in Gaza is unprecedented. More than 130 of my colleagues have already been killed, many with their families. This is the largest single loss of life in the history of our organisation.”

+“I cannot emphasise strongly enough the UN is totally committed to stay and deliver for the people of Gaza. And I pay tribute to the heroic humanitarian aid workers who remain committed to their work despite the enormous dangers to their health and their lives. But the situation is simply becoming untenable.”

From the UN Secretary-General, to the international community, to the people in the streets:
We are all calling for a ceasefire in Gaza
— UAE Mission to the UN (@UAEMissionToUN) December 7, 2023

Hamas condemns Israel over images showing semi-naked Palestinian prisoners

A senior Hamas official accused Israeli forces on Friday of carrying out a “heinous crime against innocent civilians” after images of Palestinian men stripped to their underwear in Gaza circulated on social media.

Israeli TV showed footage on Thursday, which Reuters could not independently verify, of what it said were captured Hamas fighters, stripped to their underwear with heads bowed sitting in a Gaza City street.
“We are talking about individuals who are apprehended in Jabalia and Shejaiya (in Gaza city), Hamas strongholds and centers of gravity,” Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy told a regular briefing in response to a question about the images.
“We are talking about military-age men who were discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago.”
One photo showed more than 20 men kneeling on the pavement or in the street, with Israeli soldiers looking on and dozens of shoes and sandals abandoned in the road. A similar number of men, also semi-naked, were crammed into the back of a truck nearby.
Some Palestinians said they recognized relatives in the images circulating on social media and denied they had any links to Hamas or any other group.

Reshiq said the men had been captured at a school in Gaza that was being used as a shelter after weeks of Israeli bombardments that have displaced many Gazans.
“We strongly emphasize the importance of treating all those detained with humanity and dignity, in accordance with international humanitarian law,” Jessica Moussan, ICRC Media Relations Adviser, Middle East, said in a statement.

Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian Mission in London, said on X the images evoked “some of humanity’s darkest passages of history.”
Prominent Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi said on X the incident was “blatant attempt at the humiliation & degradation of Palestinian men, abducted from their family homes, stripped & displayed like war trophies.”

Footage circulated by Israeli media shows Israel’s military kidnapping Palestinians from Gaza and stripping them naked.
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) December 7, 2023

Photos show the Israeli occupation forces' arresting tens of Palestinian civilians, forcing them to strip off their clothes and subjecting them to abuse in the Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) December 7, 2023
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