Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Yesterday's news. I don't know, maybe I'm already late.
Russia condemns Israel's plan to flood tunnels in Gaza
Polyansky: Israel will commit a war crime if it floods tunnels in Gaza

Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (UN), said that Israel would commit a war crime if it decided to flood the tunnels in Gaza. This is reported by TASS.

According to him, "war crimes are on the rise," and in recent days information has been disseminated about the Israeli side's plans to flood underground structures in Gaza with seawater.

Polyansky stressed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has already built a system of pipes and sediments to pump water into the tunnels.

"Such a step, if taken, would be an obvious war crime," the permanent representative believes.

Prior to that, it became known that the Israeli authorities are considering the possibility of flooding the system of underground tunnels, in which, according to the Israeli military, fighters of the Palestinian Hamas movement are hiding, with seawater.

According to the WSJ, the Israeli authorities have not yet made a final decision on such a step, and opinions in the administration of US President Joe Biden, which Israel informed about such a possibility, are also divided.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to destroy Hamas.
Россия осудила план Израиля по затоплению тоннелей в Газе - Газета.Ru | Новости
By repeatedly showing their true colors, they each time provide an opportunity for the rest of still sleeping world to awaken to the actual reality of things on Mother Earth. Even if there's always hope that some day critical mass could be reached before it's certainly too late for anything of significance to change, I'm not holding my breath on that though.
The Great Omari Mosque, initially a temple for ancient gods, was built in the fifth century. Converted into a church by the Byzantines and later transformed into the Great Omari Mosque by Muslims in the seventh century, it honored Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab.

The mosque's 1400-year-old minaret stands as a testament to its rich history. Despite facing destruction by the Ayyubids in 1187 and the Mongols in 1260, the mosque was consistently rebuilt.

The British shelled it in 1925, leading to yet another reconstruction.

Unfortunately, Israeli occupation on November 19, 2023, resulted in the mosque's demolition, marking the end of a historic monument that had witnessed the defeat of invaders.

Today, we witness not only its disappearance but also the disappearance of the city it once stood in.

My name is Jaffa.. What scares me most is mentioning my death in the occupation’s targeting as a number among the numbers that increase every day and which are difficult to count. They say: “The martyrdom of a young woman and others in a Zionist targeting of a residential area.”I am not a number, I have 24 years to become who I am now, I have friends, a memory and a lot of pain..

There's been a rare attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad at a moment the Gaza War has continued escalating in the southern half of the Strip.

A Pentagon official told Reuters Friday that about seven mortar rounds landed in the sprawling embassy compound in the Iraqi capital's Green Zone during the early morning hours, resulting in minor damage but no injuries. Other sources say there were multiple rockets launched near the gate.

Front of US Embassy in Baghdad, Getty Images

"The reported attack is the first time the embassy has been targeted in more than a year," Reuters notes. "It comes as bases housing US personnel have been targeted in Iraq and Syria dozens of times since the war in Gaza began."

While no claim of responsibility was immediately forthcoming, prior sporadic attacks on the US Embassy in recent years were blamed on Iran-backed militant groups. These same groups are believed to be connected with ongoing attacks on American outposts throughout the region, and in Syria.

According to a description in the Associated Press:
An Iraqi security official said 14 Katyusha rockets were fired Friday, of which some struck near one of the U.S. Embassy’s gates while others fell in the river. The official said the rocket attack caused material damage but no casualties.

A US official said in the aftermath, "We again call on the government of Iraq, as we have done on many occasions, to do all in its power to protect diplomatic and Coalition partner personnel and facilities." The statement added: "We reiterate that we reserve the right to self-defense and to protect our personnel anywhere in the world."

Likely the US Embassy's powerful C-RAM systems, which protects aerial threats against the Green Zone, were on alert or activated during the attack.

Prior attacks on the embassy stretching back to 2020 and beyond were seen as pro-Iranian militants' attempts to pressure American and NATO troops out of the country. There are still thousands of Western personnel that remain throughout the country, with the biggest presence being in the north - in the Iraqi Kurdistan region's Erbil.

During the recent weeklong Israel-Hamas truce which saw hostages and prisoners exchanged, attacks on US personnel in Syria and Iraq temporarily ceased; however, with fighting raging once again in Gaza, and the death toll among Palestinians soaring, this fresh rocket attack on the embassy is a sign things are about to deteriorate further in the region.

Fascinating interview with Ilan Pappé. If you don't know him, he is an Israeli historian, author of "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", a must-read to understand the Israel-Palestine conflict. He is a hero in my eyes.

Among other things, he talks about a weird point of view, apparently common among Israelis or at least Zionists, that goes something like this: "The Palestinians are right to hate us and fight us, even kill us, because of what we have done to them. But because they hate us and want to kill us, we also have the right, in fact we have no choice, but to destroy them". :nuts:
La population gazaouie meurt de faim

Aujourd’hui à Deir Al-Balah, dans la bande de Gaza, des centaines de Palestinien•nes sont rassemblé•es devant le siège de l'UNRWA en quête de nourriture.
Le prix du sachet de 25 kg de farine coûte désormais 500 shekels (150$) contre 30 avant le 7 octobre. Inabordable pour la majorité d’entre eux, puisque le salaire journalier d’un Palestinien n’excédait pas 20 shekels.
De nombreux Gazaoui•es n’ont plus de quoi se nourrir ne serait-ce qu’une fois par jour, beaucoup disent ne pas avoir mangé depuis 3 jours…
Israël est en train d’affamer la population en plus de la terroriser.
Les ONG sont empêchées de répondre aux besoins, immenses, de la population dont 80% se trouvent déplacés à l’intérieur de leur pays.
L’effondrement humanitaire est imminent.
Un cessez-le-feu immédiat et permanent s’impose !
Quds News Network
The Gazan population is starving ⚠Today in Deir Al-Balah, in the Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinians are gathered in front of the UNRWA headquarters in search of food.The price of a 25 kg bag of flour now costs 500 shekels ($150) compared to 30 before October 7. Unaffordable for the majority of them, since the daily salary of a Palestinian did not exceed 20 shekels.Many Gazans no longer have enough to eat even once a day, many say they have not eaten for 3 days...Israel is starving the population in addition to terrorizing them.NGOs are prevented from responding to the immense needs of the population, 80% of whom are displaced within their country.Humanitarian collapse is imminent.An immediate and permanent ceasefire is essential!
Everyone has the same problems. And Ukraine is suffering from a shortage of shells and Israel is facing similar problems. This is not quite the place, but since I touched on this problem, I will mention that yesterday there was a message about the order of the Russian military command to stop saving shells. They were allowed not to choose group targets, but to attack even single ones. So it turns out that Russia has solved this problem for itself.
Israel has a critical shortage of shells for Merkava tanks
. Reuters, citing a current and former US official, reported that the administration of President Joe Biden has asked the US Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells for Merkava tanks to Israel. According to sources, the purpose of the deal is the use of these shells by Israel to fight Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Former US State Department spokesman Josh Paul stressed that the State Department is putting pressure on two congressional commissions to approve the deal as soon as possible. This is despite the objections of human rights activists who express concerns about the use of American weapons in this conflict.

Paul added that the document on this deal was submitted to two congressional committees this week, which have 20 days to consider. However, the State Department insists on their immediate approval.

In addition, the United States of America has organized an air bridge to transport weapons to Israel since the beginning of the latter's military operation in the Gaza Strip. This action underscores U.S. support for its main ally in the region and its willingness to supply Israel with weapons for military operations.
У Израиля критическая нехватка снарядов для танков "Меркава"

The problem of so-called "friendly fire" is universal. The absurdity of this situation lies in the fact that the IDF is considered by many experts to be the most technologically advanced army in the world, and technology in the army is primarily reliable communication, the so-called "situational awareness". It turns out that everything was beautiful in theory, in plans, in exercises, and when it came to practice, they did not differ much from their opponents in this sense. Except that they have orders of magnitude more weapons of destruction.
An Israeli helicopter mistakenly shot down a group of Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip
An incident occurred in Israel, as a result of which an Israeli helicopter probably mistakenly attacked a building in which Israeli soldiers were stationed. According to Ynet, one Israeli soldier was killed in the incident.

According to the website, ground troops requested air support after a group of Hamas militants was discovered nearby. However, the Apache helicopter called in to attack the militants mistakenly attacked the wrong building due to "incorrect coordination of fire from the ground" by the soldiers, Ynet claims.

In response to the report of the incident, the Israeli Armed Forces (IDF) stated that the incident was under investigation. The dead soldier has already been included among the 91 dead Israeli soldiers.

Ynet notes that there have been similar cases, but without fatalities. At the same time, during the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, dozens of people were killed or injured as a result of the so-called "friendly fire".
Израильский вертолёт по ошибке расстрелял группу израильских военнослужащих в секторе Газа

In its own way, Hamas is helping the IDF solve the problem of the shell shortage.
Hamas forces destroyed 21 more Israeli armored vehicles during the day
The resources of the Palestinian groups Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam and the Al-Quds Brigades have published videos of clashes and shelling of armored units of the Israeli Armed Forces in Gaza City. According to the statement of the groups, in the last 24 hours, militants have hit twenty-one armored vehicles of the Israeli troops.

The Palestinians also presented footage of the aftermath of the failed hostage rescue operation undertaken by Israeli special forces. During the operation, the militants seized military equipment, including stun grenades and a Remington 870 pump-action shotgun. According to a representative of the group, the Israeli military arrived at the scene of the collision by ambulance.

Earlier, the Palestinian formations announced the destruction of 24 units of Israeli military equipment, publishing relevant video footage. In response, the Israeli Armed Forces attacked 450 Hamas infrastructure facilities in the Gaza Strip during the day, including observation posts, shelters and tunnels. A militant group planning an attack on the Israeli military was eliminated with the help of a kamikaze UAV. Warships of the Israeli Armed Forces fired at the Hamas infrastructure on the coast of the enclave.

The authorities of the Gaza Strip reported the tragic consequences of the bombing: 350 civilians were killed during the day as a result of attacks by the Israeli Air Force.
Силы ХАМАС за сутки уничтожили ещё 21 единицу израильской бронетехники

У всех одни и те же проблемы. И Украина страдает от дефицита снарядов и Израиль сталкивается с подобными проблемами. Здесь не совсем к месту, но раз уж коснулся этой проблемы, то упомяну, что вчера прошло сообщение о распоряжении Российского военного командования о прекращении экономии снарядов. Разрешили не выбирать групповые цели, а атаковать даже одиночные. Так что получается Россия решила для себя эту проблему.
Проблема так называемого "дружественного огня" универсальна. Нелепость данной ситуации заключается в том, что ЦАХАЛ многими экспертами считается наиболее технологичной, продвинутой армией в мире, а технологии в армии это впервую очередь надежная связь, т.н. "ситуационная осведомленность". Получается что все красиво было в теории, в планах, на учениях, а когда дело дошло до практики, то они не сильно отличаются от своих противников в этом смысле. Разве что средств поражения имеют на порядки больше.
ХАМАС по своему помогает ЦАХАЛу решить проблему снарядного дефицита.

+ Abbas says US complicit in 'war crimes' for using veto to block ceasefire resolution at UN

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the United State's decision to veto a UN Security Council Resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza made it complicit in "war crimes" against Palestinians.
A statement released by the PA presidency said Abbas held the US responsible for the bloodshed of Palestinian children, women and the elderly in Gaza.

+Biden administration push Congress to approve sale of tank shells to Israel

US officials told Reuters that the Biden administration had asked Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells of Israel's Merkava tanks for its military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.
A US official and former US official said the potential sale, worth more than $500 million, is separate from President Joe Biden's $110.5 billion supplemental request that includes funding for Ukraine and Israel. Former US State Department official Josh Paul said the US State Department is pushing congressional committees to quickly approve the sale despite concerns that US-made weapons have killed Palestinians in Gaza.

+Israel says it struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

A spokesperson for the Israeli army said it struck several Hezbollah targets in Lebanon overnight. The spokesperson said it targeted an operational headquarters and fired rockets into Lebanon after Hezbollah launched missiles into Israel.

+New Gaza aid crossing at Kerem Shalom being tested, not open yet — UN official

A new process for inspecting aid for Gaza at the Kerem Shalom crossing is being tested, but efforts to get permission for trucks to enter through the crossing and ramp up relief are still ongoing, a senior UN official told Reuters on Saturday.
“It’s good, it’s useful because it would also be the first time that we can then bring in a pipeline from Jordan. But we need that entry point as well because that would make all the difference,” he said in an interview. “We have front-loaded with our internal resources so that we have food available in Egypt and in Jordan to reach some 1,000,000 people in one month. We are ready to roll. The trucks are ready to move.
Skau said the situation inside Gaza was increasingly chaotic as people grabbed what they could from aid distribution points, with larger numbers of people displaced southwards close to the border with Egypt and aid trucks at risk of being stopped by desperate residents if they even slow down at an intersection.
“There is a question for how long this can continue, because the humanitarian operation is collapsing,” he said. “Half of the population are starving, nine out of 10 are not eating every day. Obviously the needs are massive.”
Maria Zakharova and Clare Daly have been performing admirable throughout this distressful time, and I found an interview of each. Maria’s I found in English in an effort to get a better understanding of her continence and character for an English speaker. And Clare’s is in English of course, but what have the Irish done to the “th”?

Clare Daly's interviewed is by Laura Dowling and is recent. Bit of a bio, and recent events.

Maria’s interview is by Eva Bartlett and is 4 years old but the subjects discussed are still relevant.

(Each approx. an hour long)

It seems the war may soon escalate to involve Syria (more openly) if these 2 reports are anything to go by:

4 killed in Israeli drone attack in Syria​

Four people were killed when an Israeli drone attack hit a taxi in Syria's southern province of Quneitra, a war monitor reported.Charred bodies of the victims, who were reportedly working for the Lebanese Hezbollah group, were found inside the taxi, which was going from the Damascus countryside to Quneitra, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) said on Friday that its emergency crew went to the scene in response to a call about the attack in Quneitra's Al-Baath city, adding that the remains of three victims were transported to a hospital. The fourth victim was not mentioned by the SARC.

The identities of the deceased and the motive behind the Israeli attack remain unclear, Xinhua news agency reported.

Seven killed in IS attack in Syria​

Seven soldiers and pro-government fighters were killed during an Islamic State (IS) attack on military sites in Syria's Deir al-Zour province, a war monitor reported early Saturday.According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the attack was launched on military positions east of the T2 oil station in southern Deir al-Zour.

The UK-based watchdog placed the death toll of such attacks so far this year at 594, including 44 IS militants, 385 soldiers and pro-government fighters, as well as 165 civilians, Xinhua news agency reported.

The IS has lost key areas in Syria and its fighter cells have to resort to reposition and guerrilla warfare in the sprawling desert region of eastern Syria.
For IS read US sponsored forces.

The Houthis of Yemen just announced that they will now attack ALL ships travelling to Israel if they try to enter the Bab Al-Mandab strait controlled by Ansar Allah.

Previously, they only attacked ships belonging to Israeli companies. The newly announced warning comes after the Houthis have already captured Israeli ship “Galaxy Leader” and crew as well as damaged several others Israeli ships. If followed through this has the capacity to seriously compromise Red Sea shipping lanes for Israeli companies and commerce in the region.
'Of course the US will veto every ceasefire resolution.'

06 December 2023

09 December 2023
Well that certainly brings me to think, “Beware of Jews bearing gifts of life”. After all, no one can be expected to be buried in a Jewish cemetery with the organs of “animals”. No Jewish doctor would perform such a transplant, it would be considered asur (forbidden), and would make the recipient no more than an animal themselves. Therefore trafficking in them would be prohibited from a Torah pov. So damned if you do, or damned if you don’t I suppose.

Just thinking out loud.🤷‍♂️
I do think “organ theft/trafficking” is well organized in Israël and for a long time (plenty of articles on French SOTT for example and for years) but I do think that it is mainly not for transplanting Jews per se, and if that's the case, it might be sporadic for the very reasons you mentioned -or, at some level, they just don't care!

However, organ donation remains for the most part anonymous, at least in EU and other countries in the world. So, even if I don't know how it goes exactly in Israel, if the same anonymous organ donation applies, I wonder how a Jewish doctor would know where the organ comes from? I found in this 2014 document "Biomedicine Agency - International bioethics framework - 2014 update" (in French, page 17) that organ donation is so low in Israel that they passed a law to promote it:
In Israel, where organ donation is very low, a law came into force in January 2010 to promote organ donation by giving priority, if they need a transplant, to people who have indicated their wish to be a donor upon their death (donor card).

I don't think that things have changed a lot in ten years...

Instead of mostly used for transplanting Jews, I think that these stolen organs from Palestinians (for years!) might mostly be used for scientific research in laboratories -it's free so these psychos don't shy about it, at all- or for sale on the black market with a 100% profit. A donor is very, very rarely paid (and here, we are talking about people that do not consent!) but the recipient is often transplanted by paying for it (in one way or another).
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