Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

"A fair world is impossible with America in it"

"NATO member blasts US for blocking Gaza peace resolution"​

"Erdogan, despite Türkiye being a NATO ally of the US, said, “We have lost our hope and expectation from the UN Security Council.”

"the UN Security Council to be reformed,”

"A fair world is possible, but not with America,"

The United Nations is a criminal organization, just like the WHO. The only man, really the only one worth remembering, who worked for peace, who wanted peace, was Dag Hammarskjöld, and he was murdered for it. The rest of the members are civil servants, cowards, incapable of taking things in hand, incapable of seeing that peace is a precious mandate of the United Nations. So if they're incapable of doing anything, and have been from the start, why does it exist as an organization? I can only think of one answer, and you may think I see things in black and white, without nuance, but the UN exists to prevent peace. That's its mandate.

We shouldn't be shocked or surprised. In this world, everything is upside down. And right now, more than ever, we're seeing the masks come off in broad daylight.
The United Nations is a criminal organization, just like the WHO. The only man, really the only one worth remembering, who worked for peace, who wanted peace, was Dag Hammarskjöld, and he was murdered for it. The rest of the members are civil servants, cowards, incapable of taking things in hand, incapable of seeing that peace is a precious mandate of the United Nations. So if they're incapable of doing anything, and have been from the start, why does it exist as an organization? I can only think of one answer, and you may think I see things in black and white, without nuance, but the UN exists to prevent peace. That's its mandate.

We shouldn't be shocked or surprised. In this world, everything is upside down. And right now, more than ever, we're seeing the masks come off in broad daylight.
Yes, yes.
Exactly everything is the other way around. They support the evil in the Israeli-Palestinian war. The UN prevents peace. WHO is destroying health. Vaccines cause diseases not to become extinct. Democracies are ruled by oligarchs, etc. etc. etc.
Everything else is the other way around, too.
Przetłumaczono za pomocą DeepL
Every thing in this world run by psychopaths is "upside down". Nazi approach to identify he Pro-Gaza protestors is used by metropolitan police UK. They are asking others to report on the protestors.

No doubt, no proof needed for persecution, just accusation and body is what is need. Because dying Palestinians sing "mountain to river" i.e. calling of genocide of Israel. But Palestinians die in thousands per day. Probably that is because they are stupid and Israel is God chosen people.

Similar attitude Colonial Britain( and other europeans) had to their colonies - "Winner takes it all", they win with superiority of military technology and divide and rule of unsuspecting locals and they can't sell it to their public as Military advantage. So they have to sell it as "Superior European Genes". If some body of their country complains of it , call them "self-hating" ?? Nothing changes century after century.
I am having a such hard time understanding this Israel/Palestine war. I don't understand why nothing is being done. Does Israel/Mossad/CIA have such a stranglehold on ALL governments that no one will do anything? There are over 20,000 dead Palestinians and no one will do anything like invoking the Genocide Convention? I found SOTT around 2006/2007 and they were covering Palestine then. From what I remember the MSM was mostly silent about it. Now, with Twitter/X, that's not the case. It's out there for everyone to see and no one is DOING anything after 60+ days. I'm heartbroken, angry and frustrated.
I am having a such hard time understanding this Israel/Palestine war. I don't understand why nothing is being done. Does Israel/Mossad/CIA have such a stranglehold on ALL governments that no one will do anything? There are over 20,000 dead Palestinians and no one will do anything like invoking the Genocide Convention? I found SOTT around 2006/2007 and they were covering Palestine then. From what I remember the MSM was mostly silent about it. Now, with Twitter/X, that's not the case. It's out there for everyone to see and no one is DOING anything after 60+ days. I'm heartbroken, angry and frustrated.
Sounds like you are in the grey zone between wanting to believe the world “should” be a certain way and seeing the naked horror that the world only pretends to have a human face enough to keep people dreaming and not reacting. I think they are pushing the envelope further and further in testing how far things can be taken. Gentle suffocation until people either die or join in the chaos to resist/fight back in some way.
I am having a such hard time understanding this Israel/Palestine war. I don't understand why nothing is being done. Does Israel/Mossad/CIA have such a stranglehold on ALL governments that no one will do anything? There are over 20,000 dead Palestinians and no one will do anything like invoking the Genocide Convention? I found SOTT around 2006/2007 and they were covering Palestine then. From what I remember the MSM was mostly silent about it. Now, with Twitter/X, that's not the case. It's out there for everyone to see and no one is DOING anything after 60+ days. I'm heartbroken, angry and frustrated.
You spoke for me and many others, on the forum and elsewhere. Our elites are sending a shocking message to the people: "you are worthless. Your children are worthless. Your culture is worthless. We will discard you, maim you, eradicate you in front of the whole world the moment you pose a threat to us, the minute you dare to protest or stand in the way".
I don't know the power the alphabet agencies have in the global south, but I am pretty sure they secured their power around the US and Europe and the other countries know these two blocks will be used to punish them should they stand in the way. So I believe they are all playing a dangerous game, trying to preserve their own population.
You spoke for me and many others, on the forum and elsewhere. Our elites are sending a shocking message to the people: "you are worthless. Your children are worthless. Your culture is worthless. We will discard you, maim you, eradicate you in front of the whole world the moment you pose a threat to us, the minute you dare to protest or stand in the way".
I don't know the power the alphabet agencies have in the global south, but I am pretty sure they secured their power around the US and Europe and the other countries know these two blocks will be used to punish them should they stand in the way. So I believe they are all playing a dangerous game, trying to preserve their own population.
Yeah that’s pretty much the coffee. People are starting to smell it and slowly wake up.
I am having a such hard time understanding this Israel/Palestine war. I don't understand why nothing is being done. Does Israel/Mossad/CIA have such a stranglehold on ALL governments that no one will do anything? There are over 20,000 dead Palestinians and no one will do anything like invoking the Genocide Convention? I found SOTT around 2006/2007 and they were covering Palestine then. From what I remember the MSM was mostly silent about it. Now, with Twitter/X, that's not the case. It's out there for everyone to see and no one is DOING anything after 60+ days. I'm heartbroken, angry and frustrated.
I think the same as you, Meg. I sure do. And I don't understand what's going on. It's as if a force majeure is paralyzing the decisions that need to be made, and it's urgent. It's as if there's a force preventing a solution from being found, as if those who have to make it are as if paralyzed, unable to react. it's very disturbing to see this. What's going on here? Why aren't the heads of state reacting, why are we allowing this genocide? If you think about it, it's frightening. It's monstrous. To use an image, it's as if a total darkness, a black, tenebrous cloud, had invaded the earth and everyone is unable to see, to move, to react.

Just watched this Whitney Webb interview with Clayton Morris of Redacted. They speak first about some stuff that's been talked about here for a few years now - the looming cyber-pandemic, Vault 7 files demonstrating CIA hackers disguising themselves as Russians & others, the WEF dream of a false-flag internet shutdown and a banking shutdown, then a Reset where access to internet and banking is based on a gov't digital ID. So nothing new there.

Then Clayton asks about the use of a false flag to bring war to Iran, and then they get into stuff about the current war in the Middle East with implications for US elections:

- for the past 20 years, MOSSAD has had almost unlimited funding and energy directed towards Iran regime change

- a key component to these plans is to get the US to pre-emptively strike Iran, based on statements of retired MOSSAD directors, various neocon mouthpieces and also major GOP donors

- Pompeo warned Iran not to execute a cyber-attack in response to the assassination of Gen. Soleimani

- Cybereason (a shady Israeli company working with US M-I-C) has been running election-doomsday simulations of catastrophic hacking of US Presidential elections; the group now has access to some of America's most sensitive military infrastructure

- CTIL files: Webb notes that Shellenberger et al. reporting on CTIL was incomplete, ie. a limited hangout

- Shellenberger's focus was limited to the misinformation aspect only, but did not mention that in 2020, just prior to COVID, the Israeli 'non-profit' outfit CTIL offered to 'take care' of a ton of American critical infrastructure: health infrastructure, dams, water infrastructure, power grid, election infrastructure, and also nuclear reactors... and out of the kindness of their hearts offered to 'protect them' for free... as far as I can tell, they were granted access to all of it

- Morris states that the control of all these US systems by foreign 'NGOs' Cybereason and CTIL indicates that the WEF has assets in place for a so-called 'cyber attack', aka massive nation-wrecking false flag

So after watching this, one plan amongst all the shady plans for 2024 is likely to trigger these shady MOSSAD-linked groups to shut down American elections, which will (1) prevent Trump's election, which would be a big in for the PTB, but also (2) the 'election interference' and 'disruption of our country' can be blamed on Iran, which is what many in MOSSAD have drooled over for oh-so-long.

I posted this in the session thread that talked about 'maybe no 2024 election?', but thought to post here as well as it is relevant and long-term context of intelligence manoeuvres going on behind the scenes to the current war in Gaza, too. Mods feel free to delete if deemed unnecessary duplication.
Does Israel/Mossad/CIA have such a stranglehold on ALL governments that no one will do anything? There are over 20,000 dead Palestinians and no one will do anything like invoking the Genocide Convention?
Our elites are sending a shocking message to the people: "you are worthless. Your children are worthless. Your culture is worthless. We will discard you, maim you, eradicate you in front of the whole world the moment you pose a threat to us, the minute you dare to protest or stand in the way".
I don't know the power the alphabet agencies have in the global south, but I am pretty sure they secured their power around the US and Europe and the other countries know these two blocks will be used to punish them should they stand in the way.
To use an image, it's as if a total darkness, a black, tenebrous cloud, had invaded the earth and everyone is unable to see, to move, to react.
When people finally learn their alphabet, i.e. how the world really works, the alphabet agencies will cease to exist... from A to Z!
Q: (J) Internet? (T) Is it like a big fence to keep us in?
A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. "Alice likes to go through the looking glass" at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.

Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before with the crystals. So, this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but the same type of thing?
A: All lessons must be learned before you can move onto bigger and better things.
What does alphabet mean?
The English word alphabet came into Middle English from the Late Latin word alphabetum, which in turn originated in the Greek, ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos); it was made from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha (α) and beta (β). The names for the Greek letters, in turn, came from the first two letters of the Phoenician alphabet: aleph, the word for ox, and bet, the word for house.
Alpha... Beta...
Ox... House...
What is an ox?
An ox /ˈɒks/ OKS (pl.: oxen, /ˈɒksən/ OK-sen), also known as a bullock (in BrE, AusE, and IndE), is a bovine, trained and used as a draft animal. Oxen are commonly castrated adult male cattle; castration inhibits testosterone and aggression, which makes the males docile and safer to work with. Cows (adult females) or bulls (intact males) may also be used in some areas.
(Joe) Putin ate my lunch! Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?
A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is part of that to try and make a generation of weak men?
A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that with a view to some kind of post 4D transition scenario or something like that, or is it more of a takeover on 3D?
A: More a reflection of desired relationship between 4D STS and humanity.

Q: (L) So in other words, they want to get into doing anal probes. [laughter]
A: Not far off! Dominance over the normal male.
(Ailén) So the way that some homosexuals are overidentified with being gay, like gay bars and that stuff, that has to be just cultural then...?
A: The gay "movement" is a CIA program incepted by 4D STS designed to set up antipathy, differences, and to identify individuals for purposes of inflicting further suffering.
Q: (nicklebleu) Is the current wave of gender dysphoria an egregore?
A: Oh indeed and in the real sense of the word!

Q: (L) Egregious and gore.
A: Yes.
Humanity, a household slave?
Q: (L) Let me ask this one before the tape runs out and we take a break. What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the Consortium?
A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment
Brain waves... Alpha waves... Beta waves... Mind castration?
Q: Could you give us a little interpretation on that picture; it’s about the strangest thing I’ve ever seen… well, no it’s not, but it’s right up there! {Laughter}


A: It is a rectagon.

Q: What is a rectagon?
A: Picture uniting numerous rectangular principles of photo optic representation.

Q: What's the point?
A: If one gazes at it long enough, they will involuntarily be placed into an alpha state.

Q: Okay. If they go into an alpha state, is there some other kind of message that the picture then conveys?
A: That is not the point!

Q: What is the point?
A: They then are open to programming of a level one order!
We live in rectangular buildings, we open rectangular doors, we are surrounded by rectangular walls, and we gaze at rectangular screens for long periods of time... a stressful 'home.'
How an anxious brain works.
Anxiousness is associated with decreased alpha waves, increased beta waves, and can be affected by low delta and theta waves. Anxiousness and feelings of panic can be caused by more than fear and insecurities. They can be chemically driven states from an imbalanced and poorly regulated brain. It’s a delicate balance where every wave plays their part.
Remember COVID-19 variants? Alpha... Beta...
Corruption of the mind and worship of the 'masters' via 'shock' therapy. A well crafted plan spanning millennia...
Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Matthew?
A: Greek enforcers.

Q: (L) What are Greek enforcers?
A: Like your FBI.

Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Mark?
A: Same.

Q: (L) Luke and John?
A: Same?

Q: (L) Acts?
A: Same?

Q: (L) Are any books of the New Testament written by who they claim to be written by?
A: No. Remember this is 70% propaganda.
Hmm... what is our modern Bible? Google, owned by Alphabet Inc.!
Here's what Larry Page, founder of Alphabet, had to say:
"We liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity's most important innovations, and is the core of how we index with Google search! We also like that it means alpha‑bet (Alpha is investment return above benchmark), which we strive for!"
Alpha-Beta, a link to the stock market?
Alpha and beta are two of the key measurements used to evaluate the performance of a stock, a fund, or an investment portfolio. Alpha measures the amount that the investment has returned in comparison to the market index or other broad benchmark that it is compared against. Beta measures the relative volatility of an investment. It is an indication of its relative risk.
Work hard like an ox and get paid by a fox?
Q: (L) Enough. The other day I experienced one of those extended pre-sleep states, and it seemed that I was in a class and there was someone explaining things to me. What they were telling me was that during this Christmas season [the Christmas season of the dream], certain steps would be taken by those controlling the economy, and that after Christmas, in January and February, a whole lot of stuff was going to be put into motion to send the economy into a dive of major proportions. It was not clear that it was THIS year, but that it was right after a Christmas. Can you tell me where this information was coming from, and what was I experiencing?
A: This is a long and complicated subject, but we will do our best to explain it. What you were seeing was one possible future. The economy of our 3rd density world is entirely manufactured. The forces that control it are both 3rd density and 4th density. There are conflicting opinions in the 3rd density sector right now as to when, where, and how to institute an economic depression. This has been "in the works" for quite some "time" as you measure it. So far, the forces arguing against institution of a collapse have prevailed. How long this condition will be maintained is open to many outcomes. Also, please be aware that the state of the economy is entirely an illusion. In other words, the world economy performs solely based upon what the population is told to believe.
A prison built by lunatics?
Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.
Maybe we were programmed to believe them? AlphaBeta (ABABAB) related 353535 code?
Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.
Q: (L) Does that sound right? (TB) It worked. I guess. I'd never thought about it that way. (L) Okay, now about the Pig God: what is it about pigs that makes them ideal as a symbol for the manifestation of God energy, or even as a vehicle?
A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.

Q: (L) Why an animal and not a human being? Is it because the STS energy is so contractile that a pig is an appropriate receptacle?
A: Yes.
Q: Well why did it turn into Sun worship instead of Moon worship?
A: Future honor of Ra. Go 353535. Deity.

Q: So in other words they were laying a foundation for future layering of other concepts?
A: Yes.
Q: Was the Temple on Crete at Knossos, was it really a necropolis as Wunderlich suggests?
A: 5th density waiting room.
Q: Did they sacrifice humans there?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they sacrifice animals?
A: Yes.
Q: What animals were they sacrificing, and to whom?
A: Apis Bull in part.
Q: What was the other part?
A: Haho 353535

Q: "Ho" must be a name. Is Ho a name of a god?
A: HOH 353535
Q: (T) Is it water? (L) Is it like Hawah? (A) HOH water?
A: Remember Irish pig.
A population of docile, medicated, money-worshiping bulls?

In March 2020, Novo volunteers started testing samples for SARS-CoV-2 with RT-qPCR equipment in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to increase available test capacity. In June, the business announced it would acquire AstraZeneca's spin-off Corvidia Therapeutics for an initial sum of $725 million (up to a performance-related maximum of $2.1 billion), boosting its presence in cardiovascular diseases. In November, the company announced it would acquire Emisphere Technologies for $1.8 billion, gaining control of a pill-based treatment for diabetes. In December, Novo announced it would acquire Emisphere Technologies for $1.35 billion.

In November 2021, Novo announced it would acquire Dicerna Pharmaceuticals and its RNAi therapeutics, for $3.3 billion ($38.25 per share).
Is there hope?
Yes, but the vicious cycle has to be broken!
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
A: It is actually good. Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief center, and thus gives added power. All who seek to graduate to 4th density must seek knowledge. In 4D, eventually it will be your job to engineer lifeforms on new worlds.
Putin and Netanyahu had an urgent telephone conversation
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a telephone conversation during which they discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip. The conversation was so important that Netanyahu had to interrupt a government meeting to communicate with the Russian leader.

According to Israeli media, the conversation lasted about 50 minutes. The main topics of conversation were the current situation in Gaza and the evacuation of citizens from the Palestinian enclave. Netanyahu expressed dissatisfaction with Russia's position on Israel's actions, in particular, criticism of Moscow at the UN and other international venues. He also criticized the cooperation between Russia and Iran, which he considers dangerous.

In turn, Putin stressed Russia's principled position against terrorism in all its manifestations. The Kremlin said that during the conversation, the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip was discussed. Russia has expressed its readiness to help reduce the suffering of the civilian population and de-escalate the conflict.

The data on the conversation between the two leaders confirm the severity of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the importance of international cooperation for its resolution.
Путин и Нетаньяху провели срочный телефонный разговор
Putin and Netanyahu had an urgent telephone conversation
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a telephone conversation during which they discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip. The conversation was so important that Netanyahu had to interrupt a government meeting to communicate with the Russian leader.
Finally someone taking Putin seriously. :lol:
The legend says even bullets froze when Bibi's phone rang...
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