Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It seems a bit “off” to me to engage in a third party triangulation of another poster by addressing the crowd at large even if you are 100% right… ? I could be wrong.
I did debate this but landed on the side of giving my thoughts in the hope it'd be helpful. For the avoidance of doubt, I think it's quite tough situation, at least I'd find it hard if I was in his situation living in such a polarised country. How do you keep sane in such a situation?

It's hard / impossible not to be affected by your most immediate environment.
Going back through the transcripts, I note the C's have had a lot to say about the Jewish (Hebrew) people. According to the C's, their roots lie in Atlantis:​

Q: (L) What language is the root of this word found in?

A: Atlantean. Hebrew.

Q: (L) Where did the Jews come from?

A: Atlantis.

Q: (L) Who was Yahweh.

A: Fictional being.

Q: (L) Who was the god that spoke to Moses on the mount?

A: Audible projection of Lizards.

Q: (L) Did Moses at any time realize that he had been duped by the Lizzies?

A: No.

Since there were, according to the C's three main races in Atlantis, one of which does not exist today, then I must assume that the people who became the Hebrews, the Israelites and the Jews were originally Aryans/Celts. We can also see that they were manipulated by the Lizzies from the beginning of their history, given that the C's have confirmed that Abraham and Moses were one and the same person (as well as being Jacob too). Interestingly, it seems the C's have been in communication with the Jewish people over many centuries:​

Q: (L) Is there any way we can prevent Orion abductions?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why?

A: It would interfere with universal law of free will and service to self.

Q: (L) But we don't want to be abducted. Can't we stop it?

A: Not likely. They have more power than you.

Q: (L) Well then, why can't you help us?

A: Would interfere in natural progression of your race and theirs. Jews called upon us to save them - could not. And natives of your land from your race - could not stop that either. Natural progression, see?

I would assume here that this call was made at the time of the Roman siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. Alternatively, it might have been the Babylonian conquest of Israel in 587 BC, but I favour the Roman period. The C’s also admitted to communicating with the Prophet Daniel:​

Q: (L) When the Jews were dispersed, did some of them come to America?

A: A few.

Q: (L) Who was the angel who communicated with the Prophet Daniel
[MJF: This was during the Babylonian exile]

A: Us.

As to the notion of Israel as the Promised Land and the Jews being a chosen people, the C's completely shot these claims down here:

Q: (L) Were the Lizards the ones who led the Jews to the "Promised Land?"

A: No. Were not led; followed their own paths in effort to escape the effects of cataclysms.

Q: (L) Why have they got this big legend about being chosen and led to the promised land?

A: More brotherhood influence and nonsense.

Remember that the Brotherhood are the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent', an ancient Lizard inspired group. They can also be equated with the Illuminati and the forces of antichrist too:​

A: Yes. When you store it in the bank, you are helping the Brotherhood AKA Illuminati AKA Antichrist multiply it for itself, all you get is the "crumbs" left over. And, the Antichrist can "call it in" anytime it wants to!

It would seem the Jewish people have been manipulated and used by the Lizards (Orions) over a very long period of time:

Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant"?

A: Power cell.

Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?

A: Lizards given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.

Q: (L) Why was it that if you came close to this object or touched it you would die?

A: Energy overload; scrambling by reverse electromagnetism.

And it seems this manipulation by the Lizards and the Orions (including the underworlders - Nation of the Third Eye etc.) continues to this day with the Jews in Israel being set up, or allowing themselves to be set up, as patsies for the execution of STS 4th density's pre-Wave plans for humanity:

Session 13 February 2011:

Q: .... (Andromeda) Were the protests in Egypt orchestrated by the US and Israel?

A: No, but once started they certainly put their team in position. Global revolution is desired by them exactly as Reed described.

Q: (L) Douglas Reed? As in “The Controversy of Zion”?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) So that leads to the next question: How close are the Zionists to fulfilling their biblical end time scenario?

A: They expect things to ripen within two years.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible that it's a preparation for a war of some description in the Middle East with Israel vs. the Arabs?

A: Possible but not likely as you imagine it.

Q: (L) I think he's imagining that they're really adversarial. The people are being made to be adversarial, but I think the powers in control even in the Arab world are all in cahoots. (Perceval) I was thinking in terms of basically where there would be a major conflagration in the Middle East and the Jews and the Palestinians and everybody would be destroyed. They would set scene where there would be a sort of pan-Arab nationalism that would turn against Israel... (L) Yeah, I think that's really possible, but they think they're going to be able to do a controlled burn and I think it's going to get out of control in ways they don't suspect.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Israel is a country that's full of the most concentrated bunch of psychopaths probably on the entire planet, and they certainly don't want to destroy their own kind. But they do want to destroy the Arabs. (Perceval) And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves. (L) Well, that's usually what they do. Lobaczewski said that the germ doesn't understand that it's going to be killed and destroyed and burned along with the death of the body it's infecting. And I also think that they don't take into account real earth changes. It's not that they can't think about preparing for some of these things, because obviously some of them do and they are preparing. But they don't seem to have this ability to really understand...

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

And then there are the mysterious 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', that are usually claimed to be a czarist hoax, but were apparently written by a mysterious group based in modern day Turkey, who the C's confirmed had ancient links to the Giza Plateau. For anyone who has read them, they are clearly being implemented step by step even if the Protocols themselves in reality have nothing to do with Zionism or the Zionists. Here is what the C's said about them:​

Q: One of the things I noticed in this book was that they said that there was a colony from the city of Harran in what is nowadays Turkey, and that this colony formerly resided on the Giza plateau. Is there any connection between this colony they mention and the fact that you said that the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were composed in Turkey by an ‘Aryan’ source?

A: Yes.

Q: What relationship is there?

A: One and the same.

The Sabians of Harran

We should note here that Abraham in the Bible (who the C's said was a Hittite/Levite) had strong links to the ancient city of Harran, which in turn was connected to a mysterious group of star gazing and worshipping people known as the Sabians. It seems the Sabians, who were a mysterious religious group based at Harran, had at first worshipped the planets as the residences of the mediating spirits between God and man [MJF: which makes me think of the Zendar Council in the rings of Saturn], which soon turned into star worship. As astronomers, they kept written records that dated back to approximately 1500 BC, well within the timeframe of Abraham/Moses.

For those who want to learn more about the Sabians, I wrote a lengthy in-depth article on them in the Alton Towers thread (see: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians | Page 38 | Cassiopaea Forum), in which I incorporated details about the Sabians that I had gleaned from a very informative article written by Donald H. Frew called: Harran: Last Refuge of Classical Paganism (see: Harran: Last Refuge of Classical Paganism – part I | Wiccan Rede)

In my article, I tried to make a connection between the Sabians of Harran and the group who would write the Protocols and Zion, since the C's had confirmed that this group had formerly established a colony at Giza. It so happens that Drew was able to make this connection for me. Thus, I wrote:​

“In his article, Drew tells us that as early as the middle of the second millennium BC (which places it in the late Bronze Age, 1600-1200 BC), the Harranians established a pilgrimage site at the Giza Plateau in Egypt (Hassan 1946: 34). In later centuries, they would say that the Pyramids were the tombs of their gods, Idris (Hermes) and Seth (Agathodaimon) (Green 1992: 110, 174, 212).”

In that same article, I quoted from the writer Tracy R. Twyman who had made the following comments on the infamous Protocols in an article she wrote in 2004:

Around the turn of the century, a controversial document was published, the effects of which reverberated well into the middle of the next century: the notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, long held by scholars to have been a hoax.

As the Czar and Czarina’s involvement with the occult and reliance on mystical advisors grew, so too did the paranoia in Russia about secret societies and their influence on national politics.

The mystical advisors in question - Rasputin, Papus, and a mysterious figure named Monsieur Philippe - also had a powerful enemy: Grand Duchess Elizabeth [
MJF: was she behind the assassination of Rasputin I wonder?], who wished to see her own hired puppets acting as advisors to the throne. One such puppet was Sergei C Nilus, who in 1903 presented to the czar The Protocols of Zion, documents purporting to be the minutes of the World Jewish Congress, a Jewish conspiracy that supposedly intended to take over the world.

Unfortunately for Nilus, the Czar recognized it as a fraud, declared that all copies of the document were to be destroyed, and banished Sergei Nilus from the court.

Over the years, however, the document was published again and again, becoming a cult classic among anti-Semites, who fervently believed in the document’s authenticity. The Protocols were used to fuel the fire of anti-Jewish hatred after the Russian Revolution of 1917, as well as by the Nazis a few years later. Although at times a bit over-dramatic, there is something inherently believable about the Protocols.

They lay out in straightforward rhetoric the Machiavellian steps which an international conspiracy would go through to take control of the world’s governments and institutions, and to maintain power, largely through the manipulation of the masses, as well as those already in power.

It recommends the proliferation of dangerous creeds, philosophies, religious and political ideas such as Marxism, Anarchism, Atheism, and Darwinism, all to sow discord and cause the breakdown of traditional institutions, clearing the way for the new hierarchy of which the Protocols speak.

It is bone-chilling to read such a document as this, written in the nineteenth century, which predicts perfectly the results of a conspiracy that in every way resemble the world in which we currently live.

"But what the Protocols outline is much more than your typical paranoid New World Order scenario. They speak of a global monarch, "the King of the blood of Sion, of the dynastic roots of King David”, who as ruler of a new “Masonic kingdom” will be both the “King of the Jews” and “the real Pope”, acting as “the patriarch of an international church.” [
MJF: Could this person be presented as the Messiah the Jews in Israel are looking for and for whom they wish to build the Third Temple?]

Of him, The Protocols state:

Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the Kings and their heirs... Only the King and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.”

She also adds:

"... it is known that in 1884, copies of The Protocols of Zion were found circulating amongst the members of a Masonic lodge to which Papus himself belonged - the lodge where the aforementioned legend of the wise Egyptian sage named Ormus (whom the Priory of Sion called themselves after) first surfaced."

"Papus” was the nom de plume of a leading 19th century Rosicrucian with links to the court of the Czar of Russia. This reference to Papus may provide a potential link between the Rosicrucians and the mysterious Aryan group based in Turkey who were behind the composition of ‘The Protocols of Zion’.

Hence, again we see manipulation of events behind the scenes by a mysterious group, which could have Rosicrucian links, bearing in mind here that the C's told us that the "Rosteem, now manifests as the Rosicrucians":​

Session 03-07-95

Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?

A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities
. [...] First manifestation was human, then non-human. [...]

Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from human to non-human?

A: Pact or covenant.

Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?

A: No, with 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.

Q: (L) What is their purpose?

A: As yet unrevealable to you.

Recalling here that Giza's old name was "Rostau" meaning "Rose Cross", perhaps it is now time to ask the C's what the purpose of the Rosteem or the Roscicrucians is and what, if anything, they may have to do with the current events unfolding in the Middle East?​

No need to assume. Cs said Semites were formed from Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.
Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

(L) Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Are we Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So we're going to be the Jews?

(Artemis) We are.

(Joe) None of us have Central Asia in our DNA, do we?

(L) I think we all come out of Central Asia ultimately.

(Joe) Not in our DNA results...

(L) Uh-huh! If you do all our mitochondria and stuff, you always end up there.

The Semites today have a role to play in the collapse of NATO/Israel.
Q: (Galahad) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Galahad) So, when we’re looking at a replay, we’re REALLY looking at a replay!

A: Yup.

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 08-39-33 Megatron on X BREAKING 🇮🇱🇱🇧 Israel will issue a proposal for...png

Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 - 07:09 PM Snip: Many Mega Tweets
Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters are blocking traffic on the 110 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday morning, causing traffic nightmare for thousands of motorists.

Freelance journalist Sergio Olmos posted several videos showing the protesters shutting down the southbound part of the highway.



  • Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 08-19-49 zerohedge on X Anti-Zionist Jews Block Major LA Freeway To D...png
    Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 08-19-49 zerohedge on X Anti-Zionist Jews Block Major LA Freeway To D...png
    466.7 KB · Views: 12
Can't say for sure, but neither "situation" nor "humanity at large" seem to really be 'responsible' for the "frustration".

Apart from our own selves, like beliefs, ignorance, stuborness etc. for example, maybe more suitable targets might be real psychopaths and those that work/operate through them? Don't know, but being angry with programmed and mostly enslaved fellow humans who still need more suffering to be able to open their eyes, somehow seems quite off the mark, if there would be any appropriate mark to speak about that is.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at the masses at all. The situation in which we find ourselves, i.e. psycopaths in charge, is what is deeply frustrating. And while I can blame thr bibis and obamas of the world, whrn they strp aside there will always be a new model yo replace them. And so, the bigger picture occupies me more than a specific psycho per se
Could you give us a list of forms of protest against the genocide that Israel is committing? Writing with chalk on the asphalt? Putting Palestinian flags on cars? Not buying Polish water in Poland because it belongs to an Israeli company? Not buying Israeli cosmetics, well I don't because I don't use them. I support what Braun did, but strangely enough it coincided with the mayor of Dorohusk breaking the strike of Polish hauliers, which is a scandal, because Polish hauliers are being pushed out by Ukrainian hauliers, who do not have to comply with any conditions and have a licence to transport.
The Polish state is secular, so why should Hanukkah candles, a religious symbol of a foreign state that does not apply symmetry in its relations with Poland, be lit in the Polish parliament?
What Braun has done is an excess of form over substance.
Most people don't understand what the Habad Lubavitch sect is.
To them, Jews are Jews. Our Polish Catholics fought for crosses in government rooms, so a Jewish candlestick in the parliament is not a bad thing.
In my opinion, Braun has only achieved so much with this, adding grist to the mill of Jewish pity about how everyone hates them.
Indirectly justifying further actions in Palestine.
That's how it looks to me.

On the other hand, as for the forms of protest that I can suggest?
Only something like a comet coming and aiming exactly at the ground, or something else that will directly affect everyone, can snap people out of their hypnosis.

Israel knows any such ultimatum will be outright rejected by Hezbollah, they are not going to withdraw from anywhere in Lebanon. It would be effectively cover for a declaration of war on them, without having to actually declare war (which nobody really ever does anymore). If they're not bluffing then it seems to me that they are overconfident. Perhaps therefore this is the primary route by which the US/Mossad and higher levels intend to ignite the wider conflict, much of it at Israel's expense.

Conditions such as this, for example, make no sense at all. Hezbollah has strike capabilities at much longer range than that, and the Iron Dome is not looking as solid as it used to.
1. The removal of Hezbollah to a minimum of 5-7 kilometers from the border, so that it will not be possible to fire directly at the Israeli settlements in the North.
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as regards the trump statement, he is right. is this an end time conflict? the only solution is peace without any further provocation from both sides. but young men are young...
In the end, we're confident that all mainstream religions are misguided, but we don't want to taunt their adherents about it.
Let Cosmic Mind dole out the lessons, so far, it seems to be doing it with a bit of panache. Who needs to denigrate Zionism for example, when the Zionists themselves are doing such a smashing job? Trust the plan? We hear that a lot on the interwebs from Christian fundies and YouTube Conspiracy Theory fans about trusting the plan. Seems there may be an actual Plan, but lots of people are confused about what it is exactly... just trust and don't think too hard - you are in good hands and the white hats/Jesus is in charge, (or Allah, or Jehova).

So everybody needs to figure out their place in the plan and wake up if needed to find out what actual road they are traveling down.
A focus on helping people who are asking for help helps one stay aligned with the will of the Cosmos it seems.
The Polish state is secular, so why should Hanukkah candles, a religious symbol of a foreign state that does not apply symmetry in its relations with Poland, be lit in the Polish parliament?
My question would be if it is the first time they light the candles or the first time they put them out with disdain?

Usages and customs are not so? - perhaps, comparable to what is done politically between countries, they go beyond that.
I do not know the case of Poland, in Mexico, supposedly secular government, the city is adorned with decorative elements of Christmas, city halls, streets, public buildings, etc. In recent years, progressive policies (imported) has wanted to make visible to the "original people", trying to eliminate the Nativity Scenes in public areas because "attempt against the culture of others", arguing also what you have mentioned, useless policies, which only seek to violence and division, especially in the racial sphere.
Just what we've been talking about here in this thread.
Very diplomatic. Perhaps TOO diplomatic:

"As for the growth of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Russophobia and other manifestations of this kind, yes, there is an upward trend. This is due to the fact, in my opinion, that people are facing some kind of injustice. Look at what is happening in Gaza. Throughout the Islamic world, there is a certain reaction and an increase in the number of people thinking radically in this regard. That growth is obvious. The number of such people is increasing. There is nothing good here. This is the result of the policy of certain elites and the unresolved issues for decades, the lack of a just solution to the Palestinian problem. The reaction of the Islamic world and then the growth of anti-Islamic phobias. This is very bad."
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