Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Israel ‘absolutely’ rejects prospect of a 2-state solution after Gaza war ends, says envoy

  • Calls from the UN for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire ‘just basically means we would like to welcome another attack’ like the one on Oct. 7, she adds
Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, said on Wednesday that her country will “absolutely” reject any possibility of a two-state solution after the war in Gaza ends.

Asked how peace might be achieved absent an agreement to establish a Palestinian state, she told Sky News: “Israel knows today and the world should know now … that the Palestinians never wanted to have a state next to Israel.
“They want to have a state ‘from the river to the sea.’ They are saying it loud and clear.”

Hotovely criticized the Palestinian Authority for refusing to condemn the attack on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7. And in response to UN calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, she said: “Ceasefire? No. It just basically means we would like to welcome another attack (like the one on) Oct. 7.”

She added: “Do you remember any country in the world creating a humanitarian corridor to the enemy? I don’t remember you (the UK) helping Nazi Germany … and I don’t remember America helping the Japanese during the Second World War.”

Hotovely also rejected a suggestion by US President Joe Biden on Tuesday that Israel was bombing Gaza “indiscriminately.”
Israel’s campaign of airstrikes and ground assaults in Gaza over the past two months has killed more than 18,500 Palestinians, many of them women and children, according to Palestinian officials.

It is a bit pathetic this strategy of "moral crusade" for the vassals, while in the "diplomatic war" they negotiate and thus advance in a genocidal war.

Following an Israeli line of thought, I believe that they do not want to have any state as a neighbor, because they want to possess the territories of their neighbors with any excuse, besides it is highly probable that if the war is over there will be other attacks on Israel like the one on October 7 just to show us that they were right.

"diplomatic war"

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has rejected statements by Israel’s ambassador in London that her country does not want a two-state solution to the conflict with the Palestinians.
Sunak said: “Our long-standingposition remains that a two-state solution is the right outcome,” adding that he is “incredibly concerned” by the suffering of civilians in Gaza.
New to me, and rather fantastical, yet not - forward by John Helmer. Busby has been mentioned in relation to the Donbass thread, the Skripral's, Fukushima, and going further back on form links. Here, there are links to findings not yet read:


By Christopher Busby, Bideford, introduced by John Helmer, Moscow

The neutron bomb was invented in 1958 by Samuel Cohen (lead image, left) of the Livermore Laboratory of California and then RAND.

In 1984 he proposed that Israel construct a neutron radiation wall around the country. “What I am suggesting is the construction of a border barrier whose most effective component is an extremely intense field of nuclear radiation (produced by the operation of underground nuclear reactors), sharply confined to the barrier zone, which practically guarantees the death of anyone attempting to breach the barrier. Establishing such a ‘nuclear wall’ at the borders of a threatened country can make virtually impossible any successful penetration by ground forces – as well as a preemptive ground attack by the threatened country.”

Cohen, who described himself as an “unbelieving Jew”, believed that by creating this radiation barrier around Israel, no Arab state army would attack. He also believed that by deterring that form of escalation, Cohen’s neutron wall would be protecting the US because, in the end, Cohen believed the US would abandon Israel to its fate if the US were threatened directly. “If the Soviets intrude again in an Arab-Israeli war, “ Cohen wrote, “this time with vastly improved nuclear capabilities to back up their actions, the survival of the United States would be at stake. Clearly this is a situation where it would be irrational—indeed, intolerable—for us to remain committed to Israel. Clearly, the most responsible thing the United States can do, to ensure its own security, is to make drastic changes in its military assistance to Israel (and to other Mideast countries as well) to prevent such a situation from ever arising. Otherwise, based on the wretched history of this turbulent arena, there is every reason to expect that one of these days a nuclear showdown will arise.”

What Cohen was proposing was a neutron bomb to be deployed by Israel except that, because there was no detonation, no explosion, he claimed there was no neutron bomb.

“During peacetime, the reactors (employed underground, for protection and safety) are operated on a continual basis, as are our power reactors. The neutrons produced by the fission reactions escape into a solution containing an element that, upon absorbing the neutrons, becomes highly radioactive and emits gamma rays (very high energy X-rays) at extremely high intensity. The radioactive solution is then passed into a series of pipes running along the barrier length in conjunction with conventional obstacle components—mines, Dragon’s Teeth, tank traps, barbed wire, etc. To the rear of the pipes and obstacle belts is a system of conventional defensive fortifications. (The obstacles, the firepower from the fortifications, and tactical air power all serve to impede the rate of advance of the attacker, increasing the attacker’s exposure to the gamma radiation. Vice versa, by quickly incapacitating the attacker, the radiation serves to make it difficult, or even impossible, for the attacker to remove the obstacles and assault the fortifications.) The width of the entire defensive system need be no more than a few miles.”

Since it was Cohen’s idea that the Palestinians and the Arabs were neither defending their lands or themselves, but were the “aggressors” against Israel, Cohen argued it was perfectly moral for the Israelis to use their neutron weapon “defensively”.

“Regarding the morality (or immorality) of such defensive use of nuclear radiation, one should keep in mind that the gamma rays themselves can, of course, have no intentions; nor is there necessarily any intent by those who produce them to kill anyone. The intent to kill has to lie with the aggressor—to kill himself. This contrasts sharply with the employment of conventional weapons, where there is every intent to kill the enemy. The basic purpose of the radiation is to deter the would-be aggressor from attacking; that is, to prevent war.”

Cohen thought a quick radiation death was more moral than a lingering one from conventional munition wounds.

He also dismissed the idea that his radiation wall was a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) or a war crime. “The radiation barrier involves a pipe filled with radioactivity of controlled duration, installed on friendly soil for the purpose of self-defence, and whose radiation effects are constrained to a very narrow strip of unpopulated territory. Clearly, this cannot be called a weapon of mass destruction, and a radiation barrier could be constructed without any violation of existing or contemplated nuclear arms control treaties.”

While in Cohen’s case for the Israeli neutron weapon he believed it would deter tactical operations of the Hamas or Hezbollah-type incursions, he argued the bigger threat to Israel’s survival was that the US would not risk itself in a nuclear escalation with the Soviet Union, if escalation between Israel and the Arabs headed in that direction. Cohen didn’t mention Iran. He did say that the Kremlin was Israel’s strategic enemy.

“For the United States to risk nuclear war by risking a confrontation with the Soviets in the Middle East would defy reason. This unhappy fact of life, if there is to be any sanity on the part of my country [US], excludes the possibility of US military intervention in the event of another Mideast war. Should Israel once again put itself in a position where its military forces threaten the integrity of an Arab country and should the USSR threaten to come to the aid of that country, Israel would have to be on its own. Considering the overwhelming military force the Soviets could bring to bear, this would place Israel in an untenable position whether or not it used nuclear weapons. The real threat to Israel in the future, if it continues with its past military doctrine, will thus be the Soviet Union, not the Arab nations, however powerfully they may arm themselves with conventional weapons. And this compels Israel to change its doctrine in favour of a guaranteed defence of its borders to ensure that they will never be placed in a position that brings the Soviets into an Arab-Israeli war.”

Cohen is dead. His tactical and strategic calculations are alive; they are secretly being recalculated at this moment. When US President Joseph Biden warned overnight that Israel’s military methods were threatening “[world] support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place”, and that “[Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] has to change, and with this government”, Biden was signalling the US will not escalate if the Israelis try to provoke it.

Cohen’s ghost – Russian intervention – is behind the Biden warning to Israel. “We continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas. But — but — we have to be careful,” Biden said twice. “Have to be careful.” (Biden was also revealing his re-election calculation of donor money now, votes later, depends on it. )

What Biden and President Vladimir Putin secretly suspect is that Israel has already escalated to tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield, to genetic destruction warfare against the Palestinians, — and to something like the neutron bomb.

This is not the Cohen version of forty years ago. Nor is it the depleted uranium (DU) artillery shells and air-dropped DU bombs or rockets, which have been used for years by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in Gaza and Lebanon.

Here is the case, the physical evidence, that the Israelis are using a new type of uranium radiation weapon.

Christopher Busby is one of the leading nuclear physicists in Europe to have researched the long-range dispersal of depleted uranium weapons causing biochemical damage. His Wikipedia profile summarizes his background, his published work, and the controversies which have arisen.

Busby and his colleagues conduct their research, publish their findings, and speak publicly through Green Audit, their Wales-based consultancy; for more detail, click. Follow Busby on Twitter.

Here is Busby’s latest research paper, entitled “Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon.” For the full text and a discussion of the preceding research paper by Busby on depleted uranium weapons, click to read.


The Abstract can be read from the initial link.


Since 2003 measurements made by Green Audit in Fallujah, Iraq 2003, Lebanon 2006 and Gaza 2008 have provided unequivocal evidence of Uranium residues which show anomalous Uranium U-238/U235 isotope signature ratios. Results from independent laboratories in Europe and the UK, using different techniques, revealed the presence of enriched Uranium in biological materials and environmental samples including soil, bomb craters and air (as recorded in vehicle air filter dust). More recently, 2021 results published in the journal Nature, show that Uranium enrichment levels in background samples from Gaza have been increasing markedly since 2008. Since enriched Uranium is an anthropogenic substance which does not exist in nature, the question arises as to the source, in the weapons employed by the USA (Fallujah) and Israel (Lebanon, Gaza). It is proposed that the only logical answer is that a Uranium-based weapon exists that produces U-235 by neutron activation and has been deployed. Such a weapon must be some kind of neutron bomb.
In case you missed it. Shall we believe the lawyer who defended child-trafficker Epstein, or the scholar who has studied the issue all his life? 🤔

These types of interviews are pointless, and hosts like Morgan don't seem to understand that. What does he expect to achieve by having Finkelstein and Deshowitz on? Some kind of "synthesis" that produces a solution that everyone can get behind? People like Dershowitz already know the pro-Palestinian take, it's not like they're ignorant of the facts. They just choose to interpret the facts to serve their own perspective. The only way you could get someone like Dershowitz to accept Finkelstein's perspective is if you were able to reach inside him and give him a conscience. The only way you could get Finkelstein to accept Dershowitz's perspective is if you were able to reach inside him and remove his.
Oh I get you alright, been in the similar shoes many times myself.

In my case, which might, but also might not be related to your current status, when I was frustrated/angry with the bigger picture on our Mother Earth, it boiled down to an issue within myself and my sort to say perception of the world around me. In reality, I was 'placing a judgement' on how things ought to be, looking from a moral, righteous, just and fair 'high stance'. In fact, I was refusing, consciously or subconsciously, to accept the Universe as it is and that It knows waaay better what's the best for everybody and All, and how things should and would resolve at the end. As it turned out, it was my lack of trust in the Universe that basically frustrated me, which in a kind of roundabout way pointed to having little Faith in my own self and by extension in the Universe that made me angry.

Like said, all this what's written above might easily not have anything to do with your 'inner situation', in which case apologies for 'sidetracking' the expression of your mental and emotional processes.
I definitely don't assume to know what the right way for things to occur should be.

BUT you are quite right in that a major lesson for me right now might be labled "How and why to trust in the universe unconditionally"
The first chapter of which was "covid"
Ok, maybe I misunderstood the part I quoted then?

I fail to see how commenting on what is really going on and placing the responsibility where it belongs, is "rooting for a specific team".

Agreed. But this is not a war, it's a genocide.

That's understandable, but in that case, it is often good to take a step back, and try to see the situation "from a distance", as much as possible. "All there is is lessons", and all. This is about accepting reality as it is, and I think that an important part of it is deciding on what our values are, and not letting ourselves be fooled by propaganda. Maybe it would help to remember that Israel is probably one of the countries in the world where the latter has been the most successful at distorting reality, and pushing a seriously twisted agenda.

I definitely don't assume to know what the right way for things to occur should be.

BUT you are quite right in that a major lesson for me right now might be labled "How and why to trust in the universe unconditionally"
The first chapter of which was "covid"
This is true for a lot of us at the moment, in different ways for each of us. For me it's unknown illness. Whatever the method, it's challenging
In following days we may know what really happend, it sounds strange, though.

IDF mistakenly killed 3 hostages during Gaza battles this morning, spokesman says
The 3 were misidentified as terrorists * Two named as Yotam Haim and Samar Talalka; family of the third asks to keep name private * Israel to reopen Kerem Shalom for entry of aid
... The mayor of the Bedouin town of Rahat mourns the mistaken killing of three hostages by IDF troops earlier today in Gaza.

The IDF has identified two of the hostages as Yotam Haim and Samar Talalka, who was a resident of Rahat.
“Such bitter news: Bedouins and Jews were taken hostage together, managed to flee together in an effort to continue their lives — and ended their lives together in this very tragic event,” Ata Abu Madighem tells Army Radio.
Initial assessments from the IDF say Haim, Talalka and a third hostage whose family requested that he not be identified managed to either flee from captivity or were abandoned by their captors amid the intensity of the IDF firefight in northern Gaza.
... IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says during battles in northern Gaza’s Shejaiya this morning, Israeli troops mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as a threat and opened fire at them, killing them.
Hagari says the IDF bears responsibility for the “tragic incident.”

“This is an area where the soldiers encountered many terrorists, including suicide bombers,” he adds.
Hagari names the hostages as Yotam Haim, who was abducted by Hamas from Kfar Aza, and Samar Talalka, who was abducted from Nir Am. The third hostage was not named following requests by their family.
Asked how the hostages were able to escape Hamas captivity, Hagari says the military believes that “the three fled or were abandoned by the terrorists who held them captive.”
They are used to shoot before asking.
In his statement, Hagari says that “after the shooting, during a scan and examination, an immediate suspicion arose regarding the identity of the dead, and their bodies were quickly transferred for examination in Israel, where the hostages were identified.”
“In some cases, suicide bombers were encountered, and also attacks in which terrorists tried to lure our forces and draw them into an ambush. Shortly after the tragic incident, another encounter with terrorists took place near the scene of the incident,” Hagari says.
Had not heard/read about suicide bombers of the resistance, had read reports of IDF using Palestinian civilians used as such, though.

Before we began to arrest us inside Majda Wasila School in the vicinity of Palestine Mosque, west of Gaza City

One of the officers took me and asked me about my name, work, and age.. Then he asked me about my relatives and family..

Then he said to me, come walk with me
I asked him where? He said to me, “I want to send you to your Lord like a bride.” I told him, “You mean a groom.”

He told me like a bride who wears white and wears makeup.

He took me to an area where there was a resistance tunnel and put me on a belt full of explosives. He put a Go Pro camera on my head and a rope on the middle of my body and told me, “When I tighten the rope, it will come back to me.” He pushed me near the opening of the tunnel, at gunpoint and threatened to kill my family. I refused to obey. According to his orders, but in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly pushed me to the opening of the tunnel and I fell inside it and remained in my place for about 3 minutes. Then he started screaming and shooting for me to go inside the tunnel... I walked through it for about 40 meters.

Then he pulled me out of the tunnel again using the rope he tied and took me out and said to me, “Your Lord does not want you.” He left me to the soldiers and said to them, “Bring another young man.” I returned again and found the men from my family in their place, and they had taken a 15-year-old child.
But thank God he came back fine and I saw him when I left the prison

The goal of all this is for them not to go down the tunnel for fear that it will blow them up, meaning that if the camera mounted on the heads of the resistance men was spotted inside the tunnel, I will be blown up by them and the tunnel.

There is more that I will list for you in the coming days.
From the Q nd A with Vladimir Putin on the subject of Gaza, there is in the transcript this section, if anyone is interested:
Pavel Zarubin: We are working live and there can always be technical nuances. A little earlier, we saw a video question from VGTRK war correspondent Sergei Zenin.

Vladimir Putin: May I?

Pavel Zarubin: Of course.

Vladimir Putin: I noticed some of your colleagues. The person over there has a sign that says “Turkiye.” Let’s hear them.

Pavel Zarubin: And then we will get back to the war correspondent.

Vladimir Putin: Certainly, I promise.

Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Some war correspondents are actually women.

Dmitry Peskov: Please introduce yourself.

Ali Jura: Ali Jura, Anadolu Agency.

Mr President, as a result of Israel’s attack on Gaza, a child dies every 6–7 minutes. Eight thousand Palestinian children and more than 6,000 women have already died. Unfortunately, the UN and world major powers are not able to stop these attacks. Do you think the UN has lost its function?

Also, with respect to Palestine, are Turkiye and Russia working together to ensure peace in the region? What are Moscow and Ankara’s common plans on international and regional issues? Do you plan to visit Turkiye any time soon? Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: First of all, of course, I am watching the developments in Gaza. I will tell you what I think. In general, I agree with you, but it should be noted that President of Turkiye Erdogan is playing a significant leading role in improving the situation in Gaza. He is certainly one of the leaders of the international community who is paying attention to this tragedy and doing everything to change the situation for the better, so that conditions are created for a lasting peace. This is obvious. He is very active in this matter. And God bless him. Because what is happening is, of course, a disaster.

We were just talking about the Ukraine crisis – and we will return to it later. You and the audience here, everybody in the world can see (compare the special military operation and Gaza and you will see the difference): nothing of this kind is happening in Ukraine.

You mentioned the deaths of thousands of women and children. The Secretary-General of the United Nations called today’s Gaza the biggest children’s cemetery in the world. This opinion speaks volumes. It is an objective opinion, what else can I say?

As for the UN’s role, you know, it is nothing out of the ordinary and I have already said that. During the Cold War, there were different forces and different countries that often blocked decisions promoted by other countries. But the United Nations was initially created for the purpose of finding a consensus. Without a consensus, decisions cannot be made. So, nothing out of the ordinary is happening at the UN; it was always like this, especially during the Cold War. There is a reason why Foreign Minister of the USSR Gromyko had the nickname, Mr No, because the Soviet Union very frequently vetoed decisions. It is very significant. When there is a veto, no steps that a country sees as hostile towards itself will be taken. And it is important. It is important to preserve such mechanisms in the UN; otherwise it will simply be reduced to a talking shop as happened during a certain period after World War I.

But it does not mean that we cannot and should not seek these consensuses. We should. We, like Turkiye, proceed from the premise that the UN decisions to create a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem should, after all, be implemented, and this is extremely important. It is necessary to create the foundations for an Israeli-Palestinian settlement.

Now let us talk about plans. President Erdogan and I are in constant contact on these issues, and our positions are very similar. I think that we will manage to meet; in fact, I am planning to do just that. I also planned this quite recently, but I can say – there are no secrets in this regard – that it did not work out on account of President Erdogan’s busy schedule. I was prepared to take a flight to Turkiye, and I told him so, but it failed to transpire because of his busy schedule. He was unable to meet, not me. This happens sometimes. But we continue to have talks and perhaps we will arrange this visit early next year.

And now let us look at our efforts. As you may know, I visited two Arab countries not so long ago and had consultations with our friends in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. We are also in contact with Egypt.

First, it is necessary to keep people in Gaza.

Second, it is necessary to bring humanitarian aid on a massive scale to these people.

When I was on my visit to the Emirates, it transpired that the UAE had opened a field hospital in Gaza, not far from the Rafah border crossing and the Egyptian border. We discussed whether it was possible for Russia to open a hospital of its own at a stadium in the same area. But for this to happen, we need to have consent from both Egypt and Israel. I talked to the President of Egypt, and he is in favour of this idea. I also talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and they consulted various armed agencies. The Israeli side believes that opening a Russian hospital in Gaza is not safe.

But this does not mean that we will discontinue our efforts. If today this is not safe and the Israeli side does not support the idea, we nevertheless have agreements with the Israelis, and they asked us to step up our deliveries of medical equipment and medicines, and we will certainly do that. So, we are in contact with all parties involved under the current developments and will work actively on this.
In following days we may know what really happend, it sounds strange, though.

IDF mistakenly killed 3 hostages during Gaza battles this morning, spokesman says
'Seems it wasn't mistakenly.'

By Mohammed Al Ragawi - 09.12.2023 - Update : 10.12.2023

15 Dec 2023
The Israeli army has killed three captives held by Palestinian armed groups in Gaza after “mistakenly” identifying them as a threat, according to Israeli military officials.
16 Dec, 2023
The admission comes just days after Hamas’ armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, claimed that an Israeli special forces unit had mistakenly killed 25-year-old hostage Sahar Baruch during an assault on the militant group. The Israeli government said it was looking into the alleged death, but stopped short of confirming the claim.
While the military is still looking into the accidental killings, it has already handed down “Lessons and relevant instructions concerning the identification of hostages in battle zones,” Hagari continued, adding “This is a sad and painful event for all of us, and the IDF bears responsibility for everything that happened.
'Will IDF bear full responsibility for ethnic cleansing in Gaza?'
Israel's losses in the Gaza Strip in five days amounted to more than 100 combat vehicles
. The Palestinian resistance, represented by the Al-Qassam Brigade (the military wing of Hamas), is actively opposing the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, carrying out a series of attacks and shelling on the 70th day of the ongoing Israeli aggression. One of the key operations was the firing of rockets at Jerusalem, which was undertaken in response to Israel's actions against civilians in Gaza.

Representatives of the Al-Qassam Brigade also announced an attack on a field command post of Israeli troops in the Juhr al-Dik area, using Rajum missiles for this purpose. The published video demonstrates joint actions with the Al-Quds brigades, including shelling positions of Israeli soldiers near Khan Yunis with large-caliber mortars.

Abu Ubaida, the military representative of the Al-Qassam Brigade, announced the destruction of more than 100 Israeli military vehicles over the past five days, emphasizing the use of special projectiles and the destruction of shelters of Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

Abu Ubaida stressed that the actual number of dead and wounded in the ranks of Israeli soldiers significantly exceeds the officially announced figures. He also reported on the successful clash of resistance fighters with Israeli military vehicles in Khan Yunis, showing captured vehicles and equipment of Israeli soldiers as trophies.
Потери Израиля в секторе Газа за пять дней составили более 100 боевых машин

These types of interviews are pointless, and hosts like Morgan don't seem to understand that. What does he expect to achieve by having Finkelstein and Deshowitz on? Some kind of "synthesis" that produces a solution that everyone can get behind? People like Dershowitz already know the pro-Palestinian take, it's not like they're ignorant of the facts. They just choose to interpret the facts to serve their own perspective. The only way you could get someone like Dershowitz to accept Finkelstein's perspective is if you were able to reach inside him and give him a conscience. The only way you could get Finkelstein to accept Dershowitz's perspective is if you were able to reach inside him and remove his.
That is very well put.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

From BBC:

The IDF has given more details on how it mistakenly killed three hostages in Gaza on Friday.

An IDF official says one of its soldiers saw the hostages emerging from a building without shirts on, holding a stick with a white cloth on it.

The soldier felt threatened and opened fire, declaring that the men were terrorists, the IDF official says.

Two hostages were killed immediately and one was injured, and ran back into the building.
The IDF official says hundreds of metres from where the three hostages were mistakenly killed, there was a building with "SOS" marked on it.

"We're still looking to see if there's a connection between that building and the hostages," the official says.

He says the IDF will scan the area for more information about the incident.
There is no way to cover it up, they killed three hostages mistaking them for surrendering Palestinians. We could be generous and say they thought they were fighters and not civilians, but that seems unlikely and I'm not feeling generous.

So, so bad. A few more might wake up.
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