Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Reports of Israel using white phosphorus on the civilian population of Gaza last night.

Banned under int'l law, white phosphorus burns anything it touches, including human skin.

Drone footage of Gaza city has been released by Bloomberg.

Citizens along the Gaza Strip are being caught in the crossfire as the war between Hamas and Israel escalates.

Hundreds of apartments and homes have been demolished displacing more than 123,000 people.

The IDF has reported that they have destroyed 130 targets in the past three days.

Hamas is known for using innocent people including women and children as human shields.
There's still something bothering me about the rallies and supposed Palestine supporters that is spreading across the internet. People like AOC and the LGBTQ crowd are being portrayed as the people who support Palestine.

Perhaps it is true that the more traditional left has been more supportive of Palestine over the years, yet, what we know about AOC and most LGBTQ groups is that they clueless and only follow whatever path they're put on to follow, so it seems too much of a coincidence that now they are kind of being conveyed as the ones who support Palestine, which in the minds of the people who lean more towards the right means that they are supporting terrorism, and also, makes them even less likely to find some empathy towards Palestinians because they are now being associated with these people who have every other thing SO wrong.

Being at university in the late 2000s, there was always support for Palestine from the left wing. Seeing so many people who were well-aware of woke stuff online suddenly start simping for Israel was disappointing but not particularly surprising. I remember clear as day the Bush Jr presidency and the amount of sheer vitriol the right wing had for muslims, to say nothing of the deep origins of Zionism in the US evangelical movement, which in many ways is responsible for a lot of the disarray we see in the Middle East pretty much since the founding of Israel.
It's looking to me like both sides are being set up for destruction as a big feast by 4D sts. Create maximum polarisation and conflict and misery and suffering and feed on it, all the while depopulating the splintered human population. Lets also not forget, that the level of surveillance and control Israel has over Gaza is probably what they are planning for everyone. I take some comfort in the C's saying it will all fail, and there will be a level playing field, but the sheer suffering and misery in all of this fighting is utterly horrible to watch.
But maybe that's why we are here.. to watch it. We are souls not bodies after all. Just my thoughts...
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to say nothing of the deep origins of Zionism in the US evangelical movement, which in many ways is responsible for a lot of the disarray we see in the Middle East pretty much since the founding of Israel.
I may be misinterpreting what you said here, but Douglas Reed puts the origins of Zionism in England in the 19th century, just after the French revolution. The US fundies are certainly strongly Zionist but I think they imported the ideology, à la ponerisation.
Of course this is a joke. Please refrain from shooting the joker.
You have lifted a stone from my soul. I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I want to say that in any case, I was not going to "shoot" you. I was more worried about C's. Opinions can be of any kind and the rampant nature of these opinions in relation to Russia has not had any reasonable boundaries for a long time, but to see such an opinion in a serious way HERE would be a cruel disappointment, I believe.

Bizarre how predictable it is.
I personally had no doubt that the accusation of Russia would happen by itself, and, by the way, it happened in the most expected way. If the Israeli authorities or, say, the UN had said this, it would have surprised me somewhat. Not much, but it would still surprise.

Вы сняли камень с моей души. Прошу прощения за непонимание, при этом я хочу сказать, что в любом случае не собирался в Вас стрелять. Я больше переживал за C's. Мнения могут быть любыми и уж по отношению к России разгул этих мнений давно не имеет никаких разумных границ, но увидеть подобное мнение по серьезному ЗДЕСЬ- это было бы жестокое разочарование, я полагаю.
То что обвинение России само по себе случится, я лично вообще не сомневался и, кстати говоря, оно случилось самым ожидаемым образом. Если бы об этом сказали власти Израиля или, скажем, в ООН, это меня несколько удивило бы. Не сильно, но все же удивило бы.
Here are a number of events, unfortunately also quite predictable.
Israeli special forces eliminated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar
In a report published by the Israeli newspaper The Times Of Israel, Rear Admiral of the Israel Defense Forces Hagari announced the death of Yahya Sinwar, a senior leader of the Hamas movement. Hagari peremptorily said: "Yahya Sinwar is the commander of the campaign and he is dead," emphasizing, perhaps, death as a result of military action or murder.

The Rear Admiral also sent a dire warning to the remaining leadership of the group, saying that both the military and political leadership of Hamas, as well as all assets associated with Sinwar, are now "vulnerable and doomed." These words probably reflect Israel's desire to emphasize its determination in the fight against the organization and to increase psychological pressure on the remaining members of its leadership.

Sinwar's death could be a significant blow for Hamas, given his key role in a number of operations and strategic planning of the organization. However, it should be expected that this event may also provoke a response and additional actions on the part of the movement in response to the loss of one of its key leaders.
Израильский спецназ ликвидировал лидера ХАМАС Яхья Синвара

Hamas militants began executing hostages on camera
A video appeared in various Palestinian media channels, in which, presumably, Hamas militants executed two hostages. The footage shows two men on their knees being shot in the head. However, it should be emphasized that the authenticity of this video has not yet been confirmed by independent sources, and there have been no official statements from Hamas or other organizations at the moment.

The appearance of the video (for moral and ethical reasons, we do not publish these frames - ed.) raises a number of questions regarding new tactics of interaction in the conflict and requires a thorough investigation. A previous Hamas statement mentioned the possibility of executing hostages in response to the shelling of civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Thus, this event may mark a new turn in the nature of the armed conflict between Palestine and Israel.

If such a situation really took place, then further negotiations between Israel, Hamas militants and the international community are no longer possible.
Боевики ХАМАС начали казнить заложников на камеру

The Hezbollah group announced an attack on Israel
The spectrum of the conflict in the Middle East deepens with the release of a new statement from Hezbollah, in which the radical group threatens further actions, as indicated in the published video with the inscription:

"We're coming. Everything is just beginning."

The situation escalates after harsh words from Hamas representative Al-Qassam Abu Ubaida, who emphasizes the group's determination to resist the "fascist-Zionist crime" and respond to aggression against the Palestinians with the use of force.

According to Hamas, any attack on Palestinians, including civilians, will be met with an extremely harsh response, including the execution of civilians with the broadcast of these actions. In this context, not only local residents are at risk, but also citizens of various countries, including the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, India, Thailand, Ukraine, Nepal, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico and Brazil, since it is assumed that they are also among the prisoners.
Группировка "Хезболла" анонсировала нападение на Израиль
Also one of the predicted things.
It began: the mass destruction of Merkava tanks

Hamas militants are massively destroying Israeli Merkava tanks, which were considered one of the best in the world.

As expected, the outdated tactics of the Israeli army collided with reality: tanks are destroyed before they have time to engage in battle.

It is reported that the IDF has already lost 14 Merkava tanks.
Like others have mentioned, Brian Berletic’s latest New Atlas video is very good, and he also did a video on the channel of his Friday livestream cohost Angelo Giuliano a day or two before which goes into even greater depth:

Having only become acquainted with Berletic through his analyses of the SMO in Ukraine, and also having watched a lot of his other videos about Taiwan and China, I didn’t really know how good his analysis of Israel/Palestine may be, but he and Angelo really see the situation ‘as the situation sees itself’ and apparently Berletic has been writing articles on the topic since at least 2011.

Hugely impressed that not only are they as objective as they are, but they have no qualms at all about telling it like it is, too. They have real integrity and above all, they have made it repeatedly clear that what ultimately matters to them is Truth.

Alex Christophorou I think also falls into this category, but Alexander Mercouris slightly less so. In Mercouris’ latest video, he’s going with the ‘intelligence failures’ narrative, and tries to do some mental acrobatics to say that the Israeli intelligence and defence forces of today are not what they were back in the mid-twentieth century. It’s a bit painful to watch him literally list all the ways in which Israel’s defences ‘failed’, to then go on and say, “There are many people who are suggesting that this was somehow allowed to happen, but until I see clear and hard evidence of this, I find it unlikely.”
“There are many people who are suggesting that this was somehow allowed to happen, but until I see clear and hard evidence of this, I find it unlikely.”
Obviously it's too early to say what and how this exactly happened

Yet, clearly, it is of the utmost importance that the absolute truth come out eventually, and only those who have colluded and are responsible be held fully accountable.

[ We are talking specific egos / "organizations" ]

Because: If the world's people continue to be fed lies, at this point, I fear no one will survive

The soul needs food
and it has been mal-nourished

May whomever is able to feed it come forth in the right "time" and in the correct manner 🙌🏽🪷
As Alexander Dugin explained very well in a comment that was shared earlier by @Tristan in this thread:

To what extent this is serious, we shall soon see, but in any case it is clear that those who ignore eschatology will not understand anything about great modern politics. And not only in the Middle East, although it is more evident there.

The Cs indicate that the "forces at work here" concerning "the prophetic and philosophical" are "aware".
Whether that is at the 4D level or both 3D and 4D it makes things difficult to sort out I think.

Session 7 January 1996:
Q: (P) I would like to know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Conyers, GA, as well as this book "Mary's Message to the World" and all the other messages about the End Times that are coming out all over?

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.
Because: If the world's people continue to be fed lies, at this point, I fear no one will survive

The soul needs food
and it has been mal-nourished
As with Covid, it is difficult for the "ordinary" citizen to get to the truth with this matter.

On one side they are the good guys and the others are the bad guys. On the other side they are the good guys and the others are the bad guys.

The truth of the matter lies beneath several layers and almost no one gets there.

People position themselves with one party or another in black or white, while the issue once again is at a planetary level and who directs everything.

It is noticeable because the media once again proclaim the "truth" overwhelmingly and once again the citizens obey and believe.

More than 20 years since the twin towers and still very few people know what really happened.

A 23andMe Data Hack Appears to Target Ashkenazi Jews.

Hackers have obtained a vast list of individuals with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from the genetic testing service 23andMe and have shared it on the internet.

The database, titled “ashkenazi DNA Data of Celebrities,” contains the information of 999,999 alleged users of the service, including their names, gender, and the evaluation of their ancestral origins provided by 23andMe. Despite the title of the database, it primarily consists of non-famous individuals and seems to have been filtered to include only those with Ashkenazi heritage.

23andMe is treating the leak as genuine and is currently investigating the incident. A spokesperson for the company states that it does not believe it was directly hacked. Instead, it suspects that the hackers obtained some users’ passwords from other breached sites, which were then used to exploit the fact that 23andMe allows users access to extensive genetic information from other users. Earlier this week, a hacker on a prominent forum claimed to have a larger database of users for sale, although it remains uncertain whether the individuals who filtered the list by Ashkenazi heritage are the same as those who initially compiled it.

It seems to have come at just the right time...
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