Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Having only become acquainted with Berletic through his analyses of the SMO in Ukraine, and also having watched a lot of his other videos about Taiwan and China, I didn’t really know how good his analysis of Israel/Palestine may be, but he and Angelo really see the situation ‘as the situation sees itself’ and apparently Berletic has been writing articles on the topic since at least 2011.

Berletic used to write under a pseudonym Tony Cartalucci for his blog Land Destroyer and other alternative websites before revealing his identity. He's been consistent through the years and many of his articles were published on Sott, especially during the Western sponsored war in Syria.
For starters, if the usual suspects orchestrated this attack and it was a false flag, wouldn't they see a risk of Hezbollah and others joining, and thus creating a situation that they can't win?
Aragorn, I would like you to contemplate the idea that this may be, Hezbollah attacking from the north, what Israel want.

From voyageur post above;

Finkelstein has a 2.2 hour talk going on here. He brings in deep history going well back, and discusses how Gaza etc. is the most surveilled place on the planet, and by implication that says much. However, he is saying that he applauds "the ingenuity" to have circumvented said technology (he is "baffled" by it).

Transcript here:

Did Israel used it Iron dome at all, not sure they did. Why, because if you have followed the Israelite and Palestinian conflict, you would know that those rocket are no more than ''pétard'' they don't have explosive war head or very little one. They don't do much damage and have no accuracy at all. If you return to the beginning of this conflict, Saturday, how many casualty, victim, did those thousand of rocket inflicted upon the population. The number will be surprisingly low.

Now look at this;
NOT HEZBOLLAH: Al-Quds Brigades Claims Responsibility for Infiltration Operation on Lebanese-Israeli Border
The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), claimed responsibility for a recent infiltration operation on the Lebanese-Palestinian border earlier Monday, saying it was part of the wider Al-Aqsa Storm operation. The PIJ is the second largest group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas.

According to the report, seven Israeli soldiers suffered injuries during the operation.

“We declare our responsibility for today’s operation in southern Lebanon on the borders of occupied Palestine,” said Al-Quds Brigades.

Closed Friend to Hamas they are and probably just another arm for the same master.

Here to quote Ryan;

Yep. If Iran knows that it's a LIHOP scenario, then Hezbollah will probably just remain on the sidelines. Iran conducted a very successful proxy war in Yemen and knows how the game is played, at this point. They can probably just sit back and unroll reel after reel of propaganda to the Arab world highlighting Israel's behaviour, and Israel will become a complete pariah in the region and likely disintegrate politically and economically.
Exactly, Iran probably know that this is a LIHOP, so I assume that Hezbollah as been made aware too and is now very prudent in it reaction but Israel trough it proxies, Al-Quds brigade, may trigger an escalation on the northern frontier which will inevitably bring a reaction of Hezbollah.

Now that would explain why the iron dome was silent, Hezbollah as missiles, thousands I have read that can inflict very serious damage to the military complex of Israel and devastate city. So why would Israel waste there precious and expensive defensive missile on pétard when the goal is to expand the conflict by luring or forcing Hezbollah into it and Iran ultimately.

That would also explain the U.S. moving it carrier group to the eastern Mediterranean sea.
FYI: "The Hidden History of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman is an excellent resource as are its citations.

Here it is in its entirety, although you can also find it in book form:

I first listened to Raph Schoenman and his wife, Maya Shone, on their short lived WBAI radio show just after 9/11. They combed numerous news sources and covered many relevant topics including bio weapons labs (what Schoenman referred to as bio-terror labs). While this couple is unabashedly Marxist, I never found that to interfere with the objectivity of their analysis.

For years there was available online an audio archive of their WBAI radio shows from that post-9/11 time period. However, I just looked, and the links lead nowhere. The show was called "Taking Aim." I did find one of their shows on Youtube at an interesting account for research titled "Our Hidden History." Here is that particular Taking Aim show, although it's not on Zionism. Some of these shows included excerpts from Schoenman's "The Hidden History of Zionism," and more discussion in that vein. Sad that that archive seems to have been scrubbed.

«Opération planifiée»? Cette guerre d’Israël «ressemble au travail de l’Etat profond»–Efrat Fenigson
«Il y a quelque chose qui cloche, là», s’interroge la journaliste et ex-soldat du Renseignement militaire israélien.

“Planned operation”? This Israeli war “looks like the work of the deep state” – Efrat Fenigson“There is something wrong there,” asks the journalist and ex-soldier of Israeli Military Intelligence.
Les anciens présidents Bill Clinton et Barack Obama restent silencieux sur l'attaque terroriste du Hamas contre Israël. On se demande bien pourquoi, n'est-ce pas ?
Mail Online (Former Presidents Clinton, Obama silent as Israel battles Hamas)
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are silent on Hamas terror attack against Israel
Two former Democratic presidents have yet to say a word about the brutal attack launched by Hamas terrorists in Israel on Saturday.
Avant dimanche quand un attentat islamiste était perpétré, il ne fallait surtout pas faire l'amalgame avec tous les musulmans.
Depuis dimanche, dénoncer les attentats du Hamas n'empêche plus nullement de décimer la totalité des Palestiniens en représailles.
Et sans aucune honte en plus.

Before Sunday when an Islamist attack was perpetrated, it was absolutely necessary not to conflate it with all Muslims.Since Sunday, denouncing Hamas attacks no longer prevents all Palestinians from being decimated in retaliation.And without any shame at all.
Les anciens présidents Bill Clinton et Barack Obama restent silencieux sur l'attaque terroriste du Hamas contre Israël. On se demande bien pourquoi, n'est-ce pas ?
View attachment 83040
Mail Online (Former Presidents Clinton, Obama silent as Israel battles Hamas)
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are silent on Hamas terror attack against Israel
Two former Democratic presidents have yet to say a word about the brutal attack launched by Hamas terrorists in Israel on Saturday.

Not that anyone cares, but for the record:

Ils sont où les médias qui dénonçaient debout sur la table des frappes russes sur des cibles civils (le plus souvent c'était faux) alors qu'Israël bombarde sans discernement des lieux saints, des hôpitaux à Gaza ?? Ils sont où ??? Même le président de l'ONU a été obligé de dénoncer cela, mais RIEN dans les médias ! RIEN !

Where are the media which stood on the table denouncing Russian strikes on civilian targets (most often it was false) while Israel indiscriminately bombs holy places and hospitals in Gaza?? Where are they ??? Even the UN President was forced to denounce this, but NOTHING in the media! NOTHING !
And on top of that, out of the hundreds of missiles (as he says) coming from Gaza, 1 or 2 really strikes, and in areas of minor importance, usually planed or let by Israel to have excuses to performs more attacks against Palestinians.
@FM258 is good you have an open mind still about all this, I recommend you to catch up with the situation! Paying attention to objective reality is critical as the time comes!
I didn't anticipate this as a FF. From the eyewitnesses that I read it appeared to be as reported. I respect what you guys are saying and will keep eyes and ears peeled and mouth closed. Now that I'm aware of it, I'll be able to see how the media will slant the coverage. How do you see this playing out??
CT : Pour ceux qui n'ont pas TWITTER :

CT: For those who don't have TWITTER:

I condemn the horrific terrorist assault carried out by Hamas in Israel, and mourn the senseless loss of life. My heart is with all those affected by the violence, including American families. Now is a time for the world to rally against terrorism and to support Israeli democracy. I stand with the government of Israel and all Israelis, and urge them to stand together. This is a moment to focus on purpose over politics.
À l'origine en anglais et traduit par
Je condamne l’horrible attaque terroriste perpétrée par le Hamas en Israël et pleure les pertes de vies humaines insensées. Mon cœur va à tous ceux qui sont touchés par la violence, y compris les familles américaines. Il est désormais temps pour le monde de se rassembler contre le terrorisme et de soutenir la démocratie israélienne. Je me tiens aux côtés du gouvernement israélien et de tous les Israéliens et je les exhorte à rester unis. C’est le moment de se concentrer sur l’objectif plutôt que sur la politique.

All Americans should be horrified and outraged by the brazen terrorist attacks on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians. We grieve for those who died, pray for the safe return of those who’ve been held hostage, and stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas. As we support Israel’s right to defend itself against terror, we must keep striving for a just and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians alike.
À l'origine en anglais et traduit par
Tous les Américains devraient être horrifiés et indignés par les attaques terroristes éhontées contre Israël et le massacre de civils innocents. Nous pleurons ceux qui sont morts, prions pour le retour sain et sauf de ceux qui ont été retenus en otages et nous tenons fermement aux côtés de notre allié, Israël, alors qu'il démantèle le Hamas. Tout en soutenant le droit d'Israël à se défendre contre le terrorisme, nous devons continuer à lutter pour une paix juste et durable pour les Israéliens comme pour les Palestiniens.
Donc hier, (je ne sais pas si les médias vous l'ont dit), le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'ONU, à la demande du Pakistan, a demandé une minute de silence, pour les morts à Gaza suite aux attaques d'Israël. L’envoyé pakistanais a pu accuser Israël d’agression et de violence sans commentaire, avant de demander que les victimes de « décennies d’occupation » soient honorées par une minute de silence – tous les représentants, y compris l’envoyé français, se sont levés.
Que penser de cela quand on écoute nos politiques ? Deux poids, deux mesures ?
So yesterday, (I don't know if the media told you), the UN Human Rights Council, at the request of Pakistan, called for a minute of silence, for the deaths in Gaza following to attacks by Israel. The Pakistani envoy was able to accuse Israel of aggression and violence without comment, before asking that the victims of "decades of occupation" be honored with a minute of silence - all representatives, including the French envoy, are lifted.What do we think of this when we listen to our politicians? Two weights, two measures ?
This is a 4D chess board and one or more STS playing the game, the PTB.

They are the only ones that could have had countries (Israel) stand down. They are the ones that are bringing in all the chess pieces. They are the ones that will tell you when to act or react. They are the ones that are telling others to report and how to report. They will only give the piece of knowledge that you need at that time, they will withhold all the rest as that is how they work.

They are the ones that are telling <Fill in the blank> that now is the time to react and that what you are going to do is justified, you will win no matter what. This is how they work they give you the right to move your piece forward only when they say it is right for the situation that they have created for thousands of years.

Remember their end result is de-population of this reality, nothing else.

All the game pieces will do what they say and only when they say to do it. If you do not do what they tell you to do is when it gets dicey, I don’t see that has happened yet. The pawns are still moving closer and closer. Just wait for the larger pieces to be allowed to move.

I see Israel possibly as the king as they have a strong foot but can only move one step at a time. But as all know the king falls easily or runs away. Just wait for the Bishop, Knight and Rooks or even the Queen to move, their play will be decisive and with great distance.

Play a game of 3D chess and you will see what I am talking about. I often think of the chess board that they used in Star Trek, now that was awesome. Haiku …
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