Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I wonder how this will play out and what the Israeli retaliation will be. If big enough it could eventually turn into a full blown war. Very interesting in the context of what the Cs said about a war in Palestine.

If, according to the Cs, the war is the ultimate objective of Israel, I wonder if perhaps it is possible that the attacks of Hamas are partly inspired to enable a retaliation.

It is also the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War almost to the day.
As Bibi proclaimed a ground invasion of 360,000 IDF into Palestine yesterday/today, and Hezbollah has not yet entered the fray, the though entered my mind that Hamas wants this to happen and that their real plan will begin once the IDF is inside Palestine in full force.

A whole lot of people think Mossad let this happen on purpose, but that's at odds with Israel's stance that no Israeli citizen is ever left behind when they can be saved. I think that if they did let it happen on purpose to justify their response, they did not expect the scale of the attack that occurred. And I think a whole lot of US made weapons that were meant for Ukraine are now in Palestine. And we will see if the instigation to a ground invasion is a trap, but my primal and immediate first instinct is that it is. Then I read the excerpt from the C's and that feeling is reinforced.

This is one of those world events that feels different. Perhaps it's because while it was predictable that eventually the scale of warfare would increase while Israel continually targeted protesters, women, and children, and just last week was maiming with aimed shots to the ankles which cannot be properly treated in Palestine, to the holding pattern that is the ME conflict and sabre-rattling around the world, this really is the first of its kind for the current generation.
As Bibi proclaimed a ground invasion of 360,000 IDF into Palestine yesterday/today, and Hezbollah has not yet entered the fray, the though entered my mind that Hamas wants this to happen and that their real plan will begin once the IDF is inside Palestine in full force.

With you on this line of thinking Artex. This operation was meticulously planned and surely had an intent beyond just striking back - namely to lure the Persians into the pass of Thermopylae if you get my meaning. Once the Israelis move into the urban maze of Gaza all bets are off and the territory becomes a great leveler. Hostage taking chances increase, casualty rates rise, intractable circumstances take over. The Palestinians can fight with nothing to lose - the Israeli's with everything to lose, especially the morale of the population and the impact on watching TV audience baying for a simple clean bloody conclusion of 'justice'. Atrition may well be something the Palestinians have now learned from watching Russian tactics in Ukraine - and they are it seems successfully tempting the Israelis to fall for it on their terms. And seeing what they pulled off to date, who knows what they have also long prepared in under ground tunnels and down alley ways throughout Gaza...
Are you saying that the 1000s of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel were fired by Israel? I’m trying to follow along and do not have my opinions in cement. I’m very aware of false flag attacks as a tactic and strategy. I am open to that possibility, seeing a total intelligence failure, reminds me of 9/11.
All you need is a fresh new war, if you are the US Empire with its administration badly losing face in Ukraine. Nowadays' 'damage control' means to quickly produce a new crisis elsewhere. Kosovo was tried. Armenia is in progress to be turned into Ukraine II by the CIA:
France to blame for any new conflict with Armenia – Azerbaijan..

But of course the Israeli-card trumps everything:

North Korea backs Hamas against Israeli ‘criminal actions’​

North Korean media outlets claim an independent Palestinian state is the 'fundamental' solution to the conflict

Media reports in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are voicing support for the terror group against Israeli military and civilians.

. North Korea backs Hamas against Israeli ‘criminal actions’

North Korea blames Israel for causing bloodshed in Gaza​

North Korean state media on Tuesday blamed Israel for causing bloodshed in Gaza, weighing in on the military clashes between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas for the first time.

I wonder if the current unfolding of events is the start of the double cross of Isitreal mentioned by the C’s. (The Cross of Lorraine, MJF?)

(I think the true double cross is when the double crosser pulls the rug out from under both sides of a conflict. FWIW)
It is especially strange because it happened in Kfar Aza (Gaza village), and there are a lot of horror stories from there. Only recently there was news about dozens of bodies of babies and children, adults and the elderly found there. Some were beheaded.

Perhaps many people are not longer buying the official version of atrocities by Hamas that lead to justify the retailation by Israel.

Unless is common to put on one bag several corpses adults or babies, it does not add up the image to which is being portrayed as evidence.
The news is out. It's so gruesome that nobody wanted to give it away until they had 100% confirmation.

🔺 Infants and children under the age of 2 have been beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza. It's a horror, a massacre.

For those who want to know the source. There are many: the Israeli army, the domestic intelligence service and atrocious images that have reached me and that I have been able to cross-check. But the best source is this one: courageous journalists from the foreign press who were able to see/accepted to see the bodies at Kfar Aza with their own eyes.

With you on this line of thinking Artex. This operation was meticulously planned and surely had an intent beyond just striking back - namely to lure the Persians into the pass of Thermopylae if you get my meaning. Once the Israelis move into the urban maze of Gaza all bets are off and the territory becomes a great leveler. Hostage taking chances increase, casualty rates rise, intractable circumstances take over. The Palestinians can fight with nothing to lose - the Israeli's with everything to lose, especially the morale of the population and the impact on watching TV audience baying for a simple clean bloody conclusion of 'justice'. Atrition may well be something the Palestinians have now learned from watching Russian tactics in Ukraine - and they are it seems successfully tempting the Israelis to fall for it on their terms. And seeing what they pulled off to date, who knows what they have also long prepared in under ground tunnels and down alley ways throughout Gaza...
I found a spark of humor in the naivety of reporting this morning when I read "Hamas has likely been planning this for months." Months you say??? I think there has probably been a major plan waiting for the opportunity for at least a decade. I also think that the pieces needed perhaps only fell into place in the last two years.

We must wait and see. I pray for resolution that leads to peace because I think simply praying for peace is too much to ask.

I understand the Palestinian plight.

I understand the Israeli position.

To pick a side is a claim to a lie that I have enough knowledge to do so.

I have an Israeli brother. We hosted him as a foreign exchange student from 1985-86. I don't remember if I've mentioned him here before, but I was in grade 2 at the time and back then I remember him telling my family how he had to serve in the IDF when he returned and he did not want to. All he wanted to do was windsurf, which is what he has done professionally since he finished serving his time and has champion windsurfing children. How odd for a Catholic family to host a willing Jewish teenager, but he was like us in many ways, and that was one of the things my parents wanted us to learn from him. I hope he is safe and is not called to fight (considering that he is now over 50). But his children may be if they are at least 17. He was in a suburb of Tel-Aviv, Peta Tikvah, last I knew, but it has been almost 40 years.


The human cost of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (deaths/injuries): documented by the UN:

Palestine : 3,202
Israel : 853

Palestine : 7,460
Israel : 123

Palestine : 1,659
Israel : 185

Palestine : 2,260
Israel : 136

Palestine : 4,936
Israel : 578

Palestine : 4,031
Israel : 157

Palestine : 19,860
Israel : 2,796

Palestine : 14,813
Israel : 339

Palestine : 3,572
Israel : 222

Palestine : 8,526
Israel : 174

Palestine : 31,558
Israel : 130

Palestine : 15,628
Israel : 133

Palestine : 2,781
Israel : 61

Not counting 2021 to present, that's:

Palestine: 119,686
Israel: 5,887

And Israel by its own admission created Hamas to counter the PLO (divide and conquer).
Once the Israelis move into the urban maze of Gaza all bets are off and the territory becomes a great leveler. Hostage taking chances increase, casualty rates rise, intractable circumstances take over. The Palestinians can fight with nothing to lose - the Israeli's with everything to lose, especially the morale of the population and the impact on watching TV audience baying for a simple clean bloody conclusion of 'justice'.
We will be lucky, if there will be anybody left counting war crimes in the future. Now with Nazis being popularized and Israel looks to be !!Automatically Forgiven!!, there appears to be developing a 'Feeding-Through-Killing Frenzy' by the Lizzies.
In the 'Future of Chaos', if you will dare to align with those 'Fail to Forgive to Israel' you might get censored. But chances are, nobody will care anymore, because Compound Catastrophes will probably consume all the energy of The People to care. Earthquakes, floods, forest fires, molten coal meteorites falling from the skies, thunderstorms, fire-tornadoes, mixed in the news with snow and hailstorms elsewhere.
Then this sentence will be just a remote echo from the past:
"But be sure to watch the updates, like and subscribe!"

Larry Johnson (ex-CIA) raises the war crimes issue:
(which crimes in Ukraine are completely ignored by the West, remember?!)
Let me make something clear up front. The Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians on Saturday, especially the massacre of the kids dancing in the desert, is a war crime and should be punished in the same way that those responsible for executing Ukrainian Jews at Babi Yar were punished.

Andrei Martyanov (ex-Soviet Military) agrees:
Executing Israeli civilians taken hostage--yes, they are not POWs--would be condemned by the whole world and rightly so! So, Hamas better think twice before committing this atrocity.

If you remember Vietnam War Crimes, the carpet-bombardment of Laos and the 9 million North Koreans massacred or starved to death during the Korean War - 1950 – 1953, you may conclude that "War Crimes" is just a term for journalists to use, similar to "Human Rights". Both of which are completely ignored by The West on a continued basis!

Gee! Why is North Korea a "freak" so it stubbornly refusing to like the USA??:
During the Korean War - 1950 – 1953 - American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.” As a result of the war, then famine almost 9 000 000 Koreans died.

MacArthur subsequently testified at joint hearings before the Senate’s Committee on Armed Services and Committee on Foreign Relations to discuss his dismissal and the “Military Situation in the Far East.”

I shrink—I shrink with a horror that I cannot express in words—at this continuous slaughter of men in Korea,” MacArthur lamented during the hearings.

“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20,000,000 people. I have never seen such devastation. I have seen, I guess, as much blood and disaster as any living man, and it just curdled my stomach the last time I was there. After I looked at the wreckage and those thousands of women and children and everything, I vomited … If you go on indefinitely, you are perpetuating a slaughter such as I have never heard of in the history of mankind.”

Do you now recognize the pattern developing? Gurdjieff called it the cyclically repeating curious urge of Humanity to be driven to mass madness..
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Is the consensus of this forum that this was a 9/11 style attack? An inside job by the Israelis/Mossad?
Is the consensus of this forum that this was a 9/11 style attack? An inside job by the Israelis/Mossad?
From my reading, it's that it was a mix

- Hamas probably infiltrated and influenced to do this
- Support & logistics provided by external actors
- Likely some mercenaries and other "militants" embedded within the "Hamas" group that carried out the initial attack. To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if a WHOLE other unit not affiliated with Hamas was operating that day and was actually the one to do most of the damage and that they were more than happy to let Hamas take the credit

End goal is likely the extermination of Gaza. I'm not quite connecting the dots on how this ends badly for Israel - they have nukes!!
Tucker Carlson was a bit more intelligent than many other right-wing commentators, coming from a person who would still support Israel, of course.

I think he really knows what could be going on, but he also seems aware of the consequences if he shares something that would clearly be condemning Israel.
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Is the consensus of this forum that this was a 9/11 style attack? An inside job by the Israelis/Mossad?

It's a fast developing situation in which there are now many details suggestive of that. The only consensus of this forum at such an early stage is that we want to find the truth or get as close as as we can.

After we've done that, we have a source we can ask for further details.
X/Twitter is completey unusable right now, as many of those I follow (who I thought were somewhat aware) are raving about the '40 babies beheaded by Hamas' without any evidence. Peeps who've seen through the Covid lies, and some who've even doubted the Ukraine thing are now swallowing every Zionist propaganda piece without questioning anything.

This is a good example of Gurdjieff's notion of how people can think that they are awake, when they're in fact still asleep.
X/Twitter is completey unusable right now, as many of those I follow (who I thought were somewhat aware) are raving about the '40 babies beheaded by Hamas' without any evidence. Peeps who've seen through the Covid lies, and some who've even doubted the Ukraine thing are now swallowing every Zionist propaganda piece without questioning anything.
I came on here to post the same thing. Its like facebook when covid started, I cant go on twitter at the moment or just go on to checkout joe and nialls posts and ignoring the rest.
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