Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Here's translation of what RT wrote:

The communication devices of the victims of the explosion in Lebanon could have been filled with explosives.

the phone or pager itself could not have been the source of such a powerful explosion (judging by the footage, some victims have penetrating wounds and severed hands);

▪lithium batteries in mobile electronics smoke and burn more often than they explode, and before that they get very hot, it is difficult not to notice such heating;

According to one version, the communicators could be used by Hezbollah members to exchange encrypted messages or receive them, they could have a self-destruct mechanism;

Judging by the force of the explosion, there could be a small amount of explosives inside, about 10-40 g in TNT equivalent, which is comparable in size to the weight of one or two packages of Wrigley's gum;

According to one version, the frequency of the fuse on the pagers was calculated with the help of the Israeli cyber intelligence unit 8200 and long-term intelligence work.

If the rumor is correct that all the officers received new pagers only two days ago , it's possible that all the pagers were tampered with and had small explosives in them.

Another possiblity (if there was no physical tempering of the pagers) that these pagers contained or received some sort of mark that was triggered by a satellite or something similar. Maybe it was another opportunity to experiment with space based weapons.
Expert Igor Bederov on the possible causes of the pagers explosion:

“The version about the explosion of the pagers by means of a hacker attack by Israel's special services is worth considering. I envision roughly the following scenario: first the attackers disabled or blocked the controller, which is responsible for the emergency shutdown of the battery in case of overheating, and then initiated a high load on the processor. High load on the processor gives a high load on the battery, the battery overheats, and an explosion occurs,” the expert explained.

At the same time, he added that pagers have rather primitive software, so it is easier to influence it from the outside than the operating systems of smartphones. In addition, Bederov noted, pagers most likely use old-generation lithium-polymer batteries, which are known for their lower reliability compared to modern lithium-ion batteries.

I doubt, however, that blowing up a pager would be enough to cause traumatic amputation of fingers and hands, much less the injuries to others around the victim reported by the media. This raises the question of whether the militants used pagers and whether they were modified by someone beforehand,” the expert added.

Also, according to Bederov, the fact that users did not notice the overheating of the devices makes one doubt the veracity of the version about the explosion of pagers through a cyberattack. According to the expert, battery overheating is not an instantaneous process.

And another opinion:

Opinion on the possible path of the exploding pagers:

There is a 99% chance that Israel somehow manipulated the pagers at their manufacturing site in Taiwan. Or, it could have happened at a retailer.

They tried to do the same thing with electrical outlets and UAV parts inside Iran, but that attempt was thwarted.
Hezbollah released a couple of statements, pointing the finger firmly at Israel for the pager 'bombings' or induced battery fires depending on who you listen to. I'm leaning towards the former but it's early days. The videos from hospitals in Beirut are not for the faint hearted, as you would imagine there are many serious injuries to hands and faces.

From the Hezbollah statement:

'After examining all the current facts, data, and available information about the sinful attack that took place this afternoon, we hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression, which also affected civilians and led to a number of martyrs and the wounding of a large number of various different types.

Here's a weird coincidence, from a post on Middle East Observer (Telegram)

More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced


You would expect now an escalation in the form of Israel capitalising on the chaos by making a move, or resulting from a Hezbollah response. At this point it's too early to say whether this operation was a provocation to start war or a preparatory step towards launching an attack.
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