Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I don't know of any way to make any normal battery explode so reliably in such a catastrophic way. My guess is the rumors of inserted explosive material is correct. IOW, the devices were specifically designed to kill Hezbollah peeps.

One report says the beepers beeped at the moment of attack, meaning most people would be holding them close to their face... It's just diabolically EVIL.

And as an added bonus, now everyone who heard the news is utterly terrified of all their mobile devices. It's a win-win for Mossad.
This afternoon I saw on X a photo of a correspondence with letterhead from the manufacturer/distributor that said the pagers were routed (by Israeli manufacturer, read the caption) through Taiwan, not Hungary. I’m a little behind on this story, so I’m not sure where Hungary enters the conversation. Anyway the implication was that it constitutes further evidence of Mossad involvement. Unfortunately the image got refreshed before I could cap it.
Was it a 'use it or lose it' capability?

It seems pretty plausible, I did actually think that something like this might have happened. Now it will probably be much more difficult for Mossad to conduct operations like this in the future.
I think they 'overplayed' their hand and made a tactical error, particularly as it applies to how they are perceived in the US.

Psychopaths are arrogant, contemptuous and completely lack empathy. For many people (particularly males?) blowing off people's private parts was a 'bridge too far'. The Mossad exposed themselves as who and what they really are, and it will make some people very uncomfortable. Particularly those who support them. People will be thinking to themselves.... "It they can do this in a foreign country, they can do this anywhere, and possibly even to me". There is no moral constraint on these people and no bridge is a bridge too far for them and I think this is what has been revealed.

Israeli supporters will then turn to looking at 'the how' of it.... I don't think Israel wants their 'Mossad Moving Companies' exposed for the world to see. People are going to become VERY interested at how and where they operate. Both now and in the past.

At least, that is my subjective opinion. Many supporters of psychopathic Israel are going to see their 'cellebration' and humour of this event falling flat, because people don't think it's funny.
This afternoon I saw on X a photo of a correspondence with letterhead from the manufacturer/distributor that said the pagers were routed (by Israeli manufacturer, read the caption) through Taiwan, not Hungary. I’m a little behind on this story, so I’m not sure where Hungary enters the conversation. Anyway the implication was that it constitutes further evidence of Mossad involvement. Unfortunately the image got refreshed before I could cap it.
This is what a supporter of Israel posted on another forum I frequent about the manufacturer...

Vanessa Beeley is interviewed on the UKCOLUMN featured in her report today. Vanessa generally has a close eye on matter in the Middle East, so worth a listen, and she does not have all the facts on what was used - infused, into the pagers.


Venessa is told that the product, made by Gold Apollo licensed to BAC (note a Budapest firm), was not actually theirs. Venessa then goes on to say that BAC, "coincidentally, fingered a Hungary firm."

The US envoy arrived in Israel, right on cue before.

As for US involvement, denials and so forth, Israel headlines note:


"a few minutes before"

Indeed, the chaos makers are outdoing themselves in raising the pathological bar to new extremes. That said, of course they cannot exceed what they have done in Gaza over the years, and this past year has eclipsed.

Vanessa writes:

The Israeli 'pager' massacre leaves an estimated 4200 injured, 11 dead including 2 children​

My report for UK Column news today covering the first wave of pager explosions

vanessa beeley
Sep 18, 2024

Almost as I finished UK Column news today, I heard that a second wave of device explosions had struck in southern Beirut and close to the Al Qaim Mosque.

The Lebanese Civil Defence reported fires in 60 homes and shops and 15 cars after wireless devices exploded in Nabatieh. In the second wave of the Israeli intelligence operations, personal radios or walkie-talkies were detonated.

An explosion occurred during the funeral procession of Mahdi Ammar, the son of the Lebanese MP Ali Ammar, who was killed in yesterday’s massacre. The funeral was being held in Sohmor, Lebanon.

The Lebanese Health Ministry reported 300 injuries and 9 deaths. Some of the devices that exploded were more than ten years old and bought from the civilian markets.

More to come on this developing tragedy tomorrow. The Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hasan Nasrallah will address the nation tomorrow (Thursday) at 5pm Beirut time ( 3pm UK time).

These are dark times for everyone.


Transcript in link with video interview.

Edit: strikethrough - that is Orbán's Hungary
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Joe already pegged the BAC subject, just caught it:

So next thing is war in Lebanon, but remember Israel had the ok from the USA some months ago. Galloway is doing a good analysis of all of this and also talking about how it is super dangerous. Now, this attack on pagers and radios and all electronic devises is the beginning of something new, something like the 9/11 attack. Made by the same country. I like Galloway because he's not afraid of his words, which takes courage in these dark and dangerous times.

The biggest act of mass terrorism since September 11th​

So next thing is war in Lebanon, but remember Israel had the ok from the USA some months ago. Galloway is doing a good analysis of all of this and also talking about how it is super dangerous. Now, this attack on pagers and radios and all electronic devises is the beginning of something new, something like the 9/11 attack. Made by the same country. I like Galloway because he's not afraid of his words, which takes courage in these dark and dangerous times.

The biggest act of mass terrorism since September 11th​

The change in the program. Control through terror might be.
It worked too well in the Plandemia.

Q: (L) Okay. So you say the Quorum is meeting. Is that the Quorum you have spoken of in previous sessions?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And where are they meeting?

A: 4D.

Q: (L) And is it unusual for them to meet? I mean, is that why you brought this up?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When was the last time they met?

A: 40 years ago.

Q: (L) Was that 40 years, or did I miss a number? Was it 40?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) 40 years ago was when?

(Joe) 1984.

Q: (L) 1984. Uh-oh, argh! [Laughter]

(Joe) What are they meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, swell!

(Joe) So the meeting that they're having, the decision that they're coming to will determine the future of Earth in a definitive way, or is it just another step?

A: Not as you suggest, no.

Q: (Gaby) It's more about the future of humanity...

(Joe) Or the future trajectory, or the next step in the...

A: There needs to be balance.

Q: (Joe) There needs to be balance, but they said there's not enough resistance from people, right?

(Chu) Yeah.

(Joe) And there's not enough resistance for balance. And there needs to be balance. So...

(L) They need to make more resistance.

(Joe) Well, these people aren't intending to produce more resistance. They're probably intending to create more control, but by trying to do that, they'll provoke more resistance.

A: Yes.
Was it a 'use it or lose it' capability?

It seems pretty plausible, I did actually think that something like this might have happened. Now it will probably be much more difficult for Mossad to conduct operations like this in the future.

Yeah, very likely the case. The plan being to detonate the pagers and walkie talkies in the immediate aftermath of a physical 'tanks rolling' cross border invasion of Lebanon. Detonating them then would sow chaos among Hezbollah corps and cripple their ability to co-ordinate. Most likely the Israelis got wind of suspicion around the pagers and decided to detonate them before they were found out. That also means that the Israelis now have to either expedite their invasion without that added 'surprise element' of the exploding pagers etc. or wait and rethink their overall strategy.
Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah responded to Israel in a speech against a ground operation in southern Lebanon and promised a “just” response to terrorist attacks carried out by Israeli intelligence throughout the country over the past two days.

Here is a summary of some of the other most relevant points of the speech
+Nasrallah noted that despite the severity of the attacks, Israel failed in its goal because it intended to kill thousands of people in one go. “In two days, the Israeli enemy wanted to kill about 5,000 people in two minutes without any consideration … this did not happen.”

+ "I say to Netanyahu and Gallant, you will not be able to return the [settlers] to the north, and this is the challenge between us," he said. “The only way to do this is to stop the aggression on Gaza and nothing else will help achieve this, neither military escalation nor anything else. Rather, what you will be doing will increase the displacement of these people.”

+"The large-scale bombings did not affect the resistance's infrastructure and its readiness was high on the ground to avoid any military action or potential invasion. The resistance infrastructure is large and cohesive, and the enemy must know that what happened did not affect the leadership system or the presence on the fronts,” Nasrallah said.

+“Today, the situation is different,” he said. “The resistance will not focus its operations only in the security belt, but rather, operations will expand both inside the belt and inside the occupied territories … the security belt will turn into a trap … into a major ambush … into hell [for the Israeli army],” Nasrallah warned.

+“This idiot, the commander of the northern region in the enemy’s army, suggested establishing a security belt,” he said. “We hope that they will enter our lands, we welcome this … because … we will have a historic opportunity that … will have major effects on this battle.”

- "The large-scale bombings did not affect the resistance's infrastructure and its readiness was high on the ground to avoid any military action.
"The resistance infrastructure is large and cohesive, and the enemy must know that what happened did


I just read about the explosion of these pagers (or they are also named "beepers"). Just wanted to share my first thought about which is something like "if they can remotely explode these devices, what about any device which use similar batteries ?"

Yes, it's off the main topic and would requires its own thread, but this remains worth to note/notify it.

Think about smartphones, portable PC, electric cars, ... list is long.
I'm thinking also about the batteries i bought for the solar installation in my mother's home, 19kw on 6 batteries, a nice potential bomb . I had already in mind the danger if these batteries would catch fire, as i put the 6 of them in the middle of the cave's house in a rack ...
In line with this, I had an old iPhone sitting in a drawer. I was cleaning out the drawer one day some time after not using the phone to find that the battery had exploded, warping and swelling the phone.
A simple observation: it seems that all governments of all countries have not condemned this attack with pagers in Lebanon… Are they going to use this new form of terrorism (as they did for 9/11) to impose new drastic measures on the population, such as bans (for security reasons, of course) or restrictions on air travel, bans on bringing a cell phone or iPhone with you on your trip, etc.? And also to create a fear of these devices? And slowly lead us towards the 15-minute cities where you won't have a car or a computer or anything at all, just for your own safety?
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