Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

A simple observation: it seems that all governments of all countries have not condemned this attack with pagers in Lebanon… Are they going to use this new form of terrorism (as they did for 9/11) to impose new drastic measures on the population, such as bans (for security reasons, of course) or restrictions on air travel, bans on bringing a cell phone or iPhone with you on your trip, etc.? And also to create a fear of these devices? And slowly lead us towards the 15-minute cities where you won't have a car or a computer or anything at all, just for your own safety?

Well, it's going to turn out badly. And they will lose a LOT of money. After these events, I have already seen in social networks that people are going to get rid of their iPhones and buy chinese brands (huawei, xiaomi etc.) And the chinese themselves start using their national brands by default. The irony is that not only did the demand for these brands increase explosively (no pun intended), giving the Chinese a huge market. Now, they have recently achieved in the country, that the Chinese semiconductor supply chain now have the ability to achieve self-sufficiency. What I mean by this is that ALL manufacturing, from the first bolt to the last nut, will be Chinese, completely proprietary with no third party intervention.

And if that's not enough, the Chinese are already making the leap from lithium batteries to salt batteries. Lower energy density compared to lithium-ion batteries, but lower cost, better safety characteristics, and similar power delivery.

All that money the Chinese are going to get will accelerate their technological growth.
This pager etc. operation was a long time in the planning. Shows how deviant these people are.

ABC, citing an American intelligence source:

Israel had a hand in manufacturing the pager devices that exploded in the possession of members of Hezbollah.

Israeli planning for this type of supply chain penetration lasted about 15 years

The CIA hesitated to use this method because of its danger to innocent people

Israel's plan included shell companies and a front of intelligence officers to produce pagers

Israel had a hand in manufacturing the pagers that exploded among Hezbollah members.

Planning for the attack included fake companies with multiple layers of Israeli intelligence officers
Don't know if this had been brought up before, but I listened to the first 2 episodes of Darryl Cooper's podcast series "Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem" about the history of Zionism. (Cooper is the guy who initiated a major neocon freakout over his Churchill comments on Tucker.)

What can I say, it's fabulous. Highly recommended to understand some of the historical background to all this mess. He really has a way to bring history to life, to empathize with all the various actors in an effort to understand their motivations etc. I learned a LOT about various aspects I wasn't aware of before, or didn't take to be significant.

At times, I thought he's even a bit too sympathetic to the Zionist cause, but overall when I continued to listen this proved not to be the case. Keep in mind also that it's from 2015. (I think he has angered the conservatards recently by calling Israel a terrorist state, so he clearly sees what's up.) But he does make an effort to trace their thinking and the backgrounds of the different factions connected with Zionism, and for that you need to develop some sympathy, otherwise it can't be done.

Even if you might take issue with this or that angle he takes, again, this is absolutely outstanding. It's long, but so interesting that time flies by.

Here's a link, but it's also available on all the podcast apps.

Well, it's going to turn out badly. And they will lose a LOT of money. After these events, I have already seen in social networks that people are going to get rid of their iPhones and buy chinese brands (huawei, xiaomi etc.) And the chinese themselves start using their national brands by default.
Looking at the reactions of my friends and colleagues in the western IT sector that are decisive for choosing technologies used in their companies, they are in awe of the whole situation, how organized Israel is, and "how stupid Muslims are" (not my opinion, just presenting what I've heard). This may even reinforce their choice for Israeli-made cybersecurity products. Israel is very present in the tech sector, from hardware development know-how (Intel's R&D), cybersecurity software (Radware), database software (see on what Discord runs), tech investment funds (Qualcomm Ventures), and many others.​

Israeli planning for this type of supply chain penetration lasted about 15 years
A simple observation: it seems that all governments of all countries have not condemned this attack with pagers in Lebanon… Are they going to use this new form of terrorism (as they did for 9/11) to impose new drastic measures on the population, such as bans (for security reasons, of course) or restrictions on air travel, bans on bringing a cell phone or iPhone with you on your trip, etc.? And also to create a fear of these devices? And slowly lead us towards the 15-minute cities where you won't have a car or a computer or anything at all, just for your own safety?
Peak speculation, but I'm wondering how this could connect to the Improvised Explosive Device terror attacks that one of the remote viewers from FFG saw (links below). Looking at how people are now fearing their iPhones, this could very well be used to traumatize western society even more via yet another "invisible enemy." Maybe those paranoid reactions on the social media are done exactly to spin that...​
Don't know if this had been brought up before, but I listened to the first 2 episodes of Darryl Cooper's podcast series "Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem" about the history of Zionism. (Cooper is the guy who initiated a major neocon freakout over his Churchill comments on Tucker.)

What can I say, it's fabulous. Highly recommended to understand some of the historical background to all this mess. He really has a way to bring history to life, to empathize with all the various actors in an effort to understand their motivations etc. I learned a LOT about various aspects I wasn't aware of before, or didn't take to be significant.

At times, I thought he's even a bit too sympathetic to the Zionist cause, but overall when I continued to listen this proved not to be the case. Keep in mind also that it's from 2015. (I think he has angered the conservatards recently by calling Israel a terrorist state, so he clearly sees what's up.) But he does make an effort to trace their thinking and the backgrounds of the different factions connected with Zionism, and for that you need to develop some sympathy, otherwise it can't be done.

Even if you might take issue with this or that angle he takes, again, this is absolutely outstanding. It's long, but so interesting that time flies by.

Here's a link, but it's also available on all the podcast apps.

I second this, highly recommended.

I've just finished the whole series including an add on episode released after October 7th. It's fantastic, he really does try to avoid assigning blame or taking sides. He tries to put himself in people's shoes (and struggles frequently, because it is the minds of psychopaths he is dealing with). A certain lack of awareness of the details of such pathology is my only small criticism, and it's just par for the course with almost all history. It's filled with details from books which I read long ago, like Controversy of Zion, and therefore is an excellent recap of the major events at the time. I also learned about some crazy events which I knew very little about, such as the Patria ship bombing.

Even despite his best efforts it is impossible to avoid the reality that everything still leads me to one conclusion. Israel's leadership was deeply deceptive and evil from its very inception to the present day. A bastard child of the Empire, which took its worst aspects, refined and concentrated them to a depth of darkness which most people cannot even fathom.

But I'm biased!
Even despite his best efforts it is impossible to avoid the reality that everything still leads me to one conclusion. Israel's leadership was deeply deceptive and evil from its very inception to the present day. A bastard child of the Empire, which took its worst aspects, refined and concentrated them to a depth of darkness which most people cannot even fathom.

But I'm biased!

Got the same impression. In fact, that he doesn't frame it all as a sermon against evil Zionism, but rather tells the story with all the gruelling context and details in this empathic way of his, makes the evilness of the whole enterprise stand out even more.
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It is evident that the criminal attack has opened the door to similar attacks around the world and by their degree of sophistication are at the height (baseness) of the attacks used by drug cartels, organized mafias, paramilitaries. The question is who learns from whom

Looking at it from a domestically positive angle one can think that people will become aware of the profound blindness of those who provide this and other technologies and be warned about the mode of use, since whenever they decide to carry a cell phone in their pants, abdomen or heart, it is always better to keep it away because it is very toxic anyway.

Imagine drone swarms, taking the facial recognition data from a country’s photo ID cards, and targets the population with explosive drones.

Telegraph publishes some of the different, “creative” (destructive) ways the Mossad has devised to eliminate country leaders, a brief summary (the article is under a paywall).

Inside Israel’s history of inventive assassination methods

Exploding books and poisoned toothpaste among techniques used to hit targets – with mixed results

-In the 1970s, a plot to assassinate Saddam Hussein included a book loaded with explosives. The Iraqi dictator was notoriously paranoid and preferred certain objects to be opened by his officers before he used them. His paranoia saved his life on that occasion, because the book exploded in the hands of his subordinate, without injuring Hussein at all.

-In 1978, the Mossad assassinated the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Wadie Haddad,

-In 2010, Mossad agents assassinated a Hamas arms supplier, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, by descending on his hotel room in Dubai. The agents arrived in the United Arab Emirates flying from different European countries on false passports posing as tennis players. They killed Al-Mabhouh with a paralyzing drug.

- In 2021, the Mossad assassinated the head of Iran's nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, with a remote-controlled machine gun. They brought it into Iran piece by piece, assembled it once inside the country and installed it at the site where Fakhrizadeh was ambushed.
We suspect that if they mentioned all their methods it would be like reading the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Inside Israel’s history of inventive assassination methods


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  • 20 September 2024
    15:55 GMT
    The IDF has confirmed that senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil was killed in Friday’s airstrike. Two other commanders were eliminated along with Aqil, the IDF said in a statement.
  • 15:39 GMT
    Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil was the target of Friday’s airstrike, AFP has reported, citing sources within the militant group. The sources claimed that Aqil was killed in the blast.
    Aqil was reportedly promoted to Hezbollah’s chief of staff
    – one level below the leader, Hassan Nasrallah – after Israel’s assassination of Fuad Shukr in Beirut in July.

    • 15:05 GMT

      No Gaza ceasefire before US election – WSJ
      Read more
      No Gaza ceasefire before US election – WSJ

      There is still “time and space for a diplomatic solution” between Israel and Hezbollah, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has said, adding that “war is not inevitable.”
      However, a Wall Street Journal report on Thursday exposed major gaps between Washington officials’ public statements and their private beliefs. Despite claiming publicly that a ceasefire in Gaza is within reach, these officials are “not sure it ever gets done,” an anonymous source told the newspaper.
      An Arab official told the WSJ that there is "no chance now of [a ceasefire] happening” after latest escalation in Lebanon.

Looking at the reactions of my friends and colleagues in the western IT sector that are decisive for choosing technologies used in their companies, they are in awe of the whole situation, how organized Israel is, and "how stupid Muslims are" (not my opinion, just presenting what I've heard). This may even reinforce their choice for Israeli-made cybersecurity products. Israel is very present in the tech sector, from hardware development know-how (Intel's R&D), cybersecurity software (Radware), database software (see on what Discord runs), tech investment funds (Qualcomm Ventures), and many others.

But... who in their right mind would let the Trojan horse in when it is so obvious? Or, as they say, leave the fox to guard the chickens...
Got the same impression. In fact, that he doesn't frame it all as a sermon against evil Zionism, but rather tells the story with all the gruelling context and details in this empathic way of his, makes the evilness of the whole enterprise stand out even more.

A good listen, although he stays away (understandably) from any discussion of why the 'wandering jews' were persecuted in Europe. In part 1 he quotes Herzl:

"Why have the Jews remained stranded in places that don't want them. We have honestly endeavored everywhere to merge ourselves in the social life of surrounding communities and to preserve the faith of our fathers, but we are not permitted to do so."

Perhaps "preserving the faith of our fathers and merging in the social life of surrounding communities" were mutually exclusive. Note also that Herzl says "merge in the social life of surrounding communities", NOT "merge into the communities we migrated to".

Also, he claimed at one point (1:02:40) that "Judaism gave birth to Christianity and Islam" :umm:
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Which may make you wonder what other long-planned operations they have waiting to be put into action.
This is exactly the question you should ask yourself. Why are so many Western countries so quiet about the genocide that Israel can carry out with impunity in Gaza and now also in Libya?
I remember the Samson option. Is the loud silence due to the fact that they are aware that this Trojan horse is already parked in all major cities, waiting to be ignited?
What we are seeing here has incredible consequences for the whole world. Who trusts their car battery, their cell phone? Nobody in this world is safe anymore since this week - it could be that your personal bomb can be detonated at any time. Disgusting.
Perhaps "preserving the faith of our fathers and merging in the social life of surrounding communities" were mutually exclusive. Note also that Herzl says "merge in the social life of surrounding communities", NOT "merge into the communities we migrated to".

Yeah, the fact is that the relationship between Jews and the rest of the world is a recurring toxic drama. True, the antisemitic outbreaks are horrific, but it takes two to tango and the Jews steadfastly refuse to acknowledge their part. In fact, the other side, at least since WWII, HAS acknowledged their part, many times over and again and again, but without the other side doing the same, or worse shamelessly abusing and taking advantage of all the goodwill, the drama-cycle just keeps repeating, as we're seeing today, where Hitler has his comeback on TikTok.

As for Herzl's statement, indeed you can't have it both ways: preserve your identity at all costs and at the same time intermingling as if it means nothing. Either give up your identity like countless former nations and peoples who don't exist anymore, or separate yourself. Part of the zionist tragedy is that some of them understood this and opted for the latter option, trying to get out of the Jewish stereotype of the parasitic schemer, but then you can't also use all your ethnic buddies in all the host nations to scheme and manipulate behind the scenes, and lie and bully your way to your own state. The details about the history of zionism are just so messed up, as is the whole Jewish identity with all its convenient contradictions that are constantly exploited to further this or that Jewish faction's agenda, entangling even the many innocent and well-meaning Jews, which is itself a huge tragedy.
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