Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I think most of them are Israelis who moved to newly "acquired" (i.e. stolen) Palestinian land.
The information I came across about kibbutz communities prompts to Israeli citizens or permanent residents. Also more than 30% of Israel population increase is due to immigration policies, hence, majority of the immigrants end up in the kibbutz. It is then very much viable that the nation is not in fact a nation and it validates the population support towards the authority that protects them. Evil by omission. Racketeering.
Here's is data from "Pew Research Center" that is supposedly "a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world."


This data is from May 2024. It's possible that since then more Israelis think that the reaction gone too far, but it is still probably much less than the ones who think that the military response has been right or not enough. It's also unclear how exactly the Israelis are "divided", since it's pretty clear (for us) that the majority totally supports what is happening. The difference is that some are even more bloodthirsty.
And I'd be interested in if there is a reason why psychopathy would currently be afflicting so many of the Jewish population, or is it just a convenient label to hide behind?

I found this podcast by Mike Adams: Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 16, 2024 – Shocking genetic science reveals Ashkenazi Jews suffer high rates of MENTAL ILLNESS due to INBREEDING

I think this is a great find and it could also explain the high % of Psychopathy in Israel (as per transcript).
Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?

A: 53

The Podcast breakdown:
- Genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jews reveal mental disorders
- Generations of inbreeding have produced mental illness defects
- High levels of schizophrenia among "God's chosen people"
- Netanyahu thinks God is talking to him and telling him to commit genocide
- Quotes from Jewish Rabbis calling for mass death of non-Jews
- The U.S. has provided nuclear weapons to mentally ill sociopathic inbreds
- Jewish inbreeding has also removed "mirror neurons" responsible for empathy and compassion
- High risk of nuclear war that kills billions, due to Israel's insane genocide
- Interview with Kristen Meghan (part 1) on nuclear fallout, radiation and dirty bombs
- Today's sermon: Daniel Ch. 7 - Is the BEAST a symbol of Zionism? God destroys Israel and ends evil with the 666 weapon

The podcast is 3h long, so I'll sum it up a bit (I don't have 3h for that and the free transcript service provides only 30 min)

Here's the transcript:
(...) Ashkanazi Jews, who represent 80% of Jews worldwide right now, and they are, I believe, half or maybe slightly over half of the Jews in Israel. So they're Zionists. And it turns out that they suffer mental disorders because of generations of inbreeding.

Obviously, Israel is run by sociopathic war criminals, lunatics who lack empathy, and they are clearly mentally unstable. And a lot of people are searching for why that is. So this study now comes to light, even though it was initially published in 2013, and it was published in Nature Communications. And the title is Genome-Wide Association Study implicates NDST3, that's the name of a gene, in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Essentially what it comes down to is that millions of dollars were spent by a team at the Einstein Institute for Medical Research. They studied more than 25,000 individuals, and this was in association with the Zuckerhilside Hospital Department of Psychiatry Research and Feinstein Institute. And let's see, with Ariel Darvasi, PhD of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. So this is a study about Jews conducted by Jews. So this isn't some Jew-hating ethnic group that's trying to say that Jews are crazy. No. This is right out of Jewish organizations with Jewish researchers as part of this. And one of them is part of the Ashkanazi Genomics Consortium, which includes, what is this, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MIT, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and so on. They came to the conclusion that because of inbreeding, The Ashkanazi Jews today, which is 80% of the Jewish population, suffer extremely high rates of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Schizophrenia is when you think you hear voices telling you something. What have we heard from Netanyahu? We've heard that he thinks God told him to murder everybody around Israel and then to steal their land. And this is what other Israeli leaders think. They think God is telling them to carry out a slaughter, a Holocaust, of Palestinians. Turns out they're inbred genetic defects who are hearing voices because of the schizophrenia. Yeah. So the people who claim they're chosen by God and that they're superior because they are the chosen ones, actually, they've inbred so much with such a small population. It all traces back, I believe, to just 350 people. And because they were so intolerant, they never achieved diversity of their genetic code with people outside their own group. So they just kept fornicating with their cousins and their daughters and sons and brothers and sisters and first cousins and second cousins. They just did this, generation after generation after generation, to the point where they became genetically insane. And that explains exactly what Zionism is today. It's medical schizophrenia brought on by inbreeding, which produces genetic defects in a group of people who have a God complex and have no what are called mirror neurons.

They have no capability to experience compassion or empathy for other human beings. So they have become demons on Earth who love to watch other people burn to death in fire as they just bombed the tents outside the hospital. The Al-Aqsa Hospital. And all these Zionists cheered it. They said, It's wonderful that that's happening. And now we know the clinical reason for this. And again, it's a scientific study. This has been written up in Haaretz, by the way. The article in Haaretz is a scientist-discovered gene that predisposes Ashkanazi Jews to Schizophrenia. It was also written up in Science Daily. A new genetic risk factor discovered for severe psychiatric illness. And one of the researchers, Dr. Lynch, I don't know, says, it is notable that the genetic ethnic variant was replicated in samples of various ethnicities from all around the world, but the effects were strongest in the Ashkanazi cohort, presumably due to their unique genetic history. Yeah, inbreeding. Yeah, that is unique, isn't it? Because most groups, most ethnic groups around the world, don't just want to have sex with all their sons and daughters and cousins. But this group does, and that's what they've done for generations. And now they are genetically defective. And they have a psychiatric disorder where they think God tells them to murder people. See, now it all makes sense.

And by the way, if you read that article in Haaretz, you will discover something rather shocking. If you scroll down in the article, it says that the study was conducted by Professor Ariel Darvasi at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Todd Lynx from the Feinstein Institute. Anyway, it says that, of the 2,500 Ashkanazi Jews from Israel who contributed DNA samples for the study, 1,500 were healthy, while 1,000 were affected by mental disorders related to schizophrenia. So 40% of the Jews who who provided their DNA samples for the study have mental disorders. 40%. Does that mean that 40% of the Ashkanazi Jewish population are mentally ill? Is that what that's saying? What? A thousand out of 2,500, that's 40%. That's shocking. (...)

So let's read some quotes from some of the prominent Jewish rabbis.
Here's a Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi: "six billion Gentiles do not have the right to live according to the Torah." That's interesting.

Here's a quote from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: "as a Jew, I am more powerful than even you, God, creator of the heavens and the earth."
Wow. So he thinks that he thinks that he's he's larger than God. It's not just God talking to him. He thinks he orders God around.

Here's Rabbi Ovediah Yosef: "Goyim, which means non-Jews, Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel." Yeah, that's how they treat Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, you know, RFK Jr. They all get treated, their only role in the world is to serve Israel, isn't it? Right.

Here's another quote from the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson: "a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres while the Jewish soul stems from holiness." Yeah, I imagine you might think that if you're schizophrenic and mentally ill, you think God's talking to you.

See, again, it's suddenly all making sense. If you've been wondering, like, what's wrong with these people? Why do they have no compassion for other human beings? Why do they have this weird God complex? Are they mentally ill? And the answer is yes. They have a genetic defect because of inbreeding.
But according to other published studies, there are all sorts of genetic disorders that are extremely prominent in Jewish people, especially the Ashkenazi Jews because of inbreeding. And I'm going to go through some of those diseases. Those diseases include Tay-Sachs disease, which is apparently a lysozomal storage disorder causing progressive nerve damage. Goucher disease, which is also a lysozomal storage disorder characterized by enzyme deficiency leading to anemia, bone disease and liver enlargement. Familial dysautonomia, Reilly-Day syndrome, this is a neurological disorder affecting the development and function of the autonomic nervous system, leading to vomiting and lack of tears, like literally. So you wonder why they're not crying for all the people they murder? Well, it's a disease. They literally cannot cry. I'm not even making that up. That's a disease known in the Ashkenazi Jews. Another disease they have is mucolipidosis type four. This causes progressive neurodegeneration, vision loss and intellectual disability. In other words. I mean, it makes them cognitively impaired.
And everything I've said here is backed up by mainstream science. It's in the medical journals, it's in the science publications, it's in Haaretz. This is all and it's been out there for over 10 years, by the way. So this isn't just something new. This is all out there. Now, if you go to a website of what looks like a genetics testing or genetics analysis company. It looks like a genetic kit. Called ADNTRO or AD intro dot com. And if you go to their page on Jewish Ashkenazis, It says: "due to the tradition of avoiding mixing with individuals of other ethnicities, Ashkenazi Jews have maintained a high percentage of inbreeding for many centuries. This factor has led to an increased prevalence of certain genetic diseases. This has also made Ashkenazis a group of interest for ancestry tracing and chromosomal mutation studies." There you go.
Now, one of the things that makes this even more fascinating, just mind blowing, is that the European Jews are not they're not native to the Middle East. They're not the people, the descendants of Abraham. They're not the Semites. They are imposters. Netanyahu is an imposter. Netanyahu is not even his real last name. He changed it. He's Polish. OK, so he changed his name, moved to Israel, worked his way up through a bunch of bribery and threats and Assad activities to become the prime minister and one of the most notorious war criminals in the world. But he's not actually a Semite.
24 min: So here it is, a young man engulfed in flames because Israel bombed the tents outside the Al-Aqsa hospital. They did so on purpose. They knew that these patients were not terrorists, but Israel's goal is to murder as many Palestinians as possible, because I believe Zionists know that they are actually, they can't compete with Palestinians based on merit, right? So they have to murder them and steal their land by force.
Netanyahu thinks God is talking to him and telling him to commit genocide.

Hmmm ... didn't the C's say that Netanyahu is subject to thought projections into his mind (telepathy) from the STS underworlders - the Aryan subterranean civilisation. If so, this creates yet another interesting comparison with the Nazis per Joe's earlier post.

Q: (L) Why was Hitler so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews?

A: Many reasons and very complex. But, remember, while still a child, Hitler made a conscious choice to align himself with the "forces of darkness," in order to fulfil his desires for conquest and to unite the Germanic peoples. Henceforth, he was totally controlled, mind, body, and soul, by STS forces.

Can the same now be said of Netanyahu?
Q: (L) Why was Hitler so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews?

A: Many reasons and very complex. But, remember, while still a child, Hitler made a conscious choice to align himself with the "forces of darkness," in order to fulfil his desires for conquest and to unite the Germanic peoples. Henceforth,
he was totally controlled, mind, body, and soul, by STS forces.

I wondered if Hitler's descent into darkness started with this event (he was 11 at the time)...

But now at home, tragedy struck. Adolf's little brother Edmund, age 6, died of measles. Adolf, the boy who loved warplay and its 'pretend' death now had to confront genuine death for the first time. It seems to have shaken him badly.

To make matters worse, the little boy was buried in the cemetery next to their house. From his bedroom window, Adolf could see the cemetery.

Years later, neighbors recalled that young Adolf was sometimes seen at night sitting on the wall of the cemetery gazing up at the stars.

I was a bit skeptical when I started reading the Podcast topic cited by @meadow_wind but as I looked up and read some of the articles Mike Adams cites, I came to understand his conclusions. Much of the topic focuses on the biology of race something fundamental to the construction of the Jewish timeline (but which almost no Rabbi or Jew dares to question). Pulling on the neurological disease thread about Jewish-Ashkenazi violence and pathocracy one comes across this study published in 2013 and others done on the population, I don't know if the percentages Adams mentions are entirely correct and while the genetic jargon is difficult, I think identifying existing mental illness explains another set of behaviors that manifest themselves and by which obvious conclusions are drawn. This is close to or relates to the studies on genetic lines and adjustments made by viruses or manipulations and their purpose that have been investigated and discussed in Cass's channelings.

I have attached some of the links for those who want to go deeper into the subject.

And by the way, if you read that article in Haaretz, you will discover something rather shocking. If you scroll down in the article, it says that the study was conducted by Professor Ariel Darvasi at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Todd Lynx from the Feinstein Institute. Anyway, it says that, of the 2,500 Ashkanazi Jews from Israel who contributed DNA samples for the study, 1,500 were healthy, while 1,000 were affected by mental disorders related to schizophrenia. So 40% of the Jews who who provided their DNA samples for the study have mental disorders. 40%. Does that mean that 40% of the Ashkanazi Jewish population are mentally ill? Is that what that's saying? What? A thousand out of 2,500, that's 40%. That's shocking. (...)

Genome-wide association study implicates NDST3 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder​

Here we perform a GWAS in an ethnically homogeneous cohort of cases with schizophrenia and controls drawn from the Ashkenazi Jewish population. We replicate our top, genome-wide significant risk SNP (rs11098403) in 11 independent case–control cohorts of severe psychiatric disorder (comprising 5,415 schizophrenia cases, 4,785 bipolar cases and 12,991 controls) drawn from multiple populations. We then examine the functionality of rs11098403 by testing the effect of this variant on gene expression in postmortem brain tissue, and by performing supplementary in vitro and in silico experiments, thereby implicating a neighbouring gene, NDST3. These results suggest that abnormalities in heparan sulphate (HS) metabolism in the brain may underlie both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia​

Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.
Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression. According to a study recently published in Nature Communications, the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population.

Q: (L) Alright, the Orions created the Hebrews. What was the purpose for which this genetic variation was created?

A: Manipulation.

Q: (L) Who was Yahweh?

A: False teacher.

Q: (RC) Who was Jehovah?

A: Moniker variance of previous answer.

Q: (L) And what was the desired result of the Hebrew genetic manipulation?

A: Further control through the fostering of mistrust and hostility, leading to enslavement and warring. … Also accomplished renewed and invigorated 3rd to 4th density "feeding."

Here's the transcript:
(...) Ashkanazi Jews, who represent 80% of Jews worldwide right now, and they are, I believe, half or maybe slightly over half of the Jews in Israel. So they're Zionists. And it turns out that they suffer mental disorders because of generations of inbreeding.

Just a note that Ashkenazi jews are not even half of the Israeli population.


There are also a lot of mixed marriages. Probably much more mixed marriages among the secular Israelis, than among "haredim" (ultra-religious), so there are probably more "pure" Ashkenazi among "haredim".

But the thing is that "haredim" usually don't serve in the military. Only now, after a very long time, active steps are being taken to force them into service. Obviously psychopaths can be found everywhere, but just as an example, we often see videos of Israeli soldiers and their brutality toward Palestinians. And it's possible to see that most of them are not Ashkenazi. They can be categorized as Mizrahi or mixed heritage.

I think that nowadays the psychopathic genes are pretty much mixed all over in Israel, and in my experience the "typical asshole Israeli" is not Ashkenazi, but actually Mizrahi or mixed. But there are plenty of Ashkenazi psychos too, of course.

As for the rabbies,

So let's read some quotes from some of the prominent Jewish rabbis.
Here's a Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi: "six billion Gentiles do not have the right to live according to the Torah." That's interesting.

As the surname says, he is "Mizrahi", not Ashkenazi. ;-) "Yosef Mizrachi was born in Israel. His father was Moroccan and his mother was Persian."

Here's a quote from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: "as a Jew, I am more powerful than even you, God, creator of the heavens and the earth."

Also not pure Ashkenazi. "His father Yoav Botach (1932–2020) was an Iranian Jew who left Isfahan with his family of 13 to settle in Israel.His mother Eleanor (1942–2023) was an American Ashkenazi Jew who met his father in Beersheba, Israel, where she was visiting as a tourist."

Here's Rabbi Ovediah Yosef: "Goyim, which means non-Jews, Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel."

Not Ashkenazi: "Yosef was born in Baghdad, British occupied Iraq, to Yaakov Ben Ovadia and his wife, Gorgia."

Here's another quote from the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson:

He is the only full Ashkenazi in the list. "Menachem Mendel Schneerson was born on April 5, 1902 (OS) (11 Nissan, 5662), in the Black Sea port of Nikolaev in the Russian Empire (now Mykolaiv in Ukraine)."

So it already shows that the author of the article didn't do proper research, but just relies on information that was prepared by someone else.

I mean, if the premise and the point of the article is that "Ashkenazi jews have psychological disorders, and that's why they are such racist and psychopathic douchebags, and look at all the quotes from their rabbies", the author should have at least checked if these rabbies are indeed Ashkenazi. ;-)

Now, I am not defending the rabbies, and there is indeed solid research that shows all kind of disorders specific to Ashkenazi. But the devil is in the details. It's also quite possible that the quotes are incorrect too.

Here, look at this thread and post, where I show that a quote by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson is probably fabricated.

It's easy to believe "jews are evil", because they do evil and undeniable things. The problem with articles like this that it's easy to refute, and then label it as an antisemitic crap, even if part of it can be true.

Now, one of the things that makes this even more fascinating, just mind blowing, is that the European Jews are not they're not native to the Middle East. They're not the people, the descendants of Abraham. They're not the Semites. They are imposters. Netanyahu is an imposter. Netanyahu is not even his real last name. He changed it. He's Polish. OK, so he changed his name, moved to Israel, worked his way up through a bunch of bribery and threats and Assad activities to become the prime minister and one of the most notorious war criminals in the world. But he's not actually a Semite.

The above is also distorted information. Netanyahu was born in Israel. His father is from Poland. And his farther is the one who changed his surname.


These innacuracies are so ridiculous and easily avoided, that the whole article/podcast could be easily dismissed or even used as an excuse to paint entire alternative health community as antisemites. Maybe Mike Adams is actually agent provocateur? ;-)

Bottom line, in my personal opinion, currently the psychopathic genes are probably present in all possible heritages in Israel.

Having said all that, here's an individual that would fit the "evil Ashkenazi jew" picture even more than Netanyahu.Take a look at Yossi Cohen, a former Director of Mossad. I recommend reading this entire article.

Yossi Cohen is smart, charismatic, and fearless — and he’s also the first religious Mossad chief since the institution was founded. His parents, Reb Aryeh and Mina Cohen — both from old-time Yerushalmi families with roots going back to Minsk and Lubavitch — talk about how heroism in their family comes in all colors.
The residents of Shai Agnon Street in Katamon know that the Cohen house is the home of Cohen the banker with the senior position in Bank Mizrachi who never misses a minyan for Bircas Kohanim, and of his wife Mina the educator. They also know it’s always been a place for anyone who needed an encouraging word, a warm meal, wise counsel, some human warmth, or even a bed to lie in. But not all the neighbors know that this home — founded on punctiliousness in halachah, ahavas Hashem, and ahavas Yisrael — raised two of the central figures influencing Israel’s security and economy.

For years, the two Cohen boys — graduates of Yeshivat Netiv Meir and Yeshivat Or Etzion — stayed in the shadows, and few knew of the power they wielded. There is Yossi, director of the Mossad, and his wife Ayah, head nurse of oncology at Hadassah Medical Center; and there’s Chaim, a senior economist who served as CEO of Dun and Bradstreet in Israel, and his wife Zahavit, managing director of the investment firm Apax Partners-Israel.
Family Tree

Reb Aryeh Cohen considers himself the bridge between his illustrious rabbinic past and the generation of the future, which might look different, but is no less dedicated to Yidden and Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael.

“Yossi is dark-complexioned and his last name is Cohen, so many people assume he’s Sephardic,” says Reb Aryeh. But in fact, his lineage is pure Eastern European and Reb Aryeh has it all at his fingertips.

“Look,” Reb Aryeh says as he shows us a carefully preserved item from the newspaper Sdei Chemed, a popular Jewish publication from 150 years ago. “This is a report about my great-great-grandfather, Rav Oizlander arriving in Eretz Yisrael. He had been a venerated dayan in Minsk.

In this video, political and security analyst called Yossi Chen a "professional charmer". And his charm and high connections supposedly protect him from being investigated for treason.

I also wanted to share a video of Yossi Cohen during his visit to Moscow 2 years ago. He had a very creepy "predatorial" glance there. Unfortunately this video isn't available anymore, since Youtube deleted Russia 1 news channel. And it's not available anywhere else.
Bottom line, in my personal opinion, currently the psychopathic genes are probably present in all possible heritages in Israel.
Maybe, but it seems to me from my current subjective point of view, that the psychopathic genes seem to be coming from certain parts of Europe, maybe Poland, Germany or perhaps even Ukraine? Some more than others, especially if it is genetic? Can these people help what they are? I'm not so sure they can, and they are also NOT in the majority.
Having said all that, here's an individual that would fit the "evil Ashkenazi jew" picture even more than Netanyahu.Take a look at Yossi Cohen, a former Director of Mossad. I recommend reading this entire article.
I don't believe in the concept of "evil Ashkenazi jew". There are people, proliclivities, and personal choices. To this day, I'm not sure if a person 'dealt' the hand of a genetic psychopath would be able to be anything OTHER than said psychopath. Those who are not dealt this hand, can, of course, chose freely..... IF they are aware. :-O And they may not be (aware)!

I also have to say that if Evil can infiltrate a society, then Good might also infiltrate and Evil society (even when they're trying to hide!). :lol:

I was also under the impression that doing genetic tests in Israel is NOT ALLOWED by the government unless specific dispensation (for medical reasons) is given?
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So it already shows that the author of the article didn't do proper research, but just relies on information that was prepared by someone else.
It was not an article, but his daily podcast: it's a video, but we only hear him talk, and sometimes he shows pictures and clips on the topic discussed. He usually doesn't film himself talking. I took the audio and produced a text transcript from it, thinking it would be easier for members than listening to the whole thing for 3h.

Mike Adams has a team working for him, so it's almost certain he relies on someone else to do the initial research on the topics he wants to cover in his podcast. I guess he reads and learns what is being brought to him, then babbles about it for 2-3 hours.

These innacuracies are so ridiculous and easily avoided, that the whole article/podcast could be easily dismissed or even used as an excuse to paint entire alternative health community as antisemites. Maybe Mike Adams is actually agent provocateur?
Indeed! It's a shame that his employees are not being rigorous in their work, as I found out with one of his columnists, Ethan Huff if I remember correctly, in another instance when I shared one of his articles that was a bit sloppy. I don't understand how Mike Adams, being so rigorous in his "lab testing" stuff, how could he not aim for that same rigor in the information being shared on his website and podcasts... Maybe they are caught in the "we need to produce information for the website, with tight deadlines, to keep the wheel turning"?
As you say, it does not play in favor of alternative media. I'm not sure about the "agent provocateur" though; he does seem like a sincere guy, just maybe a bit misled.

I've noticed that lately, he's been adding a tangent of "Christian Faith" in his podcasts, sharing "sermons" and other biblical crap to support his theories about all the dark things happening on earth. I guess he's either desperate or trying to ease the desperate population 😕
Well, it is exactly what Thierry Meyssan says in that video.

By the way, very interesting video for those who can understand french. He also says that there are two factions in Iran, one pro-Israel and one pro-Hezbollah, and that the pro-Israel faction is the strongest at the moment.
I don't know whether T. Meyssan has since given another interview, because now the images of the impact of the missiles are available and we can see the damages caused, even if the Zionist propaganda plays it down, and it's also important to know that in the Jihad, the most important thing is to provide a response, however symbolic, unfortunately the army on the other side doesn't think in the same way.

Keeping this in mind, a 'traditional' war is above all aimed at military objectives, and just because there have been few civilian casualties doesn't mean it's just theatre (compare what's happening at the moment with the Russian bombardments of Ukrainian territory, with the Israeli bombardments of southern Lebanon, of the Gaza Strip, and also directly on the Gazans wherever they may be).

And another symbol of these attacks by Iran is the taboo that Israel was untouchable, because anyone who took the risk of attacking it would immediately be pulverised by the American arsenal, and that the Iron Dome was impenetrable.
Iran has proved that neither is true today.

If there's one thing that Iran (and not just those who want to do business abroad) is afraid of, it's the total destruction of each other, because if you look at history, this kind of conflict is made to last, just look at Russia versus Nato, with its latest proxy in Ukraine.

Israeli army fighting style - The Final Solution

65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza:

These photographs of X-rays were provided by Dr. Mimi Syed, who worked in Khan Younis from Aug. 8 to Sept. 5. She said: “I had multiple pediatric patients, mostly under the age of 12, who were shot in the head or the left side of the chest. Usually, these were single shots. The patients came in either dead or critical, and died shortly after arriving.” Dr. Mimi Syed

Full article text:

Article source:
I'm quite distressed by recent videos going around of the latest Israeli war crime. They bombed refugee tents (again) in a Rafah camp, burning people alive, including children. The videos literally show this. I'd rather not post them here, but I think everyone should know it happened and spread the news. For reference, I'll leave this other tweet here:

The executions of Palestinian children are just one more stage in the progression of nameless horror, after the bombing of refugee camps and hospitals, and the assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders and cadres (this may result in new generation leaders who may not be as resilient, and more thirsty for vengeance than ever, bearing in mind that in the event of a nuclear shock, Iran's surface area is more than 74 times greater than Israel's!)
See here, for example, what the Nazis did with children.

The parallels between what has been happening, and continues to happen, in Gaza and what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany are too striking to ignore, at least to me.

Gaza is basically the Nazi Jewish ghettos and their extermination camps rolled into one place. There is also the element of the Israelis repeatedly taking Palestinian land for "living space" for Israeli settlers.
For me, this is a conscious setting in motion, as for the Nazis of a superior Aryan race, here of the chosen race proclaimed by the messianic/revisionist Zionists with divine power and the Shoah under their arm, all that stands in their way will simply be killed by bombardment, by famine, by disease, by bullets...

Then bulldozers and other infernal machines will follow to erase everything and rebuild again.
To achieve this, it is necessary to exterminate, totally if needed, human animals, in full view of everyone.

History would repeat itself in less than a century with the Gazans and the Jihad and the ‘Nakba’ would do to another people what the ‘Jews’ did to them, just as the Nazis did to the latter...

In the meantime, the Palestinians can only reach a threshold in their resilience, either by losing all hope, or by having more faith than ever. Whatever the case, their sacrifice must also be compared to that of Christ on the cross, an act of service to others and for others.
A divine sacrifice so that once again all the other sacrifices to the devil cease to be perpetuated. (I'm not sure, i dunno.)

I wondered if Hitler's descent into darkness started with this event (he was 11 at the time)...

You can add to this the fact that when Hitler was a young man, his beloved mother died in his arms on Christmas Day, which led him to never celebrate Christmas again.

Surprisingly, Hitler came from a very devout Austrian Catholic family. However, there is a story, which may well be apocryphal, that when he was a boy, he was serving Mass one day when he spat. The priest slapped him around the face for this act of disrespect and he stormed off the altar never to attend Mass again. If true, this incident would again bear out what the C's said about him turning to the dark side during his childhood.​
Well, actually, it said it hit near his residence.

There seems to be confusing reports coming out about this incident, although there has in fact been an official statement from the Israeli prime minister's office saying that the drone strike did hit his residence but that he and his wife were safe.

See: MSN
Israel has blamed Iran for a drone attack on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's private residence near Tel Aviv.

The Israeli Defence Forces said that three drones were fired from Lebanon into Israel, with two of them shot down by air defences but a third punching through and hitting a building in the upmarket town of Caesarea. The prime minister's office later confirmed that a drone had hit his residence, but that Netanyahu nor his wife Sara were there at the time. No further casualties were reported.
Locals said they heard a massive explosion. Usually, Israeli defence systems will ring out an air raid siren though none were heard on this occasion. Local resident Noam told Israel Hayom: "I live in close proximity to the prime minister's house. I immediately went outside and came here. There was a loud boom, so I rushed to the scene. The police had established a roadblock, preventing access to the street. A helicopter was circling overhead, likely in pursuit of the drone, but it didn't open fire."

After the botched attack, a senior Israeli government official directed the blame at Iran, saying: "Iran tried to eliminate the Prime Minister of Israel".

The Israeli military added that a total of more than 100 rockets were fired across northern Israel from Lebanon. At least 13 people were injured. Al Jazeera said that Israeli officials are treating the attack as an assassination attempt.

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