Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

A few data points:

Also this:

Biden saying in 60 minutes that it would be "a mistake" for Israel to go into Gaza, as "Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don't represent all the Palestinian people."

Biden also is going to Israel in two days on the 18th.

So maybe the Deep State don't want this to spiral out of control and/or is afraid of the repercussions it would entail?
Just like the nurses during COVID…

When they start posting TikTok dancers, you know you’re been fooled…

Meanwhile in the US

BREAKING: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has put in "be ready to deploy" orders for a select number of American troops should Israel need them, an official told Fox News.

BREAKING: A US Marine rapid response force is headed to the waters off the coast of Israel, according to a defense official familiar with the planning. - CNN

BREAKING: Blinken finally concluded his meeting with Israel’s war cabinet after nearly 8 hours, will make statement

Biden will save the day and all Americans will vote for him for a second term and this story will be over... but programmed people are already unleashed around the world.
BREAKING: Biden will travel to Egypt on Wednesday, followed by a stop in Jordan to meet leaders of Jordan, Egypt and Palestine.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

"If the Zionist crimes are not stopped immediately, new fronts will be opened for them"

He also said:

"I warn the Americans to stop the Zionist crime before it is too late, instead of sending hypocritical messages

If the Zionist crimes are not stopped immediately, new fronts will be opened for them. The leaders of the resistance told me clearly that we are ready to fight the occupiers head-on. We do not give orders to the resistance forces, they make their own decisions.

The leaders of the resistance will not allow the Zionist regime to do whatever it wants to do in Gaza and after it is relieved of Gaza, it will go to other resistance areas in the region. In the coming hours, any preemptive action against the Zionist regime is conceivable.

We have an opportunity to stop the Zionists at home. If we don't defend Gaza today, tomorrow we will have to deal with the phosphorus bombs of the regime in our own hospitals"


Over 800 children killed.png

In the last week:
Israel has killed 6 Hamas leaders in Gaza.
It's killed more than 800 children.

Approx 50,000 women in Gaza are pregnant at this time.
I heard on a report the other day around 5,500 of them are due to give birth in the next four weeks
- those that have not miscarried... or been shot, mutilated, blown to pieces... or entombed in concrete dust.

Some excerpts from this article:
On Sunday, Gaza's two million residents suffered the deadliest day of the war, with over three hundred Palestinians killed, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. So far, Israeli air strikes in Gaza have killed a staggering 2,800 Palestinians, including at least 800 children, and wounded nearly 11,000 others. The vast majority have been civilians. Israel admits it's killed just six senior Hamas leaders, yet the bodies of dead children are strewn in the streets and under the rubble.
"We are particularly concerned about the devastating impact on the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza right now and newborn babies, who are all left without essential medical care and the safety they deserve as they make the impossible choice of fleeing with no guarantee of safety or remaining at risk of almost certain death," said Riham Jafari of ActionAid Palestine.
But the prospect of staying is equally terrifying: Al Jazeera reports that Israel is killing a Palestinian in Gaza every five minutes. Israeli forces have massacred entire families and wiped out whole neighborhoods. In its brutal bombardment campaign to "smooth" the way for a ground invasion, Israel has all but flattened Gaza. It has carried out one of its worst indiscriminate targeting of civilians on record, bombing urban neighborhoods, residential towers and buildings, schools, hospitals, and United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) premises. Refugee camps - Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis, Jabalia - have become the site of massacres. UNRWA says Israel has bombed its school in Gaza, killing eleven UN staff and thirty students. Many hospitals have been bombed and damaged beyond repair.

Bone-chilling stories of survivors abound. Fulla al-Laham, a wounded four-year-old child, woke up in a hospital to find herself the sole survivor of an Israeli air strike that had killed her parents, siblings, and relatives.

Another survivor discovered, to his horror, that of the two hundred residents of his razed building, only eight had survived, all of them severely wounded.

The streets of Gaza, filled with rubble and reeking of blood, are transited by heartbroken survivors. One video shows a Palestinian women weeping over the loss of twenty members of her family. Another video features Jamal al-Durra, whose son Muhammad al-Durrah was shot dead in his lap by Israeli soldiers during the second intifada, bidding farewell to family members who were killed by Israeli air attacks.

Gaza has become a massive graveyard where cemeteries have rapidly filled up. Mourning families struggle to bury their dead in informal graveyards dug in empty lots under relentless air strikes and an intensifying siege. Many end up in mass graves. Others are being kept in ice cream trucks. One thousand bodies remain buried under rubble. [likely its more than that, and likely there are still some alive under the rubble, human and animal 😔]

Backed with US weapons and munitions,
Israel has dropped over ten thousand bombs in Gaza in just a week, twice as many as the US dropped in Afghanistan in a year and, according to UN sources, the equivalent to a quarter of a nuclear bomb. Human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have confirmed that Israel has used white phosphorus against civilians, burning down people and houses in overcrowded urban areas.

Doubling down on its collective punishment of Palestinians, Israel continues to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water, fuel, and medicine, sparking fears of mass starvation.

Humanitarian aid is verboten, hospitals overwhelmed with casualties. Israel seems eager to fulfill the genocidal mission pronounced by its defense minister, Yoav Gallant: "Gaza will never return to what it was.

History is repeating itself. As Israel's ground invasion looms, Gazas are bracing for more civilian deaths and displacements and a tragic repeat of past horrors: seventy-five years after the Nakba, descendants of the 250,000 Palestinians refugees who had survived ethnic cleansing and fled to Gaza now find themselves facing a similar fate at Israel's hands.

Perhaps this time, the outcome will be quite different to what has been anticipated by the PTB.
Hubris, and all that.

Somehow I don't think things are going to go well for Netanyahu. I recall he has a pacemaker that was put in recently.
He might want to be careful... technology, these days... who knows what might happen.
JUST IN: Israeli Ceasefire Resolution By Russia Rejected

The UN Security Council failed to adopt a resolution proposed by Russia that would have called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, aid access, and safe evacuation of civilians.

The Russian-led draft resolution received five votes in favor (China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates) and four against (France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), with six abstentions (Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland).

For the Council to adopt a resolution, the proposal must receive at least nine votes in favor, with none of its five permanent members opposing or casting a veto.

Israel is unfortunately led by psychopats. So, there will be no peace talks, no peace solution, no delays, except to be better prepared. If psychopath is going toward what he or she sees as a goal, the only way to stop them is with their physical destruction. I think that this is it.
Pepe Escobar vía X

As everyone with an IQ over room temperature already knew in advance, the UN Security Council SHOT DOWN the Russian draft resolution proposing a ceasefire in Gaza.

Let's cut to the chase: the ones which voted AGAINST it were permanent UNSC members US, UK, France, and neo-colony Japan.​

Translation: they SUPPORT the collective punishment of Palestinians.

And Russophobia, once again, prevails.

Brazil, which abstained, will now introduce its own resolution, which is quite similar to Russia's.
Added: It shows he is reading and dismissing your points. He is consciously choosing to side with Zionists, despite having access to an alternative viewpoint
Yeah, it seems like JBP can't cope with the idea of Israel going down, because to him, the west IS the Old Testament traditions, never mind that the Greeks were around for quite a while before Yahwism. So, I guess Israel is his hill to die on.

Evidently him being a "great soul" doesn't mean much of anything if he can so easily be led astray. 🫤
Good point, and a sobering reminder for all of us just how important paying attention to objective reality, right and left, is.

There was also that teacher in France who was stabbed to death by a former student (shouting Allahu Akbar) last Friday, less than 1 day before Israel kicked off. As those Israeli dudes on 9/11 said "We are not your problem, Palestine is your problem".
Yep. It makes a lot more sense to me that any sort of generalised "signal activation" would be sudden and dramatic; these localised and sporadic attacks suggest the utilisation of specific intel agency psyops, assets, or people with personality disorders succumbing to environmental stressors, such as you wrote about here.

Biden also is going to Israel in two days on the 18th.

So maybe the Deep State don't want this to spiral out of control and/or is afraid of the repercussions it would entail?
Biden's trip to Israel smacks to the warmongers getting a "piece of meat" thrown their way, while still keeping the situation below a certain threshold.

In other news, former UK Ambassador and perennial thorn in the establishment's side, Craig Murray, has been detained by the thought police in the UK:
This is the best education for those in denial I have ever heard! I cannot find his name in the little info now posted on utube introductions but he certainly knows his stuff!
In vain I tried to post this from my bile this morning but got pushed out with all the password hurdles we have to jump through nowadays to navigate anything online!

It is called 'A message to Israel' and was posted by Pepe on his Telegram channel earlier.
I think everyone will benefit from istening to this refeshining educated man, whoever he is, whatever nationality he is - Truth is Truth :-)

EDIT: Just seen Joe's post above about being blocked by JP. The irony! Peerhaps all who are not blocked should send him this video I have just uploaded! :-)

Great stuff. I'm sure a lot will resonate with the normal, non-psychopathic part of the Israeli population.
I'm not sure if it was posted here, but another interesting piece of data to add to the context:
(...) New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”

This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.
I'm sorry if I gave that impression but sometimes my computer can't change the size of the letters, that's the reason why I hardly give my opinion in the forum, this time I tried to change them for smaller letters but I failed again.
There are upper case to lower case converters online. One can copy the text, insert and it will change. However, if what is needed is not all upper case but rather lower to upper and upper to lower, then a case converter is better. Here is an example of one website, Letter case converter – converts capital letters to lowercase, and vise versa that has this function too.

Another alternative, though it can be somewhat more involved, and I have not tried it, might be to disable the Caps Lock key function on your keyboard, as explained in this WikiHow: How to Turn Off Caps Lock: Windows, Mac, & Chromebook For Windows (method 4) they give 17 steps and it involves registry editing. For Mac, there are few steps.

If it's the caps lock or shift key issue, then another option would be getting an external keyboard. You can find really cheap ones online that will do the trick.

It is a commonly accepted standard of online communication that in the absence of an actual tone of voice upper case letters are an equivalent to a shouting. Just like using italics is considered a substitute to an emphasis for example. It may be useful to look into solving the issue if you communicate online often - and not just on this forum. It would help you avoid misunderstandings :-)
En Allemagne, les médias ont un traitement différent de l'information. Ils écrivent :
"Netanyahu n’a pas écouté. Il voulait simplement trouver un moyen de mettre fin au procès contre lui pour trois chefs d'accusation de corruption présumée. S'il est reconnu coupable, il risque une peine de prison. Netanyahu, a tout sacrifié : l’unité du pays, l’économie et même la sécurité."
"De nos jours, on n'entend qu'une seule phrase partout : il doit partir ! Un sondage publié dans le Jerusalem Post, le prouve : 80% des israéliens le rendent responsable de la situation."
In Germany, the media treat information differently. They write :"Netanyahu didn't listen. He just wanted to find a way to end the trial against him on three counts of alleged corruption. If convicted, he faces prison time. Netanyahu sacrificed everything : the unity of the country, the economy and even security.""Nowadays, we hear only one sentence everywhere: he must leave! A poll published in the Jerusalem Post proves it: 80% of Israelis blame him for the situation."
En Occident, tous les masques tombent. Les prétendues « valeurs », la morale et l’humanité n’étaient qu’une façade.
Question du journaliste à l'expert : "Cela signifie-t-il affamer le peuple palestinien parce qu’il aura tellement faim et aura tellement besoin d’eau et de médicaments qu’il se détournera alors du Hamas ?"
Réponse : « Cela semble insensé, mais bon, c'est une guerre ! »

In the West, all masks fall. The so-called “values”, morality and humanity were just a facade.CNN:Journalist's question to the expert: "Does this mean starving the Palestinian people because they will be so hungry and need water and medicine so much that they will turn away from Hamas?"Answer: “It seems crazy, but hey, it’s a war! »
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