Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Appearing on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday, Graham described Hezbollah as a “proxy of Iran”

"The Republican foreign policy hawk warned that he could introduce a resolution in the Senate “to allow military action by the United States in conjunction with Israel to knock Iran out of the oil business.”

“Iran, if you escalate this war, we’re coming for you,”
Graham concluded."

I think the whole "bad weather causing delay" to the Gaza invasion is BS. They need more time to prepare for an expected attack from Hizb'allah from the north.

From an article at the Jersulaem Post,

A number of factors seem to have caused a delay, but sources have told The Jerusalem Post that one factor has been a growing concern that Hezbollah is waiting for the moment that most IDF ground forces are committed to Gaza to open a full front with the IDF in the north.


The United States and Israel have given Egypt an ultimatum that only US citizens will be allowed to exit through the checkpoint with the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians will be prohibited from leaving.

Egypt initially wanted to negotiate the evacuation of Palestinians through the checkpoint, but the United States and Israel only allowed humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, in return receiving a “corridor for US citizens.”

The Palestinians are essentially in a “trap”. They can’t get out by sea, the Israeli military forces shoot everything that floats, there is simply no way out of the Gaza Strip, it’s more like sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians as part of some kind of “ritual of collective murder.”

One side says, blow up the Iranian refineries. The other side says, one step further and we will shut off the worlds oil.

I did a quick search for which countries depend on middle east oil, and how much so.


China has more than tripled its imports of Iranian oil in the past two years and bought 87 percent of Iran's oil exports last month, according to Kpler, which specializes in tracking Iran's oil exports."


"Today, nearly 95 percent of the oil imported by Japan comes from the Middle East, exceeding the figure of 77.5 percent during the 1973 oil crisis, when oil prices soared and costs were felt in areas far from the energy sector.11 hours ago"

Taiwan: (100%)

"They accounted for 44 percent of Taiwan's total energy needs in 2022, and most of this oil comes from the Middle East. Last year, it sourced about 72 percent of its crude oil supply from Saudi Arabia (33 percent), Kuwait (21 percent), the United Arab Emirates (9 percent), Oman (7 percent), and Iraq (2 percent).Jul 7, 2023"

"Who imports the most oil from the Middle East?"

"China is the largest oil importer by far from Saudi Arabia and from Iran,"

Where does the US get most of its oil? (only 11% from the middle east )

"In 2022, Canada was the source of 52% of U.S. gross total petroleum imports and 60% of gross crude oil imports."
  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by percentage share of total petroleum imports in 2022 were:
  • Canada52%
  • Mexico10%
  • Saudi Arabia7%
  • Iraq4%
  • Colombia3%
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It would appear that the new and extended 'war on terror' is already spreading to Europe - one of its major intended targets.


Brussels shooting: Two Swedes killed in gun attack being treated as terrorism

    • 1 minute ago
By Rob Corp in London and Bruno Boelpaep in Brussels
BBC News

Two people have been shot dead in the Belgian capital Brussels on Monday evening, police have said.

Belgium's prime minister later confirmed the victims were Swedish. Prosecutors say they are treating the shooting as terrorism.
The Belgium-Sweden Euro 2024 qualifier football match being played in the city has been abandoned, Uefa said.

The gunman fled the scene and is still at large. Brussels has increased its terror threat to the highest level.

A video posted on social media showed an Arabic-speaking man claiming he carried out the attack in the name of God.

The man in the clip said he had killed three people. The Federal Prosecutor's office confirmed it has seen the footage but cannot say whether he is the gunman.

The video and other's uploaded during the attack is being verified by police, the BBC has been told.

Federal prosecutors in Belgium have since said that a terrorism probe has been opened following the shooting on the Boulevard d'Ypres.
This is the best education for those in denial I have ever heard! I cannot find his name in the little info now posted on utube introductions but he certainly knows his stuff!
In vain I tried to post this from my bile this morning but got pushed out with all the password hurdles we have to jump through nowadays to navigate anything online!

It is called 'A message to Israel' and was posted by Pepe on his Telegram channel earlier.
I think everyone will benefit from istening to this refeshining educated man, whoever he is, whatever nationality he is - Truth is Truth :-)

EDIT: Just seen Joe's post above about being blocked by JP. The irony! Peerhaps all who are not blocked should send him this video I have just uploaded! :-)
Well, looks like he must have seen at least some of my tweets to him. I must have come on too strong (as if! :halo:). I kind of feel bad. He's a sensitive type.

View attachment 83452
Consider it a badge of honor...

JBP is bat-sh**-crazy these days

Added: It shows he is reading and dismissing your points. He is consciously choosing to side with Zionists, despite having access to an alternative viewpoint

Israel Denies Ceasefire Plans After Iran Said Hamas Willing To Release Hostages If Airstrikes Stop;​

Putin Gets Involved​

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Oct 16, 2023 - 09:55 AM


"An active session of Israel's Knesset in Jerusalem has been interrupted by a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, which sent members of parliament into bomb shelters. Sirens blared across Jerusalem, as the Hamas rocket attacks continue. Israel's all-out offensive was expected Friday or Saturday, but has still been delayed, with rain and bad weather also being among the list of reasons cited as of Monday."

"But this gave time for a flurry of international diplomacy as the death toll soars on both sides."

Egyptian Border Tensions Grow

"Egypt is facing intense pressure to allow refugees in neighboring Gaza to cross the border and escape an expected Israeli ground invasion in the strip. Central to such a move is Rafah, the only civilian land crossing in Gaza that Israel doesn’t control."

"As The Wall Street Journal reports, Egypt has appeared willing to let foreign citizens through the crossing but has been reluctant to allow a flood of Palestinian refugees enter, citing security threats."

"A deal to open the border crossing has been held up, however, by Egyptian concerns that Israel hadn’t given assurances it would pause airstrikes and by Israeli insistence that trucks entering via Egypt be thoroughly searched, Egyptian officials said."

“Unfortunately, Israel has not yet allowed humanitarian aid to enter Gaza,”

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