Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Note also how much her captors' behavior contrasts with that described elsewhere. Either Hamas militants raiding different kibbutzim and moshavim (communal settlements) understood their orders completely differently, or gunmen other than Hamas were operating under different rules at different locations.
It seems so, plus armed citizens.
The conflict is developing according to the saddest scenario.
The US has begun a large-scale transfer of weapons to Syria, probably preparing for war against Iran
A military convoy of 60 vehicles carrying weapons and logistical equipment arrived at the US military base in al-Shaddadi, located in northeastern Syria. This event is a reflection of the continued presence and activity of the United States in the region, despite the prevailing political and military context.

Such supplies are usually aimed at supporting operations and tasks related to ensuring security in the region and supporting allied forces on the ground. Nevertheless, at the moment there is a very high probability that the arrival of a large number of weapons in Syria may be due to preparations for war against Iran, especially given the fact that earlier the United States announced the transfer of a second American aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean.
США начали масштабную переброску оружия в Сирию, вероятно, готовясь к войне против Ирана

Iran has begun transferring strategic weapons to Syria, preparing to strike Israel
The Israeli side expressed serious concern over Iran's attempts to transfer strategic weapons to Syria. According to the country's officials, Tehran's goal is to open another front against the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). To prevent this, Israel has taken a number of military actions, in particular, attacks were carried out on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, as well as on ground supply routes.
The political and military tension between Israel and Iran continues to grow, becoming more intense and multi-layered. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Iran has threatened Israel to take the side of Palestine in the war if the Jewish state does not stop terror in the Gaza Strip.
Иран начал переброску стратегического вооружения в Сирию, готовясь ударить по Израилю

If this is true, then this is the first combat use of such weapons.
Israel for the first time used the Iron Ray laser missile defense system to repel a Hamas attack
According to widespread reports, the operation of the Iron Beam laser missile defense system (ABM) was recorded in the sky over Tel Aviv. The system, as can be seen on the provided video materials, is actively working to intercept and destroy threats in the air aimed at the city.

The Iron Ray is one of the elements of Israel's multilevel missile defense system, which is designed to provide maximum protection against various aerodynamic and ballistic threats. The main purpose of this complex is to neutralize ultra–short-range objects, including missiles, as well as other threats, such as artillery shells and mines, which are too small and fast to intercept another component of the missile defense system - the Iron Dome.

In the current situation, taking into account the escalation of tension and the ongoing rocket attacks, the effectiveness and reliability of the missile defense system are becoming a key factor in ensuring the safety of the civilian population and infrastructure of the country. The interest in the "Iron Ray" is due to its ability to respond quickly to threats and minimize possible damage from missile attacks.
Израиль впервые задействовал лазерную систему ПРО "Железный луч" для отражения атаки ХАМАС

The Mossad confirmed the successful use of Iron Ray laser systems on Hamas rockets
In Israel, the successful use of Iron Ray laser systems to repel an attack from Hamas has been confirmed. The official information about this came from the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.

Although specific details and details of the incident have not yet been disclosed, it is worth noting that this is the first officially recognized case of the use of this laser complex in combat conditions against small targets. The "Iron Ray" is considered as an innovative solution in the field of air defense systems, which makes it possible to effectively combat low-level threats, such as unmanned aerial vehicles or artillery shells.

This successful experience can become a turning point in the development of air defense systems, confirming the effectiveness and prospects of laser technologies in modern military conflicts. It also highlights Israel's willingness and ability to adapt to changing threats and implement the latest technological solutions to ensure the safety of its citizens.
В Моссад подтвердили успешное применение лазерных комплексов "Железный луч" по ракетам ХАМАС

Earlier it was reported about the destruction of UN staff by Israel in Gaza, now a similar thing has happened in Lebanon. Jews are clearly not indifferent to this organization.
Israeli rocket hits UN headquarters in southern Lebanon
The headquarters of the UN peacekeeping mission was hit by a rocket attack in southern Lebanon, Reuters reports. The incident occurred in the city of Naqoura during an exchange of fire between the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and the Israeli armed forces. According to preliminary data, the attack was carried out by the Israeli side.

The attack on the headquarters of UN peacekeepers highlights the growing danger to international forces operating in the region, and it is very likely that this circumstance will require additional attention from the international community. In Israel, it was confirmed that the blow was struck, but they did not admit their guilt.

The situation in the region continues to escalate, and this incident may become a catalyst for additional tension in the international arena. The context of the conflict is aggravated by a notification from Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, who pointed out the contradiction of the Israeli government's demands for the evacuation of 1.1 million Palestinians to the southern Gaza Strip with the principles of humanity and the rules of engagement.

According to him, the Gaza Strip is under massive attacks, many infrastructure facilities and roads have been destroyed, there are practically no safe places for residents left. The withdrawal of the population, including traumatized and frightened people, in conditions of active hostilities has a high level of risk.
Израильская ракета ударила по штаб-квартире ООН на юге Ливана

The unrest in the Middle East is intensifying after the Lebanese movement Hezbollah allegedly seized an Israeli base located near the border of Lebanon and Israel. This was reported by the Lebanese media, while Israeli television stated that "the war with Hezbollah has actually begun."

Such events exacerbate already tense relations in the region and threaten the prospects for stability and peace in this key and strategic area of the Middle East. Israel and Hezbollah have a long history of conflicts and enmity, and any new clashes between them can cause serious regional consequences, involving neighboring countries in the conflict. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that earlier Hezbollah announced its intentions to enter the war with Israel against the background of hostilities between Hamas and Israel.
Военная база Израиля захвачена группировкой "Хезболла"

Конфликт развивается по самому печальному сценарию.
Если это правда, то это первое боевое применение подобного оружия.
Ранее сообщали об уничтожении Израилем сотрудников ООН в Газе, теперь подобное произошло в Ливане. Евреи явно неравнодушны к этой организации.
Ryan said:
You do realize that writing in all capitals makes it seem like you are shouting, yes? You don't come across as a particularly serious person, writing like that.


I'm sorry if I gave that impression but sometimes my computer can't change the size of the letters, that's the reason why I hardly give my opinion in the forum, this time I tried to change them for smaller letters but I failed again.
There are upper case to lower case converters online. One can copy the text, insert and it will change. However, if what is needed is not all upper case but rather lower to upper and upper to lower, then a case converter is better. Here is an example of one website, Letter case converter – converts capital letters to lowercase, and vise versa that has this function too.

Another alternative, though it can be somewhat more involved, and I have not tried it, might be to disable the Caps Lock key function on your keyboard, as explained in this WikiHow: How to Turn Off Caps Lock: Windows, Mac, & Chromebook For Windows (method 4) they give 17 steps and it involves registry editing. For Mac, there are few steps.
When it comes to people being duped to support what Israel is currently doing, I've been thinking about what Laura said previously about why Sott was started in the first place. It was started as she saw that people weren't remembering what the political class was saying from day to day and how they kept lying and changing narratives without the people noticing.

If people did truly remember the previous lies that were served to justify wars, such as 'incubator babies' for istance, or if they payed attention to how covert operations function, or what was going on historically in the 20th century up to the present, they wouldn't be so easily tricked as some are now to support the 'current thing.'
There was either a post in this thread or an article on SOTT where two ex-IDF members were surprised by the attack being unforeseen. I believe there was two videos.

I can't seem to find it anymore.

Does anybody remember this?

Thx in advance!

Replying to myself.

I did not find that one article that I thought I saw, but found both videos I did see.

Both were in this thread.

🇮🇱 Israel-Hamas War - An Update

TY Keyhole and Michael
Il a fallu une semaine pour que l'oxygène de la raison, inonde à nouveau le cerveau de Biden qui déclare :
"Nous ne devons pas perdre de vue le fait que l'écrasante majorité des Palestiniens n'a rien à voir avec les effroyables attaques du Hamas et qu'ils en souffrent."
Mais cet oxygène n'est pas encore arrivé à certains surtout en France...

It took a week for the oxygen of reason to flood Biden's brain again, and he declared:"We must not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas's appalling attacks and are suffering as a result."But this oxygen has not yet reached some people, especially in France...
Jordan Peterson has sided with the literal instantiation of Cain.
I can relate to having a hard time relating to what, either in distance or in mind, is far away. One must be able to put oneself in someone else's shoes and use imagination. It is not always easy.
Since WWII, at least, the history around Zionism has gained a specialness in much of Western education. This makes what we know about Israel a part of the programming of society and sometimes family.
Session 19 July 2014
A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: [laughter] (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!
I wonder if for some people with a strong public profile, the shock they receive comes when they become aware that they are arguing in favour of a position that more objectively is hard to defend?

The conflict is ten days old, I will be curious to learn where JP and a few others are in one year.
The weather is partly or mostly a cover story for the delay in the Gaza ground operation. After all their big talk, one reason I think is that they have considered and gathered intelligence showing how vulnerable they are to some of the new weapons available to Hamas. The other is obviously the wider geopolitical implications, and the US holds the keys anyway.

These images shows a visor or screen type addition which protects heavy equipment against things like kamikaze drones. According to IntelSlava these are recent additions in preparation for the offensive.


The weather is partly or mostly a cover story for the delay in the Gaza ground operation. After all their big talk, one reason I think is that they have considered and gathered intelligence showing how vulnerable they are to some of the new weapons available to Hamas. The other is obviously the wider geopolitical implications, and the US holds the keys anyway.

These images shows a visor or screen type addition which protects heavy equipment against things like kamikaze drones. According to IntelSlava these are recent additions in preparation for the offensive.

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I think they've been surprised by the fact quite a lot of people are calling this genocide and / or ethnic cleansing which has made them take pause.

@Michael B-C might be right that the intention might have been to annex north Gaza.
I think they've been surprised by the fact quite a lot of people are calling this genocide and / or ethnic cleansing which has made them take pause.

@Michael B-C might be right that the intention might have been to annex north Gaza.
I think the position of Russia and China has caught them by the throat, especially the USA? They couldn't fight against them in Ukraine, so imagine fighting against Russia (even if they weren't physically involved, but helping out with their weapons) and China! The drastic and clear stance taken by the Russians and the Chinese with the art of diplomacy has made them tremble a little, I hope. Fighting on two fronts, as Joe says, is almost impossible for the USA. Especially this ME front, which is quite big. And where they've hit a sore spot, which is Palestine.

Palestine has always been loved by the people, always present the suffering of the Palestinians. There's also the fact that this 2-year confinement, this ruthless totalitarianism on the part of the heads of state who have shown their true colors, that of avarice and psychopathy; what's more, this state of fury that's bubbling up, well, it has to come out somewhere. Maybe Palestine will save humanity? Who knows. Her sacrifice and suffering are all of a sudden like a symbol of the human condition now, in this planet, it touches us, touches people and nothing will ever be the same after Palestine.

Just a few thoughts.
Betzalel Taljah, an Israeli army officer says live on CNN: "The war is not just with Hamas but with all the civilians."

Israeli police threatens journalist live on air to report that “the IDF are doing good things” and that “Hamas should be slaughtered.”

“The Israeli commandos shot the hostages”
“[Hamas] treated us kindly, gave us water and told us to calm down”
The massacres in the kibbutz were at the hands of the IDF!
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