Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Infiltration of paramilitary organizations is very common and almost every country does it. As one example among many, recently there was this article on SOTT: Stakeknife: The Inside Story of The British Spooks Who Ran the IRA --
For groups like Hamas, where new members are vouched for by other members, or tested by completing a given task/operation, it is not impossible. Identity papers can be forged, and in Gaza, where there isn't a government per se, forging identities is even easier. It is not limited to infiltration though, sometimes there are informants, corrupted insiders, etc.

In the late 80's early 90's there was a Muslim-Brotherhood organization-affiliated organization that gained some political power. A certain government arrested many of them, and put its own agents in the same prisons. The prisons were attacked and the liberated prisoners formed a paramilitary group. The agents, being the deadliest, rose to power and became de facto leaders of these groups, not only killing civilians, but also designated colleagues within the regular army when asked to, furthering the "legitimacy" of their disguise. In other words, it happens irl and it's more convoluted than what's presented in spy movies or novels.

Especially when you add in human-looking hybrids and highly influential psychopathic spellbinders. Either of these types would be highly capable of infiltrating almost any population on earth due to their weird powers.
To follow on from this, there are numerous mainstream media outlets which are now condemning the "fringe" elements among the left, such as Black Lives Matter, for their position on the conflict. Likewise, they are condemning any rally or protest in support of the Palestinian cause. Are they eventually going to throw them under the bus?

And of course, the Zionists at the ADL have flipped the switch against "fringe-left groups":

Here are some more links that I found, which condemn the lefties who are protesting, with many warning of the "danger of antisemitism".

It will be interesting to see how this eventually plays out, but it seems as though they might be planting the seeds for a "switch" of some kind in the coming months.
Very interesting, in the last few days I was thinking about the West's meddling in the middle East for the last 100 years, the founding of Israel on Palestinian land, the war on terror being launched after 9/11, the transmarginal inhibiting programming of the people through msm propaganda and false flag terror attacks, the priming of the left and of the right to hate each other over different issues including the Israel vs Palestine one, the presence of many Muslim refugees in Europe and elsewhere.

What i'm seeing at the moment is a potentially explosive scenario that could happen, people being duped and primed to kill each other through the divide et impera manipulation tactics.

I mean the current tragedy in middle East has such a huge potential to be used in so many different ways to sow chaos worldwide that it's frightening and astonishing to say the least. Not talking about a possible reply from the Earth and the Universe itself as a consequence as other members mentioned earlier. Who could benefit from such an outcome?

Just a few thoughts.
Yet another factor in what could happen in conjunction with this latest false flag operation:

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices
Plus, this is off-topic.

It appears I'm not the only one who's had this thought and its possible connection to wider world violence/war:

The World Is On Fire As Lord Of The Flies Type Violence Spreads, Captured On Video For All To See, While 'Vax Caused' Rage, Psychotic Breakdowns And Deaths Keep Exploding

Back on October 9th on ANP, we published this story titled "Like 'A Clockwork Orange' With A Twist, Despotic Leftist Governments Are 'Engineering Ultraviolence': Mayhem Reigns As Leftist Cities Spiral Into A Vicious Doom Loop" within which we gave more proof the total destruction of American society was pre-planned long ago by those working to bring in a tyrannical global govt which they control completely, warning within that story, "to create their 'socialist utopia,' leftists must first destroy our existing society."

Referencing within that story cities all across America that are run by leftist governments which have rapidly descended into crime-ridden and drug infested hellholes, where criminals run free to commit more crimes thanks to 'George Soros prosecutors,' while law-abiding American citizens are treated like criminals, we're also now witnessing insane, "Lord of the Flies"-type violence in American high schools, stores, shopping centers and wide open spaces of the public, and even from our own next door neighbors, as seen in the videos at the bottom of this story, signifying America's rapid descent.

And as this previously-mentioned 'Clockwork Orange' story on ANP had brought up, all of this 'madness' that America is witnessing has been totally 'engineered,' with our authoritarian government leftists destroying rational incentives for mutually beneficial behavior with the goal of engineering nihilism.

Doing so because nihilism promotes civil disorder which, in turn, justifies more governmental intervention to “solve” the problem it created, we again see the Hegelian Dialectic being played out before our eyes, with the 'government' creating a problem, a problem to which 'the people' react, and then 'demand' a 'solution' to the 'problem,' a 'solution' that government also had envisioned long ago, putting that chain of events into action.

So as leftist strategist Saul Alinksy had long ago warned, "the first step in community organization is community disorganization.To create the socialist utopia they envision, leftists must first degrade existing society. In other words, in order for them to fully bring in their 'communist utopia,' they first have to COMPLETE DESTROY what most of us have known all of our lives. And boy, are they doing that! And as we'll explore in the final section of this story, there is a theory that 'the vax' was brought in to help do just that, being used to 'engineer' the rage that we see building all across America and much of the world.
So we next have to do a quick change of subject before we tie things together and conclude this story.

In this new story over at Breitbart they report the stunning number that less than 2% of Americans have gotten their 'updated' COVID shots since the new one was recently released, despite the fact that according to CDC head Mandy Cohen, "the shots are free... and there is one with YOUR name on it." (No thanks, Mandy, you can keep mine; go ahead and give it to joe!)

Showing that not only are the vast majority of Americans FINALLY awakening to the dangers of the vaxxes vs. the 'benefits,' if there were any (which we highly doubt!,) what if this HUGE uptick in crime, violence and spreading rage all across America is actually being CAUSED by 'the vax,' with chemicals known to 'incite rage' having been 'built into' the shots without 'the People' knowing?

With a whopping 75 percent of Americans having gotten at least 'one shot' according to Dr. Peter McCullough in this new story, showing that more than 3/4 of the country was exposed to at least 'one bioweapon dose' during the 'scamdemic,' but almost everyone rejecting it now, could that 'mass rejection' of what people were once rushing out to get be due to the 'side effects' mentioned in stories such as these:

From "Vaccine-Induced Psychosis as an Etiology to Consider in the Age of COVID-19"

From "Why That Vaccine Outburst is Not Anger; It's Trauma."

From "Vaccine Outrage: Why the Delta Variant’s ‘Sudden Doom Effect’ Is Making Us Snap."

From "The vaccinated are angry. That's understandable but unproductive, health experts say."

And from the National Library of Medicine we see they've done studies into these 'psychiatric reactions' caused by the vaxxes.: "Psychiatric adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines: A rapid review of published case reports."

So is the massive uptick, in what sure appears to be 'engineered rage,' that we're witnessing now across America actually CAUSED BY 'the mass vaxxination of Americans?' With all of those stories mentioned above just the tip of the iceberg of reports of 'anger' and 'rage' going along with 'vaccinations,' and now wars breaking out worldwide, who'd put it past the globalists to have engineered these bioweapon/vaxxes to cause rage, and knowing that most of the world would be getting the shots, another 'trigger' towards an 'engineered war'? The fact that we KNOW they have a massive 'depopulation agenda' that is NOT yet being met tells us they'll try, and try, and try once again.


It's a theory that may or may not be valid, but at least deserves a mention as a possibility, imho.
I also found it strange that Iran threatened to give Israel an earthquake! Do they have this technology too? Was it just a mis translation? They would be aware of the faultline - which is also under us in Cyprus through to the Black Sea.

I think Iran's threat about giving Israel an earthquake is more metaphorical. However, one only has to look at what is happening in Afghanistan to see that something is cooking Mother Earth. Those who study seismic energy movements point out that it is heading west. How ironic it will be that Israel will be wiped off the map by an earthquake thus fulfilling the "tit for tat..."
chrome_screenshot_9 oct. 2023 11_32_38 GMT-06_00.png

Deuteronomy 19:21
Thus you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
I think Iran's threat about giving Israel an earthquake is more metaphorical. However, one only has to look at what is happening in Afghanistan to see that something is cooking Mother Earth. Those who study seismic energy movements point out that it is heading west. How ironic it will be that Israel will be wiped off the map by an earthquake thus fulfilling the "tit for tat..."
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Deuteronomy 19:21
Thus you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
Good thing I know how to swim 🤣
Mirth !
The last 48 has been rocking and rolling!

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Yep, we can clearly see the Opening-up all over !
My other counter argument is given how small and compact Gaza is and that inhabitants are in a prison I think it's safe to assume that people know people i.e. you are so and so from so and so family. It's not like people come in and out of the place. It's literally the same people who've been there for decades.
I think Joe and Niall have touched upon the practices of infiltration in the past, it went something like, someone gets arrested, tortured and then given a deal to perform a certain action on a given time, on threat of their lives, and that of their families or worse yet.. on threat of being revealed as having cut a deal with the enemy. It's insidious but I do believe it is documented.

In terms of a prison dynamic, well.. think how many prisoners have deals with prison guards. Or think about how homogenous prisoners really are in how the see the overall working of the prison. That is, Hamas probably isn't a cohesive unit with a single and solid ideology, there must exist internal infighting that can be easily exploited.

Infiltration in that sense, becomes rather easy, IMO. Or think about infiltration that doesn't require someone being on the inside, like an external benefactor who has done enough from the outside in terms of help and weapons and so on, so as to win enough merit and trust and little by little start suggesting moves from an organization.

Remember what was discussed at some point about the Soleimani general in Iran, a nation that one would think is very cohesive, his assassination definitely had the signals of internal workings with external aid.

Considering the preponderance, and their situation, I'd say Hamas is very easy to infiltrate by someone with enough resources and time, which Israel has both of.
Put this

together with this:

"If Israel does not attack Iranian territory, then Tehran will not interfere in the conflict between Tel Aviv and the Hamas group - the Iranian authorities"

and It looks like "armageddon" might have been postponed.

I suspect that the US has been putting pressure on behind the scenes. Continued support for Ukraine is too important to distract with a war in the ME.

So it may turn out that this episode was just more priming of the population, and testing of the will (and conscience) which many failed.
You want me to believe Joe that the US and their poppet Joe Biden developed empathy and compassion in 48 hrs.

from this

The Biden govt. doesn't want anyone spoiling Israel's ongoing slaughter party by mentioning that it's a slaughter party.

Leaked emails show the State Department is discouraging its staff from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence by Israel

In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm.”

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to this
Put this

together with this:

"If Israel does not attack Iranian territory, then Tehran will not interfere in the conflict between Tel Aviv and the Hamas group - the Iranian authorities"

and It looks like "armageddon" might have been postponed.

I suspect that the US has been putting pressure on behind the scenes. Continued support for Ukraine is too important to distract with a war in the ME.

So it may turn out that this episode was just more priming of the population, and testing of the will (and conscience) which many failed.

They probably learned something that scared and forced them to turn around. Who know, maybe Hezbollah as the mean to create an earthquake (figuratively speaking) that can destroy Israel.

What ever the reason, it may put an end to the slaughter in Gaza and that is all that matter.
You want me to believe Joe that the US and their poppet Joe Biden developed empathy and compassion in 48 hrs.

Nothing to do with empathy. I meant that they don't want a larger war in the ME. They're still quite happy for Israel to slaughter Palestinians, but they don't want them to to cross any lines that would ignite a larger war, because the US doesn't want to be involved in 2 major wars at the same time. It would lose at least one of them.
That's Consortium tech. I don't think Israel would have unrestricted access to it. The Consortium could veto use of it for reasons of their own if the higher-level agenda is to see Israel destroyed.
Why would they want to destroy Israel? I think the C's were talking about unintended consequences when they said the result would be the destruction of Israel. It looks like the whole Ukraine project is heading sideways, so they may end up with no base of operations, let's hope so. :-)
Nothing to do with empathy. I meant that they don't want a larger war in the ME. They're still quite happy for Israel to slaughter Palestinians, but they don't want them to to cross any lines that would ignite a larger war, because the US doesn't want to be involved in 2 major wars at the same time. It would lose at least one of them.
At home, in the US, as libtards and other lefties are predominantly pro-Palestinians, Dems already started to feel their electoral body slipping away from them, so the change of hearts is basically self-perservation move. And the establishment even got a jack-pot for old Joe as Kennedy discredited himself in the eyes of the non-conservatives with his pro-Israel 'hate speech' at the start of all this show a week ago.
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