Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

First of all, I'd say believing half of what you see and none of what you hear may be a useful strategy when it comes to reports about Hamas and their brutality. Especially that, as you said yourself, you haven't seen it with your own eyes. Second of all, Israeli decades-long torture of Palestinians has been even more appalling than anything Hamas has done. You're probably familiar with this thread. Not to mention their bombing of civilians during the recent wars in Libya na d Syria - or their proxy wars.

And even if true, to me this whole "Hamas is using civilians as shields" is at best a case of seeing the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and paying no attention to the plank in your own eye.
👍🏼 Thanks
Well interesting take on the British news this morning. This was covered on the BBC and sky. The attack on the convoy in Gaza on Friday was not down to the IDF but Hamas.
The sky reporter who seems to struggle when dealing with been challenged on any non pro Israeli narrative surprisingly asked what evidence do you have. He did not receive an answer. On the BBC the IDF spokesperson was suggesting it was an IED that caused the deaths and devastation. He told the BC reporter we have satellite images and can see Hamas moving everywhere. It's such a shame this kind of intelligence wasn't available when Hamas crossed the border.
So many reporting on our news channels here have this fake empathy which I find difficult to watch. I see a fully equipped military attacking a mainly unarmed population with virtually no defence. Target practice. It's truly horrific what's happening to to the Palestinians regardless of the reason they are using to justify the atrocities against civillians. The Israelis are also continuing to attack Syria without response. How long this can go on I don't know or will restraint be shown by other nations.
I feel the American and British ships will increase the tensions. It's also an opportunity for another false flag if support is waning for the Israeli massacre of the Palestinians. Or an opportunity for attack by Hezbollah or other forces in the area.
Well interesting take on the British news this morning. This was covered on the BBC and sky. The attack on the convoy in Gaza on Friday was not down to the IDF but Hamas.
The sky reporter who seems to struggle when dealing with been challenged on any non pro Israeli narrative surprisingly asked what evidence do you have. He did not receive an answer. On the BBC the IDF spokesperson was suggesting it was an IED that caused the deaths and devastation. He told the BC reporter we have satellite images and can see Hamas moving everywhere. It's such a shame this kind of intelligence wasn't available when Hamas crossed the border.
So many reporting on our news channels here have this fake empathy which I find difficult to watch. I see a fully equipped military attacking a mainly unarmed population with virtually no defence. Target practice. It's truly horrific what's happening to to the Palestinians regardless of the reason they are using to justify the atrocities against civillians. The Israelis are also continuing to attack Syria without response. How long this can go on I don't know or will restraint be shown by other nations.
I feel the American and British ships will increase the tensions. It's also an opportunity for another false flag if support is waning for the Israeli massacre of the Palestinians. Or an opportunity for attack by Hezbollah or other forces in the area.

Nothing is what it seems on the surface atm
That's a possibility. Having said this, I thought the current Jews in Israel were mostly from Eastern Europe?
Yes, but they don't originally come from that location and there was very little intermixing with the local population, so they usually looked foreign. If it they hadn't, it would have been easy to just move to a different city - or country even - and pretend they were Polish rather than Jewish during WW2. Yet this wasn't attempted. Their anatomical features are closer to those of Arabs than Eastern Europeans, so they actually stood out from the local crowd.

Intermixing still isn't popular today either, even in the multicultural west. For example, 82% of the population in England and Wales are white, but only 2.9% are of mixed background. And that's in a society where mixed couples are accepted, which wasn't the case in Eastern Europe in the previous centuries where religious differences were taken much more seriously than in the modern-day West.

Also, a it of anecdotal evidence, but I've lived in the UK for over 14 years now and somehow I can pick out Eastern Europeans from the crowd quite easily, especially the Polish, so there must be something about the facial features that makes us distinguishable.

My other counter argument is given how small and compact Gaza is and that inhabitants are in a prison I think it's safe to assume that people know people i.e. you are so and so from so and so family. It's not like people come in and out of the place. It's literally the same people who've been there for decades.

So, I don't know how IDF and Mossad can send in agents who embed themselves and rise to positions where they can influence the operations of Hamas. How long before someone asks - who are you? what's your family? where's your address? And does some digging.

It's not like fake papers or digital records will work when each person should be known by a whole web of other people given they've all been in that space for a while.

The population of Gaza is 2 million, with the overall Palestinian population being just below 5 million. I'd say it's quite hard to know everyone in a city of this size. My own hometown is around 140,000 people and although I was a very sociable person when I lived there, I certainly didn't know the majority of people living there. And that's with all the technology and freedom of movement available. With 50% unemployment in Gaza the inclination to move around is probably much lower. I can imagine that people in Gaza are much more suspicious of newcomers to their area, at the end of the day the name of that unit is on the internet, so it's probably known to them too. But I don't think Israeli agents just walk in and pretend to be Arabs. They surely must have a back-up story ready. I'd say impersonating a real person isn't out of question either.

Those are just my musings though, I can't find too many details online, but it's hard to expect any covert operations unit to share their tactics online.

What I can see is Hamas operatives can be blackmailed and bought out. Phones and computers can be hacked etc. Short term infiltration certainly can happen but an agent can't infiltrate long term without Mossad establishing some crazy multi generation roots for the agent inside Gaza.
From what I've found, that unit mostly infiltrates the civilian population, and usually on operation-by-operation basis rather than establishing multi-generational roots. Doing that would require the Israeli agents to be almost permanently based there, and I can't imagine they would be keen to do that.

And infiltrating a civilian population that cannot afford to be very mobile would be easier IMO.

As for infiltrating Hamas, according to Sputnik International:
Hamas' precise troop force is unspecified, but various estimations have put the numerical strength of its service members at around 30,000 militants, if non-core members are summoned in an emergency.

Although mixing into a group of 30k people would be much harder, it wouldn't be entirely impossible. Especially if done on operation basis and with a good back-up story at hand.
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I need to sort this out with references, my husband has pretty much been radicalised by Shapiro and JBP and I have had to tell him we have to agree to disagree. But he’s rabid with it in the same way Ben Shapiro is and I need to get the facts straight to deal with it all.

I highly recommend Miko Peled's short book "The General's Son", which is about an Israeli elite family gradually waking up to the truth. This should do it for everybody who's open to it. Maybe there's something on YT by him as well.
"The Ground Invasion of the Gaza Strip has reportedly been Delayed from this Weekend to next Week due to Severe Weather in the Region

"The true reason is the IDF is scared. They have had no legit experience since 2008 & are a bunch of tiktok zoomers..." says Jackson Hinkle. Perhaps, but from our perspective (of the unseen realities) we also know that they have "advisors" and "interpretors" to the hyperdimensional battles being waged that we perceive as weather.​

Q: (L) You mean they had plans to be more aggressive and “in-their-faces”, and they... (Perceval) Why would the disappearance of the plane make them scared or make them back down? Was it "comedown", was that what was said? Like a retreat. So, basically the PTB backed down on Crimea and Russia and that whole situation because the plane disappeared and they were worried about...? (Pierre) So, if you lie too much, if you create too much chaos, like unjustified war, you might increase such a bleedthrough?

A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.

Intense flooding due to rainfall on roads in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Somehow, suffering will provoke a cosmic response, in fact, it reminds me of what Enoch wrote about the suffering of the saints that reached the Lord's ears.​

News presenter cries on air as he witnesses footage of headless Palestinian children in Gaza.
To me, until someone explains the above, I can't see how Hamas can be infiltrated.
On a second thought about my previous reply, I wonder if there’s much need to infiltrate Hamas if it’s covertly controlled by Mossad. And the fact that there’s a Wikipedia entry about the infiltrating unit makes me wonder if it’s just a marketing tactic to show how powerful and clever Israel is, and/or to blame the fact that they already know what Hamas is up to on the said infiltration, while concealing that they're the ones pulling many of Hamas' strings.

Wikipedia having an entry on this in the first place has my alarm bells ringing too. Here's an interview in which former PM of Israel, Naftali Benett, talks about "Zionist editing of Wikipedia". So much for it being trustworthy:

So although I still think it is technically possible for Jews to infiltrate the Palestinian population unrecognised, I'm not too convinced that this is what is happening there. Unless it's another manifestation of the PTB's control obsession. In which case they could still be doing it even if the need isn't really there.
Is this true? Maybe there is some mercy for the Palestinians.

"The Ground Invasion of the Gaza Strip has reportedly been Delayed from this Weekend to next Week due to Severe Weather in the Region that will make it increasingly difficult for Aircraft Pilots and Drone Operators to conduct Air Operations in support of Israeli Ground Troops"
Severe weather, yeah right 🙄. They're hesitating due to squabbles in leadership and likely diplomatic efforts by the multipolar powers. Also they're probably terrified of 1) casualties and 2) public opinion. Israel is in such a precarious position now.

Over all it looks to me like the US wants war with Iran, and so will push the Israelis towards max aggression, just like in Ukraine. But will they be so stupid as to hasten their own destruction?
On nage en plein délire !!!
Le président israélien, Isaac Herzog, affirme qu'Israël agit dans le cadre du droit international, car la "nation entière" de Palestine "est responsable".
"Cette rhétorique selon laquelle les civils ne sont pas conscients, pas informés, est absolument fausse. Ils auraient pu se soulever, ils auraient pu se battre contre ce régime diabolique".
Israël n'hésite pas à massacrer des civils parce qu'il considère, littéralement, selon son président, les civils palestiniens comme des combattants militaires qui sont également responsables des attaques du Hamas. Israël dit que les civils palestiniens n'existent pas...
Permettez-moi de le répéter. Le président israélien vient d'accuser plus de 5 millions de civils, dont la moitié sont des enfants, d'être responsables des attaques du Hamas, et estime que c'est de leur faute et qu'ils méritent d'être exterminés...
Il s'agit d'un génocide.
We are swimming in delirium!!!Israeli President Isaac Herzog says Israel is acting within international law because the "entire nation" of Palestine "is responsible."“This rhetoric that civilians are not aware, not informed, is absolutely false. They could have risen, they could have fought against this evil regime.”Israel does not hesitate to massacre civilians because it considers, literally, according to its president, Palestinian civilians as military combatants who are also responsible for Hamas attacks. Israel says Palestinian civilians don't exist...Let me repeat that. The Israeli president has just accused more than 5 million civilians, half of whom are children, of being responsible for Hamas attacks, and believes that it is their fault and that they deserve to be exterminated. .This is genocide.
Je ne comprends pas ceux qui soutiennent encore Netanyahou et Israël dans leur folie.
Ne se rendent-ils pas compte, que mis à part quelques pantins, plus personne ne va plus jamais les soutenir ?

A QUESTION OF LIFE AND DEATH: WATER IS RUNNING OUT FOR 2 MILLION PEOPLE IN GAZA!! https://www.unrwa.orgi don't understand those who still support Netanyahu and Israel in their madness.Don't they realize that apart from a few puppets, no one will ever support them again?
Une concentration de véhicules blindés de Tsahal au nord des frontières de la bande de Gaza.
Images que vous n'avez jamais vu dans la guerre Russie-Ukraine car une telle concentration serait une cible facile pour des missiles ou des lance-roquettes multiples. Oui sauf qu'en face ils n'ont rien de tout cela.

A concentration of IDF armored vehicles north of the borders of the Gaza Strip.Images you have never seen in the Russia-Ukraine war because such a concentration would be an easy target for missiles or multiple rocket launchers. Yes, except that they have none of that.
Communiqué de presse de Médecins sans Frontières.
Il est encore temps pour Israël d'arrêter le massacre qu'elle s'apprête à faire !
Médecins sans frontières (Gaza : alors que l’ultimatum donné à la population expire, MSF appelle les autorités israéliennes à faire preuve d’humanité)
Gaza : alors que l’ultimatum donné à la population expire, MSF appelle les autorités israéliennes à faire preuve d’humanité | Médecins sans frontières
Déclaration d'Isabelle Defourny, présidente de MSF France.
« Malgré les annonces d’Israël laissant penser qu’il existe des lieux sécurisés pour la population prise au piège dans la bande de Gaza, elle est en réalité exposée aux bombardements dans l’ensemble du territoire, y compris dans le sud, où des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont fui à la suite de l’ultimatum

Press release from Médecins sans Frontières.There is still time for Israel to stop the massacre it is about to carry out!Gaza: as the ultimatum given to the population expires, MSF calls on the Israeli authorities to show humanity | Doctors Without BordersStatement from Isabelle Defourny, president of MSF France.“Despite Israel's announcements suggesting that there are safe places for the population trapped in the Gaza Strip, they are in reality exposed to bombing throughout the territory, including in the south, where tens of thousands of people fled following the ultimatum
L’offensive terrestre israélienne sur Gaza sera retardée de quelques jours en raison de fortes pluies et de nuages. Source : New York Times
Il est encore temps que le monde se réveille !!

Israel's ground offensive on Gaza will be delayed for a few days due to heavy rain and clouds. Source: New York TimesThere is still time for the world to wake up!!
« Les rues sont pleines de gens désespérés qui ne savent pas où aller. Les écoles transformées en logements d'urgence sont complètement surpeuplées", a déclaré une employée locale du journal Allemand, SPIEGEL. Il est difficile de trouver manger et à boire.
"Israël a demandé aux habitants du Nord de Gaza d'évacuer leurs maisons, mais cela concerne plus d'un million de personnes, soit environ la moitié des habitants de cette petite bande côtière, où il n'y a plus d'endroit sûr. Les hôpitaux devraient également être évacués. L'organisation Mondiale de la Santé déclare que cela est impossible et équivaut à une condamnation à mort pour les personnes gravement blessées et ne pouvant s'évader".

“The streets are full of desperate people who don't know where to go. Schools converted into emergency accommodation are completely overcrowded,” said a local employee of the German newspaper SPIEGEL. It is difficult to find food and drink."Israel has asked residents of northern Gaza to evacuate their homes, but this concerns more than a million people, or about half of the inhabitants of this small coastal strip, where there is no longer a safe place "Hospitals should also be evacuated. The World Health Organization says this is impossible and amounts to a death sentence for those seriously injured and unable to escape."
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