Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It's the other way around. The psychopathic "gene" in the Ashkenazi "tribe" being shared by around 50% according to the C's.

The true semites are as far as i understood, those who are descending from the kantekkians who intermingled with homo sapiens. And some of these Semitic people, who may possess as well secret power centers that intensifies the "flow/manifestation" of the entropic energy or of the light/creative energy may possess as well an encoded mission of which they'll be aware after the transition to 4 d. A fact which isp undesirable by the 4d sts to happen, as far as I understood.

The C's reference about the true semites has been mentioned earlier on this thread by seek10:

Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

(L) Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Are we Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So we're going to be the Jews?

(Artemis) We are.

(Joe) None of us have Central Asia in our DNA, do we?

(L) I think we all come out of Central Asia ultimately.

(Joe) Not in our DNA results...

(L) Uh-huh! If you do all our mitochondria and stuff, you always end up there. Okay, next question?

Edit: clarification and grammar
But the psychopathic profile is from today after the elimination of the non psycho Jews. Many of the ones that survived the holocaust may have been much more inclined to cooperare with Nazis, (e.g. George Soros father placed him in care of a Nazi enforcer and he did very well for himself) then reproduced and hence a greater percentage today of psychopathy amounts this cohort.
But the psychopathic profile is from today after the elimination of the non psycho Jews. Many of the ones that survived the holocaust may have been much more inclined to cooperare with Nazis, (e.g. George Soros father placed him in care of a Nazi enforcer and he did very well for himself) then reproduced and hence a greater percentage today of psychopathy amounts this cohort.
This is a bit confusing, so happy to get clarification.
Peterson is on his book tour. He’s doing Belfast tomorrow night and, funnily enough, there are still tickets available. So he’s posted on X about it.

I can’t comment on the post so I had to retweet it with a comment instead, but there’s plenty of people in the comments ‘giving him hell’. I hope his show is heavily disrupted:

Very interesting comments. Uf, very hard if I was JP to read all of this. What will happen to him after his stupid comment? From a star, respected, now he is a worm, for the majority of people who admired him. What a lesson for him, poor man.
Peterson is on his book tour. He’s doing Belfast tomorrow night and, funnily enough, there are still tickets available. So he’s posted on X about it.

I can’t comment on the post so I had to retweet it with a comment instead, but there’s plenty of people in the comments ‘giving him hell’. I hope his show is heavily disrupted:

To me, JP's attitude and all these "mock intellectuals" remind me of Micheal Topper's text, in which he explains how these types of entities hook the soul and gradually undo it.

The Negative program of conquest and ultimate Soul-capture.
In further “defending” his tormentors and interpreting their tactics as a strict but ultimately benevolent discipline, Strieber helpfully displays for us one of the common vulnerabilities on which the Negative tactics count, a kind of hook upon which the Soul is sure to be snagged: the persistent intellectual pride which refuses to be counseled when the counsel seems to touch too close to truth; for any suggestion that his entities are plain evil - that he might be being deceived - seems to cause him to clutch his experiences the more covetously, and guard his interpretation jealously from any who might have a revealing word. He proclaims over and again that no one can explain his experiences to him since they’re uniquely his, that anyone with another interpretation /ipso facto/ has an ax to grind; and finally, his intellectual superiority makes him uniquely qualified to pioneer this field which he acknowledges sharing with other “abductees,” inferentially not so well qualified.
In other words, he invokes the ever popular “its MY truth!”

In fact, I believe that what is evident in th Palestine is to show us that MKultra hard with which they want to intimidate and confuse us to hook us in a Stockholm syndrome, the irony is that the weak-minded are the first to fall and they happen to be the "intellectuals" of our time.
Iran has sent a warning message to Israel through the UN saying that Iran will have to intervene if the IDF launches a ground operation in Gaza

From the UK Independent online.

Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian warns Israel could suffer ‘huge earthquake’ if fighting continues

Graeme Massie, Los Angeles

23:00 hrs – 14-10-2023

Iran has told Israel through the UN that it will intervene if the country’s operations against Hamas in Gaza continue, a report has claimed.

Israel has warned 1.1 million people living in the north of the enclave to evacuate ahead of an expected ground operation in Gaza with the IDF planning to strike the territory from land, sea and air.

Iran’s involvement could be through a militant group from Syria or by backing Hezbollah to join the conflict, diplomatic sources told Axios.

Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said that Israel’s operations could cause fighting to expand to other areas of the Middle East which would cause Israel to suffer “a huge earthquake”, reported the Associated Press.

Hezbollah has thousands of fighters and an estimated 150,000 rockets and missiles capable of hitting anywhere in Israel, according to the outlet.

“I know about the scenarios that Hezbollah has put in place,” Mr Amirabdollahian said from Beirut on Saturday. “Any step the resistance (Hezbollah) will take will cause a huge earthquake in the Zionist entity.”

And he added: “I want to warn the war criminals and those who support this entity before it’s too late to stop the crimes against civilians in Gaza, because it might be too late in few hours.”

Mr Amirabdollahian said that he would be contacting UN officials in the region as “there is still an opportunity to work on an initiative (to end the war) but it might be too late tomorrow.”


It appears that the source of this report is via Axios:

Scoop: Iran warns Israel through UN against ground offensive in Gaza

Other news sources online are following up with the same e.g.

Iran Warns Israel of Intervention into Gaza War

Both Walla and Axios have reported from their diplomatic sources that Iranian officials conveyed a message to Israel through U.N envoys that a potential Iranian intervention into the conflict between Israeli military forces and Hamas/Gaza militant factions could happen if IDF operations continue in Gaza. Iran reportedly stressed it did not want to see further escalation, but would be forced to intervene if the fighting continues.
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Followed by the below message about Israel. Clearly his thoughts have wandered in the same direction as us on this thread:
Now this is a reality i was unprepared for. Jordan Peterson, the Youth's Messiah, trying to put people in to sleep, and Andrew Tate, the Modern Pimp, waking people up.
I guess it was Andrew Tate that was the hero we needed but didn't deserve after all. 🤔

BTW, in light of all of what is happening recently, i view JBP portrayed as Red Skull in a different light. "Hail Lobster!" gets a completely new meaning if you start demanding genocide... 😏

Boor JBP. He became the Nazi he was afraid of becoming. 😢
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This poll conducted in Israel paints the picture of a frightened Israeli population who no longer trust their government.

A poll published by Hebrew media outlet Walla on 12 October reveals that a majority of Israelis are blaming their government for failing to protect them in the wake of Hamas’ unprecedented surprise attack against Israel last weekend.

According to the poll, 94 percent of Israelis have held their government responsible for the complete collapse of defense systems in the settlements surrounding Gaza, which were stormed by over a thousand resistance fighters early Saturday morning.

Another 67 percent of Israelis believe that their government’s recent failure to predict the attack is greater than the failure of 1973.

During the October 1973 war, Israel was completely taken by surprise when Egyptian-led Arab forces launched a joint attack against it. However, Israel later managed to gain the upper hand against the attacking Arab armies, culminating in their defeat.

The poll also shows that 56 percent of Israelis think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resign at the end of the war, while 52 percent think that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant should also resign.

84 percent believe that Hamas resistance fighters storming the Gaza envelope settlements – which led to the taking of over 100 Israeli captives – represents a great leadership failure, including 79 percent of right-wing Israelis.

59 percent say they do not trust Tel Aviv’s management of the ongoing war with the Gaza resistance, while 88 percent of right-wing voters in Israel say they do not trust their government.

The poll adds that 92 percent are in a state of severe panic and anxiety.

Many polls carried out in Israel over the past several months have reflected the decreasing trust between Israelis and their leadership, and a rapidly growing concern over the future of the State of Israel.
An article by Pepe Escobar mentions the following:

It's no secret - apart from the modus operandi - that Putin and Erdogan have discussed a possible Turkish humanitarian naval convoy to Gaza, which would be protected from an Israeli attack by the Russian Navy out of its Tartous base in Syria and the Russian air Force out of Hmeimim. That would raise the stakes to unforeseen levels.

Three religions, one (Islam) the sworn enemy of the two allied (Judaism and pseudo-Christianity) in their hate.
And the prophesies that are “history written in advance” by the final victors. Not Muslim, Jew, or Christian.

It seems to me all that is evil in this world is the meddling of evil in this world. All that is good has come from the hearts and efforts of compassionate men and women who through knowledge and reason act with intention to preserve the right all have to the sovereignty of their own souls. Divine intervention acts through these hearts as it sought out by them.

I have been voraciously reading to try and come to terms with all this and I am so very very grateful for all of @Laura ‘s decades of study and research that has enabled us to know and understand. It most certainly is Amazing Grace.
I recommend reading from Yahweh to Zion. Judaism is allied with no one.

Yesterday a volunteer told me that Hamas shot their own dogs because they began barking at them
Don't believe everything that you hear.

Any 'final solution' being implemented by Israel is principally about land. They have no strategic need to kill more than necessary to achieve that... wicked enough as that is.
But that still doesn't mean genocide is their specific strategic intention.
Perhaps 4D STS has objectives other than land.

BTW, in light of all of what is happening recently, i view JBP portrayed as Red Skull in a different light. "Hail Lobster!" gets a completely new meaning if you start demanding genocide... 😏
What kind of steps can people take at the most basic level?

A: Changing the mode of self-presentation and self-representation is the most basic.
(L) So these are the kinds of small changes people can make. And by making these changes, what then happens?

A: Will attract the new reality incrementally.
It looks like presenting as a bad guy turns one into a bad guy.

For all of us not in Palestine and Israel now, the battle is still through us.
Check out Ben Shapiro's Zionist Propaganda Hour
Can you spot all the obfuscation, misrepresentation and outright lies spewed over a mere 9 minutes?

The way he picked and chose what to include and what to leave out tells me that, at some level, he knows very well that the facts are not on his side, but he has a duty to his tribe.

Also, gotta love it when people mention the Bible to bolster historical arguments :rotfl:
I recommend reading from Yahweh to Zion. Judaism is allied with no one.
I was referencing that they are only allied in their hate for strategic purposes. Discussed at length in this article written by Laura:
Reisenhoover spoke freely to me of his plans to move tax-free dollars from American donors to Israel. In 1985 he served as chairman of the American Forum for Jewish-Christian Cooperation, being assisted by Douglas Krieger as executive director, and an American rabbi, David Ben-Ami, closely linked with Ariel Sharon.
The way he picked and chose what to include and what to leave out tells me that, at some level, he knows very well that the facts are not on his side, but he has a duty to his tribe.
Also, gotta love it when people mention the Bible to bolster historical arguments :rotfl:
I think Titus speaks for us all here.

This poll conducted in Israel paints the picture of a frightened Israeli population who no longer trust their government.
It's encouraging they are holding the blame squarely on their leadership, where it belongs. I'd like to see what the polls in western countries say.

Looks like the protests Netanyahu wanted to suppress with the "surprise Hamas attack" have come anyway.
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