Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I don't understand what you mean.. ?

What I mean is that 'Mutually' Assured Destruction is kind of contingent on the belligerents being known to each other. If, instead of a nuclear payload being delivered by aircraft or missile, it was somehow smuggled into Israel and then set off on the ground, then that would potentially negate the negative consequences for whoever carried out the operation.

This is what I was meaning when I responded to SOTTREADER's comments about Iran not being crazy enough to attack Israel.
As Mercouris on The Duran pointed out, the Palestinians are in a real pickle regarding the demand that they should move from the North of Gaza to the South. If they leave, they can be sure that they’ll never get their land areas back, and if they stay they’ll be in severe danger for their lives. Really awful situation!

This aspect of a ‘land grab’ makes me lean more towards this, at least initially, having been a FF plan by the Zionists. Plus, all the references to 9/11 show that the usual suspects want to use the situation as leverage. Cui bono, and all that.
As Mercouris on The Duran pointed out, the Palestinians are in a real pickle regarding the demand that they should move from the North of Gaza to the South. If they leave, they can be sure that they’ll never get their land areas back, and if they stay they’ll be in severe danger for their lives.

The fact that Israel's demand for the Palestinians to leave or else suffer collective punishment is practically impossible shows that there really is no 'pickle'. They are going to die.
What I mean is that 'Mutually' Assured Destruction is kind of contingent on the belligerents being known to each other. If, instead of a nuclear payload being delivered by aircraft or missile, it was somehow smuggled into Israel and then set off on the ground, then that would potentially negate the negative consequences for whoever carried out the operation.

This is what I was meaning when I responded to SOTTREADER's comments about Iran not being crazy enough to attack Israel.
Ah I see !

I'm inclined to believe that:

1. No one in the region is stupid enough to use nukes so close to home.
[ A little bit of weather and it comes right back atcha ]

2. Not sure it would be allowed at this point [ by any number of entities ]
A very thought provoking (45 minute) video with David DuByne of adapt 2030 having to do with this conflict.

Some of David’s take away points:

For the west, this war MUST GO into Iran. Thus, constant escalation.

It’s about cutting off China’s oil supply and killing BRICS.

Emir of Qatar: “If the bombing of Gaza does not stop, we will stop the flow of oil to the world.”

All nations including Russian and China are all in on the CBDCs

If this war goes into Iran, the US will start a draft, and rationing. (Buy up the things you like now)

Many conjunctions of dates, and celestial configurations coming together with this time / war.

Kabbala (tree of life) lining up in October of 2024 (in the heavens)

Something is weird or missing about Jerusalem. Structures missing from past drawings. Did planetary electrical discharges hit Jerusalem in the past?

The last celestial line up like this was 79ad.

JBP is firmly on the Israhell's bandwagon, while it seems that the disgraced pimp Andrew Tate is right on the money about the whole Palestine vs Israel issue. Tradcons have been mostly embracing Tate as one of their own recently (well, minus JBP maybe), but it looks like their support has vanished now that Tate has dared to suggest that maybe an all-out war and carpet bombing of Palestine aren't the best of ideas.

On X Shapiro told those who call for truce between Palestine and Israel to "f***k right off", to which Tate replied the following:

This resulted in an article on DW that described the exchange that followed, bringing up Tate's questionable morality (funny how this was downplayed - if now completely overlooked by many of them lately - and now they remember it?) and blasting him for his support of Palestine: Ben Shapiro, Jeremy Boreing Blast Andrew Tate For Vile Take On Israel | The Daily Wire

Tate has been posting quite a lot of Palestine supporting content on his X account. So basically, an immoral pimp has a better grasp of the situation than those self-proclaimed defenders of morality and proponents of family values :nuts: Bearing JBP's "Give them hell Netanyahu" in mind, compare this to Tate's messages:


On his X profile, Tate is also talking about his War Room delivering aid and food to Palestine. I haven't looked into the details or credibility of those claims though.

He also sent the following to his supporters via email in reference to Shapiro and other tradcons:


Followed by the below message about Israel. Clearly his thoughts have wandered in the same direction as us on this thread:


Seriously, I feel sorry for an average Joe starting his journey towards awakening around now. It's near impossible to figure out who the good guys are and which sources to trust. The task of separating the wheat from the chaff must feel close to impossible to undertake.
I guess that's the danger of not having a network. RIP JPB.

Well, he actually does have a network: the Daily Wire and the tradcon gang. Except that his network is mostly interested in shouting into their own echo chamber and reassuring themselves and each other that if they got the whole banana in one area, surely they must be right about everything else too. So I'd say it's not about having a network - but having a good one. One that continuously evaluates its own ideas, and is open to discourse with its members instead of "wisdom" being fed in a top-down manner from "leaders" who think they already know it all. That he clearly does not have. I mean, dude has literally restricted who can reply to his tweets to avoid hearing what his network has to say.

The same could be said about Tate: he has a network too, just not a very useful one. I think the below quote would be helpful to followers of those all-knowing gurus:

I don't mean that Israel won't willingly commit crimes against humanity/war crimes. It has already openly declared its intention to do so by:
  • Ordering the evacuation
  • Deny food, water, electricity and particularly medicine to civilians
  • Deliberately targeting non combatants, etc
  • Deliberately bombing civilian areas to create maximum damage.
  • etc
These are all against international law. Israel openly flouts this as it has done for decades.

The convoy attack was likely either a callous product of an indifference to managing internal communication between military branches or a deliberate war crime designed to panic the population into getting out any way possible because they have been sent a message that there will be no limits if they remain...

But that still doesn't mean genocide is their specific strategic intention.

But that also doesn't mean it will not become a 'natural' byproduct of their systemic callous cruelty...
Are Israel trying to poke the bear? Are they not getting the reaction they want yet? Do they want to escalate the situation dso much so that they can find their own justification to push through to nuclear Armageddon and in their wishful thinking force the coming of their messiah?
Atm besides the fact that the only international airport is operating wayyy below normal flight capacity, flights are being cancelled left and right.

Furthermore, there have been attempts at striking the airport itself

and lastly, but most importantly: I am not inclined to abandon the people around me. My partner has elderly parents, my cat cannot just travel whenever I decide he should (animal quarantine rules, etc)

I also don't know if this makes sense but: If I start running out of fear, what signal am I sending the universe ?
( In a reality transurfing sense )

If / when the situation relaxes, we will leave

We have not wanted to be here for years
But the inertia of work pushes things forward faster than we notice at "times"

Yes I would leave
Yes I have wanted to leave for a long time.

One way or another, I will leave eventually
I understand completely
No one with a heart would leave helpless loved one’s behind when they are fit in mind and body. Unless they could guarantee it would be to find passage our fur everyone. We will continue to pray for you and those you hold dear and protect.
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