Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The Grayzone has just gone live with a new report on the war. I'm very worried for the entire region at the moment, you can never tell how these kinda acts can cause a sudden escalation. Given history, it's very difficult to see Gaza surviving this time. Hamas clearly chose to die on their feet, rather than live on their knees. Many have predicted a Gazan exodus this last week, well, now it looks most likely to be a 5d migration. I've tried to put myself in their shoes and I struggle to articulate just what I'd do in that situation. Prolonged Palestinian grief is a given, while the psychopaths governing Israel let themselves off their admittedly long leash. They've wanted to finish off Gaza for years, maybe now it finally happens.

Let's hope that balanced forces slap psychos in the right rhythm
Wasn't singling you out. Indeed there are many different individual circumstances. It's difficult (if not impossible) to cite every possibility. The idea was not generalizing because every person or individual has reasons and circumstances. What I had in mind was those colonists who wait to have a piece of land that had until recently its own inhabitants. In the 90's there have been a few TV documentaries of French TV showing such families (impossible to show that today). They weren't persecuted or anything, and some were economically well established. Sometimes it was for better economic perspectives and sometimes it was for religious reasons. Those were a few examples but it doesn't apply to everyone of course.
Yes I completely understand !

Did not think for a second that the intention was to single out

And took the opportunity to open up a bit more about my (and many people's) positions
Let's hope that balanced forces slap psychos in the right rhythm

Absolutely. It's the hardest aspect of life for me, watching psychopaths wreak havoc and never being held to account. And it's been 25 years of watching the same dynamics play out over and over again. And I'm no fan of Hamas, what they did was evil. But was it another Mossad playbook with the infiltrated Hamas, and the collective punishment being meted out will result in total tragedy. Makes me think of the fate of Dresden at the end of WW2. Events such as these will leave scars on the soul of those who witnessed it. The trauma is already trans-generational. At this point I'd really like to know where Israel thinks it's heading in terms of international standing. The US is in decline, as is the UK, the old orders of imperialism are fading powers. Russia and China are formidable emerging powers. I see Israel as having some more of a part to play in how our geo-political landscape changes in the years to come.
The sands of time are running...


The stakes could not be higher - but the Russian's, Chinese, Saudis, Iranians and other Arab States clearly mean business this time - and for the first time in 70 plus years there is a seriously powerful block uniting around stopping the Zionist project in its tracks at its most dangerous of all moments...

The darkest hour before dawn...?

This is joyful news. The entire sane world is slowly turning against the Israeli project now. It's not gonna be an easy road but seriously looks like the days are numbered for the current world order. I may be being too optimistic but there is a glimmer of hope that justice and peace may one day reign, and that we are witnessing potential early steps towards it.

The Grayzone has just gone live with a new report on the war. I'm very worried for the entire region at the moment, you can never tell how these kinda acts can cause a sudden escalation. Given history, it's very difficult to see Gaza surviving this time. Hamas clearly chose to die on their feet, rather than live on their knees. Many have predicted a Gazan exodus this last week, well, now it looks most likely to be a 5d migration. I've tried to put myself in their shoes and I struggle to articulate just what I'd do in that situation. Prolonged Palestinian grief is a given, while the psychopaths governing Israel let themselves off their admittedly long leash. They've wanted to finish off Gaza for years, maybe now it finally happens.

At least from our perspective, not getting bogged down in hardcore religion or tribalism, it does seem that the Palestinians are some brave souls who incarnated in this time and place for a reason. In some ways they are the linchpin upon which the whole world rotates. They are in the centre point of the clash of civilizations in this grand drama that is rapidly approaching its climax. Their suffering is a service to us all.

That might also be what makes this so important from a spiritual standpoint. To disrespect this suffering and side with the oppressor in your heart would be a grave mistake spiritually, OSIT.

This is all speculation of course, and clearly biased at that, but we are definitely witnessing something of cosmic importance here.
This is joyful news. The entire sane world is slowly turning against the Israeli project now. It's not gonna be an easy road but seriously looks like the days are numbered for the current world order. I may be being too optimistic but there is a glimmer of hope that justice and peace may one day reign, and that we are witnessing potential early steps towards it.

At least from our perspective, not getting bogged down in hardcore religion or tribalism, it does seem that the Palestinians are some brave souls who incarnated in this time and place for a reason. In some ways they are the linchpin upon which the whole world rotates. They are in the centre point of the clash of civilizations in this grand drama that is rapidly approaching its climax. Their suffering is a service to us all.

That might also be what makes this so important from a spiritual standpoint. To disrespect this suffering and side with the oppressor in your heart would be a grave mistake spiritually, OSIT.

This is all speculation of course, and clearly biased at that, but we are definitely witnessing something of cosmic importance here.

May all this chaos not be in vain !

And those who have led to the sword, themselves be lain
In a video released by the Qatari authorities, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani warns that they are threatening to create a global gas shortage in support of Palestine, warning they will
with creating a global gas shortage in support of Palestine, warning that they will cut off gas supplies to the world if the bombing in Gaza does not stop.

He was in Berlin where he met with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In view of this last video, it seems that the visit did not lead to any hopeful compromise for Europe with these two geniuses as negotiators.
The Biden govt. doesn't want anyone spoiling Israel's ongoing slaughter party by mentioning that it's a slaughter party.

Leaked emails show the State Department is discouraging its staff from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence by Israel

In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm.”

LikeSadly the irony of all those who demonize the Palestinians and wax supreme over everyone else about Israel have no idea that they will soon exchange places with the Palestinians.
Those who enforce the compulsory flags of Israel all over Europe, and soon make it a criminal offence to mention anything to do with Palestine are the evil jailers, the freedom stealers and creators of this prison planet.
The psychopaths will unleash terrorists cells all over Europe to purposefully create the fear to fulfil their WEF agendas anddworse. The 15 minutes cities are the new controlled ghettos, patrolled, etc the Israeli way as in of Gaza and West Bank. Prisons and worse for non conformers or any misery they wish or feel like imposing at their whim.
Balkanization, owning nothing and being happy is what they are already baying for.
The Palestinians may yet get their country back in the long term, sadly after it has been blitzed and horrendous suffering. Freedom will be won in the war torn areas of the Eastern Mediterranean eventually ,yet Western/Europe/USA get the draconian treatment, lockdowns, barbed wire and worse.
As for the fate of the arrogant jailers........
A possible total role reversal, if that is how far they are permitted to go, or how long it takes to stop them in their tracks.
Only time will tell if we witness karma in the making.
However, meantime those that stay tuned in, grounded and have unshakeable faith and wills of iron become even more of a minority in the zombie world, doing their best to retain their sanity, compassion and authentic self. Focusing on whatever is in front of them to be done, however they can do it. Until a few more can finally see the objective realities.
The mantra being: It is what it is! Chop wood and carry water.
The Israel Defense Forces have received orders to double their strikes on the Gaza Strip starting tomorrow.

Local media claim Israel's communications minister plans to cut off Internet services to Gaza at midnight

Saudi Foreign Ministry: We affirm our categorical rejection of calls for the forced displacement of the Palestinian people from Gaza and demand the lifting of the siege on our Arab and Muslim brothers in Gaza
You see it, now you don't see it.

Israel to Cut Internet in Gaza, Gives Hospital Just Hours to Evacuate​

Israel’s Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, said on Friday that all internet services in Gaza would be cut off from Saturday, making it extremely difficult to document the unfolding situation in the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel's Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi: "We will stop all internet services in the Gaza Strip starting tomorrow."

They don't want us to see the massacre of children anymore
The Biden govt. doesn't want anyone spoiling Israel's ongoing slaughter party by mentioning that it's a slaughter party.

Leaked emails show the State Department is discouraging its staff from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence by Israel

In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm.”

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Despicable, horrendeous

Yet their desperation !

That is a actually a good thing

They have become transparent in their bloodlust
Peterson has completely lost it. Whilst early on having some doubts about his temperament this has been very surprising to witness, can't say I'm happy to see this intelligent bloke get it so horribly wrong. He's ignoring about a good decade's worth of his own insights about the human condition and has made himself a blunt instrument for a pathological cabal. He's very unstable emotionally as a general rule, so what he must be feeling like right now must be off the charts. I pointed out many years back on here that he surrounded himself with liberal Zionists and was told it was normal and I was being a little too conspiratorial. Well now, knowing what we do about people becoming possessed by ideas (which Peterson himself popularised), we can finally see him in full on werewolf mode, utterly convinced of his own righteousness and increasingly blowing his short fuse. This has been an egregious fall from grace by an otherwise intelligent man.

As for is it soul-smashing? He'll be devastated when he finally learns he's on "the other side". All there is is lessons after all.
Peterson has completely lost it. Whilst early on having some doubts about his temperament this has been very surprising to witness, can't say I'm happy to see this intelligent bloke get it so horribly wrong. He's ignoring about a good decade's worth of his own insights about the human condition and has made himself a blunt instrument for a pathological cabal. He's very unstable emotionally as a general rule, so what he must be feeling like right now must be off the charts. I pointed out many years back on here that he surrounded himself with liberal Zionists and was told it was normal and I was being a little too conspiratorial. Well now, knowing what we do about people becoming possessed by ideas (which Peterson himself popularised), we can finally see him in full on werewolf mode, utterly convinced of his own righteousness and increasingly blowing his short fuse. This has been an egregious fall from grace by an otherwise intelligent man.

As for is it soul-smashing? He'll be devastated when he finally learns he's on "the other side". All there is is lessons after all.
It really is sad 😑
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