Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Is this true? Maybe there is some mercy for the Palestinians.

"The Ground Invasion of the Gaza Strip has reportedly been Delayed from this Weekend to next Week due to Severe Weather in the Region that will make it increasingly difficult for Aircraft Pilots and Drone Operators to conduct Air Operations in support of Israeli Ground Troops"

Something is off - about the claim of “severe weather” in Israel.

I am so puzzled about the flooding video and the claim that the weather is so bad over Israel, aka “severe weather”… that it would impact the performance of the Israeli military to invade Gaza.

To my eyes I could not see particularly bad weather over Israel 14 Oct 2023. And the outlook for the next days is sunny and warm.

I checked the windy satellites archive for 13, 14, 15 oct 2023 - saw a few rather innocent looking showers drifting into Israel, late evening on 14 Oct 2023. Tel Aviv appeared to have gotten 4.1 mm rain within that one hour where rain fell that day.

So, the video of flooding due to severe weather is a total mystery to me. Or do they just spit out anything ? Indicating that the delay of the ground invasion on Gaza may have other reasons. It ain’t the weather, from what i can see.

I add some files i could find regarding the weather and precipitation for Tel Aviv 14 Oct 2023. It is all a nit crudely done, because i am on an iPhone and not on a home computer.

All this may not mean anything. But i always get skeptical when the weather blamed - i usually go back and check that out if it could be true or not.


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Pepe Escobar vía X

The Hegemon “leadership” is acting like the proverbial bunch of – scared to death - headless chickens.

They sent their painfully out of his depth Secretary of State to Jordan - which is about the only Arab government that would talk to him at this incandescent stage.

The Little King told Little Blinkie in no uncertain terms: neither Jordan nor the Arab world will tolerate the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

That’s why we have now this ground invasion postponed “because of the weather” charade – which only fools sections of the already zombified NATOstan masses.

The phone call a few days ago between MbS and Raisi made it clear that Iran-Saudi Arabia are in synch on Palestine.

The Americans are absolutely terrified. If they give the green light for the impending genocide, it’s not only bye bye to any “allies” in West Asia – and beyond.

That will be a declaration of war against ALL the lands of Islam – for whom a Nakba 2.0 is beyond any red line.

And at the same that will seal the definitive alienation of the overwhelming majority of the Global South/Global Majority – with no turning back.

That’s why – out of nowhere – a few articles about the Israeli bombing massacre are showing up in collective West mainstream media.

At least some exceptionalists with an IQ above room temperature can see the folly of sacrificing the Hegemon’s geopolitical “interests” in the altar of a deeply corrupt, incompetent Zionist psychopath.
Nothing to do with empathy. I meant that they don't want a larger war in the ME. They're still quite happy for Israel to slaughter Palestinians, but they don't want them to to cross any lines that would ignite a larger war, because the US doesn't want to be involved in 2 major wars at the same time. It would lose at least one of them.
I sincerely hope that you are right Joe and I also hope that it mean a rapid end for Natanyahou and for Hamas as well.
The first is completely mad and if the latest pole are true, is political career is finish but as I said last week, a cornered psycho can be very dangerous. As for Hamas, I hope that the Palestinian realize how dangerous they are and how close they were of loosing everything because of them.
Let wait and see as the C's like to say.
Actually, this issue of who are what is a "Semite" today seems to be far more complicated than the above treatment, given what the C's have said elsewhere in the transcripts:

Session 20 October 2005:

Q: (Galahad) In reading through the transcripts in the 9/11 book, I was confused about the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago. Was that a tweak that was done to all the Semites, so it wasn’t only the Jews?

A: Question is what is a Semite?

Q: (Galahad) You make a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. So was this something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galahad) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Galahad) So, when we’re looking at a replay, we’re REALLY looking at a replay!

A: Yup.

Q: (Discussion of who are the Semites) (Galahad) So the real Semites are the Aryans?

A: You got it!

Q: (L) So that means that the rank and file of Jews that have carried the tradition, the Arabic types, just took on the tradition and carried it... They were just intermediaries. They stole the significator of the original Semites and applied it to themselves. (Perceval) Semites is like Middle Eastern, isn’t it?

A: Is it? Was it?

Q: (Galahad) Then the genetic tweak, was it made in the Aryan Semites or was it made in the Jews that we know as Jews today?

A: Aryan. Reason for destruction of Jews of the “Abrahamic” line.

So, from the above, it seems that we should really be asking who are the Aryans? Sephardic Jews are meant to descend from the Abrahamic line based on Abraham who the C's have told us was also Moses. So what did the C's say about Abraham/Moses's roots:​

Session 20 August 2001:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.

Long before Palestine was called by that name it was the land of Canaan. So who are the Canaanites, the ancestors of the modern Palestinians? Here is what Wikipedia says about the matter:

The name "Canaan" appears throughout the Bible as a geography associated with the "Promised Land". The demonym "Canaanites" serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations — both settled and nomadic pastoral groups — throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan. It is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible. Biblical scholar Mark Smith, citing archaeological findings, suggests "that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature.

This suggests, therefore, a strong link between the Canaanites and the people who eventually emerged as the Israelites and Jews. So where do the Hittites fit in? Here is what Wikipedia says about the connection:

The first cities in the southern Levant arose during this period. The major sites were 'En Esur and Meggido. These "proto-Canaanites" were in regular contact with the other peoples to their south such as Egypt, and to the north Asia Minor (Hurrians, Hattians, Hittites, Luwians) and Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria), a trend that continued through the Iron Age.

Incidentally, Meggido is where the reference to "Armageddon" (the apocalyptic final battle) comes in to play. To complicate matters further, the Akkadian Empire referred to above was a Semitic dominated empire, whose first ruler was Sargon the Great. The C's confirmed that Sargon was a Scythian, who were originally Caucasians (Aryans) who had migrated from the Caucasus to China before being turned back and retracing their steps through Central Asia and eventually entering into the Middle East:​

Q: (L) Well, we should have figured that. There's hardly been anybody else running things for the last 300 thousand years or so. Okay, going in another direction: what other names were the Danaans known by?
A: Scythians.
Q: (L) How did the Scythians get to Egypt?
A: VIA Akkad.
Q: (L) Was Sargon a Scythian?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Were the Hittites a genetically altered group of Scythians?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Where do the Scythians come from?
A: China.
Q: (L) How did they get to China?
A: From the Caucasus.
Q: (L) So, they started off from the Caucasus, went to China, and were later driven back West by the Chinese? Is that it?
A: Yes.
[MJF: Proof of this can be found in the discovery of the Tarim Mummies in the Tarim Basin located in present-day Xinjiang, China - see: ]
Q: (L) Northern China or Southern China?
A: North.

Thus, peoples like the Hittites, who dominated Anatolia (Turkey) and parts of modern day Iraq and Syria in the age of Moses and Akhenaten, were in fact Scythians and Semitic speakers. During Sargon's reign, East Semitic was standardized and adapted for use with the cuneiform script previously used in the Sumerian language into what is now known as the "Akkadian language". And as to the relationship between Judah and the Hittites in Biblical times:

As the discoveries in the second half of the 19th century revealed the scale of the Hittite kingdom, Archibald Sayce asserted that, rather than being compared to Judah, the Anatolian civilization "[was] worthy of comparison to the divided Kingdom of Egypt", and was "infinitely more powerful than that of Judah". Sayce and other scholars also noted that Judah and the Hittites were never enemies in the Hebrew texts; in the Book of Kings, they supplied the Israelites with cedar, chariots, and horses, and in the Book of Genesis were friends and allies to Abraham. Uriah the Hittite was a captain in King David's army and counted as one of his "mighty men" in 1 Chronicles 11.

Indeed, Laura refers above to the Danaans who might well be the group who became the Israelite Tribe of Dan and possibly were also the tall red haired giants known as the Tuatha de Danann of Irish legend (Abraham by legend is reputed to have been a red head as was King David). As someone of Irish stock, I consider myself to be a Gael (who are also known as Milesian Celts) who emigrated from Spain to Ireland during the Iron Age but originally came from much further east. One particular group of Gaels were called the Scotti, who would migrate from Ireland to conquer Scotland during the Dark Age. The Scotti themselves considered that they were Scythians (ref. the Declaration of Arbroath dated 1320 AD).

If Abraham/Moses was a Scythian Hittite, as suggested by the C's, then as the perceived father of the Sephardic Jewish people, this means that Sephardic Jews have a common heritage with not only the Semitic peoples of the Middle East (including the Canaanites/Palestinians) today but also Western European Celts such as the Gaels, Scots and the Celts of Northern Spain etc. Given how many people of Irish and Scottish heritage live in North America, Australia and numerous other countries, this hugely widens the scope of who is a Semite. However, if Abraham (as a figure linked to Trojan Prince Paris) has a connection to ancient Troy, as located today in Cambridge, England according to Iman Wilkens, then the Semitic links may go much further than this.

Ant referred above to the population of England and Wales (an ancient Celtic land where Welsh is still spoken) being 81% white today. However, when I was born in the 1950's, it was 99.9% white. Thus, there are many ways to destroy or undermine Aryan/Semite populations besides genocide, mass migration being another. Recently, the British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who is herself the child of Indian migrants to Britain (see: Suella Braverman - Wikipedia), in a controversial speech made in Washington only last month criticising multiculturalism, stated that it allowed people to "come to our society and live parallel lives in it" and that it "makes no demands of the incomer to integrate." Unlike in Paris (see Perlou's post above), in London there was a large pro-Palestinian demonstration yesterday that passed off peacefully. However, there are growing tensions between pro-Palestinian supporters throughout the country and the Jewish community, which is seeing more attacks and vandalism against Jewish persons and property. Should the onslaught against Gaza, currently postponed, proceed with a huge loss of Palestinian lives, I can see these tensions boiling over, particularly if the British Government is seen to condone the Israeli action. Given that all British Governments since Tony Blair's (I just can't bring myself to add his new title of "Sir") have backed "large scale" migration to Britain, if the Gaza conflict does materialise in a humanitarian disaster, then like France and other Western European countries, I can see chickens coming home to roost where the folly of multiculturalism is concerned, just as Suella Braverman has pointed out to howls of rage from the political left.

In case this excerpt from the transcripts has not been mentioned already (I haven't read every page of this fast growing thread), I am quoting it below as it adds to certain quotations posted earlier:

Session 23 August 2014:
A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger, which will reach in a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.


(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Q: (L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

Apologies in advance if it has already been quoted.​
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From an article on;

The Arab world around Israel has become much stronger and richer and more united. If Israel attempts to kill that many Muslims, it's not just the Gaza strip that is under threat, but Israel itself is.

It's also curious how they cut down the potential for Russel Brand to get more followers just before this kicked off. Especially since he's recently had Gabor Maté on his show, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, giving an objective overview of what the Palestinians have suffered under the Israeli occupation.
Please spread this video of Gabor Maté (author of a book in the recommended books list, IIRC), jewish Canadian, about the genocide in Palestine :

To share it on X (ex-Twitter) :
Pepe Escobar vía X

The Hegemon “leadership” is acting like the proverbial bunch of – scared to death - headless chickens.

They sent their painfully out of his depth Secretary of State to Jordan - which is about the only Arab government that would talk to him at this incandescent stage.

The Little King told Little Blinkie in no uncertain terms: neither Jordan nor the Arab world will tolerate the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

That’s why we have now this ground invasion postponed “because of the weather” charade – which only fools sections of the already zombified NATOstan masses.

The phone call a few days ago between MbS and Raisi made it clear that Iran-Saudi Arabia are in synch on Palestine.

The Americans are absolutely terrified. If they give the green light for the impending genocide, it’s not only bye bye to any “allies” in West Asia – and beyond.

That will be a declaration of war against ALL the lands of Islam – for whom a Nakba 2.0 is beyond any red line.

And at the same that will seal the definitive alienation of the overwhelming majority of the Global South/Global Majority – with no turning back.

That’s why – out of nowhere – a few articles about the Israeli bombing massacre are showing up in collective West mainstream media.

At least some exceptionalists with an IQ above room temperature can see the folly of sacrificing the Hegemon’s geopolitical “interests” in the altar of a deeply corrupt, incompetent Zionist psychopath.
Hmmm. And King Abdullah has just met with Rishi Sunak too - PM meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan: 15 October 2023. They must be getting really nervous. Where you say:

"At least some exceptionalists with an IQ above room temperature can see the folly of sacrificing the Hegemon’s geopolitical “interests” in the altar of a deeply corrupt, incompetent Zionist psychopath."

perhaps the undergrounders, who seem to have higher IQ's than your average psychopathic western leader:

Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?

A: Psychopath.

Q: (Joe) Is he an underground person?

A: No, not smart enough.

may be stepping in, as behind the scenes advisors, to calm things down. Who knows?
This came in a bulletin I receive regularly from Australia (published by Peter Myers):

Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS
during the Hamas invasion

From Lasse Karagiannis <>
Subject: Re: Israel prepares to hit Gaza with US-supplied bunker busting
- Seymour Hersh

You may want to see this from an American Jewish woman with contacts
into the Israeli deep state

CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7
HOURS during the Hamas invasion. I sat down with Jewish Charity leader,
Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and
other top level government sources. While I do not agree with equating
the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted Gaza
completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason
to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and
genocide. It wouldn't be the first time a nation's leaders sacrificed
their own citizens to start a war. Maybe it really is Israel's 9/11.
Please spread this video of Gabor Maté (author of a book in the recommended books list, IIRC), jewish Canadian, about the genocide in Palestine :

To share it on X (ex-Twitter) :
This is why it is so confusing to discuss this issue in America. It is assumed that Israeli and Jewish are interchangeable. It is hard to make people understand that Israel is a country, not a religious group. The current state of Israel is less then 100yrs old, so to use the excuse that Israelis are just reclaiming their ancestral land is mind bogglingly ignorant.

Big Ben Netanyahu and the Israeli government has no relation to the supposed ancient Israel. Israel does not act for all Jews as an agent of Yahweh, and all Jews do not support Israel.

It is like letting the Spanish descents of modern Mexico reclaim the ancient lands of the Mayan Empire under their ancestral rights. Ridiculous!

Here, there are many people that do not understand the countries that exist today do not relate to their ancient namesakes, mostly because they do not know history.
Nothing to do with empathy. I meant that they don't want a larger war in the ME. They're still quite happy for Israel to slaughter Palestinians, but they don't want them to to cross any lines that would ignite a larger war, because the US doesn't want to be involved in 2 major wars at the same time. It would lose at least one of them.
I'm leaning towards a different conclusion.

It's true that they don't want a larger conflict in the ME, but I think they've created this situation to divert attention from Ukraine, which they know they're losing or have already lost. This gives them a great excuse to make the public forget about Ukraine and their failures.

What I think they're going for, is a protracted conflict inside Israel which will require full US military and financial support for some time, making it impossible to keep financing Zelensky's drug and weapons addiction.

We've already seen an almost complete disappearance of Ukraine from the media, kind of like what happened with covid once Ukraine went kinetic last year. And right on cue after Zelensky's latest failed begging tour.

On a wider scale, I think the Western elites have finally smelled the coffee and are realizing that they need to go back to building up their economies and military industrial capacity before they can go back to poking the Bear and the Dragon.

I expect the situation in Israel to defuse somewhat over the next few weeks and then simmer on for possibly years with regular skirmishes, terror attacks, and bombing campaigns to keep the need for US support alive in the public's consciousness.

In short, I think Russia's resurgence since its intervention in Syria almost 10 years ago has put a serious spanner in the works of the totalitarian march of the West and has delayed the final showdown for possibly decades.

And this goes hand in hand with the potential shift from lefty politics in the US, because it's usually under the Right that we get economic booms happening, which is what the West needs more than anything at the moment. And also, they need to re-masculinize they armed forces and start getting rid of the lgbtqc3por2d2 marketing that's slowing down their recruitment and decreasing combat readiness.

I could be way off, but anyway, it's what it looks like to me at the moment. Maybe I'm projecting too much common sense onto US and Western elites, but there have to be at least some people on top who are not blithering idiots.
The other possibility is that they ran simulations and the US regime's military losses didn't look good regarding the next elections.
Ukraine is different because they're sacrificing foreign and anonymous idiots. A direct US military intervention in the Mediterranean could have different consequences.
This is why it is so confusing to discuss this issue in America. It is assumed that Israeli and Jewish are interchangeable. It is hard to make people understand that Israel is a country, not a religious group. The current state of Israel is less then 100yrs old, so to use the excuse that Israelis are just reclaiming their ancestral land is mind bogglingly ignorant.

Big Ben Netanyahu and the Israeli government has no relation to the supposed ancient Israel. Israel does not act for all Jews as an agent of Yahweh, and all Jews do not support Israel.

It is like letting the Spanish descents of modern Mexico reclaim the ancient lands of the Mayan Empire under their ancestral rights. Ridiculous!

Here, there are many people that do not understand the countries that exist today do not relate to their ancient namesakes, mostly because they do not know history.

Following your logic, the Ashkenazim Jews in Israel (including Netanyahu) should really be pursuing their ancestral rights to reclaim their ancient lands in Khazaria, which today covers the south-eastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan.

Although most scholars today reject this Khazar origin theory, it was supported by Arthur Koestler, an Hungarian Jew, in his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe. Quoting from Wikipedia:​

Koestler advanced the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people originating in and populating an empire north of and between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Koestler's hypothesis is that the Khazars – who converted to Judaism in the 8th century – migrated westwards into current Eastern Europe (primarily Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Hungary and Germany) in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.

To say the book was controversial is an understatement:

In the Arab world the theory espoused in Koestler's book was adopted by persons who argued that if Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of the Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites, thus undermining the theological basis of both Jewish religious Zionists and Christian Zionists. The Saudi Arabian delegate to the United Nations argued that Koestler's theory "negated Israel's right to exist". Koestler did not see alleged Khazar ancestry as diminishing the claim of Jews to Israel, which he felt was based on the United Nations mandate and not on Biblical covenants or genetic inheritance. In his view, "[t]he problem of the Khazar infusion a thousand years ago... is irrelevant to modern Israel."
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This reminds me a little of Saddam Hussein's situation when he invaded Kuwait, certain that the USA would support him, when in fact the opposite happened. And that invasion was the beginning of the end for Saddam.

If this proves to be the case, it may finally be the end of Bibi, but the Palestinians won't forget the massacre in Gaza, the bombardments of the last few days or the deaths.

It remains to be seen whether Israel will invade Gaza or not.
Coincides with other reports where hostages were treated well, given the circumstances.

I don't doubt the crossfire.

This is likely a big reason for the high death toll in southern Israel last weekend: Israeli crossfire to 'free the hostages'.

Note also how much her captors' behavior contrasts with that described elsewhere. Either Hamas militants raiding different kibbutzim and moshavim (communal settlements) understood their orders completely differently, or gunmen other than Hamas were operating under different rules at different locations.
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