Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Now that Egypt very rightly has refused to accept the forced march of one million Palestinians , Israel has two choices left. Accept the two state solution which will be brokered by Putin and China with Palestine saved , restructured and given full independence , so that both nations , Israel and Palestine , can live side by side in safety and with respect or... we humans are left with Ezekiel 38-39 and Zechariah 14. That becomes everybody's living hell and an exposed unheard of devastation rotting in the mid-day sun.
It appears I'm not the only one who's had this thought and its possible connection to wider world violence/war:
So in your mind, someone else having an off-topic thought as well, makes it no longer off-topic?

I suspect that the US has been putting pressure on behind the scenes. Continued support for Ukraine is too important to distract with a war in the ME.

So it may turn out that this episode was just more priming of the population, and testing of the will (and conscience) which many failed.
Yep, that's what it looks like. I just saw #BibiKnew is trending on Twitter; it may be that Netanyahu gets made the fall guy so Israel have a way to back out of this gracefully.

Why would they want to destroy Israel? I think the C's were talking about unintended consequences when they said the result would be the destruction of Israel.
Unintended consequences from the point of view of the Israelis, not from 4D STS, who seem to have a genocidal goal in mind regarding the Semitic Arab population, and probably half the Ashkenazis as well. The Quorum is likely to be pushing that agenda down to the Consortium through their agents, thus creating a potential conflict of interest if Israel were to request the use of Consortium tech, osit.
I'll also add in the British parliament this afternoon we were treated to the usual gaslighting about defeating Hamas and Israel has the right to defend itself and destroy Hamas. Problem now Hamas is using other Palestinians as human shields.
Israel has to destroy these monsters all our leaders agree. Hardly a mention of the massacre of Palestinians but people can see that.
My concern was a number of MP's calling out Iran. Iran are supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and first time I've felt they're really pushing that narrative openly. Just ensuring the idea is planted in the gullible public's heads. Of course Putin also got a special mention.
Surely they won't be so insane to go after Iran but nothing would suprise me. Could be the end of the west as we know it if Iran is attacked.
Crazy times indeed. I wonder when someone on MSN will mention Ukraine again. 🤔
Had not able to confirm it at occidental MSM, though.
A crowd of Palestinians has gathered at the Rafah crossing on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. They are waiting for the checkpoint to open so they can leave the enclave.

Earlier, the media reported that a ceasefire had been imposed in the southern parts of the Gaza Strip to allow foreigners to evacuate, but the Israeli authorities later denied this.

Video by RT Arabic's Corr Saed Al-Sweirki.

🟩 RT in Russian
Not yet any explosion at RT
A scene of the Rafah land crossing being targeted today by entity aircraft
#Cairo_News monitors renewed Israeli bombing of #Rafah_Crossing inside #Gaza
It seems that if Russia isn't asked to broker a more level headed approach (which it has said it would do if asked) it might be Sayonara, a la;

Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!

A: The alternative is less appetising.

Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!

A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...

Q: Why is the sky glowing red?

A: Contemplate.

It's alright to ask for help when needed

*Especially when the situation is extreme
It seems that the good intentions to stop the inferno are exhausted, only an accident is enough.
BREAKING: US military has selected roughly 2,000 troops to prepare for a potential deployment to support Israel, US defense officials said. The troops are tasked with missions like advising and medical support. They aren't intended to serve in a combat role: officials - WSJ

Iran warns ‘time running out’ for political solution in Gaza war​

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Monday held phone calls with his Russian and Turkish counterparts, during which he “warned against the continuation of crimes by the Zionist regime”, the president’s political deputy, Mohammad Jamshidi, said on X, formerly Twitter.

During his phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Raisi warned of a “possibility of expanding the scope of war and conflict to other fronts”.

“If this happens, it will be more difficult to control the situation,” Raisi said, according to state news agency IRNA.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian meanwhile “stressed that time is running out for political solutions” to the conflict, according to a post on X.

He added that he told his counterparts in Malaysia, Pakistan and Tunisia that the “probable spread of war to other fronts is approaching an inevitable stage”.

It is a bit surprising that he has the guts, I assume it may also be due to what is shaping up as the multipolar world.
In Colombia we do not support genocide
If we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we suspend them. We do not support genocide.

The president of Colombia is not insulted.

I call upon America Laltina to show real solidarity with Colombia. And if it is not capable, it will be the development of history that will say the last word as in the great war of the Chaco.

Neither the Yair Klein, nor the Raifal Eithan will be able to say what is the history of peace in Colombia. They unleashed the massacre and genocide in Colombia.

From the people of Israel I demand help in the peace of Colombia and help in the peace of Palestine and the world.

Colombia as Bolivar and Nariño taught us is an independent, sovereign and just people.

Someday the army and the government of Israel will ask for forgiveness for what their men did in our land unleashing genocide. I will embrace them and cry for the murder of Auschwitz and Gaza, and for the Colombian Auschwitz.

Hitler will be defeated for the good of humanity, its democracy, Peace and freedom of the world.
At the instruction of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, the Deputy Director General for Latin America at the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Amb. Jonathan Peled, summoned the Colombian Ambassador to Israel, Margarita Manjarrez, for a reprimanding conversation, following the hostile and anti-Semitic statements made by the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, against the State of Israel, during the last week.

In the meeting it was made clear to the ambassador that her statements were received in Israel with astonishment at the savage terrorist attack by Hamas terrorists who murdered more than 1,300 Israelis and kidnapped more than 150.

Israel condemns the President's statements that reflect support for the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists, fuel anti-Semitism, affect representatives of the State of Israel and threaten the peace of the Jewish community in Colombia.

In response, as a first step, Israel decided to halt security exports to Colombia.
Colombian Foreign Minister urged Israeli ambassador in his country to leave after issuing message to Gustavo Petro

Colombian Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva urged the Israeli ambassador to his country, Gali Dagan, to apologize to President Gustavo Petro and leave, after issuing a message to the president.

"The history of universal diplomacy will consign as a milestone the senseless loutishness of the ambassador of Israel in Colombia to (the) president of the Republic. Shame on him. At least apologize and leave. Intelligence is confronted with intelligence. There are States at stake",

"No one sensible can applaud the scorched earth policy, no matter where it comes from. It violates the dignity of the human person. It kills innocents. Gustavo Petro's Total Peace Doctrine is based on the duty of universal justice: Total peace as Synthesis Law", expressed Leyva Durán through X (ex Twitter).

What happened between Petro and the Israeli ambassador?

Last Saturday, the president of Colombia published in the social network X a message in which he expressed several comments regarding the current situation in the Gaza Strip. In that sense, he indicated that Hamas would be an "invention" of Mosad, the Israeli intelligence service.

"An incapable leadership of the world has decided to use the little time we have to save the species and life to bomb thousands of children (...) They say that I support Hamas, as they used to say that I supported the FARC. Hamas is the invention of the Mossad to divide the Palestinian people and to have the excuse to punish them", said the president.

"Replacing dialogue between worthy peoples with pure apartheid and repression only creates desperate and murderous terrorism (...) What they really want is to expel the Palestinian people from their ancient land and destroy them", he added.

Minutes after this message was published, the Israeli ambassador to Colombia, Gali Dagan, responded through the same social network, ironizing what the head of state said.

"It is true Mr. President (...), Hamas is indeed an invention of the Mossad. However, I would like to share with you additional information from our intelligence services (...): The Sages of Zion founded the Gulf Clan. There are still Jews, with big, aquiline noses, who command the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia", the Israeli diplomat indicated.

Yesterday, Sunday, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lior Haiat, announced that his country was suspending exports of "security material" to Colombia in response to "hostile and anti-Semitic statements" by the president.

To this, the Colombian head of state responded, via X, that "if foreign relations with Israel have to be suspended, we suspend them. We do not support genocides. The president of Colombia is not insulted".

One less friend of Israel. Petro also said "I call on Latin America to show real solidarity with Colombia" after the disagreement with the Israeli ambassador.

Any disagreement with Israel regarding its policy of razing Palestine to the ground is anti-Semitic.
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