Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Israël veut anéantir la ville de Gaza et détruire les installations souterraines du Hamas. C'est pourquoi la population est chassée. Le journaliste d’investigation Seymour Hersh rapporte cela sur la base d’informations privilégiées.
Les agences des Nations Unies ont indiqué qu'environ un million de personnes ont désormais été déplacées dans la bande de Gaza. Le Programme alimentaire mondial était à court de réserves à Gaza et la crise de l'eau était « une question de vie ou de mort ». L’Organisation mondiale de la santé a qualifié l’ordre d’évacuation de « condamnation à mort » pour les blessés et les malades.
Mais comme personne d'autre ne dit rien, un génocide avec des conséquences dévastatrices sur les reste du monde, va se dérouler sous nos yeux. Israël mais aussi ceux qui ont laissé faire en seront responsables !
As refugees crowd the border with Egypt, Israel prepares to hit Gaza City with US-supplied bunker buster
Israel wants to wipe out Gaza City and destroy Hamas's underground facilities. This is why the population is driven out. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reports this based on insider information.UN agencies say around one million people have now been displaced in the Gaza Strip. The World Food Program was running out of supplies in Gaza and the water crisis was "a matter of life and death." The World Health Organization called the evacuation order a “death sentence” for the injured and sick.But with no one else saying anything, a genocide with devastating consequences for the rest of the world will unfold before our eyes. Israel but also those who let it happen will be responsible!THE PLAN TO WIPE OUT HAMASAs refugees crowd the border with Egypt, Israel prepares to hit Gaza City with US-supplied bunker buster
"Quelque chose que nous n'avons jamais vu auparavant" La situation à Gaza entre dans une phase très critique. La Croix-Rouge et l'Organisation mondiale de la santé mettent en garde : "Il y a un intervalle de 24 heures avant une véritable catastrophe. Cela ne peut pas être toléré"
Mais les responsables des pays occidentaux approuvent cela !!!

“Something we have never seen before” The situation in Gaza is entering a very critical phase. The Red Cross and the World Health Organization warn: "There is a 24-hour gap before a real disaster. This cannot be tolerated"But officials from Western countries approve of this!!!
Des images que les médias ne vont pas vous montrer.
Entre 1 500 et 2 000 militants juifs de
ont encerclé la Maison Blanche, bloquant toutes les entrées et sorties et appelant à un cessez-le-feu à Gaza. Ils disent non à #GazaGenocide . Retour des otages. Et mettre fin à l’apartheid israélien.

Images that the media will not show you.Between 1,500 and 2,000 Jewish activists from@IfNotNowOrgsurrounded the White House, blocking all entrances and exits and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. They say no to #GazaGenocide. Return of the hostages. And end Israeli apartheid.
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU n'a pas réussi à adopter une résolution proposée par la Russie qui aurait appelé à un cessez-le-feu humanitaire à Gaza, à la libération de tous les otages, à l'accès à l'aide et à l'évacuation en toute sécurité des civils.
Le projet de résolution dirigé par la Russie a reçu cinq voix pour (Chine, Gabon, Mozambique, Russie et Émirats arabes unis) et quatre contre (France, Japon, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis), avec six abstentions (Albanie, Brésil, Équateur, Ghana, Malte et Suisse). Pour que le Conseil puisse adopter une résolution, la proposition doit recueillir au moins neuf voix pour, sans qu'aucun de ses cinq membres permanents ne s'y oppose ou n'y oppose son veto.
La France est contre donc !

The UN Security Council failed to adopt a Russian-proposed resolution that would have called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, access to aid and safe evacuation of civilians.The Russian-led draft resolution received five votes in favor (China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia and the United Arab Emirates) and four against (France, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States), with six abstentions (Albania, Brazil , Ecuador, Ghana, Malta and Switzerland). For the Council to adopt a resolution, the proposal must receive at least nine votes in favor, without any of its five permanent members opposing or vetoing it.France is therefore against it!
A new video from Sheikh Imran Hosein: "War in Israel 2023 - My First Response"

He talks about the role of Iran and what would Iran do if provoked, compares the situation with Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and ends with his standard lecture on Judaism vs Christianity and Islam.
Chaîne publique RAI3 en Italie, l'horreur en 1m30. témoignage d'une soeur à Gaza.
"Nous sommes des personnes, nous ne sommes pas des chiens, nous n'avons nul part où aller."
Des crimes de guerres sous nos yeux, et le CPI se tait, la France se tait !

Public channel RAI3 in Italy, horror in 1m30. testimony of a sister in Gaza.“We are people, we are not dogs, we have nowhere to go.”War crimes before our eyes, and the ICC is silent, France is silent!
Une Israélienne qui a survécu à l’assaut du Hamas contre les colonies proches de la frontière de Gaza le 7 octobre affirme que des civils israéliens ont été « sans aucun doute » tués par leurs propres forces de sécurité.
Cela s'est produit lorsque les forces israéliennes se sont engagées dans de violents affrontements armés avec des combattants palestiniens dans le kibboutz Beeri et ont tiré sans discernement sur les combattants et leurs prisonniers israéliens.
« Ils ont éliminé tout le monde, y compris les otages », a-t-elle déclaré à la radio israélienne. « Il y a eu des tirs croisés très, très intenses » et même des bombardements de chars.
La femme, Yasmin Porat, 44 ans, mère de trois enfants, a déclaré qu'avant cela, elle et d'autres civils avaient été détenus par les Palestiniens pendant plusieurs heures et traités « humainement ». Elle avait fui la rave «Nova» voisine.

An Israeli woman who survived Hamas's October 7 assault on settlements near the Gaza border says Israeli civilians were "without a doubt" killed by their own security forces.This occurred when Israeli forces engaged in violent armed clashes with Palestinian fighters in Kibbutz Beeri and indiscriminately fired on the fighters and their Israeli prisoners.“They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she told Israeli radio. “There was very, very intense crossfire” and even tank shelling.The woman, Yasmin Porat, 44, a mother of three, said that before that, she and other civilians had been detained by Palestinians for several hours and treated "humanely." She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave.

His argument basically boils down to: How can you be on the same side with the Marxists and the Woke?

Well, well, who's playing identity politics now?

It's also quite disgusting how he paints Iran as a thug while pushing Saudi Arabia as the reasonable one.

He's really out of his depth when it comes to geopolitics.

I wonder how people like him that realize the role of the media in disinforming the public in other areas still trust the media when it comes to being informed about world events. It boggles the mind.

His argument basically boils down to: How can you be on the same side with the Marxists and the Woke?

Well, well, who's playing identity politics now?

It's also quite disgusting how he paints Iran as a thug while pushing Saudi Arabia as the reasonable one.

He's really out of his depth when it comes to geopolitics.

I wonder how people like him that realize the role of the media in disinforming the public in other areas still trust the media when it comes to being informed about world events. It boggles the mind.
still only appeal to muslims, nothing to jews. no mention of their crimes or what type of thugs are leading israel and where.
jbp cannot be the same, respectable person in my eyes anymore.
'It is not a "show of force" but preparations for war with Iran.'

17 Oct, 2023

By Oleg Burunov - 6 hours ago (Updated: 3 hours ago)

By Faruk Zorlu - 17.10.2023

'The EU is accelerating the "diplomatic" ethnic cleansing in Gaza.'

16 Oct, 2023
It’s all just madness. What I see is that a good portion of this world has no problems working and living with each other. If there was a place where we all could go where none of this would affect us, we would all be going there. The problem is there isn’t a place like this, everywhere in this world has some level of a cesspool of corruption that is about to get a royal flush (separation is not a solution as we see here, the cesspool of corruption will not let it function).

I wonder if Mars is available, or it is already too late??? (Facetiousness) Haiku …
Brett Weinstein interviews the Ex IDF solder who spoke up about the IDF "non-functioning defense" "This is just not possible!" Ex IDF general tell the government "we can not do this, we cant handle this" (14 minutes)

Excellent and quite damning recap of all the oddities that were already mentioned in this thread.

She is a bit confused on the point if Hamas operation was supposed to be that big. She contemplates if perhaps the operation was supposed to be smaller, but they "bumped" into the party and decided to kill all of them, or something else was going on.

And it looks like this "something else" could be some other "militant group or groups", or as Joe says "fifth column" that knew that this party will be happening at this particular location. But the details of what exactly happened and how are obviously unknown.

But there is also this curious testimony by a woman who lost her husband and two children in the attack. They lived in one of the settlements near Gaza. The video is in Hebrew, though. In the video she described that the attackers had maps in their hands. She used the word "maps", but then continued saying that they has detailed lists of everyone who lived in every house in the settlement, how many adults, children, pets.

She continued saying that they had a Palestinian named Halil who worked at the settlement for 30 years, that he was loved and respected, and he did various works for many who lived in the settlement. In the video she didn't say it explicitly, but the understanding was that it is he who collected all this data and passed it to Hamas. And the supposed conclusion was that now no one should give any work to any Palestinian, because they will sell you out.

It's unclear from the video what kind of maps or lists the militants had, in what language, and how this woman found out about it. Was she told by the army, or found the lists herself. Because even if we certainly can't exclude Halil or anyone else collecting detailed information on the residents of the settlement, this information could also be obtained in other ways by someone on an Israeli side. Who knows.

Biden also is going to Israel in two days on the 18th.

So maybe the Deep State don't want this to spiral out of control and/or is afraid of the repercussions it would entail?

Apparently now they say that the ground operation is postponed until after Biden's visit to Israel. My guess is that afterwards they may find another overcast or two to postpone. ;-)

And there is this:

IDF spokesman for foreign media: The next phase of the war may be different from what was expected

The IDF spokesman for foreign media Lt. Col. Richard Hecht said that the army is preparing for the next stage in the campaign against the Gaza Strip, but the plans may not match the prevailing predictions for an imminent ground campaign.

"We are preparing for the next stages of the war. We have not said what they will be. Everyone is talking about a ground campaign. It may be something else."

So it is pretty much safe to assume that there won't be any ground operation.

And here's an opinion by Yuriy Baranchik, chief analytical editor of the Russian news agency Regnum:

When the mess between Palestine and Israel began, and it was obvious that Israel's intelligence services "slept through" the beginning of the Hamas operation, I asked the question - wasn't this a conspiracy on the part of Israel's intelligence services against Netanyahu?

"There are two options: either Netanyahu decided to use the uprising against the generals and internal opponents, or the generals want to dump Netanyahu and accuse him of incompetence and lack of management. I am closer to the second option because MOSSAD, IDF, etc. could not have been unaware of the impending uprising. And if they did know about it and did not prevent it, especially if they allowed so many casualties, then it is already a conspiracy".

The events that have been taking place for nine days now allow us to confirm this conclusion. The point is that the U.S. is making a lot of efforts to extinguish the conflict at this stage so that it does not grow into a larger confrontation. They and removed the blame from Iran (and it is really not Tehran), and do not allow Netanyahu to clean up the Gaza Strip, preventing the ground operation, and organize negotiating tracks, and insist on the resumption of water and electricity in Gaza. Why?

First of all, the U.S. can't pull off a second big regional conflict - they're even screwing up the first one, because if Iran gets involved, it's a big war and Biden won't be elected. And there may be a third one - in January in Taiwan. That's why we have to put it out, only put it out.

Secondly, Biden needs a positive image before the election, that loud positive image from which he can start in the presidential race. And such an image can be the image of a peacemaker who successfully resolved the conflict in the Middle East, which threatened to turn into World War III. And Netanyahu can be sacrificed, in this both Biden and Trump coincide, only for different reasons.

If Trump's reasons are personal, Netanyahu, whom he considered if not a friend, then a close politician, was one of the first to congratulate Biden on his victory in the last election, Biden's reasons are political - someone must become a scapegoat. And Bibi, who went against the Sorosites (Democrats) in Israel on the issue of judicial reform, will be appointed as his scapegoat. This is the reason for the "failure" of Israel's intelligence services - they sacrificed their own for the sake of Sleepy Joe's political career, giving him a strong start to his election campaign.

The counterattack in Ukraine failed, Zelensky is stuck, so we need to shift the focus of American attention to another object. This attitude of Washington gives us a good chance to solve those issues that have not been solved at the LBS and to move forward seriously.

Not sure if keeping Biden in power is good enough reason for LIHOP, or if Bibi will actually lose his position. Already head of security council tool all the responsibility upon himself. But will see how it goes. It does look atm that israel tried to execute the final solution, but wasn't allowed to. At least fow now.
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