Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Israel will not launch a ground operation in the Gaza Strip during Biden's visit - Der Spiegel

According to the (Der Spiegel: Израиль не станет начинать наземную операцию в секторе Газа во время визита Байдена — Meduza) publication, the scenario in which Israel launches an operation during Biden's visit is "practically impossible." Der Spiegel does not give other details.

Joe Biden will arrive in Israel on October 18. The US president said he wants to "express solidarity" with the country, which has suffered a "brutal terrorist attack by Hamas."

Israel had planned to launch a ground operation in the Gaza Strip this past weekend - October 14-15 - but postponed it for several days because of the weather, The New York Times wrote, citing senior Israeli officers.

According to Axios, Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amir Abdollahian said at a meeting in Beirut that Iranian authorities do not want further escalation between Hamas and Israel, but will be forced to intervene in the situation if the Israeli army launches a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.
Invasion has been postponed again...

Surprise, surprise the alleged gunman was shot dead whilst having a cup of coffee at a cafe (waiting for his handler?) No trial as per usual - and does no one in the wider world ever stop to wonder about this? Of course not. Move on, move on, nothing to see here...

Brussels shooting: Police shoot dead attacker who killed Swedes
  • Published 40 minutes ago
By Sofia Bettiza & Gem O'Reilly

BBC News, Brussels and London

Police in Brussels have shot dead the man who killed two Swedish nationals on Monday evening.

The 45-year-old man named as Abdesalem was shot in a café in the Schaerbeek neighbourhood.

Two Swedes were killed and a third seriously injured in the automatic rifle attack on Monday.

It took place on Boulevard d'Ypres, 5km (3 miles) from the stadium where Belgium was playing Sweden to qualify for the Euro 2024 football tournament.

Brussels has been on its highest terror alert ever since.

The gunman is believed to be a Tunisian man who was in Belgium illegally, after his asylum application was rejected in 2020.

He posted a video online saying he had killed people in the name of God and the prosecutor's office believes he was inspired by the Islamic State group.

Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden said the automatic weapon found on him was the same as the one used in Monday's attack.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called Monday's shooting "a harrowing act of terrorism" in a press conference, and prosecutors said the victims were probably targeted because they were Swedish.

Sweden's foreign ministry sent a text message to its citizens in Belgium on Tuesday morning telling them to be vigilant. It later issued a statement urging all Swedes abroad to be careful.

"Everything suggests this is a terror attack targeted at Sweden and Swedish citizens," said the country's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

The attack began at 19:00 on Monday (17:00 GMT), when a man opened fire in the north of Brussels' city centre.

Videos shared online showed a man on a scooter, dressed in an orange fluorescent jacket, pull up and start shooting passers-by.

He then chases people into the hallway of an apartment building to gun them down. Four gunshots can be heard.

The perpetrator shot three people of Swedish nationality, killing two of them.

A witness who spoke to Belgium's LN24 channel described his shock, saying he froze. "I didn't move. It was a man who came, pushed me, told me to stop running if I wanted to stay alive."

Shortly after the attack, the gunman filmed himself admitting to the killings.

In the video, Arabic-speaking Abdesalem refers to fighting for God and says he has killed Swedish people.

An overnight manhunt was launched and the threat level in the capital was raised to four. France also stepped up security measures at the Belgian border.

A search was carried out in Schaerbeek, at the address where the suspect was staying.

On Tuesday morning, a witness informed the police that he had seen the suspect in a café near his accommodation, and that he was carrying a military weapon and a bag of clothes.

He was shot in the chest and sent to hospital, where he received intensive care treatment before dying from his wounds.

Despite the gunman being killed, some people in Brussels and elsewhere in Europe are nervous about the threat of more terrorist attacks.

"I'm scared,"
Latifa, a local resident, told the BBC. "I don't feel safe. When I saw the police here, I felt relief."

Belgian prosecutors initially said there did not appear to be any links between the attack and the Israel-Gaza war.

They later said they could not exclude that possibility.

Top asylum official Nicole de Moor said the gunman, who applied for asylum in November 2019 but was rejected the following October, had gone off the radar.

In February 2021, he was removed from the national register and a month later he was ordered to leave the country.

Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne said the man was considered a threat to national security, suspected of human trafficking and known to police in connection with people smuggling.

Sweden raised its terror threat alert to the second-highest level in August after a series of Quran burnings, which triggered protests and condemnations by several Muslim-majority countries.
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Well, that remains to be seen. There are a lot of ‘what ifs’ here, but the what-if we were talking about wasn’t about other organizations and countries getting involved, it was about the idea that once the Israelis go into Gaza on foot, the Palestinians will have some upper hand and will be able to defeat them on their own.

This is just emotionally clouded wishful thinking and I was doing my best to snap people out of that.
I'm pretty dispassionate about this, as far as taking a side. What I suggest is an instinctual feeling I've had since Netanyahu announced 360k troops would occupy Gaza that I haven't been able to shake. And I've learned to trust that those feelings mean something even if I misinterpret them from time to time. The atrocities by both parties in this perennial war though leave me sad for the civilian populations subject to the whims of Zionist politicians and Hamas (or whomever chooses violence). I was taught to turn the other cheek since I was old enough to understand it. I was taught to never hit first, and always choose my battles carefully. It was ironic then that I grew up next door to my biggest bully and never attacked him until the day before we moved away.

It has me thinking a lot about what I would do. The idea that I have a unique culture or home turf has been attacked so thoroughly at a societal level that I think I'd just leave where I am with tools and hunting gear and find an isolated place to hole up. My grandparents have been gone a long time and my father passed a couple of years ago. My own immediate family has a tendency toward isolation and we've enough gripes with one another that a traditional holiday gathering to celebrate our shared past and beliefs is a rare occasion. In a lot of ways this has made me numb. Often I can't even imagine getting whipped into a furor over... anything. I'd sooner turn my back in disgust, which is also a product of being shouted down, talked over, and ignored in important discussions.

It's hard for me not to take an isolationist (protect me and mine) mindset, but then I remember my wife doesn't have quite the same feeling and couldn't flee without her parents. But even with her, that's who she cares about. Her cousins would be on their own. So I guess we're lucky we found each other, heh.
Yeah, it seems like JBP can't cope with the idea of Israel going down, because to him, the west IS the Old Testament traditions, never mind that the Greeks were around for quite a while before Yahwism. So, I guess Israel is his hill to die on.
Niall was kind enough to bring the MEK to my attention:
For those of you wondering if I was hinting at undergrounders/hybrids with the reference to 'deeper', yes, I was. 😁

It's also quite disgusting how he paints Iran as a thug while pushing Saudi Arabia as the reasonable one.
Ah yes, the Kingdom of head-choppy-choppy.
He's really out of his depth when it comes to geopolitics.
Huge understatement there!

She used the word "maps", but then continued saying that they has detailed lists of everyone who lived in every house in the settlement, how many adults, children, pets.
That seems very meticulous for a resistance operation that was likely intended to 'shock and awe' the Israelis rather than secure long-term territorial gains.

And here's an opinion by Yuriy Baranchik, chief analytical editor of the Russian news agency Regnum:
I think this is a good analysis. Andrew Korybko makes a thorough presentation here as to why Netanyahu was probably unaware of the attacks, but Korybko also thinks this is an argument against the Mossad LIHOP scenario as well, which is a near certainty a step too far, given the discussion here.

Not sure if keeping Biden in power is good enough reason for LIHOP, or if Bibi will actually lose his position. Already head of security council tool all the responsibility upon himself. But will see how it goes. It does look atm that israel tried to execute the final solution, but wasn't allowed to. At least fow now.
Like Joe said, it seems right now that support for Ukraine is too important to distract the empire from.
Unfortunately, I don't remember who I first met with a comment on the total destruction of Gaza by Israel - it's not the Russians - but it seems to me quite accurate.
Israel strikes Hamas headquarters and bank
Israel has intensified military operations against Hamas, striking key targets of the terrorist organization. As part of this operation, IDF (Israel Defense Forces) fighters hit the Hamas headquarters, as evidenced by the corresponding video published by the Israeli Defense Ministry.

In addition, as part of measures to suppress terrorist activity, the IDF carried out a strike on a banking institution, which, according to sources, was used by Hamas to finance its activities in Gaza. By this action, Israel has deprived the Palestinian movement of an important source of funding.

Despite the fact that Israel has already destroyed many key Hamas facilities, the situation in the region only continues to worsen, as rocket attacks on Israeli territory continue, and the Israeli side is actively losing its equipment and air defense systems.
Израиль ударил по штаб-квартире и банку ХАМАС

Hezbollah hit Israel with a ballistic missile, presumably of Iranian manufacture
The use of a long-range missile MIM-104C/E PAC-2 from the Patriot PAC-2/GEM-T complex was recorded in the Israeli sky. This type of missile is designed to intercept targets moving at speeds up to 2200 m/s at altitudes within 27-30 km. After burning out its rocket engine, the MIM-104C/E can reach speeds of 5,300 km/h, is capable of intercepting targets experiencing overloads of up to 15 units.

Taking into account the characteristics of the missile and its altitude, it is assumed that it could be used to intercept ultra-long-range missiles, such as the Fajr-5 or Buraq-100, which were developed by Hezbollah. A particularly important point is the apogee of the flight path of such missiles, which can reach 25 km.

Earlier, Hezbollah did threaten to strike Israel with its long-range missiles, and to date this is the first strike on Israeli territory with such weapons.

At the moment, it remains unknown whether the target was destroyed by Israeli air defense systems, however, Hezbollah may be armed with up to 2,000 such missiles, although the number of launchers is very limited.
Хезболла ударила по Израилю баллистической ракетой, предположительно, иранского производства

One of the main reasons for delaying the start of the announced ground operation, in my opinion, is the Israelis' understanding of the insufficient training of their own forces, underestimation of the enemy's training and, as a result, high potential losses that they are not ready to take.
Hamas and Hezbollah Destroyed 8 Merkava Tanks, Revealing weaknesses in Trophy Defense
During the recent clashes in the Gaza Strip between Hamas formations and the Israeli armed forces, vulnerabilities were identified in the system of active protection of "Trophy" tanks used by the Israeli army.

As it became known, one of the key problems is the "dead zone" of the complex within a radius of 45-50 meters. This vulnerability is due to the relatively slow response of the fire control system, which in turn prevents the timely detection and tracking of targets by EL/M-2133 radars.

In addition, radars have problems with detecting and tracking 73-mm PG-9V rocket-propelled anti-tank grenades. These grenades have a speed of 500-650 m/s and a reflective surface that is 3-4 times smaller than that of the 9M113M anti-tank missiles of the Konkurs-M complexes. As a result, the EL/M-2133 radar detects the PG-9B grenade only before it enters the "dead zone", making it impossible to activate the protection in a timely manner.

In all likelihood, members of the Hamas and Hezbollah groups took advantage of these mistakes, successfully destroying at least 8 Merkava tanks.
ХАМАС и Хезболла уничтожили 8 танков Меркава, обнаружив слабые места в защите Trophy

Я, к сожалению, не помню у кого я первый раз встретил комментарий на тотальное уничтожение Газы Израилем- это вам не русские- но он мне кажется довольно точным.
Одной из основных причин затягивания начала объявленной наземной операции, на мой взгляд, является понимание израильтянами недостаточной подготовки собственных сил, недооценка подготовки противника и, в следствии этого высокие потенциальные потери, на которые они не готовы пойти.
Au milieu du chaos de la guerre, les rêves des enfants sont anéantis...Ce n'est pas un jeu. J'en vois beaucoup, derrière leurs smartphones qui semblent trouver ça excitant, qui soutiennent un camp ou un autre sans trop savoir pourquoi, sans véritablement connaître les raisons, les causes et les conséquences des conflits, appelant à voir le sang couler comme si c'était un jeu vidéo.Il y a des innocents qui meurent pour de vrai, hommes femmes et enfants qui eux n'ont rien demandé, rien fait de mal. Ils sont juste là, au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment, embarqués dans la folie humaine de certains puissants.Cette inconscience globale, cette haine souvent tribale et cette déconnexion du réel me terrifie pour l'avenir du monde dans lequel les humains n'ont toujours pas réussi à tirer des leçons du passé."La guerre, c'est le massacre de gens qui ne se connaissent pas, au profit de gens qui se connaissent et ne se massacrent." - Paul ValéryPensée à toutes les victimes où qu'elles soient.

Amidst the chaos of war, children's dreams are shattered...It's not a game. I see many, behind their smartphones who seem to find it exciting, who support one side or another without really knowing why, without really knowing the reasons, the causes and the consequences of conflicts, calling to see the blood flow as if it were a video game.There are innocent people who die for real, men, women and children who asked for nothing, did nothing wrong. They are just there, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, caught up in the human madness of some powerful people.This global unconsciousness, this often tribal hatred and this disconnection from reality terrifies me for the future of the world in which humans have still failed to learn lessons from the past.“War is the massacre of people who do not know each other, for the benefit of people who know each other and do not massacre each other.” - Paul ValéryThinking of all the victims wherever they are.
It’s all just madness. What I see is that a good portion of this world has no problems working and living with each other. If there was a place where we all could go where none of this would affect us, we would all be going there. The problem is there isn’t a place like this, everywhere in this world has some level of a cesspool of corruption that is about to get a royal flush (separation is not a solution as we see here, the cesspool of corruption will not let it function).

I wonder if Mars is available, or it is already too late??? (Facetiousness) Haiku …
That’s exactly the problem. People on the right who are looking at this either don’t see the corruption or believe (not unreasonably) that nothing can be done about the corruption and global elite control so we just have to deal with the situation at face value. My husband is of this mind set and it is a logical argument but it comes from a place of not have deeper knowledge of what’s going on at this point in time essentially with the Wave effects. I mean it’s not unreasonable to believe that what’s been in place for 309 000 years will remain in place. It’s not what I think but I can see why my husband thinks it. He doesn’t know enough.
Israel bombed earlier today a hospital in Gaza killing hundreds of innocent people:

Into Disorder: 7 Final Rules for Life
  1. "Do not block @Joe, his tweets might save you."
  2. "Stay away from Satanyahu."
  3. "Do not give'em hell, give'em love."
  4. "Detoxify yourself from Zionism."
  5. "Put civilians on both sides of the equation and see what you get."
  6. "Keep cool even if hypersonic missiles fly past you."
  7. "Remember, remember the 7th of October."

I think someone verified on twitter should post that on a JBP post. :cool2:
But there is also this curious testimony by a woman who lost her husband and two children in the attack. They lived in one of the settlements near Gaza. The video is in Hebrew, though. In the video she described that the attackers had maps in their hands. She used the word "maps", but then continued saying that they has detailed lists of everyone who lived in every house in the settlement, how many adults, children, pets.
The maps were around in social media, it is curious but those maps reminded me of the passport they found at 911. They are supposed to - I assume - know those things by heart and wouldn't have to be carrying the maps. Unless other people from outside of the region were involved.

This one other type of map or part of it?
"Hamas Militants Had Detailed Maps of Israeli Towns, Military Bases and Infiltration Routes.
Documents found on Hamas militants show scale of planning behind deadly attack"
Great reporting by the WSJ.

"TEL AVIV—Hamas militants who flooded into southern Israel from Gaza last weekend carried detailed maps of the towns and military bases that they targeted. Some also carried tactical guides identifying weak spots on Israeli army armored vehicles.

The documents, written in Arabic, were recovered from the sites of attacks or bodies of dead Hamas fighters by Israeli civilians, soldiers and emergency personnel and seen by The Wall Street Journal. Authorities are examining the trove, Israeli officials said.

Taken together, the documents indicate that Hamas set out from the start to target not just military installations, but to attack civilian population centers and to take hostages, and they offer evidence of the scale of Hamas’s intelligence-gathering and the degree of planning for the assault.

More than 1,300 Israelis were killed in the attacks, which have deeply shaken the country’s sense of security and prompted Israel to declare war on Hamas.

“They knew exactly what the targets were going to be,’” said Michael Milshtein, a former Israeli military intelligence officer and head of Palestinian Studies Forum at Tel Aviv University. “There is nothing close to this level of planning in any steps Hamas had done in the past.”"

There is also the murdered? /attack/hostages of the Filipinos

Filipino and Thai workers in Israel narrowly escape death​

At least two Filipinos have been confirmed killed so far in southern Israel, according to the Philippine government. They worked as caregivers and died with their employers, overseas community organizers told The Washington Post. About two-thirds of the 30,000 Filipinos in Israel perform care work.

So it is pretty much safe to assume that there won't be any ground operation.
I hope so.
Although the video is marked as "live" It keeps repeating.

Add. Saw the same caption yesterday.
From what I can see it hasn't been mentioned on this thread before. Netanyahu had a one on one meeting with Elon Musk about 3 weeks before the recent happenings:

Which included a public interview with both of them:

As of now I'm not so sure if I'm buying the idea that "Netanyahu was unaware" and/or "surprised" and/or "cluless" about what happened. IMO anything is possible with a Psycho like Netanyahu including being foolish/stupid enough to undermine his own position thanks to his psychopathic drives aided by a good deal of wishful thinking. My bet at the moment is that Netanyahu was probably aware in some respects that something is about to happen, but that he wasn't a prime instigator but just "in the know" at some level. Probably being somewhat surprised that things unfolded as they did.

Anyway, is it possible that Netanyahu might have had other reasons for meeting up with Musk, apart from the officially stated ones? Here are two possible reasons I can think of:

- Netanyahu and/or Mossad agents he traveled with tried to prepare "the groundwork" of the latest atrocities by trying to get Musk to censor twitter so that the Zionist have an easier time to manipulate the public

- Netanyahu and/or Mossad agents he traveled with tried to prepare "the groundwork" of the latest atrocities by trying to get Musk to restrict and/or cancel his internet coverage over the Gaza areas via Starlink.

But given that Netanyahu and/or Mossad are likely aware that Musk can not be trusted to not spill the beans of such attempts on their side, they might have tried to do it much more covertly in the usual "smoke and mirrors" fashion Mossad is famous for. In other words: Not directly and openly. Anyway those are just speculations. Nothing of the sort might have happened.

At the end of Netanyahu's recent address to the UN General Assembly, shortly before the recent happenings, he talked about AI, which was probably partly born out of this meeting with Musk.

Interestingly though, as usual, Musk doesn't appear to be kneeling down or playing ball. Here are some of his statements on X after the recent situations started (in chronological order). Note that he also shared an article that X itself deems as valuating its rules now, but quote "X has, however, decided that there might be a public interest in this Post are available." It seems like this new warning was instigated by the latest happenings:

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