Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Are there any knowledgeable people among us who could explain what kind of action is happening on the video? The music was quite sinister, but maybe they celebrate their birthday this way?

Есть ли среди нас знающие люди, кто мог бы пояснить, что за действо происходит на видео? Музыку приделали вполне зловещую, но может они так день рождения справляют?
They sure do love war.

"US must prepare for possible simultaneous wars with Russia and China by expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and enhancing its nuclear weapons modernization program, a congressionally appointed bipartisan panel said on Thursday".

💥 Israeli military changes plans of its original an imminent ground offensive in the next phase of its military operations against the Gaza Strip, according to an army spokesperson on Tuesday.

💥”We are preparing for the next stages of war. We haven't said what they will be. Everybody's talking about the ground offensive. It might be something different," Lt Colonel Richard Hecht told a regular briefing with reporters.

Turkish President Erdogan: “The attack on a hospital treating women, children and innocent civilians is the latest example of Israeli attacks devoid of the most basic human values. I call on all humanity to act to stop this unprecedented brutality in the Gaza Strip."

The Israeli Foreign Ministry's travel warning for Turkey has been raised to Level 4: "Leave the country as soon as possible."
Had me thinking too. I think it may be the last one. And coming on the day Biden arrives, it signals to the WH that the Israelis are not interested in any talk of cease-fire or peace.
It just seems a bit too perfect. A horrific hospital bombing - the worst atrocity we've seen so far - timed as it was in this recent lull, just as extreme emotions were waning for many. Either theres some serious shenanigans going on, or Israeli forces are just unimaginably sick in the head (and blind to any consequences). This event has basically cancelled all diplomacy and will have most of the Arab world out for blood.
As I see all these figures dropping into an ideological "blame the victim" because TV told me so, I am surprised to see that the following thought hasn't crossed their mind.

There is violence from both sides, of course, no one is arguing that. Violence is sometimes the right response, imagine if someone broke into your home, trashed your place, abused your wife and beat up your kids, month after month for years... and one day you stand up to them, and it's your fault that they decided to burn your house for having the audacity to stand up to them. And all your neighbors would blame you for it.

They all remained quiet when all the abuse and periodic beatings and robbery was taking place, but when you decide to punch them in the face, then you're the violent one, then it's "see?! see what you get?!"

Bottom line, as I see this situation, Israel is and always has been the aggressor, period. Is Hamas being violent? yes... are they innocent? I don't think so, but I don't think they're going for the innocent, that is Israel's move, Hamas is doing the only thing they can. It's either face extermination while still.. or face it while you at least punch back.

The goal of whatever is going on was never, to defend Israel, I mean that is blatantly obvious, the goal of the events that have transpired thus far, is precisely what is going on, for Israel to get their fix on their psychopathic thirst for more death and misery. For cruel treatment, their military could (I think) finish the operation in no time, that's not what they want, they want the suffering to be prolonged, they want to deliver torture not defeat.

I realize there may be more plans at higher levels, economic and geopolitical, and those will become visible soon enough I suppose, but at an immediate level... it's thirst for the cruelty that is being perpetrated.

I realize I went on a tangent there, but the point I was trying to make is that... It is shocking that people do not realize that they are using the correct definitions to condemn cruel acts, but they're applying it to the victim while defending the cruel psychopath. Indiscriminate and exaggerated violence on an innocent population, that can only be explained by a complete lack of humanity, is how most people define a terrorist... but that is precisely what Israel has been doing for decades.

But people become so deeply attached to their "team" and draw so much identity from belonging to whatever group they belong to, that once they've chosen a side, no amount of reason will get through to them, they are not looking for the truth any longer, they're twisting facts to suit the theory... they live in an entirely different realty.
It just seems a bit too perfect. A horrific hospital bombing - the worst atrocity we've seen so far - timed as it was in this recent lull, just as extreme emotions were waning for many. Either theres some serious shenanigans going on, or Israeli forces are just unimaginably sick in the head (and blind to any consequences). This event has basically cancelled all diplomacy and will have most of the Arab world out for blood.
Or both, there's a lot of shenanigans being carried out by truly sick individuals. I do not even know if sick is the correct word for it either, deviant might be closer, helplessly deviant.
So no ground operation, but instead a vile, cruel, coward and clear war crime by hitting a hospital full of children. Absolutely indefensible, the MSM will have a hard time spinning this atrocity. But beyond this, Israel is doing everything in its hands to deserve massive retaliation from different angles.

What is the purpose of this hit? No strategic value other than terror for terror itself, it will not deter the Palestinians, on the contrary, and the international outcry will be heard all around the world.
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