Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Is interesting to see sometimes when psychopaths thinks the world is now able to accept their will, they realize that ‘not quite’. I feel a lot of people (not enough me thinks) realized that they were lied to when COVID happened, later, the same about the situation with Ukraine, many realized that the war wasn’t as they were told, specially in a country (US) that is falling economically and still sends lots of money to Ukraine to accomplish nothing they wanted to, now, this situation with Hamas-Israel, was going on the same route, but it seems that after the first wave of negative emotional reaction from the masses against Hamas and Palestinians, many, are now realizing little by little who really is who, and seeing the psychopathic “response” from Israel, some are starting to connect the dots.

Or at least that’s how is starting to look like, my timelines in social media, were filled with a lot of hate messages against Palestine, but today and yesterday, I see way more messages of people condemning Israel and it’s way of acting!
I don’t want to say I have some kinda hope from people because I don’t, but at the end, I feel like Israel will end up being more exposed than I thought they would be! Or perhaps, faster than I thought. Not wishful thinking, just open to that idea.
Ministry of Health of Turkey

A inhumane attack of such magnitude had to happen, let's hope they get permission.
The Ministry of Health takes action to provide health services to Gaza.
Negotiations with international health organizations are ongoing.

Following the inhumane attack on Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, I conducted telephone diplomacy with many of my international interlocutors, including the top executives of the World Health Organization. The main point in my discussions has been that it is unacceptable for facilities serving human health to be attacked, under any circumstances and for any reason. It is never possible for us to remain unresponsive to this attack. The helplessness of sick and innocent people places a burden on us, especially, of the conscientious duty that a part of the world ignores and avoids undertaking.

As Türkiye, we are ready to send a Ship Hospital to the region or to establish Field Hospitals in Gaza or at points close to the Rafah Border Gate, to provide health services to our Palestinian brothers and sisters through them and to carry out this service. During my call with WHO Regional Director for Europe, Dr @hans_kluge, Ihave stated that it is urgent and essential to support the region in terms of health services. We are ready to act together with WHO if it decides to carry out these works. I have insisted that the WHO has a historical responsibility to this end. Our opinions and demands at this point have been welcomed by WHO EMRO Director Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, and in consultation with WHO Director General @DrTedros, we have decided to immediately initiate the cooperation process between my country and the WHO. Our coordination and cooperation efforts in this direction firmly continue.

On this occasion, I would like to express again that, despite all kinds of diplomatic difficulties Türkiye will always continue to be there for babies, children, the elderly and innocent people. These days we live in are historical days when people make the choice of whether to stand by humanity or not. We have no voice to listen to other than our inner voices. We are those who regard the Palestinian people including the children, the elderly, the sick, the women as brothers.
Why create this fake video;

As shown by Emerald Rob post;

Why a false depiction of an attack on Tel Aviv airport. Well it's a war zone after all and bombs explode every where in Israel. But if it is so dangerous, why send the president of the United State in the middle of a war zone.
I have a bad feeling about that one, what can happen to an unpopular president under investigation for corruption, under impeachment bref whom political career as hit the bottom and only a miracle or a bigger election fraud could save him.
It most be the flu and fever that work my imagination.

It would mostly be for optics and propaganda purposes to ensure support for the Israeli cause. Similar to how there were air-raid sirens going off during Biden's visit to Kiev earlier this year.

For some historical perspective, Fletcher Prouty shows in one of his books how intelligence agencies would tour high-level officials, showing them stage-managed combat scenes to ensure support for their war-mongering. These people are truly deranged.

Before leaving, Fitzgerald came over to the Pentagon for a meeting with key officials in clandestine business. He revealed plans for this trip that would include stops at major CIA stations and a special tour of South Vietnam. Certain villages were to be prepared, like movie sets, so that McCone would believe he was seeing Vietnamese combat action in “real time” and up close. The object of his visit to Vietnam was to have him exposed to as much CIA action as possible and to have him meet Ngo Dinh Diem and other selected leaders who had been working with the CIA for decades.
he arrived in the morning not at night !!
I checked: they report that Scholz arrived in the afternoon, held a joint presser with Netanyahu, in which he warned other countries to remain peaceful while Israel bombarded Gaza, met with German families whose relatives are trapped in Gaza and promised them he would "do everything possible to release them" (except pressure Israel to halt the bombing so their relatives have a chance of surviving), and then - when they were leaving Tel Aviv in the evening - the sirens went off and Iron Dome was activated while the German govt delegation was boarding the aircraft.
They sure do love war.

That's what it always comes down to. War anywhere and everywhere but in North America is the imperialists' antithesis to China's 'win-win mutual cooperation'. I know it's a 'globalist deep state' and that it's not necessarily Americans running it per se, and certainly no longer for the benefit of the American people, but their actions are informed by the hubris that, geographically, the USA is essentially their 'home-base', where 'none can touch us'.
As in a guided bomb dropped from an unknown plane potentially not part of the official IDF command structure.

Pretty much. The impact of this bombing is wide-reaching and aids NO ONE except those who want a wider war. It undermines all of Blinken's diplomatic overtures with Arab nations over the past few days, and coming on the night before Biden arrives, it causes the Jordanian, Egyptian and PA leaders to cancel their meetings with Biden. It massively inflames popular Arab anger in the ME and beyond and makes the Israelis looks like monsters and forces them to engage in extreme attempts to claim it wasn't them.

Maybe it technically wasn't the Israelis as you say, but that 'hidden hand' that wants to ramp up the chaos and death and forever war.
Maybe it technically wasn't the Israelis as you say, but that 'hidden hand' that wants to ramp up the chaos and death and forever war.

Russian TG channels share Biden's words:

The strike on the Gaza hospital appears to have been carried out by "another team," the US president said

It's Biden, so this statement could be just a statement by a senile man, who doesn't understand who he is and what is happening. The mention of "another team" is still curious.

Added: I just listened to the recording itself couple of times, and I myself can hear that he says that "it was done by the other team", so no Freudian slips from Biden, just the usual American speak. 😅
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