Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Pretty much. The impact of this bombing is wide-reaching and aids NO ONE except those who want a wider war. It undermines all of Blinken's diplomatic overtures with Arab nations over the past few days, and coming on the night before Biden arrives, it causes the Jordanian, Egyptian and PA leaders to cancel their meetings with Biden. It massively inflames popular Arab anger in the ME and beyond and makes the Israelis looks like monsters and forces them to engage in extreme attempts to claim it wasn't them.

Maybe it technically wasn't the Israelis as you say, but that 'hidden hand' that wants to ramp up the chaos and death and forever war.
Of course, I could be wrong, but to me it looks like someone wants desperately to bring about a massive war with the Arab world. The attack on the hospital was carried out when the Palestinian-Israeli issue was being discussed at the UN and the mediation was started by Russia and China. Someone did it so they wouldn't accidentally get along diplomatically.
I think they want to go all the way, va banque.
Now Tzahal shares a supposed recording between Hamas soldiers talking about this being a Jihadi rocket.

Arabic speaking journalist Abbas Djuma analyzed the recording:


So, the audio recording released by the Israeli side, in which two Hamas men allegedly discuss a strike on a hospital in the Gaza Strip, raises many questions. Most importantly, such files cannot be considered evidence. That is obvious to any reasonable person. Further, this is not the way they talk in the Gaza Strip. To be quite precise, the first speaker does speak with a Palestinian dialect. About the second one, doubts crept in.

To be 100% sure (I'm not Palestinian after all), I contacted various people from Palestine. One was from Gaza. And asked them to comment on the audio recording. All are unanimous. I am attaching the response of two Palestinians who speak Russian (studied here).

One of them noted that the attached translation does not accurately convey the nature of the conversation, and that it does not appear from the recording that it is a conversation between two Hamas members. Just as the video of the children in the cages did not show that the babies were Israeli, the person filming them was a Palestinian, and that everything was happening in the Gaza Strip.
The audio recording shows two people in a bit of shock discussing the news and versions of what happened.

Conclusion. We can assume that the Israeli side is in a hurry, so it makes ridiculous mistakes. I suppose if there had been more time, the Shin Bet would have had no trouble finding two men who speak Arabic (Ghazzawi dialect) well.
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Arab speaking journalist Abbas Djuma analyzed the recording:
Many things aren't clear at all during war, are they ? 😑

But what IS abundantly clear is; Everyone needs to take a breather, take a bath and listen to some music or read good fiction.

Making rash decisions and being quick to act doesn't seem to be helping atm.

And the quick decisions are just muddying the waters
Images filmed this morning at al-Ahli Arabi hospital in the Gaza Strip seem to show that no buildings were badly damaged, only the parking lot. No craters.

I don't know what to make of this video with all the talk since yesterday about the situation with the hospital where 500 people are said to have died. We can clearly see that only the parking lot and its cars seem to have been affected.
Quelques instants après le bombardement par Israël de l'hôpital évangélique, l'un des plus anciens hôpitaux de Gaza. Plus de 700 personnes ont été tuées brutalement, y compris des chrétiens de Gaza qui y cherchaient refuge.
Moments after Israel's bombing of the Evangelical Hospital, one of the oldest hospitals in Gaza. More than 700 people were brutally killed, including Christians from Gaza seeking refuge there.
I stopped reading past the first half dozen paragraphs (surpised I made it that far). Outside the parameters of his own expertise, the man is an arrogant moron who understands zero about geopolitics or the actual likely reasons this happened now and by the means that it did.

If I remember correctly, JBP said himself that his own son had told him regularly to "stick to your own area of expertise" - it is clear that he has not taken the sage advice of his son.
Devant les tonnes d'indignations suite au bombardement d'un hôpital, le régime d'extrême droite d'Israël essaye avec ses agents de propagandes de dire que c'est une frappe ratée des palestiniens. Avec le menteur Zelensky, pris 100 fois de mensonges mais toujours là, ils sont à bonne école !

Faced with tons of indignation following the bombing of a hospital, the far-right regime in Israel is trying with its propaganda agents to say that it was a failed strike by the Palestinians. With the liar Zelensky, caught 100 times in lies but still there, they are in good school!
On ne choisit pas sa famille, on choisit ses amis. Mes amis juifs sont atterrés, mes amis arabes sont désespérés. On ne combat ici ni le juif ni l'arabe, mais seulement les psychopathes extrémistes des deux camps.

You don't choose your family, you choose your friends. My Jewish friends are devastated, my Arab friends are desperate. We are not fighting here either the Jew or the Arab, but only the extremist psychopaths of both camps.

Perlou dit : Et pourtant, SI, on choisit sa famille mais je partage que mes amis juifs sont attérrés et mes amis arabes désespérés...

Perlou says: And yet, IF, we choose our family but I share that my Jewish friends are appalled and my Arab friends desperate...
A logistical mistake or technical error, a coincidence, a deliberate and calculated provocation from the IDF part?
On the other hand, the IDF has bombed hospitals and killed children on the beach before while the whole world was watching.
Looks like the work of the hidden hand here, pushing Israel to "go massive" and take the fall in the wider middle east war. Not the work of the IDF per se but an extra surprise thrown in.
But the hospital strike reads to me as an IDF "signature". They do stuff like that and then blame everyone else but them.
Had me thinking too. I think it may be the last one. And coming on the day Biden arrives, it signals to the WH that the Israelis are not interested in any talk of cease-fire or peace.
The impact of this bombing is wide-reaching and aids NO ONE except those who want a wider war.

We have:

* A prime suspect with a past record of this behaviour (bombing hospitals).
* The prime suspect had the means of carrying out the attack, with the other potential suspect incapable of such destruction.
* The prime suspect had the stated intention and motive to carry out the attack.
* The prime suspect had the opportunity to carry out the attack.
* The prime suspect confessed to the attack and then withdrew their confession, and have now made a partial re-confession.
* The prime suspect has been disseminating lies in an attempt to alibi themselves against the crime.

Russia has made a reasonable request regarding Israel providing satellite images of the attack, yet instead the IDF are producing dodgy voice recordings and misrepresented video footage. Likely conclusion: an IDF pilot, jet and ordnance were responsible for the bombing.

But who gave the order? If it was the "hidden hand" within the IDF that likely was also behind the October 7 stand-down orders and rave slaughter, then Israel had better hope that the rest of the world restrains themselves enough for the IDF to put their house in order. It appears the US has already accepted the Israeli coverup story, most likely out of political expediency, however most of the world (aside from the empire's vassals) is rejecting the lie:

Putin has now stated he expects the attack on the hospital to be a signal that it is time to end the conflict:

So, it appears that the MSM may do an 'about face' and start blaming Hamas, infuriating the Muslim world, but governments will be continuing with steps to de-escalate the conflict. Looks like the 'hidden hand' within the Israeli govt just lost power.
Six French airports evacuated after 'threats of attack':
Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Nice, Toulouse and Beauvais airports in France were told to evacuate following the attack threats.
Six airports across France were evacuated on Wednesday, October 18, after emailed "threats of attack", a police source told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The evacuations at Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Nice, Toulouse and Beauvais airport near Paris would allow authorities to "clear up any doubts" that the threats might be real, the source said.

By midday, several of these airports had received bomb threats and reports of forgotten luggage requiring intervention by the authorities. Beauvais Airport mentioned on its Facebook page "an anonymous threat received by several airports."

Aéroport de Lille en cours d’évacuation suite à une alerte à la bombe.

Les services de sécurité de l’État sont sur place.

— Aeroport de Lille✈ (@Aeroport_Lille) October 18, 2023
Le Monde
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