In the midst of all else the far right Israelis ie. pathologicals - are being armed by the Government to form a militia to suppress dissent from within Israel. One Knesset member expects there to be a bloodbath if this goes ahead as planned. And if the insane acts of settler violence towards Palestinians in the West Bank is anything to go by, he's probably right; because many of those extremist-religious types indeed behave like a rabid bunch.
This thread moves too fast to keep up with - reminds me of the early COVID days!
I'm sensing a pattern going on here (one that I also noticed during 9/11, COVID, and the Ukraine war etc.), and that is I wonder how much of what happens with events like these is actually meant to determine the psychological profiles of people on both a collective and individual basis, in addition to furthering the goals of the psychopathic elite?
I remember after 9/11 when talking with people about what actually happened that most did not see what I saw. The whole thing was sloppy from start to finish. The BBC live stream saying Building 7 went down 20 minutes before it actually fell into its own footprint woke me up after the event, and from there I began to question everything. I have read that some people questioned whether 9/11 was an intelligence test meant to determine who was actually able to see through the lies and who wasn't - and that those who could "see" were the ones that required special monitoring going forward (cue "They Live!"). I experienced the same with COVID and Ukraine, and I learned a lot about the importance of "strategic enclosure" from those experiences.
Is this war just more of the same? Is there a sinister reason behind all the obvious hoaxes that we here see through so easily, that one of the true aims of all this madness is to find out where each and every one of us stands with respect to our ability to see the elites (and their "programs") as they truly are, individually, so we can be neutralized and dealt with later, because we represent a clear and present danger to exposing their plans - and/or escaping their "soul net?"
I am seeing four different populations responding to this war in different ways (not counting the psychopaths carrying it out). You have both your obvious Hamas supporters and Zionist supporters, of course. The program has identified them easily and they have fallen into the madness. There is a third population: those who don't bother to know and don't care to know, who purposefully remain ignorant and just go about their daily lives. They, if pressed, would probably not be aware of the higher forces behind this conflict and would also be "easy meat" for the controllers during chaotic times.
Then you have the fourth group: those who see the truth including the higher forces behind it as we do, who knowingly don't choose a side and try to expose the scams. WE are the truly dangerous group to them, and we may be being monitored even more closely than the others (OSIT). Are our social credit scores being tallied even now, just for seeing the truth and commenting on this thread? Not that any of us should ever stop, mind you: to be STO, objective truth must always be shared when and where possible. As the C's have said, paraphrasing, when you know a truth you should live it and share it. "Knowledge protects."
That said, in my day-to-day life I am very careful, but when an opening appears I test the waters. It is a good thing to remember, especially now: remain aware and present in every moment. I think this all may really be a test, maybe THE test, and we will be graded - but hopefully, not like beef.