Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I wonder how many more Jews are going to have a moment of clarity like this:
Well, he appears to have some clarity.

He says:
So I'm taking down my tweet. I could leave it up, defiantly, but that's not who I am.
I do believe in clarifying, and I also believe in making amends.
I want Israelis and Palestinians to live together in peace.
I also want Palestinians to stop murdering Israelis.
That's a precondition for any kind of peace.
He seems to be completely blind to the fact that Israelis have been slaughtering Palestinians for many, many years.
Not just those who stand in resistance or (God forbid!) protest, but innocent men, women children and elderly who were just doing their best to survive, harming nobody.

A reference to "Lawnmowing" was, I believe, was a terminology used to refer to this regular occurrence.
Utterly disgusting.

The Israelis are right to be terrified and not trust their government. In their souls, no matter what their 'justification' has been in the past while they stood back and allowed this to happen; I suspect many are aware of what is coming and precisely why.
Ultimately, it's a case of 'cause and effect', 'you reap what you sow'.
"All there is, is lessons".
Perhaps the more brutal the assault on Gaza, the more consciences will be woken up?

Only a soulless being does not realize the actions Israel is doing. Something very bad is happening and no doubt there are Israelis who are waking up.

Israeli protesters chant "Bibi Netanyahu is a murderer" in front of the Israeli Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

Israelies suspects that the whole thing was a false flag attack and that it could be a maneuver by Netanyahu to hold on to power and avoid prosecution

But the psychopaths in power are not intimidated by the average Israeli citizen and continue their mad rush to self-annihilation.

Israeli attack on Syrian Aleppo airport puts it out of service​

Israel has launched an air strike against Syria's Aleppo Airport late on Saturday that put it out of service, the Syrian defence ministry said.

"The Israeli enemy carried out an air attack from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Latakia, targeting Aleppo International Airport, which led to material damage to the airport and it being out of service," the ministry added.

The Israeli military did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Why does egypt not allow the residents of Gaza to evacuate?

Because if they leave Gaza once, Israel will not allow them to return again, they did the same to all of Palestine when they took it from them.


What can Israel do to show that they are really only interested in Hamas?

It can accept refugees (women, children and all those who do not want to fight) in the territory it controls in refugee camps, until the war with hamas is over.
Well, he appears to have some clarity.

He says:

He seems to be completely blind to the fact that Israelis have been slaughtering Palestinians for many, many years.
Not just those who stand in resistance or (God forbid!) protest, but innocent men, women children and elderly who were just doing their best to survive, harming nobody.

A reference to "Lawnmowing" was, I believe, was a terminology used to refer to this regular occurrence.
Utterly disgusting.

The Israelis are right to be terrified and not trust their government. In their souls, no matter what their 'justification' has been in the past while they stood back and allowed this to happen; I suspect many are aware of what is coming and precisely why.
Ultimately, it's a case of 'cause and effect', 'you reap what you sow'.
"All there is, is lessons".
Yep. But consider that the post he had a change of heart on was literally one calling for a mass atrocity amounting to genocide. Stepping back from that is a pretty big step, IMO.
I wonder how many more Jews are going to have a moment of clarity like this:

Perhaps the more brutal the assault on Gaza, the more consciences will be woken up?
He’s literally the meme “oy vey shut it down the goyim know”. Apology rings hollow to me - he dropped the mask of sanity and everyone saw, he realized it, and now he’s trying to “shut it down”.
During meditation I can see that old systems crumble for the new to take shape- We now see how violent a process this can be
And I'm talking globally here

In this country: A multitude has been against insanity for a very long time

The old "guard" feel the pressure and will do anything to hold onto their sense of control

This time, they must show if they can also work for the common good
If not- Goodbye

All there is is lessons
But not everyone sits their ass down and shuts up in class, nor does everyone do their homework

The war really IS through us
You and I and everyone in this realm

We had a rainy night

Today it's volunteer-work again
Check out Ben Shapiro's Zionist Propaganda Hour
Can you spot all the obfuscation, misrepresentation and outright lies spewed over a mere 9 minutes?

The way he picked and chose what to include and what to leave out tells me that, at some level, he knows very well that the facts are not on his side, but he has a duty to his tribe.

Also, gotta love it when people mention the Bible to bolster historical arguments :rotfl:
I need to sort this out with references, my husband has pretty much been radicalised by Shapiro and JBP and I have had to tell him we have to agree to disagree. But he’s rabid with it in the same way Ben Shapiro is and I need to get the facts straight to deal with it all.
Iran has sent a warning message to Israel through the UN saying that Iran will have to intervene if the IDF launches a ground operation in Gaza
It seems that the ground operation has been delayed until next week due to severe whether in Israel.

Intense flooding due to rainfall on roads in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Reports say the ground invasion of the Gaza Strip has been delayed from this weekend until next week due to severe weather in the region that will make it increasingly difficult for aircraft pilots and drone operators to conduct aerial operations in support of Israeli ground troops, according to 3 Senior Israeli officials who spoke to the New York Times.
Yep. But consider that the post he had a change of heart on was literally one calling for a mass atrocity amounting to genocide. Stepping back from that is a pretty big step, IMO
I hear that and acknowledge the shift in his perspective. However, I don't think he got there because he sat and reflected from his own volition, I would say it was part backlash and partly the effort of some very compassionate humans who helped him hear and witness himself from a different perspective.
I'm greatly encouraged by the fact that Arab and Muslim Israelis have stood together with Jewish Israelis, and I'm deeply grateful to the friends, including Arab and Muslim friends, who have reached out to me.
"We have all said things we regret in moments of anger and fear and sadness, even to people we love.
Generally, I avoid social media when I am angry, or upset, for precisely this reason."
"I don't want to see Palestinians killed. I just want Israelis to live."
Well, in terms of the bold above in the last statement, I am pretty sure that a lot of Palestinians feel the same way from their own perspective. A lot of them don't want anyone to die. They want to see their own people live; not only live, but to have access to the most basic essentials and actually have ways to thrive and eek out some form of happiness, wellbeing and real productivity.

When I consider his original post, it reminded me of something Michael B-C offered the other day:

Protocol 5:

11. The second prerequisite is to so amplify and exaggerate national frailties, civil discords, individual identities, etc, that it will prove impossible for any citizen to know what is and isn’t reality or to understand each other’s perspective on life, leading to a chaotic state of perpetual infighting. This will also increase levels of conflict within and between collectivised bodies, further discouraging any form of personal efforts to oppose our rise.

At least his shift is indicative of an ability to see more broadly and acknowledge his error on some level, as well as offer some form of humility and to temper for his harsh response.
Tell that to the Japanese.
MAD didn't exist at the time of the nuclear bombing of Japan, as the US was the only one with nuclear weapons.

Make sure that you are checking yourself for subconscious selection and substitution of data

I truly believe, if pushed to a corner, Israel will nuke whatever Arabic country it see's as responsible. Whether Israel survives the exchange that follows I don't know but it will unload all the nukes it has on whoever and whatever. At the end of the day, if it's pushed to a corner where its existence is not assured, what does it then have to lose?
The S-400 systems can intercept ballistic missiles. Iran has already purchased one from Russia, and the Russians have an active system in Syria that they might possibly use against any nuclear weapon deployment they see. That's not factoring the S-500, hypersonic interceptor weapons, potential anti-gravity tech, and 'alien' intervention into the equation, either. The 'Samson option' might not be as final as Israel think.

So why the UN exists?
That kind of like asking why God exists just because he/she doesn't intervene in every situation of injustice.

It's the other way around. The psychopathic "gene" in the Ashkenazi "tribe" being shared by around 50% according to the C's.
Well, the C's mentioned "psychopathy", not particular genes. Given the incidence of genetic psychopathy is estimated at approximately 5-1%, a large portion of the mentioned 53% could be developmental or conditioned psychopathy. And according to Lobaczewski, essential psychopathy is likely to be an X-linked recessive condition, so there may be no specific "gene" per se, rather an emergent condition that arises as a result of a particular genetic profile.

Cs Session 10th August 2019 said:
Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile?
A: Yes, but it isn't Semitic.
All nations including Russian and China are all in on the CBDCs
Alex Krainer has pointed out that the CBDC project is collapsing:

So basically, an immoral pimp has a better grasp of the situation than those self-proclaimed defenders of morality and proponents of family values :nuts:
As Scottie might say, "It's complicated." :lol:

I think the below quote would be helpful to followers of those all-knowing gurus:
That quote is not too bad, but Cleckley had some very alarming things to say about Gide in The Caricature of Love. Personally, I'd try to find someone different expressing a similar sentiment.

Posters in Tehran advertising Iran's hypersonic missiles: "400 seconds to Tel Aviv"
Holy cr*p. So they've got hypersonic nukes.

We know that they have energy weapon that may do the trick but those aren't a Russian passenger jet.
That's Consortium tech. I don't think Israel would have unrestricted access to it. The Consortium could veto use of it for reasons of their own if the higher-level agenda is to see Israel destroyed.
If I remember correctly Pierre, the C's once told us that many Nazi from the second WW reincarnated in Israel. I thought that it was a way to pay back their karma but today it seem that it was just to commit the same mistake. Different bodies, different ethnicity but underneath the same soul.

Had kind of remembered it that way also, and so had a look and did not find that exact refence. There is a reference to Karma (Aug 2001):

Q: (L) {Reading from list of questions.} If not, why does there seem to be a continuing effort to wipe out these groups? Is this simply karma? {To TB} This was asked once before and the response was that it was partly karmic because, indeed, the Black peoples had a high civilization and were cruel masters of slaves. Same deal with the Jews. They are reincarnated Atlanteans and the holocaust was part of the expunging of their guilt for the former destruction of the global civilization. Okay, are we near to the time of seeing 4th density Nordics among us?

A: Close.

Reincarnation looked to this (January 2021):
(L) When you take it all in perspective, all the pain and suffering on each and every side of all the different groups of people throughout history, and then about recompense coming to this or that group... And of course the average person would think, "Well, those people that committed those acts are not the ones who are suffering because they died and it's their children that are suffering." Well, that completely leaves out the idea of reincarnation, that people come back again and pay. I remember when we asked something about Atlantis and the C's said the Atlanteans were doing a replay of their attempt to control the whole world.

And recall (August 1997):

Q: So, all the things you have suggested are to get us ready for this event?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, we better get moving! We don't have time to mess around!

A: You will proceed as needed, you cannot force these events or alter the Grand Destiny.

Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!

A: The alternative is less appetising.

Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!

A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...
Yesterday a volunteer told me that Hamas shot their own dogs because they began barking at them

Also the use of civilians in Gaza as shields for terrorism is appauling

First of all, I'd say believing half of what you see and none of what you hear may be a useful strategy when it comes to reports about Hamas and their brutality. Especially that, as you said yourself, you haven't seen it with your own eyes. Second of all, Israeli decades-long torture of Palestinians has been even more appalling than anything Hamas has done. You're probably familiar with this thread. Not to mention their bombing of civilians during the recent wars in Libya na d Syria - or their proxy wars.

And even if true, to me this whole "Hamas is using civilians as shields" is at best a case of seeing the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and paying no attention to the plank in your own eye.
Now this is a reality i was unprepared for. Jordan Peterson, the Youth's Messiah, trying to put people in to sleep, and Andrew Tate, the Modern Pimp, waking people up.
I guess it was Andrew Tate that was the hero we needed but didn't deserve after all. 🤔

BTW, in light of all of what is happening recently, i view JBP portrayed as Red Skull in a different light. "Hail Lobster!" gets a completely new meaning if you start demanding genocide... 😏

Boor JBP. He became the Nazi he was afraid of becoming. 😢
Some funny JP memes floating around the internet...


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