Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

"The United States is luring China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which, of course, is Israel's main target. We allowed China to build up its military power, and Russia to recover from Sovietization (deindustrialised and raw resources based economy-mine), to give them a false sense of superiority in general, this will accelerate their collapse. We are like a sniper encouraging a beginner to choose a weapon, and when he just tries to do something, it turns out bang-bang. The coming war will be so severe that only a superpower can win, and that's us guys. That's why the EU is in such a hurry to transform into a full-fledged superstate, because they know what is coming, and in order to survive, Europe will have to become a single cohesive state," said the former US Secretary of State, Kissinger.

I hope he is wrong💁‍♂️
"The United States is luring China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which, of course, is Israel's main target. We allowed China to build up its military power, and Russia to recover from Sovietization (deindustrialised and raw resources based economy-mine), to give them a false sense of superiority in general, this will accelerate their collapse. We are like a sniper encouraging a beginner to choose a weapon, and when he just tries to do something, it turns out bang-bang. The coming war will be so severe that only a superpower can win, and that's us guys. That's why the EU is in such a hurry to transform into a full-fledged superstate, because they know what is coming, and in order to survive, Europe will have to become a single cohesive state," said the former US Secretary of State, Kissinger.

I hope he is wrong💁‍♂️
Global research calls it "Accurate Satire" supposed to have been made in 2015 - early stages of Ukraine saga.

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”​

ACCURATE SATIRE: Kissinger, the most famous living practitioner of international statecraft​

In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East. [please note this is a SATIRE, which in many regards says the truth regarding the current situation, the interview is fiction, it never took place, some of the quotes are from Henry Kissinger]

Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the current situation in the world forum of Geo-politics and economics.
“The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them. We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
Doesn't matter what Kissinger thought then as Putin already changed the dynamic with supersonic weapons in his favor, created or promoted myriad other multipolarity organizations, lined up Global south against West and so on. USA is no longer a super power ( takes time to acknowledge it though) and forget about winning the war.

+Israelis call for hostages’ release: ’Bring them home’​

Demonstrator Yoav Zalmanovitz said the government “did not care” about the hostages

Hundreds of Israelis gathered in what has come to be known as Hostages Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday to call for the release of nearly 140 people still being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
As speakers took to the stage, those in the crowd held placards bearing messages like “they trust us to get them out of hell,” and “bring them home now.”

Ruby Chen, the father of 19-year-old hostage Itai Chen, said from the podium: “We are asking the Israeli cabinet, the war cabinet, to explain what exactly is on the negotiating table. “We demand to be part of the negotiation process,” added Chen, whose son is a solider and was taken while on duty. “Get them out now, immediately, whatever the price might be.”
Demonstrator Yoav Zalmanovitz said the government “did not care” about the hostages. “They want revenge,” he told AFP.

+Yemeni armed forces "We will target all ships heading for Israeli ports

Brigadier general Yahya Saree, spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces, has announced in a military report that the country will not allow ships bound for occupied Palestine to cross Yemeni waters. "If food and medicine are not delivered to Gaza, the Yemenis will attack ships bound for occupied Palestine, regardless of their nationality.
We respect global trade and allow all other ships to pass through the Red and Arabian seas, except those bound for Israel."

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Hi, received this link to a study and thought it was the good thread to post it here.

What i was wondering is if the authors did not miss the point, the root cause, i mean , schizophrena could simply be a consequence of psychopathy, + add the fact that psychopaths are good actors, they can trick any mental diagnostic.
If the context wasn't so sad this would be hilarious. Israeli propagandists do think that the rest of the world is stupid.

So first they stripped the men, yet somehow these men kept their weapons so that they could hand them over in front of the cameras?? 'Excuse me Mr Soldier, I forgot to hand over my AK-47 that I was carrying inside my boxers.' Someone didn't think that one through very well.

And then this, courtesy of arch-lying pyschopath Mark Regev. It appears they got stripped and it wasn't a big deal because - wait for it - it's hot in the Middle East.

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Réseau International (Les militaires israéliens bombardent un corridor d’évacuation des civils)
Les militaires israéliens bombardent un corridor d’évacuation des civils
par Candice van Eijk.. Les militaires israéliens ont bombardé le corridor d’évacuation qu’ils ont eux-mêmes défini. Ce corridor devait servir à évacuer les civils palestiniens des zones d’opérations militaires.
Israeli soldiers bomb civilian evacuation corridorby Candice van Eijk.. The Israeli military bombed the evacuation corridor that they themselves defined. This corridor was to be used to evacuate Palestinian civilians from areas of military operations.

+ Netanyahu's popularity slips as Gaza war drags on

A new opinion poll published by Hebrew daily Maariv on 8 December shows that public support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dropped to 31 percent.
If elections were held today, Netanyahu’s Likud party would lose two parliamentary seats, dropping to 18, and the ultranationalist Religious Zionism party would gain four seats. Meanwhile, former Defense Minister and Israel’s National Unity party leader Benny Gantz was shown to be the national favorite to lead as Prime Minister, with his party potentially winning 38 Knesset seats.

Netanyahu’s popularity has decreased significantly since the beginning of the war on 7 October.
Opposition leader and former premier Yair Lapid has called on Netanyahu to resign, given his mishandling of the war with Hamas.
“Netanyahu needs to go now during the fighting,” Lapid recently told Channel 12.This government isn’t functioning [...] we need change. Netanyahu cannot continue to be prime minister. We cannot allow ourselves to conduct a prolonged campaign with a prime minister that the public has no faith in,”

Despite these remarks, former defense chief Gantz has said that the recent calls for the prime minister to be replaced are “pure fantasy” and “nothing less than crazy,” adding that the time will come to thoroughly examine who is responsible for the security failure that led to the Al-Aqsa Flood success on 7 October.
On 4 November, mass demonstrations were held outside of Netanyahu’s home in Jerusalem, where protestors called for the prime minister’s resignation and chanted "Jail now!"

+ The minute the war stops, Netanyahu goes to prison. No wonder he doesn't want it to end

by Kevin barrett

This interview was conducted last Friday, shortly after the end of the truce.

Well, for more information on the continuing Israeli war in the Gaza Strip, we are now joined by Mr. Kevin Barrett. He is the editor-in-chief of Veterans Today and joins us from Saidiya, Morocco. Mr. Barrett, welcome to the program. I would like to know your views on why the Israeli attack on Gaza will continue. Hamas blamed Israelis with US green light

Yes, of course, that's correct. Whether the United States gives a strong enough green light or simply fails to give a strong enough red light, the responsibility ultimately lies with the Biden administration as well as the fanatical genocide maniacs within and around the Netanyahu government. It is shameful and horrible that after this period of extension of the truce with the release of prisoners and the possibility of other prisoners being released... all Israelis can now see that the released Israeli prisoners were on very good terms with their captors . They were smiling. They congratulated each other. They hugged their Hamas captors. So it's pretty obvious that when you compare this to the treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, which includes torture, systematic sexual abuse, rape, constant mistreatment, the whole Israeli propaganda narrative falls apart. completely collapses.

This narrative that Hamas is a bunch of dangerous, violent, criminal “animals” – those horrible genocidal terms used by Israelis – actually turns out to be self-describing. While Hamas has proven itself to be a far more honorable, noble, moral and ethical organization than the genocidal Israeli government.

So it's terrible. They went out and killed a hundred more civilians on the first day, less than a day in fact since the truce expired. The Biden administration deserves a lot of responsibility for this situation. They will face political sanctions here in the United States. But it remains to be seen whether they will ever be able to stand up and force Netanyahu to stop committing genocide.

Mr. Barrett, the war itself is also considered, when we talk about the backlash and the consequences of all this in Israel for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this war itself is also considered a major failure for him. I would like you to tell us about that as well.

Yes, politically, the Biden administration, Netanyahu and the Israelis lost.

Politically, the Biden administration and Netanyahu's gangsters face slightly different problems. In Biden's case, his situation would actually be better if Netanyahu resigned and ended up in prison, and a completely new Israeli government, free of extremism, was formed. And that could happen if the war ends in a context in which it is clear that Netanyahu and the Israelis have lost or failed to achieve their goals in any significant way. This is undoubtedly how it will end, since they will have no way to achieve their goals. They cannot eliminate Hamas, as they claim. All they manage to do is massacre civilians. As soon as this war ends, it will be considered a failure within Israel. And at that point, Netanyahu is going to take responsibility for all of this. And who knows what kinds of investigations will be carried out into what led to the Israeli debacle and the Palestinian triumph of October 7. Netanyahu will likely leave the prime minister's office and head straight to a prison cell as soon as the war ends. He therefore has every reason to continue this war as long as he can.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration faces political problems because the most active wing of the Democratic Party is at least modestly aware of and horrified by the scale of the Zionist genocide underway in Gaza. And a lot of people in the United States are going to sit out the election and not vote for Biden because of that — certainly the Arab and Muslim American communities, as well as much of the Bernie Sanders wing of the party. So for Biden, it would actually be a good thing to end the war and have Netanyahu sent to prison, and replace him with a slightly more pragmatic Israeli government.

The problem, however, is that Zionists have so much power in the United States that doing anything that can be perceived as opposition to Israel can leave you politically vulnerable. And Republicans are taking advantage of brainwashing the American people to support Israel. So Biden walks a tightrope between trying to appease people in his own party who are aware of reality, and having to fend off challenges from the Republican camp, which is being totally and completely brainwashed to encourage genocide. So this is a complex situation and so far the Biden administration has not had the courage, let alone the morality or ethics, to stand up and force an end to this war. And I'm not sure they will. But we'll see.

Mr. Barrett, here are some new reactions. Iran's foreign minister said the United States and Israelis appear to be ignoring the serious consequences of continuing the war on Gaza. So let's say that this war continues for a long time. More and more women and children are being massacred by the Israelis. What type of fallout do you expect?

Well, I don't think it's entirely true that the entire Biden administration is ignoring the political consequences it's facing. They may not realize the full extent of it until it's too late, but Biden has already reportedly said that, quote, "we took a lot of water for the Israelis." And of course, that means he's comparing America to a sinking ship. The sinking ship, the Titanic, is taking on a lot of water due to its ridiculous and widely hated support for the genocide in Gaza. So, of course, at some point the US administration, the permanent national security community or the deep state might wake up and realize that America is going to lose what little of its soft power it has left, its reputation being completely destroyed by his support of US genocidal policies. And the story changes. The truth about October 7, that the Palestinian Resistance fought with restraint, with compassion, with morality and ethics, as it attacked military targets and hostages and exchanged them for Palestinian prisoners, and that she then treated these hostages very, very well – all of that is coming out now. And as the world watches, the damage to the image of the United States and these Zionist rabid dogs in occupied Palestine grows worse by the day. So yes, I think at some point the American administration will probably be forced to stop Netanyahu from committing genocide and then, of course, Netanyahu will go to prison.

But Netanyahu is a survivor. He's done all kinds of crazy things and gotten away with it in the past, including taking part in 11/2001. We should never underestimate how far he might go to try to stay in power. power and escape from prison.

source: The People's Cause

"The United States is luring China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which, of course, is Israel's main target. We allowed China to build up its military power, and Russia to recover from Sovietization (deindustrialised and raw resources based economy-mine), to give them a false sense of superiority in general, this will accelerate their collapse. We are like a sniper encouraging a beginner to choose a weapon, and when he just tries to do something, it turns out bang-bang. The coming war will be so severe that only a superpower can win, and that's us guys. That's why the EU is in such a hurry to transform into a full-fledged superstate, because they know what is coming, and in order to survive, Europe will have to become a single cohesive state," said the former US Secretary of State, Kissinger.

I hope he is wrong💁‍♂️
Lucky for him that he died cca ten days ago and thus avoided reality hitting him hard in the face.

While Kissinger is widely believed to be taking over the running of Hell from Satan himself, it is WWN's humble opinion that the man responsible for countless deaths in Cambodia, Vietnam and Lao among other countries would be more suited to being reincarnated as the following:
The most frequented urinal at the busiest train station in the world.
"A fair world is impossible with America in it"

"NATO member blasts US for blocking Gaza peace resolution"​

"Erdogan, despite Türkiye being a NATO ally of the US, said, “We have lost our hope and expectation from the UN Security Council.”

"the UN Security Council to be reformed,”

"A fair world is possible, but not with America,"

Amanda Gelender, another Jew against Israeli actions, picks apart the House Resolutions passed in the US. And does it very well.

Israel-Palestine war: Israel’s massacre of Palestine is an assault on the Jewish faith

Resolution passed by the House of Representatives sets the stage for criminalising pro-Palestinian activism as a hate crime against Jewish people.

Iam a Jewish person who opposes the settler colonial state of Israel. This is not despite my Judaism, but because of it.

My Jewish elders taught me that governments can manipulate and confuse the public to distract from genocide. I learned that media and political leaders dehumanise and demonise the oppressed, turning their backs on mass suffering as an unquestioning public continues to go about their daily lives.

I was also instilled with the belief that this is never acceptable, no matter who the oppressor is. So while Jewish people certainly have a right to exist, genocidal settler colonies constructed on mass indigenous graves, do not. Palestinians have an inalienable right to return to their homeland and live in peace.

According to the US House of Representatives, this viewpoint now makes me antisemitic.

Quietly and nearly unanimously, the House passed Resolution 888 on 28 November and Resolution 894 on 5 December with a 311-14 vote with 92 Democrats abstaining by voting "present".

Resolution 888 states, in no uncertain terms, that "denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism". While not a law, resolutions articulate the sentiment of Congress. A second resolution, HR 894, elaborates on HR 888 and “clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism”.

This is a dangerous false equivalency that weaponises antisemitism and further equates my ancient religion with the violent nationalist movement of Zionism. It is an assault on Palestinians and their right to self-determination, and a slap in the face to anti-Zionist Jewish Americans like myself whose commitment to liberation is rooted in our Jewish values.

For context, the US House of Representatives is composed of 435 members. Of this body, 384 identify as Christian, 24 as Jewish and three as Muslim. Only one is Palestinian. More than two-thirds are white.

Sinister undertone​

Firstly, we should all be deeply offended that a body with these demographics thinks it has the authority and expertise to determine what is “antisemitic”. Before the passage of HR 894, several Jewish Democrats spoke out against the resolution, stating that it was “just the latest unserious attempt by Republicans to weaponise Jewish pain and the serious problem of antisemitism to score cheap political points”, remarking that the resolution “does not account for the complexity of Judaism itself and ignores nuanced examples [of Jewish sects] which remain staunchly anti-Zionist and quite obviously is not antisemitic”.

Secondly, these resolutions pave the way for further punishment (such as censure or fines) for Congress members who violate the body’s "sentiment". Before HR 888 passed, the House had already censured its one Palestinian member, Rashida Tlaib, for her statements in support of Palestine during this US-funded annihilation of human dignity in Gaza. These resolutions are a clear and menacing message to anyone else who might dare to agree with her.

With erroneous statements such as “the Jewish people are native to the Land of Israel”, and by “reaffirm[ing] the State of Israel’s right to exist”, these resolutions are a love letter from one colonial government to another: two dying regimes etching their genocidal bond into stone, validating themselves to one another as public opinion slips away.

To add insult to genocidal injury, on 5 December, the House introduced HR 6578, a McCarthy-esque “Commission to Study Acts of Antisemitism”. This alarming bill builds on the state’s skewed definition of “antisemitism” to subpoena and force Americans to testify before a newly formed congressional investigative committee. This is a direct attack on Palestinians, anti-Zionist Jews, and all Americans who care about civil liberties and human rights.

There is a sinister and threatening undertone in telling Jewish Americans that we are “native” to Israel, while simultaneously erasing Palestinian ancestral ties to the land they are fighting to return to. Occupied Palestine should not exist as an optional, second home for Jewish Americans like me when it is the only home for Palestinians.

These resolutions set the stage for criminalising pro-Palestinian activism as a hate crime against Jewish people. This is an abomination and will have a disproportionate impact on Black and brown activists, who are the primary targets of harassment, arrest and surveillance within movements.

College campuses continue to be a main mark for this type of slander and repression. Twisting antisemitism into a shield and a cudgel for Palestinian genocide betrays every single Jewish ancestor who fought against and died at the hands of fascism.

Antisemitism is rooted in centuries of European hatred, and history shows its horrifying effects. Jewish people have advocated for years for the world to take antisemitism seriously. But by smearing people who speak out for Palestinian rights as “antisemitic”, Zionists (most of whom are Christians) dilute the word, distract from genocide, and further endanger Palestinians and all who stand with them, including Jews.

Anti-colonial resistance​

Palestinians did not choose the identity of their occupiers. Their resistance is not antisemitic; it is anti-colonial. By stripping the word antisemitism of its essence and equating it with the interests of white supremacy and western imperialism, we dishonour the legacy of our Jewish ancestors. Instead of their memories being blessings, Zionists exploit our dead to enact the same horrors on someone else’s sister, father or child.

As a Jewish person, I wholeheartedly support the Palestinian liberation movement and have never felt threatened inside it. The antisemitic threats I experience daily come from Zionists, who endlessly harass me using Nazi slurs in an attempt to silence dissent.

How many of these come from Jewish people themselves? I’ll never know. But the Zionists are working overtime as Palestinians in the US are attacked just for daring to exist in public. I’m too seasoned in this movement to fall for the propaganda of “Jewish” and “Zionist” as synonyms, while Israel continues its merciless genocide undeterred.

The people of the world unequivocally stand with Palestine, even if our governments refuse to. I have never witnessed such an outpouring of sustained, public support for the Palestinian people in my 17 years of anti-Zionist activism.

Israel, the US and their Zionist benefactors are now panicking, spending additional billions of dollars on the war for public “sentiment”. They are flooding social media with tropes and lies about the Palestinian people. They pass resolutions in an attempt to scare us into silence. It will not work: our ethics are deeper than their pockets, and the movement cannot be bought.

Imperial big brothers​

Israel has been getting away with torture and mass killings of Palestinians for decades, nestled comfortably in the arms of its imperial big brothers. Israel now finds itself without a playbook, as its flimsy propaganda can’t withstand the light of day. As fast as they release fraudulent recordings, fake videos and falsified Arabic translations, their lies are debunked by masses of young people on social media who are faster.

The world sees Israel’s bald-faced lies disseminated unquestioningly by mainstream western media. We can name the paid politicians and influencers. We have watched on our tiny screens the Israeli army assassinate journalists and schoolchildren. We’ve seen the babies that Israel let perish in hospital beds, and the kids digging through rubble with their bare hands, searching desperately for the limbs of their parents.

We have gained an acute understanding of what white phosphorus does when it burns to the bone. We can identify the network of racist hate surveillance groups masquerading as Jewish advocates.

The world is watching as Israel snipes and starves Palestinians, bombs so-called “safe routes”, besieges hospitals and kills more than 17,000 people in two months, including more than 700 in a single day after the temporary truce.

With protection and material support from the US and other western powers, Israel acts with impunity. Don’t accuse us of anything; we are the world’s only Jewish state and are exempt from scrutiny. Never mind the cries of Holocaust survivors and their descendants demanding that our community’s pain not be used to prop up a US-funded and armed genocide. When Zionists violently stole the land from Palestinians, they also hijacked Judaism for their own political agenda.

My Jewish elders warned me about how all of society can converge to commit genocide under the pretence of making the world safer; that powerful people will unleash every bit of military, political, media and financial power at their disposal to crack down on dissidents and scare the public from resisting.

They also taught me “justice, justice shall you pursue”, and that our duty to rise against tyranny supersedes any other earthly loyalty. Jewish people of conscience know that Israel’s massacre of Palestine is also an assault on the Jewish faith. We refuse to sacrifice the beating heart of Judaism at Zionism’s altar of violent nationalism.
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